368 research outputs found

    O domínio das frases relativas preposicionadas por estudantes do ensino superior

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    Este artigo pretende estudar o domínio de orações relativas preposicionadas por parte de estudantes do ensino superior. Para o efeito, foi desenhado um teste com o objetivo de verificar as estratégias de relativização mais utilizadas por parte de estudantes do 2.º ano de uma licenciatura em Educação Básica. O teste foi aplicado a 40 estudantes e revelou que a estratégia cortadora é a mais utilizada.This article intends to study the domain of relative clauses by higher education students. For this purpose, a test was designed with the objective of verifying the most used relativization strategies by students of a Bachelor's degree in Basic Education. The test was applied to 40 students and revealed that non-canonical relative clauses are the most used, especially chopping relative clauses

    Fish sounds and boat noise are prominent soundscape contributors in an urban European estuary

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    Passive acoustic monitoring is a valuable tool for non-intrusive monitoring of marine environments, also allowing the assessment of underwater noise that can negatively affect marine organisms. Here we provide for the first time, an assessment of noise levels and temporal soundscape patterns for a European estuary. We used several eco-acoustics methodologies to characterize the data collected over six weeks within May 2016 - July 2017 from Tagus estuary. Biophony was the major contributor dominated by fish vocalizations and the main driver for seasonal patterns. Maritime traffic was the major source of anthropogenic noise, with daily patterns monitored using 1584 Hz third-octave band level. This indicator avoided biophony and geophony, unlike other indicators proposed for the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive. Furthermore, the frequency overlap between anthropophony and biophony demands precautionary actions and calls for further research. This study provides an assessment that will be useful for future monitoring and management strategies.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia - FCTinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Vocal rhythms in nesting Lusitanian toadfish, Halobatrachus didactylus

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    Males of several fish species aggregate and vocalize together, increasing the detection range of the sounds and their chances of mating. In the Lusitanian toadfish (Halobatrachus didactylus), breeding males build nests under rocks in close proximity and produce hundreds of boatwhistles (BW) an hour to attract females to lay their demersal eggs on their nests. Chorusing behaviour includes fine-scale interactions between individuals, a behavioural dynamic worth investigating in this highly vocal fish. Here we present a study to further investigate this species’ vocal temporal patterns on a fine (individual rhythms and male-male interactions) and large (chorus daily patterns) scales. Several datasets recorded in the Tagus estuary were labelled with the support of an automatic recognition system based on hidden Markov models. Fine-scale vocal temporal patterns exhibit high variability between and within individuals, varying from an almost isochronous to an apparent aperiodic pattern. When in a chorus, males exhibited alternation or synchrony calling patterns, possibly depending on motivation and social context (mating or male-male competition). When engaged in sustained calling, males usually alternated vocalizations with their close neighbours thus avoiding superposition of calls. Synchrony was observed mostly in fish with lower mean calling rate. Interaction patterns were less obvious in more distanced males. Daily choruses showed periods with several active calling males and periods of low activity with no significant diel patterns in shallower intertidal waters. Here, chorusing activity was mainly affected by tide level. In contrast, at a deeper location, although tidal currents causes a decrease in calling rate, tide level did not significantly influence calling, and there was a higher calling rate at night. These data show that photoperiod and tide levels can influence broad patterns of Lusitanian toadfish calling activity as in other shallow-water fishes, but fine temporal patterns in acoustic interactions among nesting males is more complex than previously known for fishes.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia - FCTinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Análise de EMG no domínio da frequência em indivíduos com marcha hemiparética pós-AVC

