50 research outputs found

    Sexual Harassment at the Workplace in Public and Private Sectors in India: A Study at National Capital Region of Delhi

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    This study aims to understand the prevalence of sexual harassment at workplace in public and private sectors in selected regions of National Capital Region of Delhi, India. A comparison between the two sectors will focus on the awareness about the existing laws, resistance to sexual harassment at workplace and also to identify the common factors playing crucial role in cases of sexual harassment. Due to time and money constraints the study is conducted with 100 samples (50 from public and 50 from private sector) and it does not aim for generalization, but, it intends to collaborate legal viewpoint on sexual harassment at workplace with respondents’ outlook to tackle this issue

    Genetic variability, character association and path analysis in ashwagandha [Withania somnifera (L.) Dunal] under rainfed conditions

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    Twenty six diverse genotypes of ashwagandha [Withania somnifera (L.) Dunal]were evaluated for fourteen quantitative traits under rainfed conditions. Both phenotypicand genotypic coefficients of variation were higher for important traits like number ofberries/plant, fresh weight of berries/plant, biomass yield at maturity and ratio of freshabove ground biomass: fresh root biomass. High heritability in conjunction with highgenetic advance were observed for number of berries/plant, fresh weight of berries/plant,seed yield/plant, fresh root yield/plant, biomass yield at maturity and ratio of fresh aboveground biomass : fresh root biomass which indicated predominant role of additive geneaction for the expression of these characters. Fresh root yield/ plant was found to bepositively and significantly correlated with number of berries/plant, fresh weight ofberries/plant, seed yield/plant and root diameter. Path analysis revealed that totalalkaloid content showed the highest positive direct effect on fresh root yield/plantfollowed by biomass yield at maturity, seed yield/plant, root diameter and number ofberries/plant which suggested that selection for these traits would be quite effective toimprove fresh root yield in ashwagandha

    Modeling of Threshold Voltage and Drain Current of Uniaxial Strained p-MOSFETs

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    An analytical model describing the threshold voltage and drain current in strained-Si p-MOSFETs as a function of applied uniaxial strain applied at the gate has been developed in this paper. The uniaxial stress has been applied through the silicon nitride cap layer. The results show that the threshold voltage falls and drain current rises due to applied uniaxial strain. The results have also been compared with the experimentally reported results and show good agreement. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/2371

    Combining ability analysis for seed yield and component traits in Indian mustard [Brassica juncea (L.) Czern & Coss.]

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    The present investigation on combining ability analysis for seed yield and itscomponent characters in Indian mustard was carried out under two differentenvironments i.e. timely sown (E1) and late sown (E2) which revealed that both additiveand non-additive variances were present for the expression of all the characters studied inboth the environments and the former playing major role. The study of GCA indicatedthat the genotypes namely RH-9617, RH-9806 RH-9615 and were good combiners forearliness, siliqua length, 1000-seed weight, number of seeds/siliqua, primarybranches/plant and oil content. Hence, these parents could be used in crossingprogrammes for achieving further improvement. The study of SCA indicated that thecross combinations namely RH-9710 x RH-9806 and RH-9707 x RH-9806 should beexploited through heterosis breeding or should be used in recombination breeding forobtaining higher seed yield

    Systems Genome:Coordinated Gene Activity Networks, Recurring Coordination Modules, and Genome Homeostasis in Developing Neurons

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    Simple Summary: A synchronized global genome is a flexible, homeostatic system that underwrites ontogenic development and deprograming in disease. Abstract: As human progenitor cells differentiate into neurons, the activities of many genes change; these changes are maintained within a narrow range, referred to as genome homeostasis. This process, which alters the synchronization of the entire expressed genome, is distorted in neurodevelopmental diseases such as schizophrenia. The coordinated gene activity networks formed by altering sets of genes comprise recurring coordination modules, governed by the entropy-controlling action of nuclear FGFR1, known to be associated with DNA topology. These modules can be modeled as energy-transferring circuits, revealing that genome homeostasis is maintained by reducing oscillations (noise) in gene activity while allowing gene activity changes to be transmitted across networks; this occurs more readily in neuronal committed cells than in neural progenitors. These findings advance a model of an “entangled” global genome acting as a flexible, coordinated homeostatic system that responds to developmental signals, is governed by nuclear FGFR1, and is reprogrammed in disease

