11 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Pemberian Sumber Silikon pada Sifat Kimia dan Pertumbuhan Tanaman Padi pada Tiga Jenis Tanah

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    Silicon (Si) has an important role in the growth of rice plants and some soil chemical properties. However, Si still receives less attention, because there is still little information about the importance of Si for rice plants and not many researches have been done on the use of Si in rice plants. This condition causes the farmers do not practice the use of Si as a fertilizer that eventually removal or release of silica from the soil solum. One source of Si that can be used as a fertilizer is trass. Currently, the trass has been widely used by the community as the basic material for making bricks. However, the use of trass as a source of Si in agriculture is not widely known. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate the effect of trass on rice plant growth and soil chemical properties. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of trass addition on soil chemical properties and rice growth. The experimental design used was a separate plot where three types of soil, namely oxisol, inceptisol, and vertisol as the main plot and seven doses of trass were 0 (D0); 1.25 (D1); 2.5 (D2); 3.75 (D3); 5 (D4); 7.5 (D5); and 10 (D6) g kg-1 of soil as sub-plots. The treatment was a combination of these two factors and was repeated 3 times to obtain 63 experimental units. The results showed that the administration of trass significantly increased pH, available P, Ca-dd, Mg-dd, and significantly decreased available Fe and Mn. Meanwhile, the provision of trass also significantly affected plant height, namely 91 cm, and the number of tillers, namely 21 stems.   Key words: chemical properties, rice, silicon, tras

    Identifikasi Bakteri Pelarut Kalium Indigenus Asal Perkebunan Nanas

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    The use of relatively high doses of inorganic fertilizers to increase yields in plantation-scale pineapple (Ananas comosus) cultivation can lead to new problems, such as being toxic to plants, polluting the environment, and increasing production costs. The utilization of rhizosphere microbes, such as potassium solubilizing bacteria (KSB) is expected can reduce the dose of inorganic K fertilizer application because it can dissolve potassium-fixed Al and Fe soil so that it is available to plants. This study aims to assess and characterize the potential of BPK in pineapple plantation areas. KSB evaluation was carried out based on the Potassium Solubility Index (IKK), besides that, it also carried out the characterization of bacteria that have the potential as CPC isolates. CPC was isolated from planting blocks with low and high production levels in the vegetative (V) and generative (G) phases with 5 replications. As many as 20 isolates from the CPC population on pineapple plantations were successfully isolated in this study. The lowest K solubility index of 0.6 was obtained in isolate RV1 and the highest, namely 1.2 in isolate RG1. Among these isolates, RG1 is Gram-positive and grows optimally at pH 5, temperature 30°C. Based on the results of the phylogenetic analysis, it is known that this potassium solubilizing isolate has the same level of similarity with the bacterium Bacillus subtilis.   Keywords: Bacillus, indigenous, potassium, solubilizing index, temperatur

    Perbaikan Sifat Tanah pada Lahan Berpasir Dengan Pemberian Pupuk Kandang dan Pupuk Hayati

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    Santari PT, Amin M, mulyawan R. 2021. improvement of Soil Properties on Sandy Soil By Providing Amelliorant and Biofertilizers. In: Herlinda S et al. (Eds.), Prosiding Seminar Nasional Lahan Suboptimal ke-9 Tahun 2021, Palembang  20 Oktober 2021. pp. 854-862.  Palembang: Penerbit & Percetakan Universitas Sriwijaya (UNSRI). Nutrients N, P, K are nutrients needed by plants in large amounts because these elements affect the growth and production of plants. N, P, K deficiencies are often found, especially in sandy soil types. Sandy soil has a low content of organik matter and nutrients. In sandy soil, the sand fraction content is high so that the nutrients are not easily bound, it is easy to pass water, and the total number of microorganisms is relatively low. The existence of these obstacles makes sandy soils need further management so that they can be used optimally. Ways that can be done to improve and increase the status of soil fertility are by giving manure and biological fertilizers. It is believed that the application of manure and biological fertilizer can improve physical, chemical, and biological properties. The provision of manure and biological fertilizers can increase plant productivity because they can be a stimulant in nutrient availability and improving soil physical properties. Several studies and literature on the application of manure and biological fertilizers on sandy soils have been carried out, either singly or in combination. This paper aims to compile the results of research on the application of manure and types of biological fertilizers applied to sandy soils so that a conclusion can be found that can be recommended by farmers in managing sandy soils

    Uji Kelarutan Si Tersedia pada Trass Bakar dan Non Bakar: Experiment of Silica Solubility Availabilityon Fuel and Non Fuel Trass

