273 research outputs found

    Linking multisectoral economic models and consumption surveys for the European Union

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    Multisectoral models usually have a single representative household. However, more diversity of household types is needed to analyse the effects of multiple phenomena (i.e. ageing, gender inequality, distributional income impact, etc.). Household consumption surveys’ microdata is a rich data source for these types of analysis. However, feeding multisectoral models with this type of information is not simple and recent studies show how even slightly inaccurate procedures might result in significantly biased results. This paper presents the full procedure for feeding household consumption microdata into macroeconomic models and for the first time provides in a systematic way an estimation of the bridge matrices needed to link European Union Household Budget Surveys’ microdata with the most popular multi-regional input–output frameworks (e.g. Eurostat, WIOD, EORA, OECD)

    Los Amantes de Teruel : De la leyenda al teatro español de los siglos XVIII y XIX

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    Este trabajo de investigación abarca el desarrollo de la leyenda "Los Amantes de Teruel" en el teatro español de los siglos XVIII y XIX empezando con los primeros textos escritos. El desarrollo de la leyenda se analiza haciendo una comparación de los textos según las características del género. Las versiones que se estudian son los melodramas de Francisco Mariano Nifo, y Francisco Comella, la tragedia anónima, los dos dramas de Hartzenbusch que se escribieron en las diferentes fechas (1836-1849) y el drama lírico de Tomás Bretón.Aquest treball d'investigació abasta el desenvolupament de la llegenda "Els Amants de Terol" en el teatre espanyol dels segles XVIII i XIX començant amb els primers textos escrits. El desenvolupament de la llegenda s'analitza fent una comparança dels textos segons les característiques del gènere. Les versions que s'estudien són els melodramas de Francisco Mariano Nifo, i Francisco Comella, la tragèdia anònima, els dos drames de Hartzenbusch que es van escriure en les diferents dates (1836-1849) i el drama líric de Tomás Bretó

    Nuevos datos sobre la producción de cerámica de cocina y de loza basta de Sevilla en los siglos XV-XVI

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    [spa] A partir de la llegada de los españoles a América, la ciudad de Sevilla se convirtió en el mayor centro productor cerámico de Europa gracias a su elección como único puerto comercial del monopolio que la Corona castellana estableció con el "Nuevo Mundo", por medio de la Casa de Contratación. La producción sevillana se ha estudiado ampliamente desde el punto de vista arqueológico y decorativo, pero actualmente aún son escasos los trabajos arqueométricos al respecto. Por ello, y con el objetivo de obtener una visión adecuada de la gran complejidad e importancia de la producción cerámica de Sevilla, se han caracterizado arqueométricamente un total de 34 muestras procedentes de contextos arqueológicos sevillanos datados entre finales del siglo XV y el siglo XVI. Estas muestras corresponden a cerámica de cocina y cerámica común vidriada, clases cerámicas que casi no se han tratado en investigaciones anteriores que se habían centrado principalmente en la mayólica y en los contenedores de transporte. Los análisis se han realizado mediante las técnicas de fluorescencia de rayos X (FRX) y difracción de rayos X (DRX) y han permitido establecer dos nuevos grupos de referencia, así como obtener una primera visión sobre la técnica de producción de dichas cerámicas[eng] After the arrival of the Spaniards to America, Seville was chosen to host the Casa de Contratación, the central trading house responsible for the intended monopoly that should control all the relations with the new territories. Consequently, Seville became one of the main ceramic production centers of Europe. Because of its relevance, the pottery production of Seville has received an important attention from the historical of art and archaeological point of view, but the archaeometric research is still scarce. Therefore, in order to achieve a better understanding of this production center, 34 vessels unearthed in Seville have been analyzed. These ceramics correspond to late 15th and 16th century glazed coarse and cooking wares, ceramic classes that have been rarely considered in previous studies centered on majolica and transport jars. The samples have been characterized by means of X-ray fluorescence (XRF) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). The results have enabled to identify two new reference groups as well as their technique of manufacture

