9 research outputs found


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     The purpose of this study is to find out how public service accountability in the making of the auto sign number in sinjai county's samsat office. The type of case study that will provide an overview or a detailed phenomenon. Data collection with observation, interviews, documentation. Research conducted at sinjai county's samsat office on public service accountability are four criteria: procedures, costs, time frame, and responsiveness. According to the results, public service accountability in the sign for the motor vehicle number (TNKB) in sinjai county's samsat office has been well under way and is implementing the prime service procedure of SOP, While there are still a few constrakes such as the cost tariffs and the lack of attention to the target, the samsat office in sinjai district is currently assessed, according to the rules set in sinjai district's samsat area

    A Union Operation of Non-Dominated K-Coterie in Distributed System

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    Coterie is a set of quorums which has non-empty intersections and are not part of other quorum. The natural development of the coterie system is k-coterie. The k-coterie consists of 2 types, that are non-dominated k-coterie and dominated k-coterie. The non-dominated k-coterie is more resilient to failure than the dominated k-coterie. Combining two non-dominated k-coterie by applying union operation can result  the dominated k-coterie. This study aims to define a combination of the non-dominated k-coterie with non-dominated k-coterie  using the expanded union operation. The merger of non-dominated k-coterie with the non-dominated k-coterie produces a non-dominated k-coterie

    Esports analytics on PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds player placement prediction using machine learning

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    PUBG (PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds) is a video game that has become popular in the past year. This paper aims to predict the placement of PUBG players during the match by detecting the influential features set that can impact the outcome of the PUBG game and build the best prediction model using a machine learning approach. In this study, the dataset is taken from Kaggle, which has 29 attributes that are categorized into one label (winPlacePerc). The training set has divided into five sets with each set has 6000 instances. The decision tree regression model was applied to find the optimum prediction. Other regression models such as Linear Regression and Support Vector Machine are also utilized to compare with the decision tree model’s result. Based on the result analysis, the walkDistance feature was deemed as the most significant factor influencing the results of a PUBG game. Furthermore, there are other common features obtained from the five datasets that represent the crucial factors which are boosts, DBNOs, killPlace, kills, rideDistance and matchDuration. From the three regression models, the Support Vector Machine model built on the significant features has the best performance in terms of RMSE value while the Decision Tree Regression model has the fastest prediction speed among these regression models

    Stigma Remaja pada Orang dengan HIV/AIDS (ODHA) di SMA Negeri 1 Sentani Kabupaten Jayapura, Indonesia

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     AbstrakLatar Belakang: Human immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) merupakan virus yang menyerang sel darah putih yang merusak system kekebalan tubuh. Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) merupakan dampak dari perkembangbiakan virus HIV dalam tubuh makhluk hidup. Penderita HIV memerlukan pengobatan dengan Antiretroviral (ARV) untuk mencegah risiko infeksi oportunistik. Sementara, Orang dengan HIV/ AIDS (ODHA) masih mendepatkan stigma dari lingkungan sehingga dapat menghambat program pengobatan. Metode: Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif dengan rancangan survey observasional yang dilengkapi dengan metode kualitatif (Mixed Method) Explanatory design. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di SMA Negeri 1 Sentani Kabupaten Jayapura dengan populasi seluruh murid SMA Kabupaten Jayapura dengan sampel 30 responden. Analisa yang digunakan yaitu univariat pada tiap variabel dari hasil penelitian yang disajikan dalam bentuk distribusi frekuensi. Hasil: Stigma remaja HIV/AIDS di SMA Negeri 1 Sentani terhadap kategori tidak Stigma sebanyak 86,7%, usia 17-25 Tahun 73,3%, jenis kelamin responden terbanyak perempuan 53,3%, responden pernah mendapatkan informasi 96,7% dan sumber informasi responden pada kelompok penyuluh 33,3%.Simpulan: Stigma remaja HIV/AIDS Di SMA Negeri 1 Sentani terhadap terbanyak pada kategori tidak Stigma sebanyak 26 orang (86,7%), dan terendah pada kelompok Stigma sebanyak 4 orang (13,3%). Kata Kunci: HIV/AIDS, Remaja Kabupaten Jayapura, Stigma

