744 research outputs found

    Commodification of Mount Gede Pangrango National Park

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    Mount Gede Pangrango National Park (TNGGP) is an area of conservation administrator of natural resources and ecosystem located in Bogor, Cianjur, and Sukabumi District, West Java. One of its functions is the development and utilization of environmental service and natural tourism. Commodification of Mount Gede Pangrango was conducted by the government with the intention of increasing country’s income as well as maintaining natural preservation. Concomitant rise of technology and media, especially after the presence of ‘5 cm’ film and social-media activism, mountaineering activity has transformed into a popular activity resulting in a new meaning. Its implication is the emergence of new commodification conducted by several actors behind TNGGP with a capital accumulation motive in the end being to stabilize the new meaning of mountaineering activity. Those actors are private (agencies of mountaineering tourism, volunteer/ranger, product brand), local society, and government – that keep on negotiating and contesting in order to commodify the meaning of mountain and mountaineering activity. Then, what are new commodification forms conducted by those actors? How TNGGP is interpreted by those actors? And what are the kind of negotiation and contestation among them? Those questions will be answered in this article. The hypothesis is that each actor utilized power and access belonging to them in order to accumulate capital, both by commodifying TNGGP and the meaning of mountaineering activity by various ways. Each actor interprets TNGGP differently that has complex connection among them, but they rely on each other, and are profitable at once. This article is conducted by analysis qualitative descriptive method. Data are obtained through interview and engaged observation, including literature study and documentation of portal media.     Keywords: Mount Gede Pangrango National Park, commodification, actor, negotiation, contestatio

    Pengukuran dan Pendugaan Erosi pada Lahan Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit dengan Kemiringan Berbeda

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    This study aims to determine the amount of erosion in oil palm plantations in various slopes and determine the extent of erosion in oil palm plantations. This research was conducted in oil palm plantations PT. Chemical Tirta Utama, conducted over four months from December 2015 to March 2106. The study was conducted by two methods, namely the methods of measurement and prediction of erosion. Measurements of erosion are conducted by placing small plots in the area gawangan dead plant oil palm on land slope of 9%, 19% and 31%. Estimation of erosion performed using USLE method. The results showed that the amount of soil erosion in oil palm plantations using small plots highest on the slope of 9%, amounting to 5.38 tonnes / ha, whereas the lowest on slopes of 31% amounting to 2.83 tonnes / ha. For the method of soil erosion USLE highest on the slope 31% ie 431.98 tons / ha, whereas the lowest on the slope of 9% is 386.55 tons / ha. The degree of erosion in oil palm plantations by estimating method USLE at an inclination of 9%, 19% and 31%, respectively, are 11.64, 12.53 and 14.04 which are all included in the very high category. The level of erosion in oil palm plantations with small terraced plots measuring method at an inclination of 9%, 19% and 31%, respectively 0.16, 0.12 and 0.09 which are all included in the low category

    Dynamic layout algorithms for wireless field hockey strategy system

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    Sensor deployment in the field of sports is providing enormous potential for elevating the playing field standards. This paper presents an enhanced localization algorithm which harnesses the dynamic and reconfiguration attributes of field hockey players on a strategy board; known as the Wireless Field Hockey Strategy System (WiHoc Ver1.0). The proposed algorithm utilized for determining the location of field hockey players overcomes the constraints and confined anchor based WiHoc Ver 1.0. The resolution encompasses the new versatile platform which captures the positional location within the parameters of a hockey pitch and of cooperative nodes to determine the optimal location of anchor positioning to ensure that the achieved accuracy of localization is enhanced. The proposed algorithm was evaluated extensively through discrete - event simulations. The acquired results via the accuracy performance metrics validated the enhanced ability of the proposed algorithm

    Analisis Sistem Pengendalian Piutang terhadap Piutang Tak Tertagih pada Koperasi Swamitra Wahan Putra Bengkalis

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    Penelitian ini adalah menggunakan metode kualitatif yang merupakan penelitian yang bersifat deskriptif dan cenderung menggunakan pendekatan analisis dengan pendekatan induktif.Koperasi adalah salah satu lembaga keuangan yang melayani masyarakat dalam bidang simpan pinjam.Namun setiap pemberian pinjaman tentu mempunyai risiko, salah satu risiko yang terjadi adalah kredit macet atau piutang tak tertagih. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penilaian Koperasi Swamitra Wahana Putra Bengkalis dalam menganalisis nasabah agar tidak terjadi kredit macet,  untuk mengetahui kolektibilitas kredit yang sering terjadi di Koperasi Swamitra Wahana Putra Bengkalis, untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi terjadinya kredit macet pada Koperasi Swamitra Wahana Putra Bengkalis, untuk mengetahui sistem penanganan kredit macet atau piutang tak tertagih pada Koperasi Swamitra Wahana Putra Bengkalis, dan untuk mengetahui kendala-kendala yang dihadapi atau ditemui Koperasi Swamitra Wahana Putra Bengkalis dalam menangani kredit macet. Dan juga untuk mengatahui sistem pencatatan akuntasinya.Jenis penelitian adalah penilitian Deskriptif.Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara dan dokumentasi kemudian dianalisis kembali. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Koperasi Swamitra Wahana Putra Bengkalis menganalisis nasabah agar tidak terjadi kredit macet adalah dengan cara menganalisis persyaratan permohonan pinjaman, menganalisis atau melakukan survey USAha nasabah, menganalisis atau mensurvey jaminan, menganalisis kondisi rumah nasabah, Bank Indonesia Checking, dan melakukan tahap pencairan dana. Kolektibilitas kredit di Koperasi Swamitra Wahana Putra Bengkalis adalah Coll 1, yaitu nasabah dikategorikan pada kualitas lancar, Coll 2 nasabah di ketegorikan kurang lancar, Coll 3 nasabah dikategorikan dalam perhatian khusus, Coll 4 nasabah dikategorikan dalam diragukan dan W/O nasabah di kategorikan macet

