1,101 research outputs found

    The Function of Micro Credit System in Social Amendment A Case Study on Rajshahi District in Bangladesh

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    Micro-credits an extremely small loan given to impoverished people to help them become self employed havebecome an important tool in development economics and play an essential role in the fight against poverty, inparticular with respect to the self-sufficient of women. Since Muhammad Yunus, the founder of the Grameen Bank2,received the Nobel Prize for Peace in 2006, microcredit-systems have been increasingly conceptualized as part of aprofit-oriented “financial system approach”.For more than twenty years, microcredit has been widely heralded as theremedy for world poverty. Recent news stories, however, have sullied microcredit’s glowing reputation with reportson scandals, exorbitant compensation to managers, skyrocketing interest rates, and aggressive marketing schemes.Once praised as a universal panacea, microlenders are now being widely attacked as predatory loan sharks. (Korten,2011)However, in this paper we will discuss different approaches to micro-credits dealing with the question of howfar different concepts influence societal gender arrangements and under which circumstances micro-credits are usefultools for the self-sufficient of women in a sustainable way. For this reason, the results of an empirical studyconducted in Rajshahi will be presented in order to develop a multilayer model for the self-sufficient of womenwhich shows possible impacts of micro-credits on the individual level (micro level), the community level (centrallevel) as well as the socio-political level (macro level)Keywords: Self -sufficient Women, Micro credit, Social Amendment, Fund for Development (SFD)

    Factors Affecting the Adoption of mHealth Services among Young Citizen: A Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) Approach

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    In Bangladesh, nearly everyone has access to a mobile phone and it is increasingly affordable and widespread in all clusters of people have significant impact to extend social relations. The telecom is one of the rapidly growing industries in Bangladesh. Mobile phone is playing a vary significance role with pervasive services. Dissemination of health related information to the general people was a great challenge for this highly populated country, but this problem is going to be erased by application of mobile phone in this regards. In this study attempted to determine and measure the various usages of mobile phone in Bangladesh among the young age group (patients) how they use Mobile phones to solve health related problem. Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) is used as the theoretical underpin to conduct this study. A questionnaire survey method was used to collect data from respondents in different public and private universities of Bangladesh. The data were analyzed using the Partial Least Squire (PLS) method, a statistical analysis technique based on structural Equation Model (SEM). Findings revealed that perceived usefulness (p < 0.05) positively predicted the intention to use mHealth services, while perceived ease of use (p > 0.05) was identified as a less significant factor in the mHealth adoption in Bangladesh. The findings from the study can serve as input to promote citizen’s use of mobile phone for better self-management of health

    The Impact of Communicative Approach in Developing English Language Skill in Business Education

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    A completely new approach in language teaching and learning with innovative attributes was introduced as Communicative English in 1970. The same approach was launched in Bangladesh in the 90s with much enthusiasm.  The new approach with all the innovative and useful blessings met criticisms both from the academicians as well as the non-academicians for the lack of grammar and translation. Everyone happens to highlight the limitations of the new approach and held it responsible as a prime hindrance to language learning. The article attempts to address problems whether Communicative English is the prime solution of the problem the country is facing or the problem lies elsewhere. The study believes that the problem is not solely with the approach but with the other related auxiliaries as well.    The pedagogy, language learning and teaching strategies, teachers’ role in teaching a FL/SL and necessity of teacher training, feeble infrastructures, imperfect evaluation system etc. related to and responsible for the problem apart from the methodology of English language teaching and learning are held responsible for the failure of the approach.   In the light of the above-mentioned problems, the study proposes how the innovative and unfamiliar contents and technique can be made operative as an instructional method.  The paper also addresses a host of solutions like developing the teaching methodology, the outlook of the teachers as well as the students and their guardians towards the new approach with its innovative contents, suggestion for an eclectic method, innovative curriculum and evaluation system, etc. which are the various suggestions proposed by the author. Keywords: Communicative, Bangladesh, ELT, CLT, Eclectic, Business Education

