205 research outputs found

    Effect of Material Non-linearities on the Transient Dynamic Behavior of the Beni-Bahdel Dam in the Presence of the Dam-foundation Interaction

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    The current paper's goal is to investigate how dynamic interaction phenomena and material nonlinearities affect the dynamic behavior of a concrete gravity multi-arch dam in terms of maximum displacements, natural stresses, principal stresses, and Von Mises stresses when subjected to seismic excitation. Utilizing ANSYS APDL software, linear and nonlinear transient analysis using the finite element method was employed to analyze the interaction between the dam and its rock foundation. As a case study for this work, the multi-arch Beni-Bahdel dam was selected, and the seismic excitation used data from a simulated earthquake. The direct method is employed to model the interaction between the multi arch dam and the rock foundation using two approaches; the fixed base approach and the mass foundation approach. Six finite element models were performed using ANSYS code, “linear dam-fixed support”, “nonlinear dam-fixed support”, “linear dam-linear rock foundation” “nonlinear dam-linear rock foundation”, “nonlinear dam-nonlinear rock foundation” and “linear dam-nonlinear rock foundation”. The bilinear kinematic hardening model is employed to represent the nonlinearity of both dam body and rock foundation. The results obtained are compared to understand the effect of both material nonlinearities and interaction phenomenon on the dynamic behavior of the studied dam. In contrast to the nonlinearity of the rock foundation material, it is concluded that the nonlinearity of the concrete dam material has a significant impact on the behavior of the system

    Decent work, financial inclusion, and economic growth: Analysis under the SDG 8

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    We investigate the potential influence of decent work and financial inclusion on economic growth, aligning our analysis with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 8 (SDG 8). Analyzing a diverse set of 26 low-income, 20 middle-income, and 15 high-income countries, we utilize a dynamic fixed-effect panel data approach and apply the Generalized Method of Moments from 2010 to 2021. The findings highlight that favorable conditions for decent work and increased access to digital financial services contribute positively to economic growth. The synergistic effect of these SDG 8 components is notably pronounced in high-income countries, with greater potential for elevated economic growth rates. Conversely, no discernible impact is observed on the economic growth of low-income countries. The results for middle-income countries present nuanced coefficient outcomes, offering a more intricate interpretation of their economic dynamics. An extensive impulse-response analysis, conducted using a Panel Vector Autoregression model, demonstrates distinct impacts of shocks related to decent work and financial inclusion across various income categories of countries. Our findings pass various robustness checks, affirming their reliability and suggesting significant policy implications for recognizing the crucial role of decent work and financial inclusion in fostering economic growth. 

    Les determinants de l’intention entrepreneuriale feminine en algerie, cas des diplomees de l’enseignement superieur

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    La femme entrepreneure est dĂ©sormais reconnue comme l’une des sources de la croissance, de la crĂ©ation d’emploi, de l’innovation et de la richesse (ARAZTI, 2008). De ce fait, l’entrepreneuriat fĂ©minin est devenu un champ d’étude qui attire de plus en plus de chercheurs dans les pays dĂ©veloppĂ©s et ceux en voie de dĂ©veloppement. Mais il est toujours considĂ©rĂ© comme un domaine de recherche insuffisamment explorĂ© jusqu’ici, en particulier dans le contexte algĂ©rien. Nous proposons un modĂšle conceptuel intĂ©grant les variables individuelles et environnementales qui dĂ©terminent l’intention entrepreneuriale en AlgĂ©rie. Pour tester notre modĂšle nous utilisons un modĂšle d’équations structurelles. L’étude empirique est conduite auprĂšs de 290 Ă©tudiantes en fin de cycle. Les rĂ©sultats valident l'hypothĂšse que les variables individuelles ont un impact nĂ©gatif sur l’intention entrepreneuriale contrairement aux variables environnementales qui exhibent un impact positif.Mots clefs : Entrepreneuriat fĂ©minin, Facteurs individuels, Facteurs environnementaux, Intention de crĂ©ation, Tlemcen

    Comparative effects of biochar-nanosheets and conventional organic-amendments on health risks abatement of potentially toxic elements via consumption of wheat grown on industrially contaminated-soil

