26 research outputs found

    Respostes per viure junts i juntes. Les polítiques d’immigració a Catalunya

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    Catalunya ha viscut en els darrers deu anys una transformació demogràfica de tal magnitud que, tot i tenir precedents, ha causat un fort impacte social. Ne­cessitem la immigració i, al mateix temps, la problematitzem. Explicar les cau­ses d’aquesta contradicció és el punt de partida per formular les preguntes adequades o, si voleu, per definir els reptes. Basant-nos en el document de ba­ses del Pacte Nacional per a la Immigració creiem que s'hi combina (1) el crei­xement econòmic basat en la creació d’ocupació; (2) el descens de la natalitat entre1977-1997; i (3) les noves ocupacions sorgides per la incorporació de les dones al mercat de treball remunerat. Per acabar, resumim les demandes que la ciutadania planteja davant el fet migratori: (1) ordenar-ne els fluxos d’acord amb el mercat de treball; (2) evitar la competència pels recursos públics; i (3) dotar-nos d’elements de cohesió per compensar adequadament la valoració positiva de la nova diversitat

    Anna Cabré. "Continuem tenint capacitat per integrar els nouvinguts com ho hem fet fins ara". Una conversa amb Oriol Amorós

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    Dues generacions diferents. Una nascuda en plena postguerra i l'altra poc abans de començar la transició. L'Anna Cabré (Barcelona, 1943) creix a una Barcelona marcada per la Guerra, l'exili i la repressió. Una Catalunya que no arribava als tres milions d'habitants. Gairebé 30 anys després, l'Oriol Amorós (Barcelona, 1970) neix a una nova Barcelona en plena ebullició antifranquista. Una Catalunya de més de cinc milions de persones després d'haver acollit a desenes de milers de persones vingudes d'arreu de l'Estat espanyol. Dues generacions, dues Catalunyes, dues persones compromeses amb la immigració que comparteixen la claredat d'idees i la complicitat de treballar en l'àmbit que els apassiona. L'Anna portant la batuta del Centre d'Estudis Demogràfics de la UAB. L'Oriol dirigint les polítique

    Grid equivalent representation of power systems with penetration of power electronics

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    © 2023 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other worksThe Thévenin equivalent is considered as the standard grid equivalent for power system analysis. The integration on power electronics components in the power systems introduces non-linear operation characteristics that cannot be captured by Thévenin equivalent. Therefore, an alternative grid equivalent representation is required. This paper presents a steady-state equivalent representation of power systems with penetration of power electronics, which is suitable for both normal operation studies and short-circuit calculations. This equivalent grid representation is developed based on the voltage-current (U-I) characteristic of a power system to map the relationship between voltages and currents of a specific network node. Such grid equivalent representation has been presented for single-phase, balanced and unbalanced three-phase power systems in this paper. A methodology is presented to identify operation points when the equivalent system under study is connected to any external system. The proposed equivalent grid representation and the methodology for operation points identification have been tested on the Voltage Source Converter (VSC) based test system and are validated through dynamic simulations.This work was supported by FEDER / Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación - Agencia Estatal de Investigación, Spain, through projects PID2021- 124292OB-I00 and PID2019-103849GB-I00 as well as Generalitat de Catalunya through project 2021-SGR-00603. Marc Cheah-Mane is also a Serra Húnter Lecturer. Eduardo Prieto-Araujo is also a Serra Húnter Associate Professor. Oriol Gomis-Bellmunt is also an ICREA Academia researcher.Postprint (author's final draft

    Resonance-Based microwave technique for body implant sensing

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    There is an increasing need for safe and simple techniques for sensing devices and prostheses implanted inside the human body. Microwave wireless inspection may be an appropriate technique for it. The implanted device may have specific characteristics that allow to distinguish it from its environment. A new sensing technique based on the principle of differential resonance is proposed and its basic parameters are discussed. This technique allows to use the implant as a signal scattering device and to detect changes produced in the implant based on the corresponding change in its scattering signature. The technique is first tested with a canonic human phantom and then applied to a real in vivo clinical experiment to detect coronary stents implanted in swine animalsPeer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Ex vivo assessment and in vivo validation of non-invasive stent monitoring techniques based on microwave spectrometry

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    Some conditions are well known to be directly associated with stent failure, including in-stent re-occlusion and stent fracture. Currently, identification of these high-risk conditions requires invasive and complex procedures. This study aims to assess microwave spectrometry (MWS) for monitoring stents non-invasively. Preliminary ex vivo data are presented to move to in vivo validation. Fifteen mice were assigned to receive subcutaneous stent implantations (n¿=¿10) or sham operations (n¿=¿5). MWS measurements were carried out at 0, 2, 4, 7, 14, 22, and 29 days of follow-up. Additionally, 5 stented animals were summited to micro-CT analyses at the same time points. At 29 days, 3 animals were included into a stent fracture subgroup and underwent a last MWS and micro-CT analysis. MWS was able to identify stent position and in-stent stenosis over time, also discerning significant differences from baseline measures (P¿<¿0.001). Moreover, MWS identified fractured vs. non-fractured stents in vivo. Taken together, MWS emerges as a non-invasive, non-ionizing alternative for stent monitoring. MWS analysis clearly distinguished between in-stent stenosis and stent fracture phenomena.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Ex vivo assessment and in vivo validation of non-invasive stent monitoring techniques based on microwave spectrometry

