41 research outputs found

    Kozja beznoitioza u jugozapadnom Iranu

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    Besnoitia sp. are protozoans that cause a disease affecting the skin, subcutis, blood vessels, mucus membranes, and other tissues. The Toxoplasma gondii-like organisms multiply in endothelial, histocytic and other cells, producing characteristic large, thick-walled cysts filled with bradyzoites. In this study, infected animals originated from the southwest area of Iran. A total of 50 head goats with characteristic sclero-conjunctival cysts of Besnoitia sp. were isolated for further clinical observation. No infected animals other than goats with besnoitiosis were reported in this region. Microscopic examination revealed crescent-shaped organisms with a more pointed anterior than posterior end (banana-shaped morphology) confirming that cysts belong to the genus Besnoitia. Experimental transmission of Besnoitia sp. from these patients resulted in besnoitiosis in goats but not in rabbits and mice. Therefore, B. caprae was accepted as the cause of the infection. It seems that factors such as the presence of thorn remnants in the eyelids, pneumonic coughing goats and a range of flies and ticks could facilitate transmission of the disease.Kozja beznoitioza u jugozapadnom Iranu. Vet. arhiv 77, 435-439, 2007. SAŽETAK Vrste roda Besnoitia su praživotinje koje uzrokuju promjene na koži, potkožju, krvnim žilama, sluznicama i drugim tkivima. Te praživotinje po mnogo čemu podsjećaju na mnogo učestaliju praživotinju Toxoplasma gondii. Umnožavaju se u endotelnim stanicama, histiocitima i drugim stanicama tvoreći karakteristične ciste omeđene debelom ovojnicom, ispunjene bradizoitima. U ovom istraživanju invadirane životinje potjecale su iz jugozapadnog dijela Irana. Ukupno je za daljnja istraživanja izdvojeno 50 koza s karakterističnim sklerokonjuktivalnim cistama. Ni u jedne druge vrste nisu zabilježeni znakovi ove bolesti. Mikroskopskom pretragom dokazani su vretenasti organizmi karakteristične građe što je ujedno potvrdilo da je riječ o pojavi beznoitioze. Pokusna beznoitioza izazvana je u koza, ali ne u kunića i miševa te se smatra da je vrsta B. caprae uzrokovala invaziju. Čini se da čimbenici poput ostataka trnja u vjeđama, bolesti dišnog sustava kao i prisutnost dvokrilaca i krpelja, mogu biti pogodovni za prijenos uzročnika

    Određivanje P (F11) i F1 fimbrija bakterije Escherichia coli izdvojene iz pilića s avijarnim celulitisom.

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    Avian cellulitis has been induced by virulent strains of E. coli. The purpose of this study was to determine P (F11) and F1 fimbriae of 90 E. coli isolates of avian cellulitis. Isolates were subjected to six consecutive passages on solid and static broth for expression of fimbriae. Five (5.5%) isolates from O1 serogroup, showed a mannose-resistant haemagglutination MRHA pattern when grown on solid medium. In the SDS-PAGE, crude fimbrial extracts of MRHA strain showed a major fimbrial subunit of 18 kDa. This band was also reacted with anti F11 serum on immunoblotting. Sixty-nine (76.6%) E. coli isolates from different serogroups showed mannose-sensitive hemagglutinating (MSHA) pattern when grown on static broth medium. In immunoblotting test, crude fimbrial extracts of MSHA isolates demonstrated a single band with 17 to 17.5 kDa apparent molecular weight as revealed by absorbed anti-F1A serum. It would appear that avian cellulitis E. coli isolates have F1 and P fimbriae similar to those of colisepticemic E. coli isolates.Avijarni celulitis uzrokuju virulentni sojevi E. coli. Svrha istraživanja bila je ustanoviti P (F11) i F1 fimbrije u 90 izolata E. coli uzročnika avijarnog celulitisa. Izolati su bili šest puta uzastopno pasirani na čvrstoj podlozi i bujonu za rast fimbrija. Pet (5,5%) izolata serološke skupine O bili su manoza-rezistentne hemaglutinacijske aktivnosti (MRHA) uzgojeni na čvrstoj hranjivoj podlozi. Postupkom poliakrilamid gel elektroforeze (SDS-PAGE) sirovi fimbrijski ekstrakti MRHA soja sadržavali su veću fimbrijsku podjedinicu od 18 kDa. Ta je podjedinica također reagirala s protuserumom za F11 u testu imunobloting. Šezdesetdevet (76,6%) izolata E. coli iz različitih seroloških skupina uzgojenih na statičnom hranjivom bujonu sadržavalo je manoza osjetljive hemaglutinacijske uzorke. Imunobloting testom dokazano je da sirovi fimbrijski ekstrakti manoza osjetljivih izolata sadrže jednu podjenicu molekulske mase od 17 do 17,5 kDa što je otkriveno apsorpcijom anti F1A seruma. Čini se da izolati E. coli koji uzrokuju avijarni celulitis imaju F1 i P fimbrije slične onim izolatima E. coli koji uzrokuju koliseptikemiju

    Istraživanje avijarnog celulitisa u tovnih pilića.

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    Avian cellulitis in broiler chickens, especially on the thighs and abdominal wall, has been observed more frequently in recent years. In the present study, over a one-year period 98 broiler carcasses with cellulitis were diagnosed at slaughterhouse. The lesions were characterized by thickening and brown discoloration of the skin. A fibrinopurulent exudate with some caseation was seen in the subcutaneous tissues. Microscopically, hyperkeratosis, thickening of the dermis, infiltration of mononuclear cells and heterophils, along with fibrinocaseous exudates, were present. In 90 of the 98 (91.8%) broiler bacteriological samples E. coli was isolated, and in 82 (91.1%) of these samples it was the only bacterial species found. Serotyping results revealed that E. coli isolates were distributed among 6 different serotypes. The most prevalent serotype was O78 (52.2%). In addition, Staphylococcus aureus and Actinomyces pyogenes were isolated from 12 and 2 cases, respectively. This study confirms the frequent association of E. coli with cellulitis lesions in broiler chickens, along with isolation of S. aureus and A. pyogenes. The latter have not been reported in the previous studies.Avijarni celulitis posebice na koži nogu i trbušne stijenke tovnih pilića često je opisivan u posljednje vrijeme. U radu je tijekom jednogodišnjeg razdoblja celulitis dokazan u 98 tovnih pilića na jednoj klaonici. Promjene su se očitovale zadebljanjem i smeđkastom bojom kože. Utvrđen je fibrinopurulentni eksudat s kazeifikacijom u potkožnom tkivu. Mikroskopski je utvrđena hiperkeratoza, zadebljanje kože, infiltracija mononuklearnih stanica i heterofila zajedno s fibrinokazeoznim eksudatom. U 90 (91,8%) od 98 tovnih pilića izdvojena je bakterija Escherichia coli, a u 82 (91,1%) bila je jedina izdvojena vrsta. Serotipizacijom je potvrđen nalaz šest različitih serovarova. Najčešći serovar bio je O78 (52,2%). Bakterija Staphylococcus aureus bila je izdvojena iz 12 pilića dok je bakterija Actinomyces pyogenes izdvojena iz 2 pileta. Ovim istraživanjem je potvrđena česta povezanost bakterije Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus i Actinomyces pyogenes sa znakovima avijarnog celulitisa, a po prvi put su dokazane i vrste S. aureus i A. pyogenes. To nije dokazano dosada

    The role of Iranian medicinal plants in experimental surgical skin wound healing: An integrative review

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    Objective(s): Wounds are physical injuries that cause a disturbance in the normal skin anatomy and function. Also, it has a severe impact on the cost of health care. Wound healing in human and mammalian species is similar and contains a complex and dynamic process consisting of four phases for restoring skin cellular structures and tissue layers. Today, therapeutic approaches using herbal medicine have been considered. Although the benefits of herbal medicine are vast, some medicinal plants have been shown to have wound healing effects in different experimental studies. Therefore, the current review highlights information about the potency of herbal medicine in the experimental surgical skin wound healing.Materials and Methods: Electronic database such as PubMed, Google Scholar, Scopus, and Medscape were searched for Iranian medicinal plants with healing activity in experimental surgical skin wounds. In this area, some of the most important papers were included.Results: There are numerous Iranian medicinal plants with skin wound healing activity, but clinical application and manufacturing are very low in comparison to the research volume.Conclusion: In normal instances, the human/animal body usually can repair tissue damage precisely and completely; therefore, the utilization of herbs is limited to special conditions or in order to accelerate the healing process

    Vitrifikacija mišjih jajnika primjenom krioprotektora etilen glikola i DMSO: patohistološka procjena.

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    Ten, 4- to 6-week-old BALB/c mice were randomly assigned to either control (non-vitrified, n = 5) or treatment (vitrified, n = 5) groups. Ovaries in the vitrified group were frozen sequentially by immersion into two vitrification solutions VS1: 10% ethylene glycol (EG) + 10% DMSO in holding medium (TCM-199 + 20% FBS) and VS2: 20% EG + 20% DMSO in holding medium. After thawing at 37 °C in 1.0 M sucrose, vitrified as well as non-vitrified ovaries were serially sectioned and examined histopathologically. The proportion of atretic follicles between non-vitrified and vitrified samples was significantly different (36.5 vs. 78.9%, P<0.001). No statistical difference due to vitrification was observed for the percentage of small follicles between the two experimental groups. In contrast, the rate of atresia for the growing and antral follicles in the vitrified ovaries was statistically higher than in the non-vitrified group (70.1 vs. 30.6%, P<0.001). Although many antral follicles were atretic following vitrification, sufficient follicles, especially small class, survived. Therefore, vitrification using EG and DMSO is an efficient procedure for cryopreservation of ovaries.U istraživanje su uzete dvije skupine BALB/c miševa u dobi od četiri do šest tjedana. Ukupno je bilo 10 miševa podijeljenih u pokusnu (n=5) i kontrolnu skupinu (n=5). Jajnici vitrificirane skupine bili su smrznuti sekvencionirano koristeći se uranjanjem u dvije vitrifikacijske otopine. Jedna otopina sadržavala je 10% etilen glikola (EG) + 10% DMSO u mediju za održavanje (TCIM-199 + 20% fetalnoga goveđega seruma), a druga otopina sadržavala je 20% EG + 20% DMSO u mediju za održavanje). Nakon odmrzavanja na 37 °C u 1,0 M otopini saharoze, jajnici obje skupine (vitrificirani i nevitrificirani) bili su serijski rezani i patohistološki pretraženi. Udio atretičnih folikula između vitrificirane i nevitrificirane skupine značajno se razlikovao (36,5 prema 78,9%, P<0,001). Nije ustanovljena statistički značajna razlika s obzirom na vitrifikaciju za udio malih folikula između obje skupine. Suprotno tome, postotak atrezije za rastuće i antralne folikule u vitrificiranim jajnicima bio je značajno veći nego u skupini u kojoj nije provedena vitrifikacija (70,1 prema 30,6%, P<0,001). Usprkos tome što su mnogi antralni folikuli bili atretični nakon vitrifikacije, preživjela je dovoljna količina folikula, osobito malih. Stoga se zaključuje da je vitrifikacija primjenom EG i DMSO učinkovit postupak za čuvanje smrznutih jajnika

    Istraživanje patoloških promjena kod celulitisa uzrokovanog bakterijom Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae u pokusno zaraženih tovnih pilića.

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    Avian cellulitis is a serious problem for the commercial broiler industry. Although various agents were isolated from cellulitis lesions, the ability of Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae in reproduction of cellulitis is not known. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate the ability of these bacteria for induction of avian cellulitis. The study involved two experimental groups, each consisting of twenty randomly selected 15-day-old, mixed sex, healthy, commercially grown broiler chickens of the same strain. A single scratch was induced with a 1.5-inch 18-gauge needle, creating a lesion 2 cm in length on the right dorsolateral surface of the body parallel to the vertebrae. In Group 1, 1ml of 10² bacterial suspension - isolated from a turkey cock with erysipelas - was inoculated into the scratches. Birds in Group 2 received 1ml of the sterile phosphate-buffered saline as negative controls. At 48-hr post inoculation the birds were killed and pathologic and bacteriologic examinations were carried out. Birds in Group1 showed weakness, depression and mild diarrhoea. In this group, 65% of birds showed swelling of the skin with necrosis, infiltration of heterophils and fibrinous exudates, which was characteristic of cellulitis. The remaining 35% of birds were dead within 24-hrs post inoculation, with signs of mild cellulitis. Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae was recovered from skin and some other internal organs from birds in Group 1. Birds in Group 2 were normal. Results of the present study revealed that E. rhusiopathiae can be considered as a causative agent of avian cellulitis, with public health hazards.Celulitis peradi ozbiljan je problem u proizvodnji tovnih pilića. Iako su različiti agensi izdvojeni iz celulitičnih lezija, sposobnost Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae u izazivanju celulitisa nije poznata. Stoga je cilj ovog istraživanja bio istražiti ulogu ove bakterije u nastanku celulitisa peradi. Korištene su dvije pokusne skupine, od kojih je svaka bila sastavljena od nasumce odabranih dvadeset komercijalno uzgajanih, zdravih, petnaestodnevnih tovnih pilića, mješovita spolnog sastava i istog soja. Na desnoj dorzolateralnoj strani tijela peralelno s kralježnicom, iglom je načinjena ogrebotina duga 2 cm. Pilićima jedne skupine u tu je ogrebotinu inokuliran 1 ml suspenzije s 102 bakterijskih stanica uzročnika izdvojenog iz purana s vrbancem. Pilići druge skupine primili su 1 ml sterilne puferirane otopine fosfatne soli kao negativnu kontrolu. Pilići su bili žrtvovani 48 sati nakon inokulacije, a potom su načinjena patološka i bakteriološka istraživanja. U 65% pilića iz prve skupine uočeno je otečenje kože s nekrozama, infiltracija heterofila i fibrinozni eksudat, što je osebujno za celulitis. Preostalih 35% pilića je uginulo unutar 24 sata nakon inokulacije sa znakovima blagog celulitisa. Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae bio je ustanovljen u koži i nekim unutarnjim organima pilića iz prve skupine. Pilići iz druge skupine bili su zdravi. Rezultati ovog istraživanja pokazuju da se E. rhusiopathiae može smatrati uzročnikom celulitisa peradi i predstavlja opasnost za javno zdravstvo

    Diprosopus, spina bifida and kyphoscoliosis in a lamb - a case report

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    Conjoined twinning has been reported in most domestic animal species. It occurs extremely rarely in horses, occasionally in dogs and cats and more commonly in cattle than in the other ruminants. A pregnant ewe was referred to the Veterinary Clinic of Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman for dystocia, and a male dicephalic lamb was delivered, which survived for 8 hours. It was a co-twin to another male lamb which was clinically normal. After macroscopic and C.T. examination the lamb was carefully dissected and histopathologic slices from the testis, lymph nodes, spleen, liver, kidneys, lung, fore stomachs and abomasum were taken, prepared routinely and stained with hematoxylin and eosin. In this study the anomalies which were seen can be categorized to complete and incomplete duplication, lack of fusion and axial deviation

    Protulišmanijski učinak iscrpka biljke Peganum harmala na in vitro rast promastigota Leishmania major u odnosu na trovalentne pripravke antimona

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    Parasites of the genus Leishmania are transmitted by sandflies that ingest the parasite in the amastigote stage resident within macrophages, then inoculate the promastigote stage into other hosts. Peganum harmala, or Syrian Rue, has pharmacologically active compounds including several alkaloids with antiprotozoal properties, which are found especially in the seeds and the roots. In this research, Leishmania major were cultured in vitro, then by using a MTT assay, the biological activity of P. harmala extract in comparison to potassium antimonyl tartrate [Sb(III)] on L. major promastigotes was assessed. P. harmala extract and Sb(III) solutions for biological testing were prepared in PBS at 5000-20000 μg/mL and 62.5-500 μg/mL, respectively. All experiments were repeated at least three times in duplicate. For P. harmala extract and Sb(III), the concentration-response curve was plotted, from which IC50 values were determined. Both P. harmala extract and Sb(III) inhibited the growth of promastigote forms of L. major in vitro after 72 h. of incubation and had an IC50 of 1832.65 ± 89.72 μg/ mL and 17.87 ± 2.05 μg/mL, respectively. Statistical analysis of the results (optical density and inhibitory percentage) of the different concentrations of P. harmala extract and Sb(III) showed that there was no significant difference between P. harmala extract and Sb(III) (P>0.05) but with a concentration increase of P. Harmala extract or Sb(III), optical density decreased significantly, while inhibitory percentage increased. The different concentrations resulted in different optical densities or inhibitory percentages (P<0.05) so that P. Harmala extract is effective against L. major in vitro.Parazite roda Leishmania prenose papatači preko makrofaga zaraženih amastigotima, a nakon razvoja nastale promastigote prenose na druge domaćine. Biljka Peganum harmala ili sirijska rutvica posjeduje farmakološki aktivne sastojke uključujući nekoliko alkaloida s protuprotozojskom učinkovitošću, koji se osobito nalaze u sjemenkama i korijenu biljke. Za potrebe ovog istraživanja, protozoon Leishmania major uzgojen je in vitro. Učinak iscrpka biljke P. harmala na promastigote L. major u odnosu na kalijev antimoniltartarat [Sb(III)] određen je MTT metodom. Iscrpak P. harmala bio je pripravljen u PBS-u u koncentraciji od 5.000-20.000 μg/mL. Antimonski pripravak bio je pripravljen u PBS-u u koncentraciji od 62,5-500 μg/mL. Svaki pokus in vitro bio je ponovljen najmanje tri puta. Dobiveni rezultati prikazani su krivuljom učinkovitosti kojom su određene vrijednosti inhibitorne koncentracije (IC50). Oba su pripravka kočila rast promastigota in vitro nakon 72 sata. Vrijednost IC50 za iscrpak P. harmala iznosila je 1832,65 ± 89,72 μg/mL. Vrijednost IC50 za antimonski pripravak iznosila je 17,87 ± 2,05 μg/mL. Statističkom obradom rezultata (optička gustoća i postotak inhibicije) dobivenim inkubiranjem protozoa u različitim koncentracijama pripravaka nisu utvrđene značajne razlike (P>0,05). Više koncentracije iscrpka P. harmala imale su za posljedicu značajno smanjenje optičke gustoće te istovremeno povećanje postotka inhibicije. S obzirom da su različite koncentracije rezultirale različitom optičkom gustoćom ili postotkom inhibicije (P<0,05) zaključuje se da iscrpak P. harmala djeluje in vitro na vrstu L. major

