10 research outputs found

    Designing English Instructional Model: An Integrated Technology in ESP for Biological Students

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    This study was based on the students’ needs regarding the instructional model of English teaching at the Biology Department. The objective of this study was to design English materials by combining YouTube and ABA (American and British Academy) Applications based on the students' needs analysis. The study was mixed-method research with the subject of the research was Biological students of Muhammadiyah University of Parepare, Indonesia. The result of the study was the instructional model focused on input, process, and output. In the input, there are goals and skills; in the process, there are learning activities and venues and in the output there is learning outcomes. The skills are listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Every skill consists of five activities. Listening skill consisted of five activities, namely hearing, understanding, remembering, responding, and evaluating. Speaking skill consisted of apprehending, synthesizing, analyzing, and evaluating. Reading skill consisted of reading, generating, comprehending, discussing, and evaluating. Writing consisted of pre-writing, composing, feedbacking, revising, and evaluating. There were two venues of the model. They were indoor and outdoor. Besides, the learning outcomes focused on cognitive, affective, and psychomoto


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    This research was finding out the learners’ writing performance through point-counterpoint strategy by using video blog. The aims of this research were: 1) to find out whether or not the point-counterpoint strategy through video blog elevate the learners’ writing performance, and 2) to find out the learners’ interest toward the use of video blog through point-counter-point strategy in teaching writing performance. Pre experimental design is carried out by the researcher in this research.   The sample of this research was XI IPA2 (33 learners). This sample was taken by the random sampling technique. This research applied two kinds of instruments were writing test and questionnaire in this research.The result of this research shows that the learners’ performance is better writing after they taught by using point-counter-point strategy through video blog at SMA Negeri 3 Polewali Mandar.  It was proved by the mean score of the post-test was higher than the pre-test (81.9668.03). So, the researcher stated that H0 was rejected and H1 was accepted. And the researcher also found that the eleventh-grade learners at SMA Negeri 3 Polewali Mandar were interested in teaching writing performance.  It was proved by the mean score of the questionnaire was 80.21 and it was classified in the interesting category.


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     The objective of this research was to analyze the students’ perception on using Zoom as blanded learning platform from home during the pandemic of Covid-19.This research used descriptive qualitative. Creswell (2013) noted that descriptive qualitative was about understanding and perspective. The subject of this research were 22 learners (IXa) of MTsN 3 Enrekang. This research applied two kinds of instruments were observation and interview guidance.It found that setting up, getting going, managing activity, winding down, and assessing the students was applied in teaching and learning English. Furthermore, the students’ perception were 1) the zoom application made easire, fun, help the learners in learning English. It proved that there were 17 learners of 22 learners gave positive response about zoom appliacation, 2) the zoom application influenced the learning process in school. It proved that there were 22 learners agreed it, 3) the zoom application influenced enough the English skill of learners. It proved that all learners said yes, and 4) the zoom application made easy to use in learning English. It proved that that 19 learners agreed it


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    Technology has produced prominent contribution on education in this information age, it is well known as Edu technology. The researcher tries to introduce an alternative media, namely podcasts. Podcast is one of interactive media applied to support learning process in the classroom in developing listening and speaking skills. A descriptive quantitative method was conducted by the researcher in this study. The population was the XI Grade of SMK 4 Sidrap. Due to this semester only consisted one intact class (20 students), the researcher used the cluster sampling method in deciding the research sample. The instruments that were used in collecting the data Liker’s scale questionnaire. The result of the data found was analysed by using SPSS Application. The students stated interested in learning speaking toward podcast. It was proved by the mean score of students’ interests was 55.40 and considered as moderately interested


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    This Research Aims to Measure the Students’ Interest in Brainstorming Speaking Class by Using Lingbe. The Researcher Used Lingbe as The Students’ Interest Driven In Brainstorming Speaking Class. The Researcher Involves Technology in Interactive Learning. In This Case the Researcher Offers an Interactive Application Called Lingbe.A Pre-Experimental Method Was Conducted by The Researcher in This Study. The Population Was The Xii Grade Students Of Mipa Of Sman 2 Barru. Due To This Semester Consisted Six Intact Class (228 Students), The Researcher Used The Cluster Sampling Method In Deciding The Research Sample. The Instruments That Were Used In Collecting The Data Were An Informal Likert’s Scale Questionnaire And  Analysed By Using Spss Application.The Results Of The Research Showed That The Students Stated Interested In Learning English Using Lingbe Assisted By Brainstorming In Their Speaking Class. The Mean Score Of Students’ Interests Was 54.85 And Considered As Moderately Interested.


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    Abstract Acknowledging prior knowledge on technology, pedagogy, and content of lecturers in this early stage of developmental research is assuming important as basic data for further steps in designing TPACK model-based instruction in teaching writing. Therefore, having investigation on TPACK literacy of the lecturers will complete the data needed in this study. This paper presents an analysis of Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge (TPACK) literacy among lecturers at Universitas Muhammadiyah Parepare, Indonesia. In finding the data, the TPACK survey of Schmidt, Baran, Thomson (2009) was applied by having little modification on it. The main points on the survey were about Technological Knowledge (TK), Pedagogical Knowledge (PK), Content Knowledge (CK), and TPACK. In gaining the data, the questionnaire as the research instrument was distributed to lecturers in the English Education Department, and their responses were analyzed quantitatively. This research was conducted at Universitas Muhammadiyah Parepare, South Sulawesi province, Indonesia. The questionnaire results showed that the lecturers’ levels of literacy on technology, pedagogy, content knowledge, and TPACK are on moderate stage. They can be categorized as good level on overall TPACK literacy, but need to improve in order to achieve better results by having more practice or learning workshops

