6,888 research outputs found

    Bis[4-amino-N-(pyrimidin-2-yl-κN)benzene­sulfonamidato-κN](4,4′-di­methyl-2,2′-bipyridine-κ2 N,N′)cadmium dimethyl­formamide disolvate

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    In the title compound, [Cd(C10H9N4O2S)2(C12H12N2)]·2C3H7NO, the CdII ion lies on a twofold rotation axis, is six-coordinated by N atoms, and displays a trigonal–prismatic geometry arising from the two sulfadiazinate ligands and one 4,4′-dimethyl-2,2′-bipyridine ligand. Both ligands are bidentate and coordinate via their N atoms. The O and carbonyl C atoms of the dimethyl­formamide mol­ecule show disorder and were modelled with two different orientations and with site occupancies of 0.584 (10):0.416 (10). The geometry around the sulfadiazine S atom is distorted tetra­hedral. The crystal structure involves N—H⋯O hydrogen bonds which link mol­ecules into a three-dimensional network. Weak C—H⋯O hydrogen bonds are also observed

    Conjugacy of one-dimensional one-sided cellular automata is undecidable

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    Two cellular automata are strongly conjugate if there exists a shift-commuting conjugacy between them. We prove that the following two sets of pairs (F,G)(F,G) of one-dimensional one-sided cellular automata over a full shift are recursively inseparable: (i) pairs where FF has strictly larger topological entropy than GG, and (ii) pairs that are strongly conjugate and have zero topological entropy. Because there is no factor map from a lower entropy system to a higher entropy one, and there is no embedding of a higher entropy system into a lower entropy system, we also get as corollaries that the following decision problems are undecidable: Given two one-dimensional one-sided cellular automata FF and GG over a full shift: Are FF and GG conjugate? Is FF a factor of GG? Is FF a subsystem of GG? All of these are undecidable in both strong and weak variants (whether the homomorphism is required to commute with the shift or not, respectively). It also immediately follows that these results hold for one-dimensional two-sided cellular automata.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, accepted for SOFSEM 201

    Experimental and Simulation Study of a High Current 1D Silicon Nanowire Transistor Using Heavily Doped Channels

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    Silicon nanowires have numerous potential applications, including transistors, memories, photovoltaics, biosensors and qubits [1]. Fabricating a nanowire with the required characteristics for a specific application, however, poses some challenges. For example, a major challenge is that, as the transistors dimensions are reduced, it is difficult to maintain a low off-current (Ioff) whilst simultaneously maintaining a high on-current (Ion). Some sources of this parasitic leakage current include quantum mechanical tunnelling, short channel effects and statistical variability [2, 3]. A variety of new architectures, including ultra-thin silicon-on-insulator (SOI), double gate, FinFETs, tri-gate, junctionless and gate all-around (GAA) nanowire transistors, have therefore been developed to improve the electrostatic control of the conducting channel. This is essential since a low Ioff implies low static power dissipation and it will therefore improve power management in the multi-billion transistors circuits employed globally in microprocessors, sensors and memories

    Experimental and simulation study of 1D silicon nanowire transistors using heavily doped channels

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    The experimental results from 8 nm diameter silicon nanowire junctionless field effect transistors with gate lengths of 150 nm are presented that demonstrate on-currents up to 1.15 mA/m for 1.0 V and 2.52 mA/m for 1.8 V gate overdrive with an off-current set at 100 nA/m. On- to off-current ratios above 108 with a subthreshold slope of 66 mV/dec are demonstrated at 25 oC. Simulations using drift-diffusion which include densitygradient quantum corrections provide excellent agreement with the experimental results. The simulations demonstrate that the present silicon-dioxide gate dielectric only allows the gate to be scaled to 25 nm length before short-channel effects significantly reduce the performance. If high-K dielectrics replace some parts of the silicon dioxide then the technology can be scaled to at least 10 nm gatelength

    Quality improvement activities associated with organisational capacity in general practice

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    Copyright © 2007 Australian College of General Practitioners Copyright to Australian Family Physician. Reproduced with permission. Permission to reproduce must be sought from the publisher, The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners.BACKGROUND Clinical audit is recognised worldwide as a useful tool for quality improvement. METHODS A feedback report profiling capacity for chronic disease care was sent to 97 general practices. These practices were invited to complete a clinical audit activity based on that feedback. Data were analysed quantitatively and case studies were developed based on the free text responses. RESULTS Eighty-two (33%) of 247 general practitioners participated in the clinical audit process, representing 57 (59%) of 97 general practices. From the data in their feedback report, 37 (65%) of the 57 practices recognised the area most in need of improvement. This was most likely where the need related to clinical practice or teamwork, and least likely where the need related to linkages with other services, and business and finance. Only 25 practices (46%) developed an action plan related to their recognised area for improvement, and 22 (39%) practices implemented their chosen activity. Participating GPs judged that change activity focused on teamwork was most successful. DISCUSSION The clinical audit process offered participating GPs and practices an opportunity to reflect on their performance across a number of key areas and to implement change to enhance the practice’s capacity for quality chronic disease care. The relationship between need and action was weak, suggesting a need for greater support to overcome barriers.Cheryl Amoroso, Judy Proudfoot, Tanya Bubner, Edward Swan, Paola Espinel, Christopher Barton, Justin Beilby and Mark Harri

