45 research outputs found

    Contribution to the Design and Operation of Advanced Mobile Communlcations Systems

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    El objetivo de esta tesis es estudiar la capacidad de los sistemas LTE (LongTerm Evolution) y Mobile WiMAX (Mobi/e Worldwide fnteroperab;/ity far Microwave Access), definida ésta como "el número máximo de usuarios simultáneos, con diferentes perfiles de servicios, que puede soportar cada nodo de acceso, para cada configuración del sistema". Para poder calcular ésta y la tasa binaria (throughput) se requiere primero calcular dinámicamente !a cantidad de recursos demandados y disponibles, que, a su vez, dependen de cómo se forma la correspondiente MAU (Mínimum Allocation Unit), tanto en LTE como en WiMAX. Ambas tecnologías, propuestas como respuesta a la iniciativa IMT (lnternational Mobile Telecommunications)-Advanced, tienen en común que el cómputo de estos MAUs es complejo debido a que parte de los recursos (overhead) tiene que utilizarse para labores necesarias de señalización, control o sincronización. Aunque el conjunto de tecnologías 3G (Third Generation) basadas en WCDMA (Wide-bond Code Division Mu/tiple Access) y HSPA (High-Speed Packet Access) constituyen en la actualidad el fundamento de las redes móviles de banda ancha más empleadas, LTE es, sin embargo, la tecnología móvil con el crecimiento más rápido de toda la historia. LTE es capaz de proporcionar velocidades de datos muy elevadas con una latencia extremadamente reducida, especialmente en el enlace descendente, DL (downlink), a expensas de incrementar su complejidad. Éstas son algunas de las características que convierten a LTE en una tecnología de banda ancha móvil con enormes posibilidades, no solo para usuarios domésticos sino también para aplicaciones novedosas en comunicaciones M2M (machine-to-machine), servicios de salud tipo mHea/th, los nuevos servicios asociados a las ciudades inteligentes (smart grids). Hay varias razones que explican este rápido despliegue de las redes LTE. Por un lado, el mercado de dispositivos móviles está creciente a tasas muy elevadas(::: 80%), constituyendo ya los teléfonos inteligentes (smartphones) el 75% de los dispositivos de usuario. Por otro lado, la técnica OFDMA (Orthogonal Frequency Division Mu/tiple Access) en el enlace descendente permite que LTE sea capaz de soportar tasas de datos más elevadas que las de HSPA. Hay incluso nuevos comportamientos de usuarios, sobre todo del segmento de población más joven, que están modificando sus preferencias a la hora de ver TV, desplazándose progresivamente desde el televisor convencional al streaming en sus smartphones. La combinación de todos estos factores está espoleando una demanda fuertemente creciente de servicios novedosos y muy intensivos en Mbps (HDTV, vídeo bajo demanda (VoG), gaming, etc.): el tráfico de datos ha crecido un ::: 65% entre los primeros cuatrimestres de 2015 y 2016. Además de la utilización de OFDM, LTE y Mobile-WiMAX tiene otros aspectos en común, como la posible integración de técnicas AMC (Adaptive Modulation and Cading) y MIMO (Multip/elnput ond Multip/e-Output) para poder proveer conexiones más fiables y rápidas. Sin embargo, y a pesar de estas similitudes, LTE y Mobile-WiMAX constituyen soluciones tecnológicas muy complejas que exhiben numerosas diferencias. En particular, un elemento crucial que aumenta la dificultan inherente a ambas se encuentra se encuentra en su flexibilidad en el sentido de que se dejan abiertos muchos aspectos de configuración para que cada empresa pueda diseñar la opción que considere más adecuada. El rendimiento de estas redes depende pues de la forma en la que se soluciona el problema de optimización entre la adecuación de los recursos disponibles en cada configuración a los recursos consumidos por !os usuarios. En esta Tesis se realiza diferentes trabajos de investigación tendentes a: 1. Modelar de forma exacta la velocidad de datos (throughput) disponible para los usuarios. Esto requiere calcular en paralelo los recursos disponibles -una vez descontado el overhead -y los recursos demandados. 2. Calcular, utilizando la heurística anterior, !a capacidad (o número máximo de usuarios simultáneos, con diferentes perfiles de servicios, que puede soportar cada nodo de acceso, para cada configuración del sistema). La validez de los modelos obtenidos se ha probado de forma exitosa en una gran variedad de configuraciones posibles en ambas tecnologías, publicando !os resultados en varias revistas y congresos internacionales

