5 research outputs found

    An Evidence-Based Possible Framework for Addressing Economic and Health Challenges of the Ageing Population in Bangladesh

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    Political unrest, poor economic growth, low savings and tiny coverage of pension are making the elderly to face challenges to survive in Bangladesh. Health care costs of elderly affected their household living standard significantly due to the unbalanced financial liability in Bangladesh. In this study, we conducted a survey on elderly of 311 sample size from four thana: Dhanmondi, Gulshan, Uttara and Mohammadpur in Dhaka City. Both probability and non-probability sampling methods were used to collect demographic, economic, and health related information of elderly. Elderly mostly depend on their family and pension for their financial support at their retirement age, while they rarely depend on insurance in Bangladesh. Besides, price inflation is another cost driver for elderly. This paper focuses on exploring the current state of health and economic position of elderly. Therefore, the logistic regression model was derived to identify the significant key factors (income, pension, health Insurance, physical independence & gender) which were influencing the treatment cost of elderly. Hence, our study also suggests the policy implications (such as specialized bank, social insurance authority, security alert apps, subsidies catering companies, specialized pharmacies etc.) for the upcoming ageing challenges in Bangladesh

    Trends of Women’s Participation in Economic Activity of Bangladesh: Status and Disparity

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    In Bangladesh - despite having significant progress in reducing poverty over the past three decades and increase in the number of women in the paid workforce, there remain many areas where gender disparities still exists. Study shows women’s earnings to be approximately 58.5% of men’s. Women in Bangladesh remain particularly vulnerable to live in poverty. Socially prescribed roles have limited women’s access to economic resources such as capital, skills, and marketing know how. However, social attitudes are changing, and women in Bangladesh are taking advantages of new opportunities for economic and social development with far reaching effects

    Population Movements Towards Dhaka: Disquiets And Commendations

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    Internal migration is now a significant constituent for policy issues in Bangladesh, so there is a need to strengthen the statistical resources devoted to monitoring population movements which directly track migrants and provide household level data. The main objective of our study was to examine the factors and characteristics of individual’s internal migration towards Dhaka city, Bangladesh and recommend some policy issues. We considered a sample of 448 individuals from the rural and urban areas of Bangladesh those migrated to Dhaka city. Here we tried to figuring the determinants of socio-economic, economic and environmental factors related with the internal migration. We tried to interpret the differences between individual’s income, occupational positions, years of schooling, educational facilities and wealth of family before and after migration process. We found that the significant factors liable for internal migration were mainly occupational, educational and climatic. Ordinary least square technique was applied on three regression models which indicated that there were differences due to internal migration regarding to these economic, demographic and environmental factors in Bangladesh. Also we tried to recommend some policies and instruments about the future policy of internal migration

    A Vector Error Correction Model Approach to Investigate the Causal Relationship among Energy Consumption, Real GDP, and Industry Value Added of Bangladesh

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    The paper focuses on investigating the casual relationship among Energy Consumption, Real GDP, and Industry Value Added of Bangladesh using the World Bank Development Indicators data set. The Granger causality approach has been applied to identify the short-run causality direction for all possible pairs of dynamic variables of the study. Results from the approach indicate the unidirectional short run causal relationship from Real GDP to Energy Consumption, while another unidirectional short-run causality has been found from Industry Value Added to Real GDP. The concept of cointegration and Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) are employed to find the long-run relationships among the variables. Our results show the existence of long run relationship between each pair of variables. Furthermore, the Variance Decomposition (VDC) techniques and Impulse Response Function (IRF) was also used to measure the extent/degree of dynamic properties of the variables. Bangladesh has an emerging economy with limited energy resources. Here, the evidence from our study would help policymakers in setting the appropriate energy consumption policies that will enhance and sustain economic growth for the welfare/development of this country

    Aspects at the Back of Internal Migration and Exploring the Changes in Migrant’s Livelihood after their Arrival in Dhaka City, Bangladesh

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    The main objective of this paper was to examine the factors which determine the internal migration to Dhaka city, Bangladesh and to find out their impact on migrant’s livelihood aspect. The sample comprised 448 individuals from the rural and urban areas towards Dhaka city. In this study I enhanced to analyze and interpret the determinants of socio-economic, economic and environmental factors associated with the internal migration in Bangladesh. The study showed the factors that affected the internal migration were mainly occupational, educational and climatic. These factors were analyzed and discussed through the migration theories- neo classical theory, new economics of migration theory and network theory. The ordinary least square technique was applied on three regression models which indicated that there were differences due to internal migration regarding to these economic, demographic and environmental factors in Bangladesh.Acknowledgements 1. Introduction 1.1 Research problem 1.2 Aim and scope 1.3 Outline of the thesis 2. Background 2.1 Previous research 2.2 Theoretical foundation 2.2.1 Neo classical theory 2.2.2 New economic theory of migration 2.2.3 Network theory 2.3 Hypothesis 3. Data 3.1 Source material 3.2 Sample 4. Methodology 4.1 Limitations and statistical model 4.1.1 Limitations of the study 4.1.2 Statistical model 4.2 Definition of variables 4.2.1 Dependent variables 4.2.2 Independent variables 5. Empirical analysis 5.1 Statistical results 5.2 Discussion 6. Conclusion References Appendix