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    This research was conducted to determine the available Si between burned trass and unburned trass, also to determine the best formula to be used as silica fertilizer. This research was conducted at the Laboratory of Soil Chemistry and Fertility, Department of Soil Science and Land Resources, Faculty of Agriculture, IPB University. The experimental design was the split-plot with the main plot consisted of burned trass and unburned trass, and the subplot consisted of combination dosage of trass and CaCO3, those were 100% trass, 83.33% trass + 16.67 CaCO3, 66.67.% trass + 33.33% CaCO3, each treatment was replicated three times, resulting in 18 experiment units. The result showed that the burned trass showed the highest available Si compared to the unburned trass. The combination of 83% trass + 17% CaCO3 showed the highest available Si of those were 120.02 ppm, 72.67 ppm and 53.43 ppm, respectively with extractant of ammonium acetate pH 4.8, 0.5 M HCl and H2O. Keywords: Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mempelajari kelarutan Si tersedia antara trass bakar dan non bakar dan penentuan formula terbaik untuk dijadikan sebagai pupuk silika. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Laboratorium Kimia dan Kesuburan Tanah, Departemen Ilmu Tanah dan Sumberdaya Lahan, Institut Pertanian Bogor. Rancangan Percobaan yang dilakukan adalah split plot dengan petak utama terdiri dari trass bakar dan non bakar, dan anak petak terdiri dari  dosis trass yang dikombinasikan dengan CaCO3 yaitu 100% trass, 83.33% trass+16.67 CaCO3, 66.67.% trass +33.33% CaCO3, masing-masing perlakuan diulang sebanyak tiga kali, sehingga total satuan percobaan ada 18. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa trass bakar menunjukkan hasil kelarutan silika tersedia tertinggi dibandingkan trass non bakar. Kombinasi 83% trass+ 17% CaCO3 menunjukkan Si tersedia tertinggi yaitu 120.02 ppm, 72.67 ppm dan 53.43 ppm berturut-turut dengan pengekstrak ammonium asetat pH 4.8, 0.5 M HCl dan H2O

    Pemupukan Silikon dalam Meningkatkan Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tanaman Sorgum

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    Penggunaan Silikon (Si) secara terus-menerus tanpa adanya input pemupukan dapat menyebabkan Si tersedia di dalam tanah semakin menurun. Kandungan Si yang rendah dapat menjadi faktor pembatas suatu tanaman terhadap penurunan hasil. Silikon merupakan beneficial element yang sangat dibutuhkan oleh sorgum terhadap pertumbuhannya. Sorgum merupakan tanaman alternatif yang baik terutama di daerah kering, sehingga sorgum sering mengalami cekaman defisit air. Penggunaan Si dapat menurunkan efek bahaya dari cekaman biotik seperti hama dan penyakit, dan cekaman abiotik seperti salinitas, kekeringan, defisiensi hara, dan logam berat. Pentingnya Si pada tanaman menjadi perhatian bagi para peneliti untuk menghasilkan penelitian tentang pemupukan Si pada tanaman. Nanoteknologi merupakan teknik pemupukan ramah lingkungan yang saat ini dikembangkan karena sifatnya yang efisien, ramah lingkungan, dan berkelanjutan. Akan tetapi, masih banyak yang belum mengetahui tentang peran Si pada tanaman, sumber Si, dan pemupukan Si pada sorgum. Sehingga diperlukan informasi secara menyeluruh terkait peran Si hingga pemupukan pada sorgum

    Respons Pemberian dan Penetapan Status Hara Si pada Tanaman Padi

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    The use of silica fertilizer still has been included in cultivation technology: however, nutrient status for paddy soil is rarely reported in Indonesia. It is necessary to carry out a research on the determination of nutrient status and the influence of silica fertilizer on rice production. The aims of this research are to investigate the effect trass on soil chemical properties, discover of silica fertilizer on rice production and determine the nutrient status of Si by Cate Nelson and Contiunous Curves. The results showed that the effect of trass has a significant on soil chemical properties such as pH H2O and available Si. The nutrient status of Si was estimated by using several different extractants namely H2O; CaCl2; Ammonium Acetate pH 4.8; and Acetate Buffer pH 4 gives a critical limit value of 13, 17, 34, and 37 mg kg-1, equivalent to 28 mg kg-1, 36 mg kg-1, 73 mg kg-1, and 79 mg kg-1 SiO2, respectively. Meanwhile, the Si availability in the medium class based on Continuous Curves Method extracted by H2O; 0.01 M CaCl2; NH4OAc pH 4.8; and Na-acetate pH 4 were 18-34, 33-41, 44-79, and 42-81 mg SiO2 kg-1, espectively. Burned trass with dose of 10 g kg-1 gives the highest rice production of 44.19 g pot-1 equivalent to 7.07 ton ha-1