    Topotecan-vincristine-doxorubicin in stage 4 high risk neuroblastoma patients failing to achieve a complete metastatic response to rapid COJEC : a SIOPEN study

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    Purpose : Metastatic response to induction therapy for high-risk neuroblastoma is a prognostic factor. In the International Society of Paediatric Oncology Europe Neuroblastoma (SIOPEN) HR-NBL-1 protocol, only patients with metastatic complete response (CR) or partial response (PR) with <= three abnormal skeletal areas on iodine 123-metaiodobenzylguanidine ([I-123] mIBG) scintigraphy and no bone marrow disease proceed to high dose therapy (HDT). In this study, topotecan-vincristine-doxorubicin (TVD) was evaluated in patients failing to achieve these criteria, with the aim of improving the metastatic response rate. Materials and Methods : Patients with metastatic high-risk neuroblastoma who had not achieved the SIOPEN criteria for HDT after induction received two courses of topotecan 1.5 mg/m(2)/day for 5 days, followed by a 48-hour infusion of vincristine, 2 mg/m(2), and doxorubicin, 45 mg/m(2). Results : Sixty-three patients were eligible and evaluable. Following two courses of TVD, four (6.4%) patients had an overall CR, while 28 (44.4%) had a PR with a combined response rate of 50.8% (95% confidence interval [CI], 37.9 to 63.6). Of these, 23 patients achieved a metastatic CR or a PR with <= 3 mIBG skeletal areas and no bone marrow disease (36.5%; 95% CI, 24.7 to 49.6) and were eligible to receive HDT. Toxicity was mostly haematological, affecting 106 of the 126 courses (84.1%; 95% CI, 76.5 to 90.0), and dose reduction was necessary in six patients. Stomatitis was the second most common nonhematological toxicity, occurring in 20 patients (31.7%). Conclusion : TVD was effective in improving the response rate of high-risk neuroblastoma patients after induction with COJEC enabling them to proceed to HDT. However, the long-term benefits of TVD needs to be determined in randomized clinical trials

    Complex dynamics of elementary cellular automata emerging from chaotic rules

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    We show techniques of analyzing complex dynamics of cellular automata (CA) with chaotic behaviour. CA are well known computational substrates for studying emergent collective behaviour, complexity, randomness and interaction between order and chaotic systems. A number of attempts have been made to classify CA functions on their space-time dynamics and to predict behaviour of any given function. Examples include mechanical computation, \lambda{} and Z-parameters, mean field theory, differential equations and number conserving features. We aim to classify CA based on their behaviour when they act in a historical mode, i.e. as CA with memory. We demonstrate that cell-state transition rules enriched with memory quickly transform a chaotic system converging to a complex global behaviour from almost any initial condition. Thus just in few steps we can select chaotic rules without exhaustive computational experiments or recurring to additional parameters. We provide analysis of well-known chaotic functions in one-dimensional CA, and decompose dynamics of the automata using majority memory exploring glider dynamics and reactions

    Physical, chemical and biological variability in the Dr. C. Gelsi reservoir(NW Argentine) : a temporal and spatial approach

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    With the purpose of understanding the phytoplankton dynamics in two vertical profiles of the Dr. C. Gelsi reservoir (Tucumán, Argentina, monthly samplings were conducted from October 1997 to March 1999 in the limnetic zone and at the intersection of the Salí and Tapia tributary. The reservoir was characterized as warm monomictic, with bicarbonate, chloride, sodium, calcium and/or magnesium waters. In both sites total nitrogen concentration was higher than 1 mg/l, whereas that of orthophosphate reached 0.2 mg/l. Out of the eleven organochlorine pesticides analyzed, the presence mainly of lindane and methoxychlor, with higher concentrations in the warm months was confirmed. Bacterial load values were compatible with water quality standards, and variations in the number of actinomycetes colonies in the sediments were correlated, among other parameters, with dissolved oxygen. In the two zones studied a total of 57 phytoplankton taxa, 49 % green algae, 37 % diatoms, 9 % Cyanobacteria and 5 % dinoflagelates, were identified. Central diatoms (Aulacoseira granulata and Cyclotella meneghiniana) prevailed in the phytoplankton and, in a lesser degree, the other groups, low values of specific diversity being obtained. A principal components analysis based on the absolute abundance of species and on some physico-chemical parameters ordinated the samples of the various levels, this abundance being more evident in the limnetic zone. There was also a tendency to the separation of stratifications from the two consecutive years and homogeneity in the samples from the mixing period was noticed. On the basis of the saprobic index, water quality was from β − α-mesosaprobic to α-mesosaprobic.Con el objeto de interpretar la dinámica del fitoplancton en dos perfiles verticales del embalse Dr. C. Gelsi (Tucumán, Argentina), se realizaron muestreos mensuales desde octubre de 1997 a marzo de 1999, en la zona limnética y en la intersección de los tributarios, ríos Salí y Tapia. El embalse fue caracterizado como monomíctico cálido, con aguas bicarbonatadas, cloruradas, sódicas, cálcicas y/o magnésicas. En ambos sitios, la concentración media de nitrógeno total fue superior a 1 mg/l, mientras que la de ortofosfato llegó a 0.2 mg/l. De los once plaguicidas organoclorados analizados se comprobó, principalmente, la presencia de lindano y metoxicloro, con concentraciones más elevadas en los meses cálidos. Los valores de carga bacteriana fueron compatibles con las normas de calidad de agua y las variaciones del número de colonias de actinomycetes en los sedimentos estuvieron correlacionadas entre otros parámetros con el oxígeno disuelto. En las dos zonas estudiadas se identificaron un total de 57 taxones: 49 % algas verdes, 37 % diatomeas, 9 % Cyanobacteria y 5 % dinoflagelados. Las diatomeas centrales (Aulacoseira granulata y Cyclotella meneghiniana) predominaron en el fitoplancton y en menor orden, los otros grupos, obteniéndose bajos valores de diversidad específica. Los análisis de componentes principales basados en la abundancia absoluta de las especies y en algunos parámetros fisicoquímicos, ordenaron las muestras de los distintos niveles, siendo ésta más evidente en la zona limnética. Asimismo, hubo una tendencia a la separación de las estratificaciones de los dos años consecutivos y se observó homogeneidad en las muestras provenientes del período de mezcla. Sobre la base del índice sapróbico, la calidad del agua fue β − α-mesosapróbicas a α-mesosapróbicas

