2,638 research outputs found

    Bayesian Model Averaging in R

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    Bayesian model averaging has increasingly witnessed applications across an array of empirical contexts. However, the dearth of available statistical software which allows one to engage in a model averaging exercise is limited. It is common for consumers of these methods to develop their own code, which has obvious appeal. However, canned statistical software can ameliorate one's own analysis if they are not intimately familiar with the nuances of computer coding. Moreover, many researchers would prefer user ready software to mitigate the inevitable time costs that arise when hard coding an econometric estimator. To that end, this paper describes the relative merits and attractiveness of several competing packages in the statistical environment R to implement a Bayesian model averaging exercise.Model Averaging, Zellner's g Prior, BMS

    A Review of the `BMS' Package for R

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    This paper describes the relative merits and attractiveness of the newest Bayesian model averaging package, BMS, available in the statistical software R to implement a Bayesian model averaging exercise. This package provides the user with a wide range of customizable priors for conducting a BMA analysis, provides ample graphs to visualize the results and offers several alternative model search mechanisms.Model Averaging, Zellner's g Prior, BMS

    Decomposing The Conditional Variance of Cross-Country Output

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    A well established fact in the growth empirics literature is the increasing variation in output per capita across countries. This phenomena however does not adequately describe changes in the distribution of output since it does not account for changes in the covariates which undoubtedly in influence per capita output levels. We propose a robust, nonparametric decomposition of the conditional variation of per capita output and find that OECD countries have experienced diminishing conditional variation while other regions have experienced increasing conditional variation. Our decomposition suggests that most of these changes in the conditional variance of output is due to unobserved factors not accounted for by the traditional growth determinants. In addition to this we show as these factors played very different roles over time and across regions.Generalized Kernel, Nonparametric, Conditional Variation

    The Frequency of MRSA carriers in health care workers in Gorgan, North of Iran

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    Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is one of the most important pathogen in hospitals. Healthcare personnel are the main source of nosocomial infections and identification and control of MRSA carriers can reduce incidence of infections. The aim of this study was to determine the frequency of methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and their antibiotic susceptibility profile among healthcare workers in Gorgan located in northern Iran. Three hundred and thirty three of healthcare workers were participated in this cross-sectional study in 2010. Samples were taken with sterile cotton swabs from both anterior nares. Swabs were plated onto Mannitol salt agar. S. aureus were identified by Gram stain, Catalase, Coagulase and DNase tests. MIC (micro dilution broth) method was used to determine resistance of strains to methicillin. Antimicrobial susceptibility pattern to other antibiotics was performed by diffusion method. Frequency of S. aureus and MRSA carriers among healthcare workers was 24% (80.33) and 3% (10.33) respectively. MIC of isolates was varied between 0.5 and 65.31 (39%) of cases were showed MIC of intermediate that ranged between 4 and 8. Penicillin and Imipenem resistance were seen in 97.5% and 1.4% of isolated S. aureus strains, respectively. Frequency of S. aureus carriers in healthcare workers in our area was median in compare with other region in Iran but the MRSA carriage in healthy staff was lower than most part of Iran. It would be considering to monitor healthy carrier staff because of high rate intermediate MIC in this group to prevent conversion to MRSA


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    Textbooks should be designed in such a way that students achieve the discovery of relationships between concepts. In fact, when preparing learning materials, educational experts must prepare the conditions in such a way that at least pursuing students are able to achieve meaningful learning goals in this paper, we intend to investigate the method of writing a textbook by depicting conceptual maps. It seems that if we can depict a concept map by observing the method of arrangement and commitment tothe kind of relationships that are intended for students within the context of textbooks, we could access the knowledge organization of authors of the book in the desired topic. We believe that concept maps can be used as a tool to evaluate how to present concepts in textbooks. In this article, in addition to training steps of depicting a standard concept map, we specifically attempt to evaluate the writing style of content of textbooks in our country on the topic of basic electrostatic by conceptual maps

