677 research outputs found

    Scarcity-Induced Conflict: The Lebanese-Israeli Conflict Over Water

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    This thesis sets out to determine possible links between the depleting water resources in Israel and the country’s hegemony over the water-rich area of south Lebanon. The early Zionist and later Israeli leaders have coveted the Litani river of Lebanon, to which Israel has had access since 1978. Israel’s replenishable water stock is being fully utilized. This fact is the basis of the theoretical motif of the thesis, namely the state conflict induced by resource scarcity. Thus conflict theory is discussed and a model of conflict process is derived. Also discussed are 1) the reasons for the high water consumption in Israel, 2) water supply and demand in the country, 3) the degradation of fresh water sources, and 4) the domestic and foreign options available for Israel to ameloriate the impending water crisis. Lebanon’s Litani river is seen as Israel’s best answer to its water problem. A diversion of the Litani into the Jordan river would, however, strongly affect the economic and demographic growth in both Lebanon and Israel. Such a diversion would also have destablishing regional implications, especially for Lebanon. Against this background the conflict model is tested, and a revised one is proposed; one that is more reflective of the conflict process while under conditions of “natural” scarcity. In conclusion, there appears to be a hydrological dimension to Israel’s presence in the “security belt” of south Lebanon

    Exploring communities of practice in the NHS: A core medical trainee experience

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    Objectives: A community of practice was described by Lave and Wenger as a mutual engagement using a shared repertoire of resources to attain a shared goal. This study explored the extent to which NHS workplaces function as communities of practice for core medical trainees. Methods: All core medical trainees in one region were invited to a semi-structured interview. A framework was produced using communities of practice themes and a hybrid deductive-inductive method used for data analysis. Results: NHS workplaces function as communities of practice by enabling engagement and by formation of mutual relationships. Joint enterprise was evidenced by multidisciplinary team working. Full participation was limited by service provision and short training rotations. Conclusions: Trainee attendance in clinic and procedure lists should be facilitated. Trainees should be enabled to 'act up' as registrar. Flexibility is needed in jobs by allowing swaps between trainees and the facilitation of 'taster weeks'

    Synthesis, characterization and spectroscopic studies on Schiff base complexes of 1-phenyl-2, 3-dimethyl-4-amino-5-oxo-pyrazole with salicylaldehyde with some divalent transition metals

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    In this research, the preparation of bidentate Schiff base was carried out via the condensation reaction of both the salicylaldehyde with 1-phenyl-2,3-dimethyl-4-amino-5-oxo-pyrazole to form the ligand (L). The mentioned ligand was used to prepare complexes with transition metal ions Mn(II), Co(II), Ni(II), Cu(II) and Zn(II). The resulting complexes were separated and characterized by FTIR and UV-Vis spectroscopic technique. Elemental analysis for Carbon, Hydrogen and Nitrogen elements, electronic spectra of the ligand and complexes were obtained, and the magnetic susceptibility tests were also achieved to measure the dipole moments. The molar conductivities were also measured and determination of chlorine content in the complexes and the metal ratio. The complexes have shown the octahydral shapes in the general formula [ML2Cl2], whereas M=Mn, Co, Ni, Cu and Zn, ligand which coordinated as bidentate behavior with nitrogen and oxygen as donor atoms


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    Taenia hydatigena, an intestinal parasite of domestic and wild canids which can cause medical problems and economic losses in animals. Thirty T. hydatigena recovered from the intestine of stray dogs after T. hydatigena based on morphological characters and morphometric observations involving Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and the scoleces were stained by Semichon's acid carmine and viewed on a light microscope. High-quality SEM photographs were shown the blade dimensions of both large and small hooks (83.89 µm and 48.16 µm) respectively, which was close to measurements by a digital camera. The number of hooks around the rostellum were 30 hooks, and both were equal in number (15 hooks), while the average length of the large hooks was 220.11 ±28.07 µm, and was 88.58 ±7.92, and the average length of small hooks was142.37 ±12.52 µm and was 65.73 ±6.94 µm. body surface of Taenia hydatigena presence of characteristic transverse cuticular striations

    The Conservatives and the Union: The 'New English Toryism' and the Origins of Anglo-Britishness