    Nb and REE Distribution in the Monte Verde Carbonatite-Alkaline-Agpaitic Complex (Angola)

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    The Angolan alkaline-carbonatite complex of Monte Verde has a semi-circular shape and is comprised of a central intrusion of foidolite rocks surrounded by concentrically arranged minor bodies of other alkaline rocks and carbonatite magmatic breccias. This rock association is hosted by fenitized Eburnean granites. Concentric swarms of alkaline dykes of late formation, mostly of nepheline trachyte composition, crosscut the previous units. Most high-field strength elements (HFSE) and rare earth elements (REE) are concentrated in pyrochlore crystals in the carbonatite and alkaline breccias. Magmatic fluornatropyrochlore is replaced and overgrown by five secondary generations of pyrochlore formed during subsolidus stages and have higher Th, REE, Si, U, Sr, Ba, Zr, and Ti contents. The second, third, and fourth pyrochlore generations are associated with late fluids also producing quartz and REE rich minerals; whereas fifth and sixth pyrochlore generations are linked to the fenitization process. On the other hand, minerals of the rinkite, rosenbuschite, wöhlerite, eudialyte groups, as well as loparite-(Ce), occur in accessory amounts in nepheline trachyte, recording low to moderate agpaicity. In addition, minor REE-bearing carbonates, silicates, and phosphates crystallize as late minor secondary minerals into carbonatite breccia and alkaline dykes. In conclusion, the scarcity of HFSE and REE minerals at the Monte Verde carbonatite-alkaline-agpaitic complex suggests low metallogenetic interest and economic potential for the outcrops analysed in this study. However, the potential for buried resources should not be neglected

    Phosphate sequence study of Boqueirâo pegmatite (Rio Grande Do Norte State, Brazil)

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    The Boqueirão pegmatite is located in the Borborema Pegmatite Province in the state of Rio Grande do Norte (NE Brazil) hosted by Neoproterozoic taconglomerates of Equador Formation. The pegma tite occurs as a concentric body displaying characteristic units according their mineralogy. The border and wall zones are composed by quartz, microcline and muscovite often displaying skeletal and graphic textures with accessory tourmaline and garnet. The intermediate zone is divided in two distinct subzones and shows a complex mineralogy exhibiting a varied phosphate association, beryl, columbite -tantalite and zircon. The innermost zone is mainly constituted by a quartz core. In addition, typical replacement bodies of albite are recognized at the eastern part of the body. Lithiophilite triphylite represents the most abundant phosphate phase exhibiting exsolutions of sarcopside and replaced by sicklerite due to Lileaching alteration, best known as Quensel Mason sequence .The scarcity of heterosite -purpurite series is remarkable. Montebrasite and triplite are also primary phosphates observed. Subsequently ,the presence of alluaudite and varulite occurrences suggests that Na-metasomatism affected the pegmatite. The whole ensemble is crosscut by an extensive alteration that resulted in secondary phosphate minerals . Electron microprobe data of triphylite-lithiophilite shows Mn/(Mn+Fe)ratios between 0.21-0.24 but also up to 0.72 which seems to indicates that the earlier pegmatite magma could be slightly fractionated; consequently,ferrisicklerite shows Mn/(Mn+Fe) values between 0.69 -0.77 in agreement with high evolution degree and suggesting that pseudomorphism may be produced by high rock/fluid ratios. Alluaudite and varulite also record Mn and Fe contents up to 0.71 similar to precursor phosphates. Furthermor eight different secondary phosphates have been identified as replacement of primary phases either as pseudomorphs or crosscutting them. They form euhedral crystals of fine grain size, spherulites or extensive masses displaying vivid colours which are ea sily identifiable. Manrich secondary phases are hureaulite, eosphorite, whiteite, jahnsite and serrabrancaite while lipscombite, phosphosiderite and mitridatite correspond to Ferich secondary association. Supergenic late origin and entrance of Ca-K,Mgrich fluids from host rock may be invoked in order to explain their formation. They do not show any relationship with processes of pegmatite crystallization. Hf content of zircon from the intermediate zone has been analysed by electron microprobe as a pow erful indicator of pegmatite evolution degree together with Mn content of phosphates. Hf content obtained is low up to 5% wt. of HfO which which points out to low fractionated pegmatite magma. Besides, the presence of ferromagnesian silicates forming the pegmat ite units such as Ferich tourmaline, garnet and green beryl is in agreement of that hypothesis. Therefore, Boqueirão corresponds to rare element pegmatite of beryl columbite phosphate subtype