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    Tese mestrado integrado, Engenharia Biomédica e Biofísica (Engenharia Clínica e Instrumentação Médica), 2022, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de CiênciasUm dos maiores impactos na vida dos sobreviventes de um Acidente Vascular Cerebral (AVC) consiste no surgimento de disfunções motoras, nomeadamente na alteração da marcha. Esta passa a assumir um padrão hemiparético, com paresia do corpo no lado contralateral à da lesão cerebral. Estes pacientes apresentam pouca sensibilidade no seu controlo motor, velocidade de marcha reduzida e espasticidade nos membros inferiores, diminuindo a sua autonomia e independência. É assim importante a aplicação de técnicas de reabilitação que se foquem nas necessidades especificas de cada paciente. A eletromiografia (EMG) apresenta-se como a única ferramenta que permite a definição dos padrões alterados de função muscular que contribuem para as diferenças da marcha específicas de cada paciente. Apesar de se poder analisar estes dados tanto no domínio do tempo como no da frequência, é comum fazer-se a análise apenas para a componente temporal. Este trabalho procura introduzir a componente de análise EMG no domínio da frequência de um modo intuitivo e quantitativo, através do traçado da densidade espetral (DE) e do cálculo de parâmetros (potência total e a frequência maximizante) em ambiente clínico. Foram ainda analisados os dados relativos ao músculo gastrocnémio externo, hamstring lateral (bicípite femoral) e tibial anterior de 13 pacientes hemiparéticos e 13 indivíduos saudáveis. Através dos traçados da DE verificaram-se menores valores de potência em pacientes hemiparéticos quando comparados com os do grupo de controlo, apesar de geralmente manterem a forma. Existem situações com presença de padrões erráticos anormais nos pacientes hemiparéticos, independentemente do lado afetado. Estes apresentam ainda menos simetrias entre membros e entre fases da marcha, e mais dispersão nos parâmetros em estudo. Existe uma diminuição da frequência maximizante nos dois membros, exceto no caso do músculo tibial anterior. Não foi verificada correlação entre os parâmetros estudados e a escala de medição do tónus muscular utilizada.One of the biggest impacts on the life of stroke survivors is the appearance of motor disfunctions, mainly in terms of gait changes. They take on an hemiparetic pattern, with paresis on the side opposing the cerebral lesion. These patients present little sensitivity on their motor control, reduced gait velocity, and spasticity in the lower limbs, which reduces their autonomy and independence. It is important to apply rehabilitation techniques that focus on the individual necessities of each patient. Electromyography (EMG) presents itself as the only tool that allows the definition of the altered muscle patterns that contribute to the specific changes in gait of each patient. Even though it is possible to analyze EMG data both on the time and frequency domain, it is common to only proceed with the time-based analysis. This work looks to introduce the frequency component of EMG analysis in an intuitive and quantitative way, with both the plot of the Power Spectral Density (PSD) and the computation of different parameters (total power and maximizing frequency) in a clinical environment. The data of 13 hemiparetic patients and 13 healthy subjects regarding various muscles (gastrocnemius lateral, hamstring lateral, and tibialis anterior) was analyzed. With the PSD plots it is possible to verify lower power values in hemiparetic patients when compared with the control group, even though generally the shape of the graphs is similar. There are situations where hemiparetic patients present abnormally erratic patterns, regardless of the paresis side. Overall, hemiparetic patients present less symmetries between members and between phases of gait, and more dispersion between values. There’s a reduction on the value of maximizing frequency in both members, except in the case of the muscle tibialis anterior. A correlation between the studied parameters and the currently used scale of muscular tonus wasn’t verified

    Sound production in the Meagre, Argyrosomus regius (Asso, 1801): intraspecific variability associated with size, sex and context

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    Many fish taxa produce sound in voluntary and in disturbance contexts but information on the full acoustic repertoire is lacking for most species. Yet, this knowledge is critical to enable monitoring fish populations in nature through acoustic monitoring.Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology: PTDC/BIA-BMA/30517/2017; SFRH/BD/115562/2016; UID/MAR/04292/2019; UID/BIA/00329/2019; PTDC/BIA-BMA/29662/2017.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Os consumidores da era digital: Que lugar para o direito à informação?

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    A proteção dos consumidores funda-se tradicionalmente na assimetria de informação face aos profissionais. No entanto, a transição para a sociedade da informação conduziu a uma mudança de paradigma nas relações de mercado. Com enfoque no regime jurídico da publicidade, o presente estudo aborda os elementos determinantes das decisões económicas dos consumidores na era digital, procurando aferir se subsiste ainda fundamento para os deveres de informação consagrados pelo legislador

    Laterais do português europeu contemporâneo: estruturação interna, robustez de traços e dados da aquisição

