298 research outputs found

    The oxidation of elemental sulphur by Thiobacillus denitrificans

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    The oxidation of elemental sulphur in Thiobacillus. denitrificans is catalysed by an enzyme present in the S114 fraction;GSH and a heat-stable factor are requIred for the reaction. Sulphur oxidation may be linked to oxygen uptake in the S144 fraction and to nitrate reduction in the crude extract (310). The initial product of sulphur oxidation is sulphite

    Pengoksidan sulfit oleh Adenosin-5'-posfosulfat reduktase dalam Thiobacillus denitrificans

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    Sulfit dioksidkan dengan adanya AMPoleh satu enzim yang terdapat dalam pecahan-larut sel. Dengan adanya ferrisianid, sulfit dan AMP dengan mudahnya membentuk APS di dalam ekstrak kasar. Tetapi, jikaferrisianid digantikan dengan nitrat dan FMN di bawah keadaan anaerobik hasilan APS hanya sebanyak 10% daripada yang terdapat dengan ferrisianid. APS reduktase telah ditulinkan 35-kali. Enzim yang tertulin dihalang oleh bahan-bahan uji pengikat-thiol. Berat molekulnya dianggarkan sebanyak 250,000

    Language Politeness of Preschool Children in the Market Environment

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    Politeness is an important aspect of language because it can help people communicate more quickly. Children learn politeness through their social environment from an early age. Children are taught how to greet people politely, express their desires in an ethical manner, express curiosity, and express disagreement without screaming or using high voices, among other things. This study involved phenomenological qualitative research, which examined the natural phenomena of language. Data were collected by listening to the use of language without participating in the discussion process and using other free listening techniques. The purpose of the note technique that was used was to observe linguistic phenomena as they occurred. Students in classes B1 and B2 at Raudhatul Athfal (RA) Ash-Syafi’iyah T / A 2018/2019 in Kendari were the data sources. According to the findings, children’s language politeness in the family environment was heavily influenced by the situation and circumstances of the environment. Children who had grown up in a market environment had different communication language. Students at RA Ash-Syafi’iah learned about language in the sense of using it to communicate with other people or animals. Children used greetings, permission, thanks, and prohibitions as examples of imperative speech as a sign of politeness. Furthermore, the politeness of language in the children from the market environment had an effect on the intonation of the child’s voice when speaking, as well as the child’s kinesthetic signals. Keywords: politeness, preschool children’s language, market environmen

    Electoral System and Party Dimension Assessment in Democratic Indonesia

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    Studies on election and its consequences on political parties in new democratic countries have often paid attention to cover the impacts imposed on the party system. This paper aims to examine the extent of the electoral system in influencing political parties in terms of improving their function or performance. This study will apply an analytical framework initiated earlier by webb and White (2009) on party dimension in the new democracy by looking at the Indonesian case. In this framework, there are saveral generic factors in the relation between the electoral system and the party's function such as ideological polarization, party constituency base, fractionalization in parliament and vote distribution. This study found that any changes applied to the electoral system in democratic Indonesian bear little or insignificant impact on political party performance. In addition, this study made use of the national election result dataset and calculated the variables with correlated formula which were subsequently analyzed to obtain an empirical explanation

    Study of the expansion of the sugar cane Crop Land Towards the establishment of a sugar factory in Lamongan.

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    The current condition of the sugar industry in Indonesia is still of concern in terms of productivity, acreage development aspects as well as the existing social relations. Lamongan is a region of dry land productive potential and enough cultivated sugar cane crops. Data on Department of agriculture Lamongan (2011) shows that the production of sugar cane crop of 13,130 tons (2006), 13,208.62 tonnes (2007), 14,361.52 tonnes (2008), 15,394.5 (2009), ton 17.440.5 ton (2010). This research aims to know the expansion of sugar cane crop land and the response of the community towards the establishment of a sugar factory in Lamongan. This research aims to know the expansion of sugar cane crop land and the response of the community towards the establishment of a sugar factory in Lamongan. Methods used i.e. land analysis (soil pH) in the form of factorial using shelves, the now method, observation and interviews with community leaders and methods of documentation. The data obtained will be analyzed in qualitative diskriptip. Result: 1) Plan the establishment of a sugar factory at Mantup in 2014 has a production capacity of 10,000 TCD (Tons of Cain Day). The required land around 15,000 ha while the land already planted with sugarcane 2,551.73 ha then still need to sugar cane land extension of 12,448.27 ha; 2) based on the analysis of soil that are somewhat the acidic pH of the soil up to approaching neutral, so it is suitable for the growth and development of the sugar cane plant. 3) most of the community strongly supports the establishment of a sugar factory in Mantup, Lamongan. 4) economically, the expansion of the sugar cane plant impacted less profitable for farmers especially had a narrow land and small capital


