97 research outputs found

    Physio-biochemical responses and defining selection criteria for drought tolerance in Sorghum bicolor

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    Forty cytoplasmic male sterile (CMS) sorghum lines were evaluated for different physiological and biochemicaltraits under drought stress. Considerable genetic variability was found among all physio-biochemical traits i.e.water potential (Ψ w), stomatal conductance (gs), photosynthetic efficiency, acid detergent fiber (ADF), neutraldetergent fiber (NDF), ash and sugar contents. Results indicated that ash contents were found to be most adverselyaffected by drought stress followed by sugar contents and stomatal conductance respectively. However, thevalues of crude protein, acid detergent fiber (ADF) and neutral detergent fiber (NDF) were observed to be increaseunder stress condition. Principal component analysis (PCA) was applied to recognize drought tolerant lines.Selection criteria was based upon findings of correlation analysis among all studied traits. The positive associationof water potential, stomatal conductance and photosynthetic efficiency with desirable traits viz. ash and sugarcontents; and NDF association with undesirable traits viz. ADF and NDF revealed a way forward to design futurebreeding programs of sorghum crop under the prevailing scenario of climate change

    Does Organizational Politics in Public Sector Mediates the Impact of Recruitment and Selection on Employee Performance

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    The presence of nepotism and favoritism during the execution of recruitment selection has now become a major concern for both developed and developing countries. Based on social exchange theory a framework was established to evaluate contextual performance, adaptive performance, and task performance as a result of recruitment and selection practice in an organization. Besides, the study also investigated the effect of nepotism and favoritism as a mediating variable between recruitment and selection, contextual performance, adaptive performance, and task performance. Moreover, data from 384 respondents working in the tertiary care hospitals in Pakistan were congregated and analyzed using confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling. The results of the study reveal that recruitment and selection have a substantial impact on contextual performance, adaptive performance, and task performance. Consistently, the mediation effect was established. Furthermore, the current study is of significance for the HR managers of the hospital to formulate strategies to overcome this phenomenon particularly in the recruitment & selection process which in the end affects the healthcare employee’s performance

    Rapunzel syndrome and gastric Peutz Jeghers (hamartomatous) polyps: case report

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    Rapunzel syndrome is an extremely rare complication of a trichobezoar. These females have a history of trichophagia and trichotillomania. Peutz Jeghers syndrome (PJS) is an uncommon autosomal dominant syndrome with a variable to high penetrance that leads to the development of the polyps within the gastrointestinal mucosa. This case report of a 25-year-old deaf and dumb female presented with pain and lump in upper abdomen, vomiting, nausea, loss of appetite, loss of weight. An exploratory laparotomy with anterior gastrotomy was performed and a giant trichobezoar with tail extending into the duodenum was removed. There were multiple polyps in the lower stomach excised. Histopathology reports showed Peutz Jeghers (hamartomatous polyps). She recovered well and was discharged on the 10th day. Patient was advised regular follow up

    Factors Influencing Teaching Process At Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan: A Comparative Study

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    This paper represents the results of a descriptive study investigating the factors influencing teaching Process at Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan (Pakistan). The university is located in the province of KPK and is established in 2009. The major factors influencing teaching process are Professional Commitment, Working Environment, and Job Satisfaction. No Significant difference was found between natural and social science departments. While differences was found designation wise i.e.,  lecturer, assistant professor, associate professor and professors and also qualification wise. It can be concluded that designation and qualification matter in factors influencing teaching process

    Iron Supplementation Intermittently in Reducing the Severity of Depression

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    To investigate the effect of iron supplementation on the severity of depression among anemic students. The study design was Quasi Experimental Trial and conducted in the Department of Allied health sciences, The University of Lahore, Lahore from May to December 2019. The severity and symptoms of depression was measured by Beck’s depression scale. 781 female students were analyzed and 377 students were enrolled in the study. Written informed consent were taken from the students. A semi-structured proforma was used for documenting the outcome variables. Blood samples were taken for Hemoglobin (Hb) level. Iron supplementation significantly reduced the severity of depression (21 ± 2.98, p < 0.001) at baseline versus post study (17.47 ± 3.31, p < 0.001) by using Beck’s Depression scale (BDI). The results showed that there was a significance improvement in post study hemoglobin (Hb) in comparison with baseline Hb (Hb at baseline =10.79± 0.60, P <0.001 vs Hb at post study = 10.97 ± 0.83, P<0.001). After intervention, subjects with continued depression had high rate of iron deficiency anemia. These data are valuable as they enable us to conclude that iron supplementation can reduce the severity of depression in the iron deficient anemic students

    Evaluation of Introgressed Lines of Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) under Contrasting Water Treatments

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    Drought stress is a major production constraint in crops globally. Crop wild relatives are important sources of resistance and tolerance for both biotic and abiotic stresses, respectively. A breeding program was initiated to introgress drought tolerance in sunflowers through hybridization between the wild species Helianthus argophyllus and the cultivated pool of H. annuus. Selection was carried out from the F2 to F5 segregating populations for the silver canopy, high cuticular wax, small leaf area, single heading and high oil content. Cuticular wax ranged between 8.72 µg g−1 and 17.19 µg g−1 in the F5 offspring. The selected F5 breeding lines were self-pollinated to obtain the F6 generation. Thereafter, this F6 was compared with the non-adapted elite sunflower germplasm in a factorial complete randomized design with different water treatments; i.e., comparing fully irrigated (100%, T0) versus 75% (T1), 50% (T2) and 25% (T3) of total irrigation. The comparison between the two types of the germplasm showed that drought-tolerant breeding lines had a comparatively lesser decrease in leaf area (0, 11, 22%) and shoot length (4, 21, 28%) than the elite germplasm, which experienced a decrease in leaf area (21%, 33% and 40%) and shoot length (17, 27 and 34%) under the various drought treatments. Moreover, drought-tolerant breeding lines had 100% more root shoot ratios than the elite germplasm (20%) in T3 when compared with control. Several drought-tolerant promising lines (D-2, D-5 and D-27) were selected due to their high leaf area, great root length and increased root to shoot ratio under T3. Some of the lines could be directly used for the development of drought-tolerant hybrids. Combining ability testing indicated that D-27 (F7) was a good general combiner for seed yield plant−1 and oil content after mating with male-line RSIN.82. Resulting hybrids could help to minimize seed yield loss due to water stress and to achieve profitable cultivation of sunflowers in arid regions of Pakistan

    Amelioration of aorta morphology in spontaneous hypertensive rat (SHR) by syzygium polyanthum

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    Background: Prolonged uncontrolled hypertension can lead to vessels damage; manifested as abnormal morphology changes. Sygyzium polyanthum has been shown to has blood pressure lowering effects in SHR rats. Objective: This study was designed to evaluate the improvement effects of S. polyanthum aqueous leave extracts (AESP) on the descending thoracic aorta morphology damaged secondary to hypertension. Material & Methods: Twenty-one rats were used in this study, with 7 rats in each group. Group 1: normotensive Wistar Kyoto (WKY) rat, Group 2: untreated SHR, Group 3: SHR on AESP (2250 mg/kg). AESP was orally administered daily for 3 months. The descending thoracic aorta was harvested at the end of the study. The aorta morphology was evaluated using Hematoxylin and Eosin stain (H&E stain) and Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). Systolic blood pressure (SBP) were also recorded every 2 weeks during the study. Results: On HE stained, treatment with AESP increased the endothelial cell lining on the surface of aortic tunica intima. The endothelial lining also notably smoother. The elastic laminae were not discontinued and more regular pattern of vascular smooth muscle cells with elongated nuclei. The thickness ratio of tunica media to tunica intima was also reduced. Under SEM, the surface of the aorta was smoother and there were no crater-like defects as compared to untreated SHR. There were also no inflammatory cells or fibrinogen seen as on the aortic surface of untreated SHR. The SBP in AESP-treated SHR was significantly reduced (107.00 + 1.68 mmHg) as compared to untreated SHR (199.75 + 2.86 mmHg, p<0.001). Conclusion: S. polyanthum improves the morphology of aorta and also significantly reduces the blood pressure


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    Abstract Active learning is a way of teaching rather than a particular, specialized technique. It necessitates active student participation in carefully planned teacher-structured classroom activities. Objective: This study aims to explore nursing students' perceptions and experiences regarding using active learning strategies. Methodology: This cross-sectional study was conducted at the private nursing institute in Karachi, Pakistan, from May to August 2023. Moreover, this study used a convenient sampling technique. The eighty-seven student participants are included in this study. Results: The survey results reveal that a substantial proportion of nursing students strongly agree with the effectiveness and benefits of active learning strategies. Specifically, 40.2% strongly agree that active learning enhances their understanding of complex nursing concepts, while 47.1% and 43.7% strongly agree that active learning activities are more engaging than traditional lectures. Furthermore, 55.2% strongly agree that active learning helps them retain and apply knowledge effectively, and 51.7% strongly agree that it encourages teamwork and collaboration among nursing students. Notably, 83.9% of students prefer active learning over traditional lecture-based teaching. Additionally, 35.6% strongly believe that nursing education can enhance the implementation of active learning strategies through learning objectives. Conclusion: The survey overwhelmingly supports active learning strategies among nursing students. Most strongly agree that active learning enhances understanding, engagement, and knowledge retention, favoring it over traditional lectures, mainly through case studies. Many also believe that integrating clear learning objectives can enhance its effectiveness. These findings underscore the widespread acknowledgment of active learning's positive impact on nursing education, emphasizing its role in improving comprehension and student engagement

    Nursing Leadership Practices

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    Nurses face assorted difficulties while giving the heath care offices, thus, self-assurance and solid accept on the self-capacities help them to adapt to these difficulties. In this manner, representative's confidence assumes a vital job in the effective human services administrations. In study setting it is seen that the leaders are not notable with their job and set of working responsibilities and even not with power. There for their practices are very little successful. That is the reason they can't manage their sub ordinates in formal way. Other thing in perception is dependability which not pursued extraordinarily in general human services by pioneers. Suggestions for Nursing Administration As this examination proposes, the chiefs, as saw without anyone else's input and their subordinates, respectably show uncommon authority rehearses. There is a requirement for nurture overseers to be perceptive of these practices and perceive that for unprecedented things to be cultivated in an association the five initiative practices must be displayed reliably. Consideration must be given to the present medical attendant director's development as pioneers. Keywords: nursing, leadership DOI: 10.7176/JHMN/68-12 Publication date: November 30th 201