    Sevillian transport jars in early colonial America: the case of Santa María La Antigua del Darién (Colombia)

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    Within the scope of the TECNOLONIAL (HAR2008-02834/HIST) project, an archaeologi- cal and archaeometric research is being conduct- ed in order to clarify and systematize transport jars production in the Iberian peninsula and their distribution abroad, especially to the Americas, from the 15th to the 17th century. The production centre of Seville, in the Crown of Castile, produced large glazed and unglazed transport jars, called botijas, which were mainly devoted to the Atlantic trade network. The pres- ent study accounts for the first results obtained from an initial sample of 34 transport jars dated around the 15th-16th centuries from the produc- tion centre of Seville and the reception site of Santa María de la Antigua del Darién (gulf of Urabá, Colombia). This latter site is especially significant since it was the first Spanish founda- tion (1510) in continental America that obtained the title of town, and was the seat for the Governor of the new region called Castilla de Oro, as well as for the first diocese. All individuals were analyzed by means of x-ray fluorescence and diffraction analyses and then compared with the majolica production database from Seville. The results enabled us to define the first refer- ence groups for such modern transport jars, and to get a first insight into the jars coming to the Americas in the early 16th century whose prove- nance can be linked to Seville, but not Triana

    Lamprophyre-Carbonatite Magma Mingling and Subsolidus Processes as Key Controls on Critical Element Concentration in Carbonatites-The Bonga Complex (Angola)

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    The Bonga complex is composed of a central carbonatite plug (with a ferrocarbonatite core) surrounded by carbonatite cone sheets and igneous breccias of carbonatitic, fenitic, phoscoritic and lamprophyric xenoliths set in a carbonatitic, lamprophyric or mingled mesostase. To reconstruct the dynamics of the complex, the pyrochlore composition and distribution have been used as a proxy of magmatic-hydrothermal evolution of the complex. An early Na-, F-rich pyrochlore is disseminated throughout the carbonatite plug and in some concentric dykes. Crystal accumulation led to enrichment of pyrochlore crystals in the plug margins, phoscoritic units producing high-grade concentric dykes. Degassing of the carbonatite magma and fenitization reduced F and Na activity, leading to the crystallization of magmatic Na-, F-poor pyrochlore but progressively enriched in LILE and HFSE. Mingling of lamprophyric and carbonatite magmas produced explosive processes and the formation of carbonatite breccia. Pyrochlore is the main Nb carrier in mingled carbonatites and phoscorites, whereas Nb is concentrated in perovskite within mingled lamprophyres. During subsolidus processes, hydrothermal fluids produced dolomitization, ankeritization and silicification. At least three pyrochlore generations are associated with late processes, progressively enriched in HFSE, LILE and REE. In the lamprophyric units, perovskite is replaced by secondary Nb-rich perovskite and Nb-rich rutile. REE-bearing carbonates and phosphates formed only in subsolidus stages, along with late quartz; they may have been deposited due to the release of the REE from magmatic carbonates during the hydrothermal processes

    El centenario de Galdós en el año de la pandemia

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    La Facultat de Filosofia i Lletres de la UAB publica, des de principis del confinament pel Covid-19, una sèrie de píndoles en forma de breu article, sota el títol 'Llibres i música en temps de desassossec', on es convida al lector a conèixer diferents suggeriments per a la lectura o l'audició de música, que ajudin a millorar l'estat d'ànim i aportin coneixement en moments difícils i d'incertesa per a tots. A 'Llibres i música en temps de desassossec' es poden llegir textos de professors i professores de la FacultatText publicat com a notícia a la web de la Facultat de Filosofia i Lletres de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona el 15/06/202

