17 research outputs found

    The 5.2 ka climate event: Evidence from stable isotope and multi-proxy palaeoecological peatland records in Ireland

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    AbstractEvidence for a major climate event at 5.2 ka has been reported globally and is associated with considerable societal disruption, but is poorly characterised in northwest Europe. This event forms part of a broader period of re-organisation in the Earth's ocean-atmosphere circulation system between 6 and 5 ka. This study tests the nature and timing of the event in northwest Europe, a region highly sensitive to change in meridional overturning circulation and mid-latitude westerly airflow. Here we report three high-resolution Irish multi-proxy records obtained from ombrotrophic peatlands that have robust chronological frameworks. We identify the 5.2 ka event by a sustained decrease in δ18Ocellulose at all three sites, with additional and parallel changes in δ13Ccellulose and palaeoecological (testate amoebae, plant macrofossil and humification) data from two sites in northern Ireland. Data from Sluggan Moss demonstrate a particularly coherent shift towards wetter conditions. These data support the hypothesis that the event was caused by a prolonged period of positive North Atlantic Oscillation conditions, resulting in pervasive cyclonic weather patterns across northwest Europe, increasing precipitation over Ireland

    The long-term fate of permafrost peatlands under rapid climate warming

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    Permafrost peatlands contain globally important amounts of soil organic carbon, owing to cold conditions which suppress anaerobic decomposition. However, climate warming and permafrost thaw threaten the stability of this carbon store. The ultimate fate of permafrost peatlands and their carbon stores is unclear because of complex feedbacks between peat accumulation, hydrology and vegetation. Field monitoring campaigns only span the last few decades and therefore provide an incomplete picture of permafrost peatland response to recent rapid warming. Here we use a high-resolution palaeoecological approach to understand the longer-term response of peatlands in contrasting states of permafrost degradation to recent rapid warming. At all sites we identify a drying trend until the late-twentieth century; however, two sites subsequently experienced a rapid shift to wetter conditions as permafrost thawed in response to climatic warming, culminating in collapse of the peat domes. Commonalities between study sites lead us to propose a five-phase model for permafrost peatland response to climatic warming. This model suggests a shared ecohydrological trajectory towards a common end point: inundated Arctic fen. Although carbon accumulation is rapid in such sites, saturated soil conditions are likely to cause elevated methane emissions that have implications for climate-feedback mechanisms

    Carbon stable isotopes as a palaeoclimate proxy in vascular plant dominated peatlands

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    Carbon stable isotope (δ¹³C) records from vascular plant dominated peatlands have been used as a palaeoclimate proxy, but a better empirical understanding of fractionation processes in these ecosystems is required. Here, we test the potential of δ¹³C analysis of ombrotrophic restiad peatlands in New Zealand, dominated by the wire rush (Empodisma spp.), to provide a methodology for developing palaeoclimatic records. We took surface plant samples alongside measurements of water table depth and (micro)climate over spatial (six sites spanning > 10 latitude) and temporal (monthly measurements over 1 year) gradients and analysed the relationships between cellulose δ¹³C values and environmental parameters. We found strong, significant negative correlations between δ¹³C and temperature, photosynthetically active radiation and growing degree days above 0 C. No significant relationships were observed between δ¹³C and precipitation, relative humidity, soil moisture or water table depth, suggesting no growing season water limitation and a decoupling of the expected link between δ¹³C in vascular plants and hydrological variables. δ¹³C of Empodisma spp. roots may therefore provide a valuable temperature proxy in a climatically sensitive region, but further physiological and sub-fossil calibration studies are required to fully understand the observed signal

    The relationship of fine-resolution, multi-proxy palaeoclimate records to meteorological data at Fågelmossen, Värmland, Sweden and the implications for the debate on climate drivers of the peat-based record

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    Fluctuations in bog surface wetness (BSW) over an 86-year period were reconstructed using fine-resolution analyses of testate amoebae, plant macrofossils and peat humification from Fågelmossen, an ombrotrophic bog in western Sweden. Results were compared with local instrumental temperature and precipitation data and reconstructed values of total seasonal water table deficit using an age–depth model based on spheroidal carbonaceous particle analysis and a historically dated, geochemically typed tephra layer. Statistically significant correlations between decadal means of the fine-resolution data and climate parameters lend support to the notion that a climate signal may be present in those data, enhancing confidence in the peat-based record to address pressing research questions on abrupt climate change. All three proxies were correlated most significantly with annual precipitation, plant macrofossils only when correlations were time-lagged by 10 years, suggesting that precipitation, rather than temperature, is the primary driver of the BSW record at Fågelmossen. However, plant macrofossils also correlated significantly with annual temperature when time-lagged by 10 years. The correlation of individual physical and biological proxies with climate parameters on different time-scales, coupled with the significant correlation of plant macrofossil results with annual temperature in addition to annual precipitation, may bring into question the use of composite curves of BSW that combine results from multi-proxy studies. The correlations reported here partly support those from other similar studies, but highlight that regional variability may be greater than previously hypothesised and that it may not be possible to apply a single explanation of climatic forcing where bog surface wetness reconstructions are concerned.<br/

    The use of k-values to examine plant ‘species signals’ in a peat humification record from Newfoundland

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    Peat humification analysis has been used widely over the last three decades to reconstruct bog surface wetness (BSW) for use as a palaeoclimate proxy. The technique has the advantage that it is quick and relatively inexpensive to perform, allowing for high resolution and contiguous sampling of peat archives. However, some concerns have been raised over the quality of the resultant proxy-climate records because changes in the plant species composition of peat may contribute a ‘species signal’ to records, potentially confusing the relationship between bog water table position and the apparent degree of peat humification. This paper uses the k-values of fresh plant material (sensuOverbeck, 1947 – i.e. the absorption value of the alkali extracts of fresh plant material) to explore the impact of changing plant colouration in a Holocene peat humification-based palaeoclimate archive from Newfoundland. We calculate k-scores for peat samples, using plant macrofossil data and the k-values of individual species to provide a down-core visualisation of the plant species signal. Although, overall, the humification data are validated, comparison of the original humification data with a k-adjusted version shows that the species signal is sometimes sufficient to change the timing and number of decadal to centennial-scale events recorded in the data as well as millennial to multi-millennial-scale trends

    Transatlantic distribution of the Alaskan White River Ash

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    Volcanic ash layers preserved within the geologic record represent precise time markers that correlate disparate depositional environments and enable the investigation of synchronous and/or asynchronous behaviors in Earth system and archaeological sciences. However, it is generally assumed that only exceptionally powerful events, such as supereruptions (~450 km3 of ejecta as dense-rock equivalent; recurrence interval of ~105 yr), distribute ash broadly enough to have an impact on human society, or allow us to address geologic, climatic, and cultural questions on an intercontinental scale. Here we use geochemical, age, and morphological evidence to show that the Alaskan White River Ash (eastern lobe; A.D. 833–850) correlates to the “AD860B” ash (A.D. 846–848) found in Greenland and northern Europe. These occurrences represent the distribution of an ash over 7000 km, linking marine, terrestrial, and ice-core records. Our results indicate that tephra from more moderate-size eruptions, with recurrence intervals of ~100 yr, can have substantially greater distributions than previously thought, with direct implications for volcanic dispersal studies, correlation of widely distributed proxy records, and volcanic hazard assessment