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    This work intends to discuss the distinctive features of the laterals in Contemporary European Portuguese, in particular the features [+lateral] and [+continuous], based on language acquisition data. For this purpose, the productions of 80 typically developing children aged between 3 and 4 years and eleven months were analyzed. The results show that, after the nasals, the lateral in onset position is the first sonorant to be acquired. If the laterals are distinguished from the rhotics by the marked feature [+lateral], it would be expected that the class of the rhotics would be acquired before the laterals, since the acquisition of segments is made by the gradual acquisition of marked features and by their combination with features already acquired. The fact that /l/ is acquired before the rhotics suggests that the feature [+lateral] is not responsible for establishing the contrast between the two classes. Based on the data analyzed, the feature [+approximant] is proposed to characterize the laterals and rhotics, distinguishing them from the other sonorants, and the feature [[±continuant] to differentiate the rhotics from the laterals, the latter being characterized by the negative value of this feature

    Correction: Boat noise interferes with Lusitanian toadfish acoustic communication

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    Anthropogenic noise is considered a major underwater pollutant as increasing ocean background noise due to human activities is impacting aquatic organisms. One of the most prevalent anthropogenic sounds is boat noise. Although motorboat traffic has increased in the past few decades, its impact on the communication of fish is still poorly known. The highly vocal Lusitanian toadfish (Halobatrachus didactylus) is an excellent model to test the impact of this anthropogenic stressor as it relies on acoustic communication to attractmates.Here,we performed two experiments to test the impact of boat noise on the acoustic communication of the Lusitanian toadfish. Using the auditory evoked potential (AEP) technique, we first compared the maximum distance a fish can perceive a boatwhistle (BW), the mate attraction acoustic signal, before and after embedding it in boat noise. Noises from a small motorboat and from a ferryboat reduced the active space from a control value of 6.4–10.4 m to 2.0–2.5 m and 6.3–6.7 m, respectively. In the second experiment we monitored the acoustic behaviour of breeding males exposed to boat noise playbacks and we observed an increase in the inter-onset interval ofBWs and a disruption of the usual vocal interactions between singing males. These results demonstrate that boat noise can severely reduce the acoustic active space and affect the chorusing behaviour in this species, which may have consequences in breeding success for individuals and could thus affect fitness.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Boat noise affects meagre (Argyrosomus regius) hearing and vocal behaviour

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    Aquatic noise has increased in last decades imposing new constraints on aquatic animals' acoustic communication. Meagre (Argyrosomus regius) produce loud choruses during the breeding season, likely facilitating aggregations and mating, and are thus amenable to being impacted by anthropogenic noise. We assessed the impact of boat noise on this species acoustic communication by: evaluating possible masking effects of boat noise on hearing using Auditory Evoked Potentials (AEP) and inspecting changes in chorus sound levels from free ranging fish upon boat passages. Our results point to a significant masking effect of anthropogenic noise since we observed a reduction of ca. 20 dB on the ability to discriminate conspecific calls when exposed to boat noise. Furthermore, we verified a reduction in chorus energy during ferryboat passages, a behavioural effect that might ultimately impact spawning. This study is one of few addressing the effects of boat noise by combining different methodologies both in the lab and with free ranging animals.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia - FCTinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Criação de empresas: efeitos sobre o emprego e o rendimento médio dos trabalhadores

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    O presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar o impacto da entrada de empresas na economia brasileira do período de 2010 a 2013, mais especificamente no nível de emprego e de salário médio. Para isso, essas empresas são comparadas com as sobreviventes por ano e por faixa de tamanho. No primeiro capítulo, é feita uma contextualização histórica das economias latinoamericanas e se explica a origem e a ideia do conceito de heterogeneidade estrutural. O segundo capítulo é voltado para a explicação da metodologia e das variáveis que foram elaboraras para possibilitar a pesquisa. No terceiro e último capítulo, é exposto o material desenvolvido com base nos dados da RAIS e, a partir dele, analisadas e comparadas as empresas entrantes em relação às sobreviventes. Os resultados mostram que a entrada possui impacto negativo na evolução do nível de salário médio e, assim, do nível de produtividade, contribuindo para a persistência da heterogeneidade produtiva. Porém, isso acontece por serem, em sua grande maioria, empresas de tamanho pequeno. Além disso, é evidenciada também a importância dessas empresas para a criação de postos de trabalho no Brasil
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