32 research outputs found

    Analisa Penerapan Bulbous Bow Pada Kapal Katamaran Untuk Meningkatkan Efisiensi Pemakaian Bahan Bakar

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    Saat ini perkembangan dalam dunia desain kapal semakin maju . Dalam mendesain kapal banyak tantangan yang harus dihadapi , salah satunya adalah sulitnya pencapaian efisiensi yang optimum dalam hal performance. Salah satu target yang harus dicapai dalam optimalisasi desain adalah mengenai kecepatan kapal, dimana kecepatan kapal harus memenuhi permintaan dari pemilik kapal tetapi dengan menggunakan daya mesin yang kecil sehingga akan mengurangi kebutuhan bahan bakar saat beroperasi, tanpa mengurangi kapasitas dan stabilitas kapal. Salah satu perkembangan dalam desain kapal adalah kapal katamaran. Kapal katamaran memiliki dua lambung yang mempunyai beberapa kelebihan, salah satunya adalah memiliki tahanan yang lebih kecil dibandingkan dengan kapal monohull, sehingga kapal katamaran memiliki efisiensi bahan bakar yang lebih baik daripada kapal monohull. Pada penulisan skripsi ini akan dilakukan analisa tahanan lambung katamaran sebelum dan sesudah modifikasi penambahan bulbous bow. Dalam proses pengerjaan akan menggunakan software maxsurf untuk memodifikasi dengan penambahan bulbous bow pada haluan katamaran untuk mendapatkan nilai tahanan yang lebih rendah sehingga akhirnya dicapai efisiensi penggunaan bahan bakar yang lebih optimal. Hasil pengerjaan skripsi ini berupa bentuk beberapa model katamaran dengan penambahan bulbous bow pada haluannya, nilai tahanan , serta nilai efisiensi kebutuhan bahan bakar

    Development of Cutter Head Design in Cutter Suction Dredger with Thickness and Pitch Variation

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    The need for dredgers for the shallow water in the sea with a very high level of siltation on the coast of Indonesia is a factor worth considering. For example, coastal areas in Ujung Pangkah sub-district, Gresik district, East Java province. The choice of the area is due to the many institutions and corporations that are back and forth utilizing these waterways. But the main obstacle to making a Cutter Suction Dredger (CSD) is almost all the equipment needed is imported, for example, the main equipment is the cutter head. Therefore looking at the needs, economics and technology factors, this paper will discuss the cutter head design. Available data is a request from the owner, 40KW power cutter head; 1000mm cutter diameter; 30rpm rotation. The force distribution given 5950 N is in accordance with the dredging condition which is to have a strong material tension to be estimated to work at a relatively Soft density of <100 Mpa and Medium around 100Mpa - 170Mpa. The expected results of this design are to obtain a proportional design before the production process and to function at a minimum according to specifications. The usefulness of this design really hopes to be followed up to the production stage and can be applied

    Development of Marine Loading and Unloading System for Ro-Ro Vessel

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    Ship stability is one of the important criteria for ship safety as required by IMO and Indonesia Classification Bureau (BKI) in various rules. One of it is the IMO code of Intact Stability. Many factors affect the stability of a ship, including ship load, which in application varies in weight and type of vehicle. Maxsurf has been used to analyze various conditions of the ship, including stability. However, Maxsurf is too complicated to be used by ordinary people. For that a package needed as mediator to Maxsurf to be easier to use. This research developed a package to assist in analyzing the ship stability with vary in weight and type of vehicle. The package was created in Microsoft Excel worksheet and is connected to Maxsurf Stability. Visual Basic for Application was use to write the codes (coding) for the package command. The target ship used in this analysis is a 500 GT ferry ship. After the package is working properly, the analysis simulation can be run. Simulation results show that maximum GZ of both fully loaded and overloaded conditions occur at tilt angle of around 30o. Exceeding such value, the ship for both conditions slowly lose the turning moment. At fully loaded condition, the ship hardly turns back after reaching a tilt angle of 73 o. At overload condition, the ship is still safe though losing its ability to turn back is faster, at heel angle of 71o

