669 research outputs found

    Implementation and Evaluation of Power Consumption of an Iris Pre-processing Algorithm on Modern FPGA

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    In this article, the efficiency and applicability of several power reduction techniques applied on a modern 65nm FPGA is described. For image erosion and dilation algorithms, two major solutions were tested and compared with respect to power and energy consumption. Firstly the algorithm was run on a general purpose processor (gpp) NIOS and then hardware architecture of an Intellectual Property (IP) was designed. Furthermore IPs design was improved by applying a number of power optimization techniques. They involved RTL level clock gating, power driven synthesis with fitting and appropriate coding style. Results show that hardware implementation is much more energy efficient than a general purpose processor and power optimization schemes can reduce the overall power consumption on an FPGA

    Self-Consistent Field study of Polyelectrolyte Brushes

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    We formulate a self-consistent field theory for polyelectrolyte brushes in the presence of counterions. We numerically solve the self-consistent field equations and study the monomer density profile, the distribution of counterions, and the total charge distribution. We study the scaling relations for the brush height and compare them to the prediction of other theories. We find a weak dependence of the brush height on the grafting density.We fit the counterion distribution outside the brush by the Gouy-Chapman solution for a virtual charged wall. We calculate the amount of counterions outside the brush and find that it saturates as the charge of the polyelectrolytes increases

    Infrared spectroscopy of NGC 1068: Probing the obscured ionizing AGN continuum

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    The ISO-SWS 2.5-45 um infrared spectroscopic observations of the nucleus of the Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC 1068 (see companion paper) are combined with a compilation of UV to IR narrow emission line data to determine the spectral energy distribution (SED) of the obscured extreme-UV continuum that photoionizes the narrow line emitting gas in the active galactic nucleus. We search a large grid of gas cloud models and SEDs for the combination that best reproduces the observed line fluxes and NLR geometry. Our best fit model reproduces the observed line fluxes to better than a factor of 2 on average and is in general agreement with the observed NLR geometry. It has two gas components that are consistent with a clumpy distribution of dense outflowing gas in the center and a more extended distribution of less dense and more clumpy gas farther out that has no net outflow. The best fit SED has a deep trough at ~4 Ryd, which is consistent with an intrinsic Big Blue Bump that is partially absorbed by ~6x10^19 cm^-2 of neutral hydrogen interior to the NLR.Comment: 15 pp, 4 figures, ApJ accepte

    Time-Dependent Ionization in Radiatively Cooling Gas

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    We present new computations of the equilibrium and non-equilibrium cooling efficiencies and ionization states for low-density radiatively cooling gas containing cosmic abundances of the elements H, He, C, N, O, Ne, Mg, Si, S, and Fe. We present results for gas temperatures between 1e4 and 1e8 K, assuming dust-free and optically thin conditions, and no external radiation. For non-equilibrium cooling we solve the coupled time-dependent ionization and energy loss equations for a radiating gas cooling from an initially hot, >5e6K equilibrium state, down to 1e4K. We present results for heavy element compositions ranging from 1e-3 to 2 times the elemental abundances in the Sun. We consider gas cooling at constant density (isochoric) and at constant pressure (isobaric). We calculate the critical column densities and temperatures at which radiatively cooling clouds make the dynamical transition from isobaric to isochoric evolution. We construct ion ratio diagnostics for the temperature and metallicity in radiatively cooling gas. We provide numerical estimates for the maximal cloud column densities for which the gas remains optically thin to the cooling radiation. We present our computational results in convenient on-line figures and tables (see http://wise-obs.tau.ac.il/~orlyg/cooling/).Comment: 20 pages, 12 figures. ApJS in press. Electronic data available at http://wise-obs.tau.ac.il/~orlyg/cooling

    Comparative efficacy of topical tetraVisc versus lidocaine gel in cataract surgery

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>To compare the clinical efficacy of lidocaine 2% with tetracaine 0.5% for cataract surgery.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In a randomized, multi-surgeon, controlled clinical trial,122 consecutive cataract cases eligible for topical anesthesia, were randomly assigned to receive lidocaine 2% gel (1 ml) or tetracaine solution 0.5% (TetraVisc, 0.5 ml) before clear corneal phacoemulsification. Main outcome measure was visual analog scale (0 to 10), which was used to measure intra-operative pain. Secondary outcome measures included patients' discomfort due to tissue manipulation and surgeon graded patients' cooperation. Duration of surgery and intra-operative complications were also recorded.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The mean age in TetraVisc (TV) group was 70.4 years and in the lidocaine gel group (LG) it was 70.6 years (p = 0.89). Patient reported mean intra-operative pain scores by visual analog scale were 0.70 ± 0.31 in TV group and 1.8 ± 0.4 in LG group (<it>P </it>< 0.001). Mean patient cooperation was also marginally better in the TV group (8.3 ± 0.3) compared to LG group (8.4 ± 0.6) (P = 0.25). 96% of patients in TV group showed intra-operative corneal clarity compared to 91% in LG group. TV group had less (1 out of 61 patients, 1.6%) intra-operative complications than LG group (3 out of 61 patients, 4.8%). No anesthesia related complications were noted in either group</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Topical TetraVisc solution was superior to lidocaine 2% gel for pain control in patients undergoing clear corneal phacoemulsification. Lidocaine 2% gel is similar to TetraVisc in patient comfort and surgeon satisfaction.</p> <p>Trial Registration</p> <p><b>Clinical trials number</b>: ISRCTN78374774</p

