454 research outputs found

    Zucht- und Arbeitshäuser in Österreich um 1800 Recht, Konzepte und Alltag

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    Sustainable Consumption and Production in the Extraction and Processing of Raw Materials—Measures Sets for Achieving SDG Target 12.2

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    As part of the European Green Deal, the European Commission recently launched the project “New European Bauhaus of the 21st Century” to promote climate-neutral, affordable, and creative design approaches and transform the built environment towards sustainability. Based on a forecasting and backcasting approach, we developed three sets of measures containing eighteen individual measures, with the overall aim of reducing the consumption of mineral raw materials in line with the sustainability strategies (consistency, efficiency, and sufficiency) from exploration through material processing, to semi-finished product production. The developed measures address in detail the reduction of primary raw material consumption, the increased use of secondary raw materials, and the intensification of access to important domestic raw material sources, as well as the efficiency and productivity progression of the Austrian raw material industry. The implementation of the measures will raise the transparency and traceability of raw material routes, material flows, and supply chains through improved and comprehensive data collection and processing. The developed measures were handed over to the Austrian Federal Government in February 2022 to push the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 12 in Austria

    Geschichtsunterricht vor der Frage nach dem Sinn: Geschichts(unter)bewusstsein und die Optionen eines sinnzentrierten Unterrichts

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    The study investigates the historical-psychological anchor points of historical meaning generation as well as the universal unconscious motives by which people shape historical narratives. A distinction is made between epistemic (describing facts) and phronetic (describing courses of action) meaning, from which two different modes of viewing history can be derived, and for the latter the use of Jungian archetypes is suggested. From the theoretical explanations, pragmatic considerations for a more meaning-centered teaching of history are derived.Die Studie fragt nach den geschichtspsychologischen Ankerpunkten historischer Sinngenerierung sowie nach den universellen unbewussten Motiven, anhand derer Menschen historische Erzählungen gestalten. Es wird modellhaft eine Unterscheidung zwischen epistemischem (Sachverhalte beschreibendem) und phronetischem (Handlungsweisen abbildendem) Sinn unternommen, aus der sich zwei unterschiedliche Modi der Geschichtsbetrachtung ableiten lassen, und für letztere die Einbeziehung Jungscher Archetypen vorgeschlagen. Aus den theoretischen Ausführungen werden pragmatische Überlegungen für einen sinnzentrierteren Geschichtsunterricht abgeleite

    Konzepte historischen Denkens und ihre Entwicklungslogik: Eine Studie zur Genese historischer Verständnishorizonte

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    This volume investigates the psychogenesis of central historical thinking concepts during the entire schooling phase, describes age-typical characteristics, and attempts to derive generalizable developmental patterns from them. To this end, it begins by reviewing the discourse on conceptual change and the empirical evidence on the genesis of historical consciousness, proposes a three-stage conceptual model, and, on this basis, presents an empirical study in which 100 research partners from kindergarten to adulthood were questioned in partially standardized interviews about their historical ideas, interests, and other flanking aspects of historical consciousness. The results were subjected to a complex statistical data analysis.Der Band fragt nach der Psychogenese zentraler historischer Konzepte während der gesamten Beschulungsphase, beschreibt alterstypische Ausprägungen und versucht daraus generalisierbare Entwicklungsmuster abzuleiten. Hierzu rollte er eingangs den Diskurs zum conceptual change sowie die Empirie zur Genese von Geschichtsbewusstsein auf, schlägt ein dreistufiges Konzeptmodell vor und stellt auf dieser Grundlage eine empirische Studie vor, in der 100 ForschungspartnerInnen vom Kindergarten- bis zum Erwachsenenalter in teilstandardisierten Interviews zu ihren historischen Vorstellungen, Interessen und weiteren flankierenden Aspekten von Geschichtsbewusstsein befragt wurden. Die Ergebnisse wurden einer komplexen statistischen Datenanalyse zugeführt

    Candida glabrata environmental stress response involves Saccharomyces cerevisiae Msn2/4 orthologous transcription factors

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    We determined the genome-wide environmental stress response (ESR) expression profile of Candida glabrata, a human pathogen related to Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Despite different habitats, C. glabrata, S. cerevisiae, Schizosaccharomyces pombe and Candida albicans have a qualitatively similar ESR. We investigate the function of the C. glabrata syntenic orthologues to the ESR transcription factor Msn2. The C. glabrata orthologues CgMsn2 and CgMsn4 contain a motif previously referred to as HD1 (homology domain 1) also present in Msn2 orthologues from fungi closely related to S. cerevisiae. We show that regions including this motif confer stress-regulated intracellular localization when expressed in S. cerevisiae. Site-directed mutagenesis confirms that nuclear export of CgMsn2 in C. glabrata requires an intact HD1. Transcript profiles of CgMsn2/4 mutants and CgMsn2 overexpression strains show that they regulate a part of the CgESR. CgMsn2 complements a S. cerevisiae msn2 null mutant and in stressed C. glabrata cells, rapidly translocates from the cytosol to the nucleus. CgMsn2 is required for full resistance against severe osmotic stress and rapid and full induction of trehalose synthesis genes (TPS1, TPS2). Constitutive activation of CgMsn2 is detrimental for C. glabrata. These results establish an Msn2-regulated general stress response in C. glabrata

    Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis for Evaluating Transitional and Post-Mining Options—An Innovative Perspective from the EIT ReviRIS Project

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    grant agreement 19075: ReviRIS—Revitalising Post-Mining Regions, UIDB/04035/2020.In mine design and planning, identifying appropriate Post-Mining Land Use (PMLU) is necessary and crucial to achieving environmental quality and socioeconomic renewal. In this context, Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) methods are used to support decision-maker and stakeholder decisions. However, most studies regarding the application of MCDM methods to PMLU decisions do not favor their widespread use because they start from an already structured decisional problem. The structure they present may not apply to another PMLU decision. Therefore, the primary goal of this study is to present an innovative methodology and its corresponding framework to help decision-makers and stakeholders structure their PMLU decisions. This innovative methodology can be used from an early stage, with a low level of detail, until a later stage, with a high level of detail, and is composed of three main stages. The first stage is selecting the Transitional Post-Mining Landscape Profile, which guides the user to different Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) goals. The second stage is developing criteria and alternatives according to the MCDA goal, using topics representing essential dimensions that cannot be disregarded, and testing the MCDM methods. Finally, the third stage is the participatory process and final application of MCDM methods.publishersversionpublishe