    Identifikasi Bakteri Pelarut Kalium Indigenus Dari Perkebunan Nanas

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    In the cultivation of pineapple (Ananas comosus) on a plantation scale, several types of inorganic fertilizers are used with relatively high doses, to increase production yields. The utilization of rhizosphere microbes such as potassium solubilizing bacteria (KSB) is expected to reduce the dose of inorganic K fertilizer application because it can dissolve potassium-fixed Al and Fe soil to become available for plants. This study aims to evaluate and characterize the potential BPK in pineapple plantations. The evaluation was carried out based on the Potassium Solubilizing Index (SI) in addition to characterizing bacteria that have the potential as KSB isolates. Potasium Solubilizing Bacteria was isolated from planting blocks with low and high production levels in the vegetative (V) and generative (G) phases with 5 replications. The results shows that there were 20 isolated CPC populations. The lowest K solubility index was 0.6 in RV1 and the highest was 1.2 in RG1. RG1 isolate is gram-positive and grows maximum at pH 5, temperature 300C. The phylogenetic test showed that Bacillus subtilis is a potassium solubilizing isolate with the same degree of similarity

    Identifikasi Bakteri Pelarut Kalium Indigenus Dari Perkebunan Nanas

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    In the cultivation of pineapple (Ananas comosus) on a plantation scale, several types of inorganic fertilizers are used with relatively high doses, to increase production yields. The utilization of rhizosphere microbes such as potassium solubilizing bacteria (KSB) is expected to reduce the dose of inorganic K fertilizer application because it can dissolve potassium-fixed Al and Fe soil to become available for plants. This study aims to evaluate and characterize the potential BPK in pineapple plantations. The evaluation was carried out based on the Potassium Solubilizing Index (SI) in addition to characterizing bacteria that have the potential as KSB isolates. Potasium Solubilizing Bacteria was isolated from planting blocks with low and high production levels in the vegetative (V) and generative (G) phases with 5 replications. The results shows that there were 20 isolated CPC populations. The lowest K solubility index was 0.6 in RV1 and the highest was 1.2 in RG1. RG1 isolate is gram-positive and grows maximum at pH 5, temperature 300C. The phylogenetic test showed that Bacillus subtilis is a potassium solubilizing isolate with the same degree of similarity

    Trass Effect as a Source of Silicon on Soil, Hay, Husk and Growth of Rice Plants

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    Silicon (Si) is one of the important things for rice growth. The importance of Si relates to increased rice yield, increased resistance to disease and resistance to falling. The rice is an accumulator plant of Si which requires Si for its growth. However, the Si in soil is continually decreased therefore the additional Si is needed intothe soil. Trass is one of the natural materials containing Ca and Si, therefore it can be used as a Si fertilizer. This study aims to determine levels of soil Si, straw, husk, and growth in rice. This research consisted of three types of soil, Oxisol, Inceptisol and Vertisol as the main plot and 7 doses of burnt fuel namely 0 (D0); 1.25 (D1); 2.5 (D2); 3.75 (D3); 5 (D4); 7.5 (D5); 10 (D6) g kg-1 of soil as subplots. The treatment which is using in this research is a combination of the two factors and repeated 3 times 63 unit experiments were obtained. The results showed the Trass significant concerning to Si in the husk and Si of the soil. Vertisol gives the highest number of panicles of 27 and Si in the straw of 12.75 mg kg-1

    Response of growth and production of potato plants to application of NPK fertilizer

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    Fertilizer is one of the determining factors for the success of potato cultivation. Various types of fertilizers have been produced, but those that are suitable for regional conditions in North Sulawesi do not yet exist. The decreasing of potato production in North Sulawesi is due to the limited use of quality and certified seeds, as well as inappropriate fertilizer dosages. This research objective was to see the effect of NPK fertilization on the production of Medians potato plants. The research was conducted from August to December 2020, in Rurukan Village, East Tomohon District, Tomohon City, North Sulawesi. The experimental design used was randomized complete block design (RCBD) with seven treatments, namely the NPK fertilizer dosage of 0 kg ha-1 (P0), 150 kg ha-1 (P1), 300 kg ha-1 (P2), 450 kg ha-1 (P3), 600 kg ha-1 (P4), 750 kg ha-1 (P5) and 900 kg ha-1 (P6). Each treatment was repeated three times and resulting in 21 treatment plots. The results showed that application of NPK fertilizer of 450 kg ha-1 resulted the highest yields on the components of weight of fresh plant, tuber diameter, and potato productivity