    Imaging techniques for ocular neoplasia

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    Background: Novel ocular imaging modalities have greatly impacted the diagnosis and management of different types of ocular neoplasia. In this narrative review, we summarize the practical features of popular and novel imaging modalities for ocular tumors. Methods: Four databases, including PubMed/MEDLINE, Web of Science, Scopus, and Google Scholar, were searched from January 1, 2000 to August 31, 2022. Articles reporting different imaging modalities for diagnosing or monitoring treatment responses of ocular tumors were extracted using various combinations of the following keywords: ocular neoplasia, positron emission tomography or PET, single-photon emission computed tomography or SPECT, optical coherence tomography or OCT, OCT angiography or OCTA, computed tomography or CT, ultrasonography or US, ultrasound biomicroscopy or UBM, and magnetic resonance imaging or MRI. Results: Various ocular imaging modalities had different accuracies as adjunctive tools for detecting or managing ocular tumors. Anterior ultra-high-resolution optical coherence tomography (OCT) could be used to evaluate images with < 5-µm resolution. OCT angiography provided deeper insight into retinal vascular changes associated with the malignant transformation of choroidal melanoma. OCT in children altered the diagnosis of suspicious retinoblastoma in 3% of the cases and treatment plan in 11% of the cases. While positron-emission tomography (PET)/computed tomography (CT) allowed the detection of metastatic lesions of choroidal melanoma by full-body scanning, single-photon emission CT was more sensitive compared to PET in detecting choroidal melanoma. Ultrasound biomicroscopy, with an accuracy exceeding 92.5%, could detect retinal calcification in lesions measuring 2–3 mm. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) had better contrast compared to ultrasound biomicroscopy and higher sensitivity compared to CT in detecting post-laminar optic nerve invasion. However, MRI had a lower spatial resolution compared to OCT. Further development of imaging modalities and their application in drug development would improve the treatment of ocular tumors. Conclusions: Although diagnosing ocular tumors depend on clinical characteristics, innovations in ocular imaging have enabled early diagnosis and timely, appropriate management of ocular neoplasia, which are conducive to favorable visual outcomes and increased life expectancy. Further systematic reviews and meta-analyses of primary studies focusing on a specific imaging modality in ocular neoplasia could precisely determine the diagnostic accuracy of each imaging modality to better guide eye practitioners with efficient diagnostic or therapeutic approaches for these sight- or life-threatening entities. Imaging modalities may play a major role in drug development in the future

    The knowledge, attitude, and action of Northern Iranian women about cervical cancer and screening

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    Background: Cervical cancer is one of the most prevalent cancers in the world among women which its early diagnosis plays an important role in the prognosis. There are many factors that contribute to the participation in the screening programs, most notably the level of knowledge and attitude of people towards cancer. Understanding the level of these factors in the female population and its association with participation in screening programs is important. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the knowledge, attitude and practice of women in the north of Iran to compare these factors between two groups with different baseline knowledge.Methods: This cross-sectional study was carried out among female medical clients and healthcare staff in a healthcare center in the north of Iran. All the eligible patients were interviewed and were asked to fill a questionnaire containing the demographic data, knowledge, attitude, and action about cervical cancer and screening. The data were analyzed by SPSS v24.Results: A total of 283 females entered our study of which 156(55.1%) were clients of the healthcare center and 127(44.9%) were non-physician healthcare staff. Ninety (60.8%) of clients and 39(56.5%) of the staff have performed pap smear at least once (p=0.556). The levels of knowledge and attitude were significantly lower in the clients (p < 0.001 and p=0.003, respectively). There were no significant differences regarding the level of knowledge and attitude between those who performed pap smear and those who did not (0.621 and 0.788, respectively).Conclusions: Increasing awareness, especially improving attitudes in the female population, should be the focus of the health care system to encourage more women to participate in screening programs