    Persistencia de malezas gramíneas en cultivos de trigo del sudeste bonaerense

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    En la presente tesis se estudió la persistencia de especies poáceas en cultivos de trigo del sudeste de Buenos Aires. En dicha región, Avena fatua L. y Lolium multiflorum Lam. son las malezas poáceas más importantes, tanto por la dificultad de control como por sus efectos competitivos sobre el cultivo. A los efectos de cuantificar la persistencia de dichas especies, se estudió la composición de la comunidad de malezas en dos momentos del ciclo: preaplicación de herbicidas y precosecha. Individuos de ambas malezas fueron registrados en ambos momentos como consecuencia de “escapes” al control realizado con herbicidas, siendo A. fatua más constante que L. mutiflorum. Posteriormente, se estudiaron los procesos que definen la persistencia de ambas malezas. Los resultados obtenidos indican que el ajuste del momento de emergencia es jerárquicamente el factor más importante para explicar la persistencia de A. fatua. Se demostró que los modelos de germinación son diferentes según las semillas provengan de un lote agrícola o de una condición de no cultivo, siendo estas diferencias de naturaleza genética. Por otro lado, la variabilidad en la supervivencia a los herbicidas es el factor que mejor explica la persistencia de L. multiflorum, habiéndose documentado resistencia cruzada a los herbicidas inhibidores de la ALS, pyroxsulam, imazamox y flucarbazone, sin antecedentes previos en la región. Los índices de resistencia encontrados presentan variación con la temperatura ambiente en post-aplicación del herbicida, habiéndose registrado mayor resistencia con mayor temperatura. Además, se comprobó que los individuos resistentes presentan menor tiempo a floración que los susceptibles. Tal atributo puede significar una ventaja demográfica para dichas poblaciones. Queda así demostrada la persistencia de A. fatua y L. multiflorum durante el ciclo del cultivo más allá de las prácticas de control realizadas y la participación de dos procesos demográficos distintos (establecimiento y supervivencia) en dicha persistencia

    Analytical Modeling of Threshold Voltage for a Biaxial Strained-Si-MOSFET

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    Abstract In this paper, an attempt has been made to model threshold voltage of biaxial strained silicon MOSFET in one dimension. The results show that a significant amount of threshold voltage decrease has been observed with the increase in the germanium content in the silicon. The results have also been compared with the reported results. The results compare well with the existing reported work

    Evaluation and characterization of indigenous and exotic genotypes of oat (Avena sativa L.)

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    Principal factor and cluster analyses were carried out with 16 fodder and seedtraits in five exotic and 39 indigenous genotypes of oat (Avena sativa L.). Principal Factoranalysis identified five principal components which explained about 69% variability.Varimax Rotation enabled loading of similar type of variables on a common principalcomponent permitting to designate them as fodder yield, panicle characters, colour andseed yield factors. Genotypes JO 1, RO 19, OS 346, JHO 99-1 and JHO 822 were found tobe better performers on the basis of principal factor scores with regard to fodder and seedyield traits when both the principal factors were considered together. These genotypesmay further be utilized in breeding programmes for improving fodder and seed yield andfor evolving dual type oat varieties. Hierarchical cluster analysis resulted into six clusterscontaining one to 19 genotypes. The best clusters with regard to fodder and seedcharacters were C I, II and IV. The results of Cluster and Principal Factor analyses were inagreement

    A narrative review on nutritional and health benefits of underutilized summer crop to address agriculture challenges: Moth bean (Vigna aconitifolia L.)

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    Abstract A reasonable plant‐based protein supply needs to be found in order to fight protein undernourishment, especially in developing nations. One of the most prominent and underutilized members of the Fabaceae family, moth bean (Vigna aconitifolia L.), has outstanding nutritional and bioactive components. Moth bean is a tropical crop and has ability to grow well at arid and semiarid areas. In addition to vitamins, minerals, lipids, fatty acid, and carbohydrate, moth bean seeds also provide an abundant protein source. Furthermore, the antioxidant and phenolic content of moth bean seeds is also high. If consumed on a regular basis, moth bean legume possesses countless beneficial effect on health and immune system, including the ability to prevent obesity, diabetes, and cardiac diseases in humans. This review focuses on the uses, improved varieties, adaptive constrain, nutritional bioavailability, and health benefits of V. aconitifolia seeds