    Analisa Penerapan Bulbous Bow pada Kapal Katamaran untuk Meningkatkan Efisiensi Pemakaian Bahan Bakar

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    Saat ini perkembangan dalam dunia desain kapal semakin maju . Dalam mendesain kapal banyak tantangan yang harus dihadapi , salah satunya adalah sulitnya pencapaian efisiensi yang optimum dalam hal performance. Salah satu target yang harus dicapai dalam optimalisasi desain adalah mengenai kecepatan kapal, dimana kecepatan kapal harus memenuhi permintaan dari pemilik kapal tetapi dengan menggunakan daya mesin yang kecil sehingga akan mengurangi kebutuhan bahan bakar saat beroperasi, tanpa mengurangi kapasitas dan stabilitas kapal. Salah satu perkembangan dalam desain kapal adalah kapal katamaran. Kapal katamaran memiliki dua lambung yang mempunyai beberapa kelebihan, salah satunya adalah memiliki tahanan yang lebih kecil dibandingkan dengan kapal monohull, sehingga kapal katamaran memiliki efisiensi bahan bakar yang lebih baik daripada kapal monohull. Pada penulisan skripsi ini akan dilakukan analisa tahanan lambung katamaran sebelum dan sesudah modifikasi penambahan bulbous bow. Dalam proses pengerjaan akan menggunakan software maxsurf untuk memodifikasi dengan penambahan bulbous bow pada haluan katamaran untuk mendapatkan nilai tahanan yang lebih rendah sehingga akhirnya dicapai efisiensi penggunaan bahan bakar yang lebih optimal. Hasil pengerjaan skripsi ini berupa bentuk beberapa model katamaran dengan penambahan bulbous bow pada haluannya, nilai tahanan , serta nilai efisiensi kebutuhan bahan bakar

    Design of Catamaran Propulsion System with Demihull Distance Variation on Hospital Ship

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    Various problems faced by health services in the area of remote islands based on survey data Ministry of Health, that limited human resources in health and treatment facilities, as well as the difficult geographical conditions causing problems transport and communication are the main problem. From the above, the problems faced by means of a mobile hospital in the form of vessels operating from one small island to another small island is the solution of health problems for the people living within the island of MaduraIn this thesis the work will be done planning catamaran ship propulsion system with a variety of distances and determine the power demihull hospital equipmen. From the calculation results in a variation within demihull get with B = 19.51 m, 0,1B = 21.46, 0,2B = 23.41, 25.36 resulting 0,3B = 97.8 kN after the engine power of 812.71 kW obtained. From the selection of the engine 10 criteria obtained type Caterpillar 3508B engines.Power generators are required for a hospital ship is 75kW for 4 gensets

    Fluid Distribution Analysis of Kite Sail for Application on Ship

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    The increasing number of operating ships resulted in high air pollution from the combustion of the ship's engine. Efforts to utilize alternative energy to reduce ship engine work have been done, one of them is using unlimited alternative energy that is wind where one of its application of is the application of new ships sail, kite sail as auxiliary system of ship propulsion . In this final project purposed to find out the value of aerodynamic force of kite sail and power it can generated , with a CFD method that uses 3 kite sail design forms, rectangular, triangular, and elliptical, with an area of 160 m2 this models are simulated at wind speed variations from 13.4 m / s up 15.82 m / s and angel of attack variation of 15.20, and 25. From the variation obtained the total aerodynamic force generated can reach 28.73 kN in rectangular shape, 30.79 kN of Elipsical shape, and 27.55 kN of triangular shape, on variant Angel Of attack 25. From the value of the aerodynamic force, each kite sail capable of generating power, on a rectangular kite sail of up to 263.02 kW, an elipsical 276.75 kW, and a triangular 252.63 kW

    The Effect of Boss Cap Fins to B ā€“ Series Propeller Performance With CFD Method