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    The Union has for over a century been one of the cornerstones of Conservative politics, but with the changes to the old union state in the last 20 years, its value has been increasingly questioned. While the Conservative Party remains committed to maintaining the Union, a new English Toryism is emerging, which has a strong continuity with an older English Toryism which was partially buried by the ascendancy of Unionism. English Tories have always considered the Union to be desirable, but it comes second in their thinking to the need to protect the sovereignty of the British state, the core of which is England and its traditional institutions. What is new about the contemporary Conservative Party is that there is within it the revival of an English Toryism which is happy to discard the older clothes of Empire and Union once so important to Conservative identity and which is unabashedly English in its focus. For an increasing number of contemporary Conservatives, there no longer seems to be any passion about defending the Union or even of continuing to think about the United Kingdom in Unionist terms

    Molecular study of Oestrus ovis larvae infesting in sheep in Baghdad city, Iraq

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    The aim of this study is to detect the 28S (rRNA) gene sequences of Oestrus ovis larvae by conventional polymerase chain reaction and to compare their genetic relatedness utilizing phylogenetic analysis. Fifty larvae were collected from sheep for DNA extraction after slaughtering during the period from the beginning of February until the end of April 2019 in Baghdad city. PCR product appeared as the band size 950 bp. Ten of the product PCR were selected for sequence analysis to obtain the partial nucleotides 28S (rRNA) gene. After that the sequence were recorded in National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) with ID NO. (MT875427, MT875428, MT875429, MT875430, MT875431, MT875432, MT875433, MT875434, MT875435, MT875436) for O. ovis larvae. Then, compared these accession number with another global registered in NCBI by using phylogenetic tree examination which show NCBI-BLAST homology sequence identity between them, and these results were confirmed 99% identity with Spain and Brazil isolates and 98% with Italy

    Iris Recognition System Using Convolutional Neural Network

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    Identification system is one of the important parts in security domains of the present time. The traditional protection methods considered to be inefficient and unreliable as they are subjected to the theft, imitation or forgetfulness. In contrast, biometrics such as facial recognition, fingerprints and the retina have emerged as modern protection methods, but still also suffer from some defects and violations. However, Iris recognition is an automated method that considered as a promising biometric identification due to the stability and the uniqueness of its patterns. In this paper, an iris recognition system based on Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) model was proposed. CNN is used to perform the required processes of feature extraction and classification. The proposed system was evaluated through CASIA-V1 and ATVS datasets, after the required pre-processing steps taken place, and achieved 98% and 97.83% as a result, respectively

    Naturally derived phenethyl isothiocyanate modulates induction of oxidative stress via Its N-acetylated cysteine conjugated form in malignant melanoma

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from MDPI via the DOI in this record. Data Availability Statement: Data are contained within the article.Phenethyl isothiocyanate (PEITC) is a secondary metabolic product yielded upon the hydrolysis of gluconasturtiin and it is highly accumulated in the flowers of watercress. The aim of the current study was to assess the role of a naturally derived PEITC-enriched extract in the induction of oxidative stress and to evaluate its anti-melanoma potency through the regulation of its metabolism with the concurrent production of the N-acetyl cysteine conjugated by-product. For this purpose, an in vitro melanoma model was utilized consisting of human primary (A375) cells as well as metastatic (COLO-679) malignant melanoma cells together with non-tumorigenic immortalized keratinocytes (HaCaT). Cytotoxicity was assessed via the Alamar Blue assay whereas the antioxidant/prooxidant activity of PEITC was determined via spectrophotometric assays. Finally, kinetic characterization of the end-product of PEITC metabolism was monitored via UPLC coupled to a tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS). Our results indicate that although PhEF showed very minor antioxidant activity in a cell-free system, in a cell-based system, it can modulate the activity of key enzyme(s) involved in cellular antioxidant defense mechanism(s). In addition, we have shown that PhEF induces lipid and protein oxidation in a concentration-dependent manner, while its cytotoxicity is not only dependent on PEITC itself but also on its N-acetylated cysteine conjugated form.Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation (H.F.R.I.)Cyprus Institute of Neurology and Genetics (Telethon Cyprus
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