Historical Sociology of government and and the socio-productive relations of Iran in the Nizam al-Molk Era


Purpose: By analytical methods and verification sources, we interpreted that the nature and function of government can be analayzed "government as take over" via reorganization of a historical statements. By Referring to historical statements, this approach will prove because the Seljuks in the beginning of his rule paved by sword and dominance on Iran, have not has non-Iranian origin and despite the deployment of Iranian bureaucrats, administrative elite lost their lives in a power struggle. Design/Methodology/Approach: In the structure of political power and its relations with society and the nature of government in Nizam al-Mulk era can be rotated on the principle of centralization of power mostly nature's owner named Malik- al roqab. The problem of my article is: Why and by affected of which Components created the socio-cultural and political power relations with productive forces of society in the era of Nizam al-Mulk? Discuss the issue and approach research questions based on the pattern of historical sociology. Our goal in this context is relation between reason on the behavior and performance of the state of Nizam al-Mulk with the theoretical approach as a takeover of government affairs. The objective is to evaluate the performance of the network and power relations, and behaviors by examining the behavior of ruling the state of Nizam al-Mulk by using of micro analysis. Findings: 1. they were dominated a model of production which were based on nomadic life, developed land authorization pattern, dropped the possibility of accumulation of capital and its circulation in spite of economic development and expansion of land under significant. So, there were not stages of evolution and mutations at this point in history. In fact, all of great events that occurred only within a closed circle which was controlled by government. Government was strengthen by adopting and Arbab- Farmhouse in economic, social and political scene. Centralized state caused by Nizam al-Mulk took advantage of the situation to institutionalize its dominance but for transition to constitutional change didn't occur a mutation making 2. At Nizam al-Mulk period, despite of traditional distribution of power in the subsidiary states of Empire reproduced the absolute nature of the state and its model of soverign sustained in the administration scene. The main factor which rebuilds it was the emphysis on Justice Component means preserving the existing balance of power around Sultan. The balance of justice asserts that anyone stay in their place. Originality/ Value: this article concluded that historical sociology of state and ite relation with social structure and production model at Nizam-al Molk era showed us that some elements prevented in evaloution of economical structure despite of huge action and acts in this sphere. Primacy of justices on freedom have the main role of Prevent the development and mutation

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