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    Potentially toxic elements (PTEs) discharge to the soil environment through increased anthropogenic activities is a global threat. These l'Its can have harmful and chronic-persistent health effects on exposed populations through food consumption grown on contaminated soils. Efforts to investigate the transformation mechanism and accumulation behavior of PTEs in soil-plant system and their adverse health effects have focused extensively in previous studies. However, limited studies address biochar nano sheets (BCNs) as a potential soil amendment to reduced humans health risks through dietary intake of food-crop grown on PTE-contaminated soil. Here, we showed how BCNs cutback health hazards of PTEs through impacts on bioavailability and phytoaccumulation of PTEs, and their daily intake via consumption of wheat. When BCNs amendment was compared with both conventional organic amendments (COAs) and control, it significantly (P <= 0.05) reduced bioavailability and uptake of PTEs by wheat plants. Based on risk assessment results, the hazard indices (HIs) for PTEs in all treatments were <1, however, BCNs addition significantly (P <= 0.05) reduced risk level, when compared to control. Furthermore, the cancer risks for Cd, Cr and Ni over a lifetime of exposure were higher in all treatments than the tolerable limit (1.00E-4 to 1.00E-6), however BCNs addition significantly suppressed cancer risk compared to control. Conclusively, our results suggest that BCNs can be used as soil amendment to reduce potential risks of PTEs through consumption of food grown in PTE-contaminated soils. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    The Role of Women Empowerment in the Contribution of Women to Reproductive Health Decision Making and Its Implication for New HIV Infection in Nigeria

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    The importance of acknowledging the place of economic empowerment and independence and that lacking these increases women’s susceptibility to a wide range of unpleasant situations, amongst which are poverty, lack of power and the risk of STIs & HIV & AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis and other diseases that poverty aggravates was stressed at so many international fora such as the Beijing conference on Women, the 1994 Cairo conference on population and development, the MDGs which later became the SDGs and a host other international and regional conferences all over the world.. In patriarchal societies gender norms related to masculinity can enable men have multiple sexual partners, putting them and their spouses at high risk of infection. Constructs of masculinity can also encourage sexual relations within spousal age differences between men and women, these relationships can be disadvantageous to women who are completely dependent on the resources of their husbands as he who pays the piper dictates the tune The study is designed to identify and explain the implication of women empowerment on their ability to negotiate safe sex and participate in reproductive decision making in their homes and it employs empirical procedures in the data collection and analyses, the objectives of the study includes identifying the relationship between empowerment and participation in reproductive decision making and sources of power in matrimonial relationships and how spouses employ access to material and economic resources in engaging in filial relationships. The study concluded that wide spousal age gaps have negative impact for women empowerment, couple communication and family planning and vulnerability to HIV/AIDS as a result of multiple sexual partnering occasioned by gender sexual discrimination. The recommendations were delayed marriage age and education and economic activity fot young girls before marriage

    Effects of Hepatitis C on Hematological Parameters in local areas of Mirpurkhas

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    Introduction: Various diseases have emerged as a major cause of morbidity and mortality in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and hepatitis B virus (HCV) confection, now that antiretroviral therapies become more effective e and has prolonged life expectancy in HIV-infected patients1. One of the most frequently identified extra-hepatic abnormalities often seen at the time of diagnosis of HIV is the hematological abnormalityObjective: To determine possible effects of Hepatitis C in local Population of MirpurkhasMethodology:140 diagnosed patients of Hepatitis C were selected from OPD/Ward MMCH and Civil Hospital Mirpurkhas, Patients of Hypertension, Heart Failure, Renal diseases and respiratory disease were excluded Their ALT, GGT, Alk Sodium was determined by kit method. Their RBC count, TLC, Platelet Count was counted and ESR was determinedResults: It was a prospective study and out of 140 hepatitis C patients 86 were male and 54 were female. The mean age was 54.77 ± 14.046 years. The mean height was 159.42 ± 11.188 cm and the mean weight was 53.69±10.604 Kgs. The mean BMI was calculated as 21.235 ± 5.0607 kgs/m2 (Table.1). The mean Hemoglobin was estimated as 10.639± 2.6924 gm% the mean RBC count was found 3.832 ± .8460 millions/cmm. The mean total leukocyte count was 9111.63 ± 4612.845 per cmm and the mean Platelet count was 160447.67 ± 93788.194 /dl. the mean ESR was 51.70 ± 26.320 (Table.2) The mean Alkaline phosphatase was 273.76± 96.818 IU, the mean GGT was 83.40 ± 102.650 IU and the mean ALT was 74.98 ± 58.614 IU. (Table.3.) The Correlation of hepatitis C was estimated by Pearson’s correlation using SPSS 15 and found that hepatitis has a significant correlation with Hemoglobin, RBC count, TLC and Platelet count (r=.167, .165, .181, 238 and p=.092Ìœ*, .031*, 018* and .002** respectively) and it has an inverse correlation with ESR (r=-.213, p=.005**)Conclusion: Our data shows that hepatitis C has positive correlation with Hb, RBC Count, TLC and Platelet count while the hepatitis has a significant inverse correlation with ESR. More work is required to establish criteria regarding correlation between Hepatitis C and Hematological parameter