    Sandstone-Hosted Uranium Deposits as a Possible Source for Critical Elements: The Eureka Mine Case, Castell-Estaó, Catalonia

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    The Eureka deposit in Castell-estaó in the Catalan Pyrenees is a Cu-U-V deposit, hosted by Triassic red-bed sandstones, and classified here as a low-temperature, sandstone-hosted stratabound metamorphite U deposit. The main mineralisation is stratabound, related to coal-bearing units and produced during the Alpine deformation by migration of hydrothermal fluids. In this stage, the original sedimentary and diagenetic components (quartz and calcite, micas, hematite and locally apatite) were replaced by a complex sequence of roscoelite, fine-grained REE phosphates, sulphides and Ni-Co arsenides and sulpharsenides, Ag-Pb selenides, bismuth phases, sulphosalts and uraninite. The black shales of the Silurian sediments underlying the deposit and the nearby Carboniferous volcanoclastic rocks are interpreted as the source of the redox-sensitive elements concentrated in Eureka. The sulphur source is related to leaching of the evaporitic Keuper facies. The REE transport would be facilitated by SO4-rich solutions. The reduction of these solutions by interaction with organic matter resulted in the widespread precipitation of REE and redox-sensitive elements, including many critical metals (V, Bi, Sb, Co), whereas barite precipitated in the oxidized domains. The occurrence of similar enrichments in critical elements can be expected in other similar large uranium deposits, which could be a source of these elements as by-products. © 2019 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Assessment of the Skill of Coupled Physical-Biogeochemical Models in the NW Mediterranean

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    18 pages, 13 figures, supplementary material https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fmars.2020.00497/full#supplementary-material.-- Publicly available datasets were analyzed in this study. This data can be found here: http://marine.copernicus.eu/services-portfolio/access-to-products/, http://www.ba.ieo.es/ibamar, http://thredds.socib.es/thredds/catalog.htmlNumerical modeling is a key tool to complement the current physical and biogeochemical observational datasets. It is essential for understanding the role of oceanographic processes on marine food webs and producing climate change projections of variables affecting key ecosystem functions. In this work, we evaluate the horizontal and vertical patterns of four state-of-the-art coupled physical–biogeochemical models, three of them already published. Two of the models include data assimilation, physical and/or biological, and two do not. Simulations are compared to the most exhaustive dataset of in situ observations in the North Western Mediterranean, built ad hoc for this work, comprising gliders and conventional CTD surveys and complemented with satellite observations. The analyses are performed both in the whole domain and in four subregions (Catalan Shelf, Ebro Delta, Mallorca Channel, and Ibiza Channel), characterized by a priori divergent primary production dynamics and driving mechanisms. Overall, existing models offer a reasonable representation of physical processes including stratification, surface temperature, and surface currents, but it is shown that relatively small differences among them can lead to large differences in the response of biogeochemical variables. Our results show that all models are able to reproduce the main seasonal patterns of primary production both at the upper layer and at the deep chlorophyll maximum (DCM), as well as the differential behavior of the four subregions. However, there are significant discrepancies in the local variability of the intensity of the winter mixing, phytoplankton blooms, or the intensity and depth of the DCM. All model runs show markedly contrasting patterns of interannual phytoplankton biomass in all four subregions. This lack of robustness should dissuade end users from using them to fill gaps in time series observations without assessing their appropriateness. Finally, we discuss the usability of these models for different applications in marine ecology, including fishery oceanographyThis work was supported by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program under grant agreement no. 678193 (CERES, Climate Change and European Aquatic Resources). ER-R is grateful for the funding from “Govern de les Illes Balears-Conselleria d’Innovació, Recerca i Turisme, Programa Vicenç Mut.”With the funding support of the ‘Severo Ochoa Centre of Excellence’ accreditation (CEX2019-000928-S), of the Spanish Research Agency (AEI)Peer reviewe