34 research outputs found

    Und ewig lockt die Technik : Verführung und Technologie in der zeitgenössischen Literatur

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    Die erotisch-sexuellen und gefühlsbetonten Aspekte mechanistischer Technologie stehen im Zentrum des vorliegenden Artikels, d.h. es wird dargestellt, auf welche Weise literarische Technologie-Repräsentationen mit sensuell-sensorischen Elementen in Verbindung gebracht werden. Gleichzeitig soll der dualistisch angelegte Komplex von Ausgrenzung und Integration der tradierten Weiblichkeitsvorstellungen in den oftmals männlich dominierten Technologiebereich dargestellt werden. Der Artikel ist in drei Teile gegliedert. Der erste Teil bietet einen knappen historischen Überblick über das Thema “Mensch und Maschine”. Im zweiten Teil wird das Thema “Mensch und Computer” untersucht. Im dritten Teil wird das gesamte Konzept aus der Verführungsperspektive beleuchtet

    Women Perception as Cockle Cultivator Households

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    Sustainable development of coastal and marine resources in Indonesia reveals that women take an important role in coastal and marine sectors. This study focused on women's perception of their role. It aimed to assess the women's perception about their role and to analyze the relationship between internal and external factors with women's perception about their role in cockle cultivator households. This study applied survey method with quantitative approach which is supported by qualitative information. The result of this study found that most respondents are in middle adulthood (31-50 years), have low education levels, low income levels, has a job as “ pengitri k” and Bugis tribes. The results of descriptive analysis showed that women's perception of their role in the household tend to be less good, it means respondents did not have a conscious view of gender in almost aspects of household roles. The results of statistical analysis showed that internal factors which is income level and employment has significantly related to women's perceptions about their role in the household. Another factors such as age, education, and income has not significantly related to the women' s perception. External factors in this study such as husband's age, husband's education level and husband's income level is not significantly related to the women's perception of their role in the household


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kelayakan dari media pembelajaran yang dihasilkan, yaitu Lembar Kerja Siswa (LKS) menggunakan model pembelajaran inkuiri berbasis etnomatematika pada materi bangun ruang sisi lengkung (tabung dan kerucut) kelas IX SMP. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian dan pengembangan atau Research and Development (R&D). Sedangkan model pengembangan yang digunakan yaitu model pengembangan 4D yang terdiri dari empat tahapan meliputi: Define/Pendefinisian, Design/Perancangan, Develop/Pengembangan, Desseminate/Penyebaran. Karena adanya pandemi Covid-19, penelitian ini hanya dilakukan sampai tahap Develop/Pengembangan dan uji validitas dari beberapa ahli. Instrumen pengumpulan data berupa lembar validasi ahli materi, ahli media dan ahli bahasa. Teknik analisis data menggunakan statistik deskriptif yaitu memaparkan hasil penelitian berdasarkan data yang diperoleh. Berdasarkan hasil validasi dari beberapa ahli, diperoleh skor rata-rata kevalidan materi sebesar 88,4% dengan kategori sangat baik, media sebesar 90% dengan kategori sangat baik dan bahasa sebesar 87,22% dengan kategori sangat baik. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa media pembelajaran berupa LKS dengan menggunkan model pembelajaran inkuiri berbasis etnomatematika ini dinyatakan valid dan layak untuk digunakan

    Women Perception as Cockle Cultivator Households

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    Sustainable development of coastal and marine resources in Indonesia reveals that women take an important role in coastal and marine sectors. This study focused on women's perception of their role. It aimed to assess the women’s perception about their role and to analyze the relationship between internal and external factors with women's perception about their role in cockle cultivator households. This study applied survey method with quantitative approach which is supported by qualitative information. The result of this study found that most respondents are in middle adulthood (31-50 years), have low education levels, low income levels, has a job as “ pengitri k”  and Bugis tribes.  The results of descriptive analysis showed that women's perception of their role in the household tend to be less good, it means respondents did not have a conscious view of gender in almost aspects of household roles. The results of statistical analysis showed that internal factors which is income level and employment has significantly related to women’s perceptions about their role in the household. Another factors such as age, education, and income has not  significantly related to the women’ s  perception. External factors in this study such as husband’s age, husband's education level and husband’s  income level is not significantly related to the women's perception of their role in the household. Keywords: women’s p erception, cockle cultivator households, gende