    Correlation of US-7 and US-9 Scores with Disease Activity Score using 28 Joint Counts (DAS28) in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis

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    Background: The attentive management of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) has attracted particular attention. The German 7-joint Ultrasound (US-7) is the first scoring system that combines bone erosions and soft tissue lesions in a single composite scoring system. This study aimed to assess the correlation between US-7 and Disease Activity Score Using 28 Joint Counts (DAS28) in clinically active RA patients. The efficacy of a novel ultrasound score-based system, the US-9 score (joints assessed with US-7 plus knees), was also compared with the standard US-7 score.Methods: All the RA patients referred to the outpatient rheumatology clinic of Ghaem Hospital, Mashhad, Iran, during 2019-2020 were included. 28 joints were clinically examined to calculate DAS28. Nine joints were assessed comprising the German US-7 plus knees using grayscale ultrasonography (GSUS) and power Doppler ultrasonography (PDUS). Retrieved data were analyzed by SPSS software, version 22. The Spearman Correlation test was used to find the correlation between DAS28 and ultrasonographic findings. The statistical significance level was set at P<0.05. Results: This study was composed of thirty-five RA patients with a mean age of 49.1±12.0 years. US-7 synovitis scores in GSUS and PDUS were significantly correlated with DAS28 (P=0.02, r=0.38 and P=0.003, r=0.48, respectively). US-9 synovitis scores in GSUS and PDUS were also significantly correlated with DAS28 (P=0.003, r=0.49 and P=0.006, r=0.45, respectively). The synovitis score measured by GSUS was significantly correlated with the GSUS knee synovial score (P=0.01, r=0.42).Conclusion: Ultrasound assessment of large joints such as knees can be an effective approach to determining RA severity. However, it can be proposed that adding more involved joints into the sonographic assessment does not necessarily provide a better clinical correlation

    Capacity and Cell-Range Estimation for Multitraffic Users in Mobile WiMAX

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    The fundamentals for continued growth of broadband wireless remain sound. According to the Ericsson’s official forecasts, the addressable global market of wireless internet broadband connectivity reaches to 320 million users by the end of 2010. The opportunity for BWA/WiMAX to serve those who want to switch to broadband service is huge in many parts of the world where wireline technologies may not be feasible.The current document (Capacity and Cell-range Estimation for Multitraffic Users in Mobile WiMAX) is prepared as a master’s program final thesis to peruse the service provision capabilities of Mobile WiMAX innovate technology in more details. An elaborate excerpt of the technical subjects of IEEE-802.16e-2005 standard is gathered in the first chapter to provide the reader with a practical concept of Mobile WiMAX technology. The following chapter is aimed to collect the required knowledge for WiMAX planning problem. An innovate methodology to calculate the system’s actual throughput and a traffic model for mixed application users are proposed with a step by step description to derive an algorithm to determine the maximum number of subscribers that each specific Mobile WiMAX sector may support. The report also contains a Matlab code –enclose in the appendix– that tries to implement the entire algorithm for different system parameter and traffic cases to ease the Mobile WiMAX planning problem. The last chapter introduces the mostly used propagation models that suit the WiMAX applications.The presented methodology would help those operators that plan to implement a wide coverage network in a city. Using the introduced methodology, service providers will be able to estimate the number of base stations and hence the network investment and profitability.Uppsatsnivå:

    The Role of Translation of New Works in the Formation of Modernism Discourse

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    This issue was one of the most effective ways of transferringthe European modernity and modernization to the mind, language and mentality of the Iranians, in a way that the social role of the new writings in transferring modern concepts to Iraniansis undeniable. This modernism, which was the result of translation of European historical and academic sources, did not occur easily in Iran in comparison with other countries like Ottoman Empire and Egypt. It faced two main problems: on the one hand, the unintentional or compulsory integration with Iranian traditional and native ideological discourse led to misunderstanding of modern concepts. On the other hand, Iran was geographically far awayfrom Europe, so it had to make connections with the civilized Europe through countries like Russia and Ottoman Empire. These linking countries hindered the direct relation of Iran with modernism. Given that, in different phases, the translation of original works to Persian happened less. In this paper, through adopting discourse analysis, we study the manifestation of modern texts in the Iranian society and the trend of confrontation and integration of Iranian traditional mindset with modern mindset in the translated works. Thus, in this research methodology and modelof analysis, we do not focus on “translated works” but talk “about translation” and critique it