    Pemberian Aromaterapi Lavender terhadap Penurunan Nyeri pada Ibu Pasca Sectio Caesarea Study Literature

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    ABSTRACT The prevalence of normal delivery in Indonesia is 86.28%. (IDHS, 2018). Sectio caesarea (SC) surgery is carried out if there are complications, the priority is handling for the safety of the mother and baby. Physically this SC action causes pain in the abdomen. In this case, it is necessary to carry out pain management both pharmacologically and non-pharmacologically. In addition to painkillers, there needs to be a combination method with complementary therapy, namely Lavender Aromatherapy.To determine nursing interventions regarding the administration of lavender aromatherapy and its effect on reducing pain intensity in mothers after sectio caesarea from various journals. The design in this study is a Literature Review. Data Sources Search for research articles in the PubMed (2017-2021), Google Schoolar (2017-2021) and Garuda (2017-2021) databases. The research article search strategy uses the PICOS framework format with keywords: Aromatherapy Lavender "AND" Sectio Caesarea "AND" Pain, "OR" Pain.There are 12 selected articles that can be used in writing literature. That all of the journals used lavender aromatherapy and some used comparisons with other aromatherapy. There is a complementary therapy that is used to help reduce pain in post-SC mothers, namely Lavender Aromatherapy. The technique of administration is very effective by inhalation (inhalation) using candle media, heating furnace, roll on, tissue, cotton and diffuser. Recommendation: Besides being able to reduce the intensity of post-SC pain, it can also overcome anxiety so it is necessary to apply the effect of giving lavender aromatherapy to anxiety in post-SC mothers. Keywords: Lavender Aromatherapy, Pain, Post-Sectio Caesarea         ABSTRAK Prevalensi persalinan normal di Indonesia yaitu sebesar 86,28%. (SDKI, 2018). Tindakan operasi sectio caesarea (SC) dilakukan bila ada komplikasi maka penanganan berprioritas pada keselamatan ibu dan bayi. Secara fisik tindakan SC ini menimbulkan rasa nyeri pada abdomen. Dalam hal ini perlu melakukan manajemen nyeri baik secara farmakologi maupun non-farmakologi. Selain obat-obatan penghilang nyeri perlu ada metode kombinasi dengan terapi komplementer yaitu dengan Aromaterapi Lavender. Mengetahui intervensi keperawatan mengenai pemberian aromaterapi lavender dan pengaruhnya terhadap penurunan intensitas nyeri pada ibu pasca sectio caesarea dari berbagai jurnal. Desain dalam penelitian ini adalah Literature Review. Sumber Data  Pencarian artikel penelitian pada database  PubMed (2017-2021), Google Schoolar (2017-2021) dan Garuda (2017-2021). Strategi pencarian artikel penelitian menggunakan format PICOS framework dengan keyword nya yaitu Aromaterapi Lavender “AND” Sectio Caesarea “AND” Pain, “OR” Nyeri. Terdapat 12 artikel yang terpilih yang dapat digunakan dalam penulisan literature. Bahwa semua dari jurnal tersebut menggunakan aromaterapi lavender dan beberapa menggunakan perbandingan dengan aromaterapi lainnya. Terdapat terapi komplementer yang digunakan dalam membantu menurunkan nyeri pada ibu post-SC yaitu Aromaterapi Lavender. Teknik pemberiannya sangat efektif secara inhalasi (penghirupan) baik menggunakan media lilin, tungku pemanas,roll on, tissue, kapas serta diffuser. Rekomendasi : Selain dapat mengurangi intensitas nyeri pasca SC, dapat juga mengatasi kecemasan sehingga perlu menerapkan pengaruh pemberian aromaterapi lavender terhadap kecemasan pada ibu post SC. Kata Kunci: Aromaterapi Lavender, Nyeri, Post-Sectio Caesare

    Studi Literature: Cara Menurunkan Hipertensi Dengan Latihan Fisik

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    ABSTRACT: LITERATURE STUDY: HOW TO REDUCE HYPERTENSION WITH PHYSICAL EXERCISE Background: Hypertension is high blood pressure which is divided into three levels, namely pre-hypertension, first-degree hypertension and second-degree hypertension. Hypertension is also dubbed the silent killer because most of the causes are unknown, where the symptoms that arise vary in each individual and these symptoms are similar to the symptoms of other diseases. Symptoms of hypertension include: heaviness in the neck, headaches, heart palpitations, blurred vision, ringing in the ears, fatigue, vertigo, and nosebleeds. Objective: This study aims to determine physical exercise in lowering blood pressure in hypertensive patients. Methods: This research is a literature study research. The data in this study were obtained from three databases, namely Google Scholar, Garuda and PubMed with the keywords "physical exercise, physical exercise, high blood pressure, high blood pressure, hypertension, hypertension". The study used the PICOS method, by reviewing the journals used. Results: Based on the results of this study, it was found that there are various kinds of physical exercise including: aerobic exercise, walking (walking), cardio exercise, elderly exercise, home-base exercise training, isometric resistance training. In addition, the duration of each physical exercise depends on the patient's condition, age, and the type of physical exercise performed. Conclusion: Each physical exercise used is not the same from one individual to another, therefore the patient can choose which one is the most comfortable and can be done every time. Keywords: Hypertension, Physical ExerciseINTISARI: STUDI LITERATURE: CARA MENURUNKAN HIPERTENSI DENGAN LATIHAN FISIK Latar Belakang: Hipertensi merupakan tekanan darah tinggi yang dibagi atas tiga tingkatan yaitu pre-hipertensi, hipertensi derajat satu dan hipertensi derajat dua. Hipertensi dijuluki juga sebagai silent killer karena hampir sebagian besar tidak diketahui penyebab terjadinya, dimana gejala yang timbul bervariasi pada tiap individu dan gejala ini mirip dengan gejala penyakit lainnya. Gejala hipertensi ini seperti: rasa berat ditengkuk, sakit kepala, jantung berdebar-debar, penglihatan kabur, telinga berdenging, mudah lelah, vertigo, dan mimisan.Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui latihan fisik dalam menurunkan tekanan darah pasien hipertensi.Metode: Penelitian ini adalah penelitian studi literature . Data pada penelitian ini didapatkan dari tiga data base yaitu Google Cendekia, Garuda dan PubMed dengan kata kunci “latihan fisik, physical exercise, tekanan darah tinggi, high blood pressure, hipertensi, hypertension”. Penelitian menggunakan metode PICOS, dengan melakukan review pada jurnal-jurnal yang digunakan.Hasil: Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini, didapatkan bahwa terdapat berbagai macam latihan fisik diantaranya: senam aerobik, walking (berjalan), latihan kardio, senam lansia, home-base exercise training, latihan resistensi isometrik. Selain itu durasi tiap latihan fisik tergantung pada kondisi pasien, usia, dan jenis latihan fisik yang dilakukan.Kesimpulan: Setiap latihan fisik yang digunakan tidak sama antara individu satu dengan lainnya, oleh sebab itu pasien dapat memilih mana yang paling nyaman dan dapat dilakukan tiap waktunya. Kata kunci : Hipertensi, Latihan Fisik

    Efektifitas Psikoedukasi Terhadap Tingkat Burnout Caregiver Klien Skizofrenia di Desa Kersamanah Kabupaten X

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    ABSTRAK Prevalensi burnout pada caregiver skizofernia menunjukkan angka yang cukup tinggi dibandingkan dengan penyakit kronis lainnya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui efektivitas terapi psikoedukasi terhadap burnout caregiver klien skizofrenia. Desain penelitian ini adalah quasi eksperimental dengan model two grup pre and post-test with control design. Sampel yang digunakan dengan berjumlah 32 orang dengan 16 orang kelompok kontrol dan 16 orang kelompok intervensi Kelompok intervensi mendapatkan terapi psikoedukasi sebanyak 5 sesi, sedangkan kelompok kontrol tidak diberikan intervensi. Tingkat burnout caregiver diukur dengan menggunakan Maslach Burnout Inventory-Human Services Survey (MBBI-HSS Uji hipotesis yang digunakan Uji Mann Withney untuk mengetahui perbedaan skor tingkat burnout caregiver pada kelompok kontrol dan kelompok intervensi setelah intervensi psikoedukasi, dan repeated measures untuk mengetahui skor tertinggi pada setiap sesi intervensi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan adanya perbedaan skor yang berarti antara pre dan post-test pada kelompok intervensi dengan U = 24 dan p-value=0.01. Pada sesi psikoedukasi didapatkan bahwa sesi 3 dapat menurunkan tingkat burnout caregiver yang tinggi diikuti sesi 5, sesi 4, sesi 2 dan sesi 1. Menunjukan bahwa psikoedukasi efektif dalam menurunkan tingkat burnout caregiver, sehingga dapat diterapkan dalam menangani masalah psikososial yang dialami oleh caregiver klien skizofrenia.                                                                     Kata Kunci : Burnout, Caregiver, Psikoedukasi, Skizofrenia.  ABSTRACT The prevalence of burnout in schizophrenia caregivers shows a fairly high number compared to other chronic diseases. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of psychoeducational therapy on burnout caregivers of schizophrenic clients. The research design was a quasi-experimental model with two groups pre and post-test with control design. The sample used was 32 people with 16 people in the control group and 16 people in the intervention group. The intervention group received 5 sessions of psychoeducational therapy, while the control group was not given any intervention. Caregiver burnout levels were measured using the Maslach Burnout Inventory-Human Services Survey (MBBI-HSS). intervention session. The results showed that there was a significant difference in scores between the pre and post-test in the intervention group with U = 24 and p-value = 0.01. In the psychoeducation session it was found that session 3 could reduce the high level of caregiver burnout followed by session 5, session 4, session 2 and session 1. Shows that psychoeducation is effective in reducing caregiver burnout levels, so that it can be applied in  dealing with psychosocial problems experienced by caregivers of schizophrenic clients. Keywords: Burnout, Caregiver, Psychoeducation, Schizophrenia

    Penyuluhan Kesehatan tentang Asam Urat Pada Masyarakat di Kampung Nendali Distrik Sentani Timur Kabupaten Jayapura

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    ABSTRAK Kampung Nendali merupakan salah satu Kampung di Distrik Sentani Timur yang masih terdapat keluhan nyeri sendi. Tujuan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah untuk menjelaskan definisi sampai dengan pencegahan tentang asam urat melalui penyuluhan. Metode yang digunakan berupa penyuluhan Kesehatan yang dilakukan dengan bantuan leaflet serta metode ceramah, tanya jawab serta diskusi. Dari 30 peserta yang hadir pada penyuluhan seperti stakeholder kampung dan masyarakat kampung Nendali, sebelum dilakukan penyuluhan peserta telah mengetahui apa itu asam urat dan jenis makanan apa saja yang dapat menimbulkan hiperurisemia, namun untuk pencegahan serta penangannya belum tahu cara yang benar. Setelah dilakukan penyuluhan Kesehatan tentang asam urat, peserta secara keseluruhan dapat memahami dengan benar. Peserta tampak antusias mendengarkan dan mengikuti penyuluhan. Kegiatan penyuluhan ini berjalan kondusif disebabkan peserta memperhatikan materi yang disampaikan oleh penyaji dengan baik. Kata kunci: Asam Urat, Penyuluhan Kesehatan, Masyarakat  ABSTRACT Nendali Village is one of the villages in the East Sentani District where there are still complaints of joint pain. The purpose of this community services is to explain the definition to prevention of gout through counseling.The method used is in the form of health education which is carried out with the help of leaflets as well as lecture, question and answer and discussion methods. The 30 particicipants who attended the counselling such as village stakeholders and the Nendali village community, before the counselling the participants knew what uric acid was and what types of food could cause hyperuricemia, buat for prevention and handling they did not know the right way. Afte conducting health education about gout, the participants as a whole could understand correctly. Participant seemed enthusiastic to listen and follow the counselling. This outreach activity was conducive because the participants paid close attention to the education. Keywords : Uric acid, Health education, Communit