662 research outputs found

    Emergent percolation length and localization in random elastic networks

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    We study, theoretically and numerically, a minimal model for phonons in a disordered system. For sufficient disorder, the vibrational modes of this classical system can become Anderson localized, yet this problem has received significantly less attention than its electronic counterpart. We find rich behavior in the localization properties of the phonons as a function of the density, frequency and the spatial dimension. We use a percolation analysis to argue for a Debye spectrum at low frequencies for dimensions higher than one, and for a localization/delocalization transition (at a critical frequency) above two dimensions. We show that in contrast to the behavior in electronic systems, the transition exists for arbitrarily large disorder, albeit with an exponentially small critical frequency. The structure of the modes reflects a divergent percolation length that arises from the disorder in the springs without being explicitly present in the definition of our model. Within the percolation approach we calculate the speed-of-sound of the delocalized modes (phonons), which we corroborate with numerics. We find the critical frequency of the localization transition at a given density, and find good agreement of these predictions with numerical results using a recursive Green function method adapted for this problem. The connection of our results to recent experiments on amorphous solids are discussed.Comment: accepted to PR

    Fuzzy finite switchboard automata with complete residuated lattices

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    The theory of fuzzy finite switchboard automata (FFSA) is introduced by the use of general algebraic structures such as complete residuated lattices in order to enhance the process ability of FFSA. We established the notion of homomorphism, strong homomorphism and reverse homomorphism and shows some of its properties. The subsystem of FFSA is studied and the set of switchboard subsystemforms a complete â„’ -sublattices is shown. The algorithm of FFSA with complete residuated lattices is given and an example is provided

    Signal processing applications of massively parallel charge domain computing devices

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    The present invention is embodied in a charge coupled device (CCD)/charge injection device (CID) architecture capable of performing a Fourier transform by simultaneous matrix vector multiplication (MVM) operations in respective plural CCD/CID arrays in parallel in O(1) steps. For example, in one embodiment, a first CCD/CID array stores charge packets representing a first matrix operator based upon permutations of a Hartley transform and computes the Fourier transform of an incoming vector. A second CCD/CID array stores charge packets representing a second matrix operator based upon different permutations of a Hartley transform and computes the Fourier transform of an incoming vector. The incoming vector is applied to the inputs of the two CCD/CID arrays simultaneously, and the real and imaginary parts of the Fourier transform are produced simultaneously in the time required to perform a single MVM operation in a CCD/CID array

    High precision computing with charge domain devices and a pseudo-spectral method therefor

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    The present invention enhances the bit resolution of a CCD/CID MVM processor by storing each bit of each matrix element as a separate CCD charge packet. The bits of each input vector are separately multiplied by each bit of each matrix element in massive parallelism and the resulting products are combined appropriately to synthesize the correct product. In another aspect of the invention, such arrays are employed in a pseudo-spectral method of the invention, in which partial differential equations are solved by expressing each derivative analytically as matrices, and the state function is updated at each computation cycle by multiplying it by the matrices. The matrices are treated as synaptic arrays of a neural network and the state function vector elements are treated as neurons. In a further aspect of the invention, moving target detection is performed by driving the soliton equation with a vector of detector outputs. The neural architecture consists of two synaptic arrays corresponding to the two differential terms of the soliton-equation and an adder connected to the output thereof and to the output of the detector array to drive the soliton equation

    De-Confusing Pseudo-Labels in Source-Free Domain Adaptation

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    Source-free domain adaptation (SFDA) aims to adapt a source-trained model to an unlabeled target domain without access to the source data. SFDA has attracted growing attention in recent years, where existing approaches focus on self-training that usually includes pseudo-labeling techniques. In this paper, we introduce a novel noise-learning approach tailored to address noise distribution in domain adaptation settings and learn to de-confuse the pseudo-labels. More specifically, we learn a noise transition matrix of the pseudo-labels to capture the label corruption of each class and learn the underlying true label distribution. Estimating the noise transition matrix enables a better true class-posterior estimation, resulting in better prediction accuracy. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach when combined with several SFDA methods: SHOT, SHOT++, and AaD. We obtain state-of-the-art results on three domain adaptation datasets: VisDA, DomainNet, and OfficeHome

    MIMO Detection for High-Order QAM Based on a Gaussian Tree Approximation

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    Timor-Leste sebagai Negara baru  memiliki berbagai pengupayaan  untuk mencapai perubahan yang bisa mambawa suatu pembaharuan ke depanya, bagian terpenting lainya adalah membangun sarana infrastuktur, maka dalam kesempatan ini sebagai motifasi untuk merancang ulang terminal penumpang pelabuhan kapal laut di Dili, Timor-Leste. Dalam upaya ini, permasalahannya adalah bagaimana menciptakan suatu rancangan yang dapat memberikan visual obyek yang bisa dirasakan oleh masyarakat lokal dengan gambaran yang dapat mengedukasi generasi berikutnya serta mempertahankan unsur budaya lokal, bagaimana menciptakan suatu perubahan penting dalam bidang infrastuktur secara positif dengan kondisi yang tidak menganggu aktifitas umum. Langkah-langkah tersebut dilakukan melalui tahap penelitian secara ilmiah dan non-ilmiah dan dikaji berdasarkan pengamatan serta teori-teori yang ada. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mencari dan menemukan suatu solusi secara obyektif, baik itu kelebihan yang didapat maupun kekuranganya, metode penelitian ini mengacu pada proses yang ada antara beberapa obyek penelitian. Pengolahan data tersebut dikembangkan dan diaplikasikan pada sebuah rancangan terminal penumpang pelabuhan kapal laut. Maka, dalam upaya ini ada tiga langkah sebagai proses penelitian yang telah dilakukan yaitu tahap pra-desain, tahap programing dan tahap desain, tahap desain ini merupakan proses rancangan berdasarkan hasil yang didapat dari kajian pra-desain dan tahap programing yang telah dilakukan. Manfaat dalam metode penelitian ini agar memahami keadaan yg sesungguhnya menyangkut segi positif dan negatif yang terjadi pada obyek penelitian baik itu dari segi eksterior maupun interior, serta bentuk ruang dan tatanan lahan yang ada guna sebagai acuan untuk perancangan re-desain terminal penumpang pelabuhan kapal laut di Dili, Timor-Leste
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