    Historical Sociology of government and and the socio-productive relations of Iran in the Nizam al-Molk Era

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    Purpose: By analytical methods and verification sources, we interpreted that the nature and function of government can be analayzed "government as take over" via reorganization of a historical statements. By Referring to historical statements, this approach will prove because the Seljuks in the beginning of his rule paved by sword and dominance on Iran, have not has non-Iranian origin and despite the deployment of Iranian bureaucrats, administrative elite lost their lives in a power struggle. Design/Methodology/Approach: In the structure of political power and its relations with society and the nature of government in Nizam al-Mulk era can be rotated on the principle of centralization of power mostly nature's owner named Malik- al roqab. The problem of my article is: Why and by affected of which Components created the socio-cultural and political power relations with productive forces of society in the era of Nizam al-Mulk? Discuss the issue and approach research questions based on the pattern of historical sociology. Our goal in this context is relation between reason on the behavior and performance of the state of Nizam al-Mulk with the theoretical approach as a takeover of government affairs. The objective is to evaluate the performance of the network and power relations, and behaviors by examining the behavior of ruling the state of Nizam al-Mulk by using of micro analysis. Findings: 1. they were dominated a model of production which were based on nomadic life, developed land authorization pattern, dropped the possibility of accumulation of capital and its circulation in spite of economic development and expansion of land under significant. So, there were not stages of evolution and mutations at this point in history. In fact, all of great events that occurred only within a closed circle which was controlled by government. Government was strengthen by adopting and Arbab- Farmhouse in economic, social and political scene. Centralized state caused by Nizam al-Mulk took advantage of the situation to institutionalize its dominance but for transition to constitutional change didn't occur a mutation making 2. At Nizam al-Mulk period, despite of traditional distribution of power in the subsidiary states of Empire reproduced the absolute nature of the state and its model of soverign sustained in the administration scene. The main factor which rebuilds it was the emphysis on Justice Component means preserving the existing balance of power around Sultan. The balance of justice asserts that anyone stay in their place. Originality/ Value: this article concluded that historical sociology of state and ite relation with social structure and production model at Nizam-al Molk era showed us that some elements prevented in evaloution of economical structure despite of huge action and acts in this sphere. Primacy of justices on freedom have the main role of Prevent the development and mutation

    Capacity and Cell-Range Estimation for Multitraffic Users in Mobile WiMAX

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    The fundamentals for continued growth of broadband wireless remain sound. According to the Ericsson’s official forecasts, the addressable global market of wireless internet broadband connectivity reaches to 320 million users by the end of 2010. The opportunity for BWA/WiMAX to serve those who want to switch to broadband service is huge in many parts of the world where wireline technologies may not be feasible.The current document (Capacity and Cell-range Estimation for Multitraffic Users in Mobile WiMAX) is prepared as a master’s program final thesis to peruse the service provision capabilities of Mobile WiMAX innovate technology in more details. An elaborate excerpt of the technical subjects of IEEE-802.16e-2005 standard is gathered in the first chapter to provide the reader with a practical concept of Mobile WiMAX technology. The following chapter is aimed to collect the required knowledge for WiMAX planning problem. An innovate methodology to calculate the system’s actual throughput and a traffic model for mixed application users are proposed with a step by step description to derive an algorithm to determine the maximum number of subscribers that each specific Mobile WiMAX sector may support. The report also contains a Matlab code –enclose in the appendix– that tries to implement the entire algorithm for different system parameter and traffic cases to ease the Mobile WiMAX planning problem. The last chapter introduces the mostly used propagation models that suit the WiMAX applications.The presented methodology would help those operators that plan to implement a wide coverage network in a city. Using the introduced methodology, service providers will be able to estimate the number of base stations and hence the network investment and profitability.Uppsatsnivå: