483 research outputs found

    TYK2 in cancer metastases: Genomic and proteomic discovery

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    Advances in genomic analysis and proteomic tools have rapidly expanded identification of biomarkers and molecular targets important to cancer development and metastasis. On an individual basis, personalized medicine approaches allow better characterization of tumors and patient prognosis, leading to more targeted treatments by detection of specific gene mutations, overexpression, or activity. Genomic and proteomic screens by our lab and others have revealed tyrosine kinase 2

    MEK inhibition synergizes with TYK2 inhibitors in NF1-associated malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors

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    PURPOSE: Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors (MPNST) are aggressive sarcomas with limited treatment options and poor survival rates. About half of MPNST cases are associated with the neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) cancer predisposition syndrome. Overexpression of TYK2 occurs in the majority of MPNST, implicating TYK2 as a therapeutic target. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: The effects of pharmacologic TYK2 inhibition on MPNST cell proliferation and survival were examined using IncuCyte live cell assays in vitro, and downstream actions were analyzed using RNA-sequencing (RNA-seq), qPCR arrays, and validation of protein changes with the WES automated Western system. Inhibition of TYK2 alone and in combination with MEK inhibition was evaluated in vivo using both murine and human MPNST cell lines, as well as MPNST PDX. RESULTS: Pharmacologic inhibition of TYK2 dose-dependently decreased proliferation and induced apoptosis over time. RNA-seq pathway analysis on TYK2 inhibitor-treated MPNST demonstrated decreased expression of cell cycle, mitotic, and glycolysis pathways. TYK2 inhibition resulted in upregulation of the MEK/ERK pathway gene expression, by both RNA-seq and qPCR array, as well as increased pERK1/2 levels by the WES Western system. The compensatory response was tested with dual treatment with TYK2 and MEK inhibitors, which synergistically decreased proliferation and increased apoptosis in vitro. Finally, combination therapy was shown to inhibit growth of MPNST in multiple in vivo models. CONCLUSIONS: These data provide the preclinical rationale for the development of a phase I clinical trial of deucravacitinib and mirdametinib in NF1-assosciated MPNST

    LKB1 Destabilizes Microtubules in Myoblasts and Contributes to Myoblast Differentiation

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    Background: Skeletal muscle myoblast differentiation and fusion into multinucleate myotubes is associated with dramatic cytoskeletal changes. We find that microtubules in differentiated myotubes are highly stabilized, but premature microtubule stabilization blocks differentiation. Factors responsible for microtubule destabilization in myoblasts have not been identified. Findings: We find that a transient decrease in microtubule stabilization early during myoblast differentiation precedes the ultimate microtubule stabilization seen in differentiated myotubes. We report a role for the serine-threonine kinase LKB1 in both microtubule destabilization and myoblast differentiation. LKB1 overexpression reduced microtubule elongation in a Nocodazole washout assay, and LKB1 RNAi increased it, showing LKB1 destabilizes microtubule assembly in myoblasts. LKB1 levels and activity increased during myoblast differentiation, along with activation of the known LKB1 substrates AMPactivated protein kinase (AMPK) and microtubule affinity regulating kinases (MARKs). LKB1 overexpression accelerated differentiation, whereas RNAi impaired it. Conclusions: Reduced microtubule stability precedes myoblast differentiation and the associated ultimate microtubule stabilization seen in myotubes. LKB1 plays a positive role in microtubule destabilization in myoblasts and in myoblast differentiation. This work suggests a model by which LKB1-induced microtubule destabilization facilitates the cytoskeleta

    Searches for Neutrinos from Gamma-Ray Bursts using the IceCube Neutrino Observatory

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    Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are considered as promising sources of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays (UHECRs) due to their large power output. Observing a neutrino flux from GRBs would offer evidence that GRBs are hadronic accelerators of UHECRs. Previous IceCube analyses, which primarily focused on neutrinos arriving in temporal coincidence with the prompt gamma rays, found no significant neutrino excess. The four analyses presented in this paper extend the region of interest to 14 days before and after the prompt phase, including generic extended time windows and targeted precursor searches. GRBs were selected between May 2011 and October 2018 to align with the data set of candidate muon-neutrino events observed by IceCube. No evidence of correlation between neutrino events and GRBs was found in these analyses. Limits are set to constrain the contribution of the cosmic GRB population to the diffuse astrophysical neutrino flux observed by IceCube. Prompt neutrino emission from GRBs is limited to \lesssim1% of the observed diffuse neutrino flux, and emission on timescales up to 10410^4 s is constrained to 24% of the total diffuse flux

    Strong Constraints on Neutrino Nonstandard Interactions from TeV-Scale νμ_{μ} Disappearance at IceCube

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    We report a search for nonstandard neutrino interactions (NSI) using eight years of TeV-scale atmospheric muon neutrino data from the IceCube Neutrino Observatory. By reconstructing incident energies and zenith angles for atmospheric neutrino events, this analysis presents unified confidence intervals for the NSI parameter εμτ. The best-fit value is consistent with no NSI at a p value of 25.2%. With a 90% confidence interval of −0.0041≤εμτ≤0.0031 along the real axis and similar strength in the complex plane, this result is the strongest constraint on any NSI parameter from any oscillation channel to date

    Searching for High-energy Neutrino Emission from Galaxy Clusters with IceCube

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    Galaxy clusters have the potential to accelerate cosmic rays (CRs) to ultrahigh energies via accretion shocks or embedded CR acceleration sites. The CRs with energies below the Hillas condition will be confined within the cluster and eventually interact with the intracluster medium gas to produce secondary neutrinos and gamma rays. Using 9.5 yr of muon neutrino track events from the IceCube Neutrino Observatory, we report the results of a stacking analysis of 1094 galaxy clusters with masses ≳1014^{14} M⊙ and redshifts between 0.01 and ∼1 detected by the Planck mission via the Sunyaev–Zel’dovich effect. We find no evidence for significant neutrino emission and report upper limits on the cumulative unresolved neutrino flux from massive galaxy clusters after accounting for the completeness of the catalog up to a redshift of 2, assuming three different weighting scenarios for the stacking and three different power-law spectra. Weighting the sources according to mass and distance, we set upper limits at a 90% confidence level that constrain the flux of neutrinos from massive galaxy clusters (≳1014^{14} M⊙) to be no more than 4.6% of the diffuse IceCube observations at 100 TeV, assuming an unbroken E−2.5^{2.5} power-law spectrum

    All-flavor constraints on nonstandard neutrino interactions and generalized matter potential with three years of IceCube DeepCore data

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    We report constraints on nonstandard neutrino interactions (NSI) from the observation of atmospheric neutrinos with IceCube, limiting all individual coupling strengths from a single dataset. Furthermore, IceCube is the first experiment to constrain flavor-violating and nonuniversal couplings simultaneously. Hypothetical NSI are generically expected to arise due to the exchange of a new heavy mediator particle. Neutrinos propagating in matter scatter off fermions in the forward direction with negligible momentum transfer. Hence the study of the matter effect on neutrinos propagating in the Earth is sensitive to NSI independently of the energy scale of new physics. We present constraints on NSI obtained with an all-flavor event sample of atmospheric neutrinos based on three years of IceCube DeepCore data. The analysis uses neutrinos arriving from all directions, with reconstructed energies between 5.6 GeV and 100 GeV. We report constraints on the individual NSI coupling strengths considered singly, allowing for complex phases in the case of flavor-violating couplings. This demonstrates that IceCube is sensitive to the full NSI flavor structure at a level competitive with limits from the global analysis of all other experiments. In addition, we investigate a generalized matter potential, whose overall scale and flavor structure are also constrained

    Observation of Cosmic Ray Anisotropy with Nine Years of IceCube Data

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    Design of an Efficient, High-Throughput Photomultiplier Tube Testing Facility for the IceCube Upgrade

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    Multi-messenger searches via IceCube’s high-energy neutrinos and gravitational-wave detections of LIGO/Virgo

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    We summarize initial results for high-energy neutrino counterpart searches coinciding with gravitational-wave events in LIGO/Virgo\u27s GWTC-2 catalog using IceCube\u27s neutrino triggers. We did not find any statistically significant high-energy neutrino counterpart and derived upper limits on the time-integrated neutrino emission on Earth as well as the isotropic equivalent energy emitted in high-energy neutrinos for each event