    A model to explain angular distributions of J/ψJ/\psi and ψ(2S)\psi(2S) decays into ΛΛ\Lambda\overline{\Lambda} and Σ0Σ0\Sigma^0\overline{\Sigma}^0

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    BESIII data show a particular angular distribution for the decay of the J/ψJ/\psi and ψ(2S)\psi(2S) mesons into the hyperons ΛΛ\Lambda\overline{\Lambda} and Σ0Σ0\Sigma^0\overline{\Sigma}^0. More in details the angular distribution of the decay ψ(2S)Σ0Σ0\psi(2S) \to \Sigma^0\overline{\Sigma}^0 exhibits an opposite trend with respect to that of the other three channels: J/ψΛΛJ/\psi \to \Lambda\overline{\Lambda}, J/ψΣ0Σ0J/\psi \to \Sigma^0\overline{\Sigma}^0 and ψ(2S)ΛΛ\psi(2S) \to \Lambda\overline{\Lambda}. We define a model to explain the origin of this phenomenon.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures, to be published in Chinese Physics

    Crystalline Ceramic Waste Forms: Comparison Of Reference Process For Ceramic Waste Form Fabrication

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    The research conducted in this work package is aimed at taking advantage of the long term thermodynamic stability of crystalline ceramics to create more durable waste forms (as compared to high level waste glass) in order to reduce the reliance on engineered and natural barrier systems. Durable ceramic waste forms that incorporate a wide range of radionuclides have the potential to broaden the available disposal options and to lower the storage and disposal costs associated with advanced fuel cycles. Assemblages of several titanate phases have been successfully demonstrated to incorporate radioactive waste elements, and the multiphase nature of these materials allows them to accommodate variation in the waste composition. Recent work has shown that they can be produced from a melting and crystallization process. The objective of this report is to explore the phase formation and microstructural differences between lab scale melt processing in varying gas environments with alternative densification processes such as Hot Pressing (HP) and Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS). The waste stream used as the basis for the development and testing is a simulant derived from a combination of the projected Cs/Sr separated stream, the Trivalent Actinide - Lanthanide Separation by Phosphorous reagent Extraction from Aqueous Komplexes (TALSPEAK) waste stream consisting of lanthanide fission products, the transition metal fission product waste stream resulting from the transuranic extraction (TRUEX) process, and a high molybdenum concentration with relatively low noble metal concentrations. Melt processing as well as solid state sintering routes SPS and HP demonstrated the formation of the targeted phases; however differences in microstructure and elemental partitioning were observed. In SPS and HP samples, hollandite, pervoskite/pyrochlore, zirconolite, metallic alloy and TiO{sub 2} and Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} were observed distributed in a network of fine grains with small residual pores. The titanate phases that incorporate M{sup +3} rare earth elements were observed to be distinct phases (ex. Nd{sub 2}Ti{sub 2}O{sub 7}) with less degree of substitution as compared to the more homogeneous melt processed samples where a high degree of substitution and variation of composition within grains was observed. Liquid phase sintering was enhanced in reducing gas environments and resulted in large (10-200 microns) irregular shaped grains along with large voids associated with the melt process; SPS and HP samples exhibited finer grain size with smaller voids. Metallic alloys were observed in the bulk of the sample for SPS and HP samples, but were found at the bottom of the crucible in melt processed trials. These results indicate that for a first melter trial, the targeted phases can be formed in air by utilizing Ti/TiO{sub 2} additives which aid phase formation and improve the electrical conductivity. Ultimately, a melter run in reducing gas environments would be beneficial to study differences in phase formation and elemental partitioning