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    Some conditions are well known to be directly associated with stent failure, including in-stent re-occlusion and stent fracture. Currently, identification of these high-risk conditions requires invasive and complex procedures. This study aims to assess microwave spectrometry (MWS) for monitoring stents non-invasively. Preliminary ex vivo data are presented to move to in vivo validation. Fifteen mice were assigned to receive subcutaneous stent implantations (n = 10) or sham operations (n = 5). MWS measurements were carried out at 0, 2, 4, 7, 14, 22, and 29 days of follow-up. Additionally, 5 stented animals were summited to micro-CT analyses at the same time points. At 29 days, 3 animals were included into a stent fracture subgroup and underwent a last MWS and micro-CT analysis. MWS was able to identify stent position and in-stent stenosis over time, also discerning significant differences from baseline measures (P < 0.001). Moreover, MWS identified fractured vs. non-fractured stents in vivo. Taken together, MWS emerges as a non-invasive, non-ionizing alternative for stent monitoring. MWS analysis clearly distinguished between in-stent stenosis and stent fracture phenomena

    Fábricas magnéticas en materiales sin-diapíricos del encajante (N cuenca Vasco-Cantábrica)

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    This work shows the results obtained after the analysis of the Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility (AMS) of 29 sites sampled on Aptian-Albian marls, marly limestones, fine sandstones and lutites. The study area is located on the northern part of the central sector of the Basque-Cantabrian basin. Fifteen sites were sampled on syn-diapiric rocks related to the Bakio and Bermeo diapirs, on their halokinetic sequences, whereas 14 sites were done on rocks from the same age but do not affected by diapir growth in order to compare them. The parameters Km, Pj and T show typical values of weakly deformed rocks and only vary in function of lithology. The magnetic foliation of almost all sites is parallel to bedding, suggesting it reflects depositional and compaction processes. Whereas the orientation of the magnetic lineation, always contained on the bedding plane, varies between sites sampled on the halokinetic sequences and the rest of sites. In detail, in the Bakio diapir, the magnetic lineation is parallel to the diapir flanks suggesting a possible control related to its growth

    Datos paleomagnéticos en materiales sin-diapíricos Aptienses-Albienses (cuenca Vasco-Cantábrica, N Iberia).

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    In order to obtain a kinematic model linking the diapir formation and the geometry of the syn-diapir sediments, a paleomagnetic study has been conducted in selected syn-diapiric sequences of the Basque-Cantabrian Basin. The studied diapirs (Bakio, Bermeo, Guernika and Mungia) developed during the Early Cretaceous in relation to the North Iberian extensional margin which was subsequently reactivated during the Pyrenean contractional deformation (Late Cretaceous-Miocene). They are cored by Triassic red clays and evaporites and they are flanked by synkinematic Albian shelf and slope carbonates and Upper Albian to Cenomanian siliciclastics. The paleomagnetic study has focused on the synkinematic overburden to detect and quantify vertical axis rotations related to the growth of the diapirs. 29 paleomagnetic sites have been analyzed. After obtaining the site mean directions it can be concluded that most of the sites are remagnetized, hindering the kinematics of the diapirs growth to be deduced. The age of this remagnetization is difficult to assess, it could be either an earlier Albian-Maastrichtian remagnetization or a remagnetization linked to the Pyrenean compression

    A multi-proxy approach to the palaecological reconstruction of the Orce Basin Archaeological Zone (Granada, Spain)

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    Comunicación oral presentada en XXI INQUA Congress. July 14th – 20th 2023, Rome (Italy)The Orce Basin Archaeological Zone (OZAB, Granada, Spain) extends over a surface area of some > 8.5 km2 and constitutes one of the richest Pleistocene vertebrate fossil records in western Europe including one of the oldest hominin presence in this part of Eurasia. Exceptionally rich collections of stone tools have been excavated from both of the Orce Oldowan sites: Barranco León (BL) (1.4 Ma) and Fuente Nueva 3 (FN3) (1.2 Ma), while BL has yielded a hominin deciduous lower molar. We present a multi-proxy approach to determine the palaeoeocological context of these first hominin settlements in Western Europe. By combining results from macrovertebrates, microvertebrates, as well as from pollen and stable isotopes from macrovertebrate tooth enamel, we determine whether the palaeo landscapes were dominated by savanna or open woodland. The results reveal the regional specificities of the OAZB, and also allow us to infer local features within the Orce sites. Overall, our data reveal the dominance of a typically Mediterranean climate and landscape since 1.8 Ma ago. The climatic conditions were generally more humid than at present, with warmer temperatures during the coldest months, indicating a higher net primary productivity (NPP). We find that precipitation and NPP appear to have been limiting factors for hominin presence in the OAZB. Thus, at the older palaeontological site of Venta Micena (1.6 Ma), climatic conditions appear to have been less compatible with hominin presence than during the BL and FN3 sequences, when early hominins inhabiting the OAZB were able to cope with changing climatic and environmental settings. Lastly, the comparison of the isotopic results of the Orce sites with those of the contemporaneous Shungura Formation (Ethiopia) reveals that the habitat in the westernmost part of Eurasia was distinctly unlike a typical African savanna