    The Impact of Teacher Feedback towards Students’ Learning Outcomes

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    Teacher feedback has always been understood as knowledge regarding the strengths and weaknesses of students' academic performance as well as suggestions for improvement. This research aims to find out students’ perceptions about teacher feedback and how teacher feedback influences the learning outcomes of English Education Study Program Students at Muhammadiyah University of Enrekang. The subjects of this research were 10 third semester students. The data analysis technique uses SPSS V.25 by looking for the influence of teacher feedback on student learning outcomes. Teacher feedback is measured using a questionnaire and student learning outcomes are obtained from writing tests. The research results show that teacher feedback and student learning outcomes is in the medium category. Based on the results of analysis and hypothesis testing, the significant value is 0.013 < 0.05. It showed that H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted. Hence, it can be concluded that there is a significant influence between teacher feedback on the students’ learning outcomes of English education study program students at Muhammadiyah University of Enrekang

    Improving the English Language Achievement of SMP Negeri 4 Polewali by Integrating E-modul as a Media and Differentiated Learning as the Approach

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    The differentiated learning model is a teaching and learning process where students can learn the subject according to their abilities, preferences, and needs. The researchers conducted pre-observation of learning for students at SMP Negeri 4 Polewali. From the results of these observations, the researchers found that the teaching to improve the students' achievement in English failed, where their achievement was under the expectation of the National Education Standard. The failure of students' learning achievement is caused by a less attractive learning approach and the selection of learning media that does not motivate students to learn English in class. The problem statement is that student learning achievement is very low in learning media and approaches. The research objectives are to determine whether an E-learning module integrated with differentiated learning can improve learning achievement, the steps of learning English using an E-module integrated with differentiated learning and the students' perceptions of learning by using e-modules and differentiated learning. The researcher implemented a quasi-experimental design to determine students' language achievement. This study uses a pre-experimental design using a one-group pretest-posttest design using a quantitative approach. In the Pre-test and Post-test groups, the observation is two times: before giving treatment, called the Pre-test, and after giving the treatment, called the Post-test. The use of an e-learning module integrated with differentiated learning can improve the learning achievement of students of SMP Negeri 4 Polewali. A validation test was conducted to obtain expert-validated learning steps. Perception dimensions consisting of cognitive, affective, and conative dimensions can be used to support students in learning English through differentiated learning. The use of an E-learning module integrated with differentiated learning can improve students' learning achievement in class VIII SMP Negeri 4 Polewali; differentiated learning can improve students' learning achievement. The study recommends that researchers and teachers continue exploring best practices for combining e-learning and differentiated instruction to enhance student outcomes

    Volunteering as a Companion for Foreign Student Exchange in Muhammadiyah University of Parepare

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    In light of globalization in the twenty-first century, graduates need to interact with other cultures to be successful in the international labor market. The author argues that universities need to consider their social relevance in contemporary complex societies. This is a Companion for Foreign Student Exchange in Muhammadiyah University of Parepare.Collaborative learning in cultural exchange: Exploring its current trend and feature. This research method is qualitative, namely taking references from books or from articles that these works for many foreign students face challenges in adjusting to life in their new country. To assist foreign students in overcoming these challenges, volunteering as a companion by applying the STAR (Situation, Challenge, Action, Reflection) method. Volunteering as a co-host on foreign exchange students from Philippines University using the STAR method provides an effective framework for providing support, overcoming challenges, and encouraging reflection. By understanding the situation, identifying challenges, taking appropriate action, and encouraging reflection, volunteer companions provide a holistic and purposeful approach to helping foreign students succeed during their exchange

    The Use of Kuki Chatbot Application to Improve English Achievement

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    The use of digital media is one of the topics recommended in the Platform Merdeka Mengajar (PMM), a teacher-independent learning platform and a benchmark in the implementation of the Curriculum Merdeka. In this study, the researcher used an artificial intelligence called a chatbot Kuki application. Chatbots are automated conversational agents that can interact with users in natural human language and provide support anytime, anywhere. Kuki is an embodied Artificial intelligence bot designed to befriend humans in the Kuki, formerly known as Mitsuku. The researcher first carried out pre-observation to show students’ English achievement. The result is that students' English achievement is still in the low category. Mostly students stated that media in learning is a factor in low achievement. The objectives of this study are to find out: 1) whether the use of Chatbot Kuki can improve students' English achievement. ,2) students' engagement in applying the Kuki Chatbot, 3) Students' perception of the usage of chatbot Kuki and how learning steps are taken by using chatbot Kukis, and 4 ) The steps of Learning English by using Kuki Chatbot in the class. The research conducted Qualitative research by using two classes, namely Experimental and Control classes. Both of the classes are given a pre-test and post-test to see the students’ achievement. The student’s engagement is based on three dimensions: cognitive, behavioural, and emotional engagement. Student engagement is observed by an observation sheet; students' perceptions are used in a Likert scale analysis, and a validation test is performed to see the learning steps in using the Kuki Application.  The result of the study is that there is an improvement in students’ English achievement in experimental classes. The Students' engagement is active, and the perception of the students is positive. The English achievement of students in class IX of SMP 3 Alla Enrekang is improved