    Penjadwalan Tenaga Kerja Tiga Shift Berkendala Libur Hari Minggu Dan Satu Hari Setelah Shift Tiga

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    Peningkatan permintaan menunjukkan pertumbuhan bisnis yang baik dari Perusahaan, namun terkendala oleh kapasitas produksi yang dimiliki.Utilitas mesin di pabrik pupuk organik, PT X,belum maksimal dan baru dipergunakan kurang dari 70%. Peningkatan kapasitas produksi dengan menaikkan utilisasi mesin dan menambahkan tenaga kerja dari 2 shift menjadi 3 shift, memerlukan penjadwalan tenaga kerja yang efektif. . Penelitian ini menggunakan algoritma Tibrewala, Philippe dan Browne yang telah dimodifikasi. Modifikasi algoritma bertujuan untuk mengakomodasi waktu produksi 3 shift perhari dengan 6 hari perminggu, di mana tenaga kerja bekerja 5 hari perminggu dengan pergantian 3 shift serta libur 2 hari yaitu di hari Minggu sesuai kebijakan Perusahaan dan 1 hari setelah shift 3.Modifikasi algoritma mengubah dan menambahkan dari tiga langkah menjadi lima langkah, mengubah format tabel tabular penjadwalan tenaga kerja untuk tiga shift, serta mengubah aturan pemilihan hari libur.Mempergunakan algoritma yang telah dimodifikasi, penelitian ini menjadwalkan tenaga kerja sebanyak 85 orang yang meliputi 45 orang di mesin Crusher, 29 orang di mesin Pan Granulator dan 11 orang di mesin Cooler. Overstaffing yang terjadi pada mesin Crusher sebanyak 9 man-days (ekuivalen dengan 1,8 orang), Pan Granulator sebanyak 1 man-days (ekuivalen dengan 0,2 orang),Cooler sebanyak 1 man-days (ekuivalen dengan 0,2 orang). Penjadwalan tenaga kerja selama 3 shift dalam 6 hari kerja perminggu diharapkan dapat meningkatkan utilitas mesin hingga 85,71% dengan kapasitas produksi hingga 216 ton pupuk organik perminggu.Kata kunci (keywords): Utilitas, Kapasitas, Penjadwalan tenaga kerja, Algoritma Tibrewala Philippe & Browne, Modifikasi algoritma

    Penjadwalan Tenaga Kerja Tiga Shift Berkendala Libur Hari Minggu Dan Satu Hari Setelah Shift Tiga

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    Peningkatan permintaan menunjukkan pertumbuhan bisnis yang baik dari perusahaan, namun terkendala oleh kapasitas produksi yang dimiliki. Utilitas mesin di pabrik pupuk organik, PT X, belum maksimal dan baru dipergunakan kurang dari 70%. Operasional mesin dapat bekerja lebih efektif jika dilayani sejumlah tenaga kerja sesuai kebutuhannya. Peningkatan kapasitas produksi dengan menaikkan utilisasi mesin dan menambahkan tenaga kerja dari 2 shift menjadi 3 shift, memerlukan penjadwalan tenaga kerja yang efektif. Algoritma Tibrewala, Philippe, dan Browne merupakan algoritma heuristik penjadwalan tenaga kerja 1 shift perhari dengan 2 hari libur berurutan dalam satu minggu. Karena terdapat beberapa perbedaan di sistem yang dihadapi, penelitian ini algoritma Tibrewala, Philippe dan Browne yang telah dimodifikasi. Modifikasi algoritma bertujuan untuk mengakomodasi waktu produksi 3 shift perhari dengan 6 hari perminggu, di mana tenaga kerja bekerja 5 hari perminggu dengan pergantian 3 shift serta libur 2 hari yaitu di hari Minggu sesuai kebijakan perusahaan dan 1 hari setelah shift 3 sesuai undang-undang (UU no 13 tahun 2003 pasal 77,78 dan 79). Berdasarkan kebutuhan produksi diestimasikan kebutuhan mesin sesuai kapasitas yang direncanakan. Kemudian menentukan jumlah kebutuhan tenaga kerja yang dibutuhkan tiap mesin, kemudian menjadwalkan tenaga kerja per shift per hari serta menjadwalkan hari liburnya dengan menggunakan modifikasi algoritma Tibrewala, Philippe dan Browne. Penjadwalan tenaga kerja dengan mempergunakan algoritma Tibrewala, Philippe dan Browne terdiri dari tiga langkah yang diulangi secara iteratif hingga nilai kebutuhan tenaga kerja bernilai nol atau negatif. Modifikasi algoritma Tibrewala, Philippe dan Browne mengubah dan menambahkan dari tiga langkah menjadi lima langkah, mengubah format tabel tabular penjadwalan tenaga kerja untuk tiga shift, serta mengubah aturan pemilihan hari libur. Mempergunakan algoritma yang telah dimodifikasi, penelitian ini menjadwalkan tenaga kerja sebanyak 85 orang yang meliputi 45 orang di mesin Crusher, 29 orang di mesin Pan Granulator dan 11 orang di mesin Cooler. Overstaffing yang terjadi pada mesin Crusher sebanyak 9 man-days (ekuivalen dengan 1,8 orang), di mesin Pan Granulator sebanyak 1 man-days (ekuivalen dengan 0,2 orang), dan di mesin Cooler sebanyak 1 man-days (ekuivalen dengan 0,2 orang). Penjadwalan tenaga kerja selama 3 shift dalam 6 hari kerja perminggu diharapkan dapat meningkatkan utilitas mesin hingga 85,71% dengan kapasitas produksi hingga 216 ton pupuk organik perminggu