    Neonatal Oral Imitation in Patients with Severe Brain Damage

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    Background: Neonates reproduce facial movements in response to an adult model just after birth. This neonatal oral imitation usually disappears at about 2- to 3-months of age following the development of cortical control. There is controversy relating to the nature and neural basis of such neonatal imitation. To address this issue, we studied the relationship between oral imitation, primitive reflexes, and residual voluntary movement in patients with severe brain damage. Methods: Six male and six female patients with cerebral palsy, from 4 to 39 years, were included in this study. Oral imitation was examined when they were awake and looked at the experimenter. Patients were evaluated as performing oral imitation when they opened their mouth repeatedly without visual feedback regarding their own behavior in response to the experimenter’s oral movement. Tongue or lip protrusion was not examined because none of patients were able to do those behaviors due to their physical disability. Rooting and sucking reflexes were also investigated as representatives of primitive reflexes. Results: Six patients (50%) performed oral imitation. Mouth opening was not observed repeatedly in response to other facial expression without opening the mouth such as surprise or smile, excluding the possibility of nonspecific oral reaction. They exhibited little voluntary movement of their extremities. Half of them also manifested at least one primitive reflex. N

    Fetal leg posture in uncomplicated breech and cephalic pregnancies

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    Background The objective of our study was to determine differences in prenatal leg posture development between breech and cephalic-born babies. Materials and methods Ten healthy fetuses in breech and ten healthy fetuses in cephalic presentation were observed by means of weekly ultrasounds from 33 weeks gestational age until birth to assess leg posture. Results The breech fetuses showed a clear preference for an extended leg position; they spent significantly more time with their knees in extension than the cephalic fetuses (p<0.001). The cephalic fetuses showed significantly more leg-crossing than the breech fetuses (p<0.01). For both findings, no significant change over time could be observed in either group. Conclusion These findings show that the intra-uterine position does influence the fetal postural and motor development. However, it seems unlikely that intra-uterine movement restriction can solely be held accountable for the observed differences in leg position between breech and cephalic fetuses. © 2008 The Author(s)

    Mapping genetic determinants of host susceptibility to Pseudomonas aeruginosa lung infection in mice.

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    Background: P. aeruginosa is one of the top three causes of opportunistic human bacterial infections. The remarkable variability in the clinical outcomes of this infection is thought to be associated with genetic predisposition. However, the genes underlying host susceptibility to P. aeruginosa infection are still largely unknown. Results: As a step towards mapping these genes, we applied a genome wide linkage analysis approach to a mouse model. A large F2 intercross population, obtained by mating P. aeruginosa-resistant C3H/HeOuJ, and susceptible A/J mice, was used for quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping. The F2 progenies were challenged with a P. aeruginosa clinical strain and monitored for the survival time up to 7 days post-infection, as a disease phenotype associated trait. Selected phenotypic extremes of the F2 distribution were genotyped with high-density single nucleotide polymorphic (SNP) markers, and subsequently QTL analysis was performed. A significant locus was mapped on chromosome 6 and was named P. aeruginosa infection resistance locus 1 (Pairl1). The most promising candidate genes, including Dok1, Tacr1, Cd207, Clec4f, Gp9, Gata2, Foxp1, are related to pathogen sensing, neutrophils and macrophages recruitment and inflammatory processes. Conclusions: We propose a set of genes involved in the pathogenesis of P. aeruginosa infection that may be explored to complement human studie

    Unmet support needs relating to hypoglycaemia among adults with type 1 diabetes: Results of a multi‐country web‐based qualitative study

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    Objective Hypoglycaemic episodes and fear of hypoglycaemia can be burdensome for adults with type 1 diabetes. This study explored support needs relating to hypoglycaemia among adults with type 1 diabetes living in Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. Research design and methods Respondents participated in a web-based qualitative study involving four open-ended questions that asked what they wished other people understood about hypoglycaemia and what other people could do differently to support them with hypoglycaemia. Responses were analyzed using reflexive thematic analysis. Results Participants were 219 adults with type 1 diabetes (mean ± SD age 39 ± 13 years; mean ± SD diabetes duration 20 ± 14 years). They described unmet needs relating to: (1) Clinical support, involving access to new diabetes technologies, training on hypoglycaemia prevention, personalised care and psychological support; (2) Practical support, involving family and friends better supporting them with hypoglycaemia management and prevention; (3) Education for other people, involving others becoming more informed about hypoglycaemia; and (4) An appreciation of the burden, involving others recognizing the experience and impact of episodes, and the burden of living with the risk of hypoglycaemia. Conclusions Adults with type 1 diabetes report several unmet support needs relating to hypoglycaemia. Service delivery should be person-centred and prioritise the individual's support needs. Clinical conversations are needed to identify the individual's support needs and develop tailored support plans. People with diabetes and their family members should be offered hypoglycaemia-specific education and training