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    The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of concentration biourine cow and SP-36 fertilizer application on the growth and yield of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill). This research was conducted in the village of Karang Sambigalih Sugio District of Lamongan. This study uses a randomized block design (RAK) factorial design with three replications, consisting of two factors: the concentration of cattle biourine (B) and fertilizer SP-36 (P). Concentration factor biourine cattle consisted of three treatments, namely: the concentration of cattle biourine 1: 5 L of water (B1), the concentration of cattle biourine 1: 10 L of water (B2); Concentration biourine cow 1: 15 Lair (B3). Factors kinds of fertilizers SP-36 consists of three levels: SP-3675 Fertilizer kg-1 (P1), Fertilizer SP-36100 kg-1 (P2) and SP-36 fertilizer 125 kg-1 (P3). Indicators of growth and production observed included: plant height, leaf area, leaf area index, plant dry weight, the weight of pods wet, heavy dry pods, weight of dry seeds per plant samples, the weight of dry beans per experimental plot, and weight 1000biji dry per plot trial. The conclusion of this study that the highest production on the best treatment combination biourine concentration of cattle in the ratio 1: 5 liters of water and fertilizer SP-36 125 kg-1 (BIP3)

    The Purnawirawan and party development in post-authoritarian Indonesia, 1998-2014

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    This study examines the role played by purnawirawan (retired military officers) in political party development in post-authoritarian Indonesia from 1998 to 2014. The role of purnawirawan remains a critical research gap in the literature on democratisation in post-authoritarian Indonesia, particularly in studies which focus on civilian-military relations. The article finds that purnawirawan have had a significant impact on the creation of a new type of party - one which combines military-centred leadership and civilian-controlled management. This new arrangement has enabled these former military officers to protect their interests. This study contributes to the existing literature on the impact of military reform on the increasing numbers of purnawirawan turning to civilian politics in order to maintain influence via electoral political contestation in the context of democratic transition

    Branding Indonesia: Kebijakan Negara dan Resistensi Warga dalam Revitalisasi Budaya Nasional

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    The main idea of this article tend to contrast of multicultural understanding between the state and society. Brand and identity are the two identical concept. In one side there is government\u27s effort to promote a state branding. And the other side, the society drive their identity as life background. There is an interesting multicultural debate related its concept and implementation. This paper try to reviewing the debate between nationalist and globalist view in Indonesian process toward establish state branding as strategical foundation to promoting cultural diplomacy. I emphasize three characteristical surrounding Branding Indonesia as conceptual and policy framework. First, there is something problematic impact according national culture building had designed by Government in New Order regime. Second, how to manage that cultural assets can be revitalizing and do not make sense in term of under cooptation by political power. Third, Branding Indonesia can be effective if the Government works is intended to matching between civil wisdom as branding from bellow with state policy infiltration as branding from above

    Electoral System and Party Dimension Assessment in Democratic Indonesia

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    Studies on election and its consequences on political parties in new democratic countries have often paid attention to cover the impacts imposed on the party system. This paper aims to examine the extent of the electoral system in influencing political parties in terms of improving their function or performance. This study will apply an analytical framework initiated earlier by webb and White (2009) on party dimension in the new democracy by looking at the Indonesian case. In this framework, there are saveral generic factors in the relation between the electoral system and the party\u27s function such as ideological polarization, party constituency base, fractionalization in parliament and vote distribution. This study found that any changes applied to the electoral system in democratic Indonesian bear little or insignificant impact on political party performance. In addition, this study made use of the national election result dataset and calculated the variables with correlated formula which were subsequently analyzed to obtain an empirical explanation


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    East Java province is the hub of the soy producers in Indonesia the average dropped 1.2 tonnes/ha and the production reaches 33% of the total national production. the productivity figures are too high than the average national productivity 1.1 ton/ha. but to meet soybean self-sufficiency of 1.8 tons/ha, East Java still needs to improve the produktifitasnya of 0.6 tons/ha. This research aims to find out how big the influence range of number of seed and fertilizer NPK fertilization intervals range of Phonska against growth and production of soybean plant. This research was carried out in the village of Lebak Adi Sub Sugio, Lamongan. Height 4 meters above sea level. Research using the method of Random Design Group (RAK) factorial which is composed of two factors. Factor I namely soybean Seed perlubang (B) B1 = 1, among others, seeds per hole; B2 = 2 seeds per hole and B3 = 3 seeds per hole. While the Factor II i.e. fertilizing (F) Intervals with 3 level among other F1 = 15 days once (4 times fertilization); F2 = 20 days once (three times, fertilization); F3 = 30 days (2 times fertilization). Data observations analyzed by Fisher test (test-F) on levels 5% and 1%, if there is a real difference with Real Different trials of the smallest (Least Significant DifferenceTest) on Levels 5% Test. Research results can be concluded that 1) there is a high independent interaction on the plant, number of leaves, stem diameter, number of branches, number of flowers, number of pods, the weight of 1000 seeds dry, dry seed weight perpetak; 2) combination the best treatment on the number one seed perlubang and frequency of fertilizing four times (B1F1)