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    Measuring object 3D coordinates with optimum accuracy is one of the most important issues in close range photogrammetry. In this context, network design plays an important role in determination of optimum position of imaging stations. This is, however, not a trivial task due to various geometric and radiometric constraints affecting the quality of the measurement network. As a result, most camera stations in the network are defined on a try and error basis based on the user's experience and generic network concept. In this paper, we propose a post-processing task to investigate the quality of camera positions right after image capturing to achieve the best result. To do this, a new fuzzy reasoning approach is adopted, in which the constraints affecting the network design are all modeled. As a result, the position of all camera locations is defined based on fuzzy rules and inappropriate stations are determined. The experiments carried out show that after determination and elimination of the inappropriate images using the proposed fuzzy reasoning system, the accuracy of measurements is improved and enhanced about 17% for the latter network

    Chronotopos Amerika bei Max Frisch, Peter Handke, Guenter Kunert und Martin Walser.

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    This dissertation explores the specific way in which the narrative American landscape serve as a backdrop, and is mirrored in the textual composition and movement of works by Frisch, Handke, Kunert, and Walser. After an introduction to the texts and to the theoretical tools employed in the analysis, the consecutive chapters individually examine Gunter Kunert's Der andere Planet, Martin Walser's Brandung, Max Frisch's Montauk, and Peter Handke's Der kurze Brief zum langen Abschied. In all four works, the American landscape provides the base and the referential code for a "freezing" of time. Through the device of "frozen" time, the narrative America remains in a utopian condition (Schwebe), thus allowing the protagonists to distance themselves from their former European story/history. Their entrance into a new space demands a different existence and necessitates the creation of a language that has been influenced by an unfamiliar setting. The narrators' alienation from their own language and existence ultimately implies the reversal of alienation (Ent-Fremdung) and a return to their home land (Heimat). The tension of the narratives is created by the interplay between the presence of the protagonists' past and the absence of what they would like to become, while the textual movement comes from the attempt to represent a narrative America. Both influence the textual structure; Kunert's travelogue is shaped by a cubistic perspective; Walser's novel mirrors a wave-like motion; Frisch's story does not progress in a linear mode, but rather turns on its own axis. Finally Handke's text, by integrating a filmic aspect into the narrative appears to be playing simultaneously on two narrative levels. The endeavor of depicting an individually experienced America in a preexistent language is also reflected in problems of writing: Frisch, Handke, and Walser are aware of the potential danger in reducing a described object, and instead shift the more obvious emphasis of their texts to the internal life/space of the protagonist, or transfer it--as Kunert does--to external objects. By using this method the four texts accomplish an approximation of representing the unrepresentable revision of what used to be called the American dream.Ph.D.Germanic Languages and LiteraturesUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/103376/1/9319494.pdfDescription of 9319494.pdf : Restricted to UM users only