    Konektivitas Struktur Vegetasi Mangrove dengan Keasaman dan Bahan Organik Total pada Sedimen di Kecamatan Wonomulyo Kabupaten Polewali Mandar

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    Mangrove forest ecosystem is one of coastal ecosystem having significant roles as habitat for diverse organisms, as barrier ofseawater intrusion, sediment trap, protection to the shore from abrasion and as nutrient supplier in form of detritus to othercoastal ecosystems i.e. seagrass beds and coral reefs. However, mangrove has experienced degradation caused by natural andanthropogenic factors. One effort to recover the mangrove\u27s function is by rehabilitating this ecosystem through controllingits total organic matter and the soil acidity (pH). Therefore, it is urgent to conduct a study in order to know the relationshipbetween mangrove growth and the total organic matter and pH. The study was conducted May 2014. The study area was locatedin Mampie, Wonomulyo Sub-District, Polewali Mandar Regency. The benefit gained from this study was giving information ondissolved organic matter related to the mangrove rehabilitation. Method used was field survey by determining three observationstations with different environmental condition. Data were presented as tables and pictures. Results of this study indicated thatincreasing of mangrove density and coverage was followed by the increasing of total organic matter percentage within sedimentat station II. Whereas, the higher the acidity, the lower the content of the total organic matter within sediment was found inStation I. In contrast, the organic matter within sediment was high when the acidity value decrease was observed at Station III

    Rancang Bangun Micro Turbin Angin Pembangkit Listrik Untuk Rumah Tinggal Di Daerah Kecepatan Angin Rendah

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    Energi angin merupakan salah satu potensi energi terbarukan yang dapat memberikan kontribusiterhadap kebutuhan energi listrik rumah tinggal. Pembangkit energi angin bebas polusi (CO2)maka pembangkit ini dapat menjawab masalah lingkungan hidup dan ketersediaan sumber energysifatnya dapat diperbaharui (renewable) serta penelitian ini mendukung program pemerintah kotaPadang untuk menjadi lumbung energy terbarukan. Tujuan yang ingin dihasilkan adalah dibuatnyasebuah turbin angin dalam kapasitas kecil (micro) yang dapat membantu menyuplai listrik sebuahrumah tinggal dan mampu beroperasi di daerah kecepatan angin rendah kemudian dapat di set uppada atap rumah. Metodologi yang digunakan untuk pencapaian tujuan adalah metodaeksperimental dengan tahap-tahapan sebagai berikut pengambilan data angin lapangan; disainturbin angin; pemilihan bahan; pembuatan turbin angin dan pengujian alat. Kota Padang Sumbartermasuk wilayah yang memiliki kecepatan angin rendah antara 2-6 m/s, maka jenis turbin anginyang cocok adalah turbin angin tipe savonius karena bisa berputar pada kecepatan angin rendah(low wind velocity) dengan putaran awal (starting) dapat terjadi pada kecepatan 2m/s sertakonstruksinya yang sangat sederhana. Disain turbin yang dibuat adalah berbentuk savonius 2 sududengan konstruksi overlap antara kedua sudu dengan tujuan untuk memanfaatkan tekanan anginbalikan dari sudu satu ke sudu kedua dan sebaliknya sehingga dapat meningkatkan putaran rotor.Rancangan turbin savonius di buat 4 tingkat. Bahan yang digunakan untuk sudu turbin adalahaluminium dan jenis poros hollow. Generator yang dipakai adalah generator magnet permanenPanasonic 400watt yang dapat menghasilkan daya pada putaran rendah (150 rpm) ; Untukmeningkatkan rpm yang sampai ke generator digunakan system transmisi sabuk dan pully denganperbandingan transmisi 5:1. Kemudian tipe bearing yang digunakan adalah ball bearingbearing.Dari hasil pengujian didapat daya maksimum yang dihasilkan adalah 7,7watt dengan putaran rotor340rpm dengan kecepatan angin 5,68m/s dan Cp 0.