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    Propeller is similar to rotating fan blade with having primary function as propulsion system. In order to increase propeller performance, Engineer is developing Energy Saving Devices ( ESD ) to reduces operational cost, clean energy and for long term utilization. The global emmision from marine is 2.7 % in 2007. One of ESD is Propeller Boss Cap Fins ( PBCF ). TheĀ  focus of this thesis is to design and developed PBCF B - series propeller. This thesis studies the performance of a propeller without and with PBCF such asĀ  efficiency, thrust, torsion and dynamic hub vortex phenomenon. To obtain the results this thesis usesĀ  Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD). The PBCF simulations were based on itsĀ  pitch angle. The simulation results shows that PBCF is achieved the highest efficiency which is 0.60 %, and increases thrust 3.21 %, and torsionĀ  increase 2.64 % compared to propeller without PBCF. It also shows that the PBCF is able to break the vortex flow and it will reduces the porosity to the rudder and decrese the corrosion potention to the rudder

    Efficiency Analysis of Additions of Ice Flake in Cargo Hold Cooling System of Fishing Vessel

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    As a maritime nation, the majority of people's livelihood in Indonesia coast is as a fishermen. The process of preserving fish after being caught will determine how good the product quality. One of process on preserving fish that can be done is to perform the cooling process using a cooling machine on board. Refrigeration system certainly requires high electrical power consumption. That high power usage can be reduced as much as possible, one of which is to add chopped ice (ice flake) on a fishing boat cargo space. So that the load for cooling can be reduced.The purpose of this thesis is to find out how the influence of the addition of ice flake on cooling load in the cargo hold of fishing vessels, and to know how much power is used when the cooling machine is combined with the addition of ice flake. In this analysis cooling load calculation refers to the standard ISO 7547.from the results of analysis found that the addition of ice flake on cargo space can reduce cooling load and can reduce electricity consumption day in the main vessel for the addition comparison flake ice and fish weight of 1: 1

    Technical Analysis of Kort Nozzle Application for SPOB Ship 4990 DWT on River

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    Propeller is a locomotor shaped vanes are used to drive ships, and also propellers which serves to move tehaga by changing the turning force of the propeller thrust menggerakakan into the vessel. In increasing the value of the thrust to be generated that is by applying the kort nozzle propeller. The method used in this study using CFD (Computional Fluid Dynamic), and the variation is from the conventional propeller models, with a kort nozzle propeller type kort nozzle type 19A and 37. Based on the findings that the kort nozzle propeller with the addition of the value of the thrust , propeller efficiency and torque generated. The driving force value is by using kort nozzle propeller type 37 amounted to 349.27 kN

    Impact Analysis of Trim Tab Inclination Angles Variation to Propulsion Power Requirement of 6 Meterā€™s Speed Boat

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    Determining the ship's propulsion power requirements is one of the most crucial things in ship design which is related to the ship's resistance. One of the causes of the high value of a ship's resistance is excessive trim of the ship. Therefore it needs a mechanism to overcome this, it can be by applying trim tabs. The trim tab is a small surface mounted on the ship's transom that can be adjusted according to the conditions of the ship. By adjusting the angle of the trim tab to be larger, it can increase the lift force and torque moment at the stern of the ship which can reduce the trim of the ship. Based on the boatā€™s characteristics, referring to the guide from Bennet Marine, the appropriate trim tabā€™s geometry for this boat is a trim tab with a span width of 18ā€ (46 cm) and a chord length of 9ā€ (23 cm). After selecting the trim tab geometry, then analyzing the resistance and trim of the ship using the CFD method. Through CFD simulation, trim tab with an angle of 15ā° can reduce the value of the ship's resistance to 17.25% and for the trim can be reduced to 46.72%. Then after the ship's propulsion power requirements calculation, it is shown that the trim tab with an angle of 15ā°, a reduction of 11.56% is obtained from 78.854 kW to 69.741 kW