    Developing an E-Portfolio Model for Malaysian Skills Certification

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    The rapid development of ICT nowadays demands that the vocational education system in Malaysia needs to change for improvement in the quality of technology-based learning systems. The Malaysia Skills Certification (MSC) E-portfolio model was developed in this study to improve the existing portfolio used for MSC purposes. This study was conducted to verify the MSC E-portfolio measurement model. Respondents involved in this study were 350 MSC instructors from Institute of Public Skills Training in Malaysia, where 200 respondents were selected from institution under the Ministry of Human Resources and 150 respondents were under the Ministry of Youth and Sports in Malaysia. The total size of the respondent is based on the sample size formula of Krejcie and Morgan and the sample was determined using a stratified random sampling method. A questionnaire was used to obtain the research data. Rasch measurement model approach using Winsteps software was used to carry out questionnaire checks in terms of reliability and the validity of the instrument. Verification of content validity and reliability is done by 7 experts through a modified Delphi method. All 38 indicators that measure the MSC E-portfolio elements have high reliability and validity based on internal consistency analysis, indicator reliability, convergent validity and discriminant validity. This shows that a combination of all these four elements can produce an E - portfolio system that is more systematic and multi-purpose, as the concept of e-portfolios are still least applied in the education system. Overall, it can be concluded that the E-portfolio MSC constructs influenced by four major factors which are, operating systems, assessment of competence, Recognition of Prior Achievement (RPA) and virtual learning space. This study also directly gives a new dimension to the MSC system from the aspect of student competency assessment, interactive learning, safety safer storage of learning materials and provide a more systematic knowledge management space

    Factors Affecting the Adoption of mHealth Services among Young Citizen: A Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) Approach

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    In Bangladesh, nearly everyone has access to a mobile phone and it is increasingly affordable and widespread in all clusters of people have significant impact to extend social relations. The telecom is one of the rapidly growing industries in Bangladesh. Mobile phone is playing a vary significance role with pervasive services. Dissemination of health related information to the general people was a great challenge for this highly populated country, but this problem is going to be erased by application of mobile phone in this regards. In this study attempted to determine and measure the various usages of mobile phone in Bangladesh among the young age group (patients) how they use Mobile phones to solve health related problem. Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) is used as the theoretical underpin to conduct this study. A questionnaire survey method was used to collect data from respondents in different public and private universities of Bangladesh. The data were analyzed using the Partial Least Squire (PLS) method, a statistical analysis technique based on structural Equation Model (SEM). Findings revealed that perceived usefulness (p 0.05) was identified as a less significant factor in the mHealth adoption in Bangladesh. The findings from the study can serve as input to promote citizen’s use of mobile phone for better self-management of health

    The Pivotal Roles of the Epithelial Membrane Protein Family in Cancer Invasiveness and Metastasis.

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    The members of the family of epithelial membrane proteins (EMPs), EMP1, EMP2, and EMP3, possess four putative transmembrane domain structures and are composed of approximately 160 amino acid residues. EMPs are encoded by the growth arrest-specific 3 (GAS3)/peripheral myelin protein 22 kDa (PMP22) gene family. The GAS3/PMP22 family members play roles in cell migration, growth, and differentiation. Evidence indicates an association of these molecules with cancer progression and metastasis. Each EMP has pro- and anti-metastatic functions that are likely involved in the complex mechanisms of cancer progression. We have recently demonstrated that the upregulation of EMP1 expression facilitates cancer cell migration and invasion through the activation of a small GTPase, Rac1. The inoculation of prostate cancer cells overexpressing EMP1 into nude mice leads to metastasis to the lymph nodes and lungs, indicating that EMP1 contributes to metastasis. Pro-metastatic properties of EMP2 and EMP3 have also been proposed. Thus, targeting EMPs may provide new insights into their clinical utility. Here, we highlight the important aspects of EMPs in cancer biology, particularly invasiveness and metastasis, and describe recent therapeutic approaches

    The influence of leadership styles on employee performance in telecom companies of Bangladesh