    Age and dialysis adequacy in maintenance hemodialysis patients Hemodiliz hastalari yönetiminde yaş ve dializ yeterliliǧi

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    Aim: The issue of optimal dialysis dose and frequency has been a central topic in the delivery of dialysis treatment. We aimed to consider the effects of age on some hemodialysis parameters specially dialysis adequacy by urea reduction rate (URR) and to compare these parameters between diabetics and non diabetic HD(hemodialysis) patients. Material and Method: Patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD), undergoing maintenance hemodialysis treatment were considered. The urea reduction rate and body mass index were calculated. Results: The total patients were 60 (F=21 M=39), consisting of 44 non diabetic hemodialysis patients (F=15 M=29), and 16 diabetic hemodialysis patients (F=6 M=10). A significant difference of dialysis adequacy between non-diabetics and diabetics was observed with lower values in diabetic group and a significant difference of dialysis adequacy and creatinine was observed in patients, with ages below and more than 50 years old with lower values in older patients. A significant negative correlation of age with dialysis adequacy in total hemodialysis patients and a significant negative correlation of age with serum creatinine were observed. Discussion: The negative effect of age on dialysis adequacy needs more attention to this aspect to reduce the dialysis complications which is frequently observed in older patients

    Isolation of keratinophilic fungi and aerobic actinomycetes from park soils in Gorgan, North of Iran

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    Background: Keratinophilic fungi are a group of fungi that colonize in various keratinous substrates and degrade them to the components with low molecular weight. This study was conducted to determine the prevalence of keratinophilic fungi and aerobic Actinomycetes in soil of city parks in Gorgan. Objectives: In this study, we surveyed the city park soils of Gorgan (a northern province of Iran) to determine the identities and diversity of soil aerobic Actinomycetes, keratinophilic and non-keratinophilic fungi. Materials and Methods: A total of 244 soil samples were collected from 22 diferent parks of Gorgan, North of Iran. The samples were collected from the superfcial layer with depth not exceeding than 0-10 cm in sterile polyethylene bags. We used hair bait technique for isolation keratinophilic fungi. The colonies identifed by macroscopic and microscopic characterization after slide culturing. Actinomycetes were isolated by antibiotic dilution methods and detected by using physiological tests such as Lysozyme, Casein, Xanthine, Hypoxanthine, Gelatin, Urea Broth, and modifed acid-fast stain. Results: Totally, 75 isolates of aerobic Actinomycetes were detected that Actinomadura madurae and Nocardia asteroides were the most prevalent strains, with 14.66 and 28% prevalence respectively. Microsporum gypseum was more frequent than other keratinophilic fungi (22.96%) and Aspergillus spp. was the most species of saprophyte fungi (15.92%). Conclusions: This study showed that the collected soil from studied areas was rich of keratinophilic fungi and Actinomycetes, therefore hygiene protocol should be taken to prevent the spread of pathogenic and saprophytes fungi in the environment of susceptible person. © 2013, Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences

    Effect of salt and drought stress on acid phosphatase activities in alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) explants under in vitro culture

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    Acid phosphatase is wildly found in plants. This enzyme has intra and extra cellular activity. For instance, it dephosphorylase organic phosphate and change it to inorganic phosphate. However, acid phosphatase activity is increased by salt and osmotic stress. In this experiments, calluses were produced from invitro grown explants of Medicago sativa cv. Yazdi and cv. Hamedani under aseptic condition on MS medium containing NAA, 2,4-D. Then calluses and seedling were transferred to the same medium containing 0,0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1% NaCl and 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10% Mannitol as osmotic stress. After 2 weeks acid phosphatse activities were measured and data statistically analyzed. Clearly acid phosphatase activities was increased by salt and drought stress in both cultivars, and the difference between two genotype indicating that the acid phosphatase activity is highly genotype dependent. (African Journal of Biotechnology: 2003 2(5): 133-135