    Maternal aromatase inhibition via letrozole altered RFamide-related peptide-3 and gonadotropin-releasing hormone expression in pubertal female rats

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    Objective(s): Despite prevalence of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) among childbearing women and development of many animal models for this syndrome, information on its etiology is still scarce. The intrauterine hyperandrogenic environment may underlie changes at the level of hypothalamus, pituitary, ovary organization in female offspring, and PCOS later in life. Letrozole has been shown to mimic reproductive and metabolic characteristics of PCOS in adult rodent models. Therefore, this research aimed to assess the condition in a prenatal letrozole-treated rat model. Materials and Methods: Twenty-eight female rats dams receiving letrozole at certain doses during late pregnancy were used in the trial. Pregnant Sprague-Dawley rats (n=21) received letrozole treatment on gestation days 16–18 at doses of 1.25, 1.0, 0.75, 0.5, and 0.25 mg/kg body weight (BW). Results: Prenatal letrozole treatment delayed parturition time and reduced the litter size in pregnant dams (P<0.0001). Late puberty onset, irregular ovarian cyclicity, increased anogenital distance (AGD), body weight gain, serum testosterone concentration, and reduced estradiol levels (P<0.0001) were observed in the female offspring of dams receiving 1.25 and 1 mg/kg BW letrozole. Furthermore, letrozole at 1.25 and 1 mg/kg BW showed increased RFRP and decreased GnRH mRNA expression (P<0.0001). Letrozole treatment at doses of 1 mg/kg BW and lower was not fetotoxic. Conclusion: It was concluded that 1 mg/kg BW letrozole may be suggested for prenatal PCOS induction. Keywords Gonadotropin-releasing hormone Hypothalamus Letrozole Polycystic ovary syndrome Prenatal Rat RFamide-related peptide-

    The effects of letrozole-induced maternal hyperandrogenism on sexual behaviors, testicular histology, and serum biochemical traits in male offspring rats: An experimental study

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    Background: Intrauterine endocrine abnormalities have profound effects on the development of physiological disorders. Objective: This study aimed to assess the effects of in utero exposure to letrozole (an aromatase inhibitor) and its late consequences on the reproductive and metabolic performance of an adult male offspring. Materials and Methods: 15 pregnant Sprague-Dawley rats (8 wk, 155 gr) were randomly assigned into 5 experimental groups (n = 3/each) and orally received either letrozole at doses of 0.25, 0.75, 1.00, and 1.25 mg/kg body weight (BW) or vehicle (control) on the gestation days of 16, 17, and 18. Pregnancy outcome, sexual behaviors on postnatal day 60, serum biochemical features, and the histopathology of testes were assessed in male offspring. Results: Compared to control group, delayed labor (21.83 vs. 24.25, p &lt; 0.0001) and reduced litter size (n = 12.25 vs. n = 2, p &lt; 0.0001) were recorded in 1.25 mg/kg BW group. A reduction in high-density lipoprotein level and the elevation of testes weight, BW gain, anogenital distance, as well as the serum concentrations of testosterone, triglycerides, cholesterol, and glucose were observed in 1.25 mg/kg BW (p &lt; 0.0001) and 1.00 mg/kg BW (p &lt; 0.0001) groups in comparison to control. A larger number of anogenital female sniffing, pursuit, and mounting behaviors were also observed in 1.25 mg/kg BW group in comparison to control (p &lt; 0.0001). Severe testicular defects including necrosis and disruption of the epithelium of seminiferous tubules, sloughing of epithelial cells, and spermatogenesis arrest were observed in letrozole-treated groups, in a dose-dependent manner. Conclusion: Maternal exposure to letrozole can adversely affect the reproductive and metabolic performance of male offspring rats, suggesting an incomplete sex differentiation. Key words: Androgens, Aromatase inhibitors, Rat, Sexual activities, Testes histopathology