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    Leadership styles have drawn much attention in a cutthroat business world. As a result, the standardization of human resources management goals has gained much popularity. However, if there is a meaningful and established process to be used in leadership activities, an organization may be able to realize its purpose within the specified time. This study aims to determine how several leadership styles – transformational leadership, charismatic leadership, democratic leadership, and transactional leadership – affect employee performance. The data were obtained using a self-reported questionnaire adapted from prior studies; the paper employed purposive and convenience sampling methods to receive information from 260 employees of several telecommunication companies in Bangladesh. For this study purpose, SPSS version 26.0 was used to conduct the necessary statistical analyses, and the construct reliability was evaluated using Cronbach’s (a) coefficient value of 0.70 or higher. According to the findings, transformational leadership, charismatic leadership, democratic leadership, and transactional leadership have a favorable relationship with employee performance in telecom organizations. Thus, decision-makers and other practitioners need to learn how to recognize diverse leadership philosophies and their effects on employee performance from an organizational perspective. Finally, the study recommends that leaders transition from highly traditional leadership styles to more participative and positive ones


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    تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى توضيح الدور الذي تقوم به المحكمة الجزائرية لتسوية النزاعات الرياضية كهيئة قانونية متخصصة في تسوية نزاعات الحركة الرياضية الوطنية، ومن بين هذه الأهداف نذكر :تسليط الضوء على المحكمة الجزائرية لتسوية النزاعات الرياضية كهيئة قانونية، مستقلة ومتخصصة والتعريف بها وبغرفها، وابراز الدور الذي تلعبه المحكمة الجزائرية لتسوية النزاعات الرياضية في تطبيق المنظومة الاحترافية .وتسليط الضوء على طبيعة القضايا المطروحة أمام المحكمة الجزائرية لتسوية النزاعات الرياضية وطرق معالجتها لهذه القضايا، وابراز القوة القانونية للأحكام و القرارات التي تصدرها المحكمة الجزائرية لتسوية النزاعات الرياضية كقطب متخصص. وتحديد مفهوم النزاع الرياضي وآليات تسويته على مستوى محكمة التحكيم الرياضي الجزائرية، الإطلاع على محتوى القوانين والقواعد الإجرائية التي تنظم سير محكمة التحكيم الرياضي الجزائرية. استخدم الباحثون المنهج الوصفي وتم جمع البيانات من خلال الاستبيان والمقابلة. وأبرزت النتائج المحكمة الجزائرية لتسوية النزاعات الرياضية تتمتع بالاستقلالية، وأن المحكمة الجزائرية لتسوية النزاعات الرياضية تلعب دوراً ايجابياً في تسوية نزاعات الناتجة عن تطبيق المنظومة الاحترافية في الجزائرThe aim of this study was to clarify the role of Algerian court as a professional community, some of these goals are to solve problems by using law, it has dependency, specialist, and identify the style of problems that solve, highlight the nature of the cases in front of the Algerian court to settle sports disputes, the legal force of judgments and decisions as a specialized pole, and defining the concepts of mathematical conflict and mechanism for setting it. To do those researchers used the description curriculum with questioner & interview Main results were that the court is independent, has a positive role at solving sports problems related to professionalism system in Algeri

    Bio-energy generation in an affordable, single-chamber microbial fuel cell integrated with adsorption hybrid system: effects of temperature and comparison study

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    A microbial fuel cell (MFC) integrated with adsorption system (MFC-AHS) is tested under various operating temperatures with palm oil mill effluent as the substrate. The optimum operating temperature for such system is found to be at ∼35°C with current, power density, internal resistance (Rin), Coulombic efficiency (CE) and maximum chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal of 2.51 ± 0.2 mA, 74 ± 6 mW m−3, 25.4 Ω, 10.65 ± 0.5% and 93.57 ± 1.2%, respectively. Maximum current density increases linearly with temperature at a rate of 0.1772 mA m−2 °C−1, whereas maximum power density was in a polynomial function. The temperature coefficient (Q10) is found to be 1.20 between 15°C and 35°C. Present studies have demonstrated better CE performance when compared to other MFC-AHSs. Generally, MFC-AHS has demonstrated higher COD removals when compared to standalone MFC regardless of operating temperatures. Abbreviations: ACFF: activated carbon fiber felt; APHA: American Public Health Association; CE: Coulombic efficiency; COD: chemical oxygen demand; ECG: electrocardiogram; GAC: granular activated carbon; GFB: graphite fiber brush; MFC: microbial fuel cell; MFC-AHS: microbial fuel cell integrated with adsorption hybrid system; MFC-GG: microbial fuel cell integrated with graphite granules; POME: palm oil mill effluent; PTFE: polytetrafluoroethylene; SEM: scanning electron microscope. © 2017 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group