    Rehabilitation and Integration of Social Work: Issues & Challenges on International Perspectives

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    The incidences of social problems in human society are geometrically increasing due to the multifaceted factors, we are all aware with high rate of crime, juvenile delinquency, drug abuse, prostitution, unemployment, poverty, disability, mental illness, natural and human disaster, poor social welfare services, programs and institutions as well as human rights violation. It is believed that the above-mentioned challenges would be tackled by professional social workers equipped with modern scientific knowledge and techniques of dealing with them. Therefore, the objective of this study is to identify roles of professional social workers and social work profession towards rehabilitative services in the community and Secondary data have been used to substantiate the facts

    Assessment of Dietary and Lifestyle Responses After COVID-19 Vaccine Availability in Selected Arab Countries

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has been consistently associated with unhealthy lifestyle behaviors and dietary practices. This study aimed to assess the dietary and lifestyle behaviors of adults after COVID-19 vaccine availability and their attitude toward the vaccine in selected Arab countries. A cross-sectional survey-based study was conducted between October 2021 and December 2021 using Google Forms (n = 2259). A multi-component questionnaire was used to collect socio-demographic characteristics, attitudes toward the COVID-19 vaccine, and behavioral, dietary, and lifestyle responses after easing the restriction. Participants were given a score based on the sum of positive dietary and lifestyle changes. The generalized linear models were used to identify the association between positive dietary and lifestyle changes score and sociodemographic characteristics. Weight gain during the pandemic was reported by 39.5% of the participants, 36.1% reported ever getting infected with the COVID-19 virus, and 85% received at least one dose of the vaccine. The key adverse reactions of the COVID-19 vaccine were fatigue, headache, and joint pain, and the main reason for vaccination was protection against infection. Most participants were concerned about the vaccine side effects (45.8%) and inadequate testing (50.7%). After easing of restriction, 54.3% of the participants reduced the frequency of disinfecting objects, and 58.3% joined social events. Most dietary and lifestyle behaviors remained unchanged after vaccine availability but there was an increase in the time spent behind the screen for work (50.1%) and entertainment (42.9%). The results of the multivariate regression analyses revealed that older participants (p = 0.001), those with higher education (p = 0.010), and those working from home (p = 0.040) were more likely to have higher positive dietary and lifestyle changes scores. Although most participants were concerned about vaccine safety, low vaccine hesitancy rates were observed among the study sample. The availability of the COVID-19 vaccines resulted in loosening some of the safety social measures among Arab adults but the negative impact of the pandemic on dietary and lifestyle behaviors remained unaltered

    Assessment of Eating Habits and Lifestyle during Coronavirus Pandemic in the MENA region: A Cross-Sectional Study

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    © The Authors 2020. The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has rapidly spread globally, forcing countries to apply lockdowns and strict social distancing measures. The aim of this study was to assess eating habits and lifestyle behaviors among residents of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region during the lockdown. A cross-sectional study among adult residents of the MENA region was conducted using an online questionnaire designed on Google Forms during April 2020. A total of 2970 participants from 18 countries participated in the current study. During the pandemic, over 30% reported weight gain, 6.2% consumed five or more meals per day compared to 2.2% before the pandemic (p\u3c0.001), and 48.8% did not consume fruits on daily basis. Moreover, 39.1% did not engage in physical activity, over 35% spent more than five hours per day on screens. A significant association between the frequency of training during the pandemic and the reported change in weight was found (p \u3c 0.001). A significantly higher percentage of participants reported physical and emotional exhaustion, irritability, and tension either all the time or a large part of the time during the pandemic (p \u3c 0.001). Although a high percentage of participants reported sleeping more hours per night during the pandemic, 63% had sleep disturbances. The study highlights that the lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic caused a variety of lifestyle changes, physical inactivity, and psychological problems among adults in the MENA region
