193 research outputs found

    Temporal consistency in learning action values for volleyball

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    Learning actions values is a key idea in sports analytics with applications such as player ranking, tactical insight and outcome prediction. We compare two fundamentally different approaches for learning action values on a novel play-by-play volleyball dataset. In the first approach, we employ regression models that implicitly assume statistical independence of data samples. In the second approach, we use a deep reinforcement learning model, explicitly enforcing the sequential nature of the data in the learning process. We find that temporally independent regression can in certain settings outperform the reinforcement learning approach in terms of predictive accuracy, but the latter performs much better when temporal consistency is required. We also consider a mimic regression tree as a way to add interpretability to the deep reinforcement learning approach. Finally, we examine the computed action values and perform a number of example analyses to verify their validity

    La ecología humana en San Juan Pablo II y Benedicto XVI y su contribución al debate sobre el desarrollo sostenible

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    La Ecología Humana Católica constituye las condiciones favorables y sanas para el desarrollo y realización de la persona humana, ayudando a resolver conflictos entre la actividad humana y la protección del medio ambiente, así como un enfoque saludable de los problemas sociales. Este trabajo argumenta que la aplicación de la Ecología Humana -como propuesta y desarrollada por los Papas Juan Pablo II y Benedicto XVI- en el campo del Desarrollo Sostenible, ayuda a reenfocar las ciencias políticas, la economía, la política y el desarrollo, al servicio de la persona humana. Abarca la rica tradición católica del pensamiento sobre cuestiones sociales y proporciona una visión armoniosa que integra y reconcilia el entorno natural con el humano, incluida la persona humana, su cuerpo, alma y espíritu, así como la actividad humana y su expresión en la vida, tecnología, desarrollo y cultura, cambiando el enfoque, del individuo y sus derechos, al cuidado del entorno natural y social que todos compartimos, impactándolo con nuestras acciones y beneficiándonos de su armonía y salud.A Catholic Human Ecology is presented as the favorable and healthy conditions for the flourishing and fulfillment of the human person, helping to solve conflicts between human activity and protection of the environment, as well as a healthy approach to social issues. This work argues that the application of Human Ecology -as proposed and developed by Popes John Paul II and Benedict XVI- to the field of Sustainable Development, helps to refocus the policy sciences, economy, politics and development, to the service of the human person. It encompasses the rich Catholic tradition of thought on social issues and provides a harmonious view which integrates and reconciles the natural environment with the human, including the human person, his body, soul and spirit, as well as human activity and its expression in life, technology, development and culture.Tesi

    Computational studies of history-dependence in nematic liquid crystals in random environments

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    Glassy liquid crystalline systems are expected to show significant history-dependent effects. Two model glassy systems are the RAN and SSS (sprinkled silica spin) lattice models. The RAN model is a Lebwohl-Lasher lattice model with locally coupled nematic spins, together with uncorrelated random anisotropy fields at each site, while the SSS model has a finite concentration of impurity spins frozen in random directions. Here Brownian simulation is used to study the effect of different sample histories in the low temperature regime in a three-dimensional (d=3) model intermediate between SSS and RAN, in which a finite concentration p<pc (pc the percolation threshold) of frozen spins interacts with neighboring nematic spins with coupling W. Simulations were performed at temperature T?TNI/2 (TNI the bulk nematic-isotropic transition temperature) for temperature-quenched and field-quenched histories (TQH and FQH, respectively), as well as for temperature-annealed histories (AH). The first two of these limits represent extreme histories encountered in typical experimental studies. Using long-time averages for equilibrated systems, we calculate orientational order parameters and two-point correlation functions. Finite-size scaling was used to determine the range of the orientational ordering, as a function of coupling strength W,p and sample history. Sample history plays a significant role; for given concentration p, as disorder strength W is increased, TQH systems sustain quasi-long-range order (QLRO) and short-range order (SRO). The data are also consistent with a long-range order (LRO) phase at very low disorder strength. By contrast, for FQH and p?0.1, only LRO and QLRO occur within the range of parameters investigated. The crossover between regimes depends on history, but in general, the FQH phase is more ordered than the AH phase, which is more ordered than the TQH phase. However, at temperatures close to the isotropic-nematic phase transition of pure samples we observe SRO for p=0.1 even for FQH. We detect also in the QLRO phase a domain-type structural pattern, consistent with ideas introduced by Giamarchi and Doussal [Phys. Rev. B 52, 1242 (1995)] on superconducting flux lattices. In the weak-disorder limit the orientational correlation length obeys the Larkin-Imry-Ma scaling ??D?2/(4?d)

    Heavy metals in a latin american coastal lagoon - sediments, water and macrophytes

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    Dissertação de mestrado, Ecohidrologia, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2015Coastal lagoons are considered to be some of the most productive ecosystems on Earth, providing a wide range of ecosystem services and resources. Jacunem lagoon, ES, Brazil, was studied to evaluate the impact of anthropogenic activities on heavy metal concentrations in sediments, water and macrophytes (Eichhornia crassipes and Typha domingensis). In order to verify the presence of heavy metals in lagoon and define an ecohydrological strategy for improvement of ecological status, eight sampling points were defined among the ecosystem. Concentrations of Al, V, As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, and Zn in water, sediments, and Eichhornia crassipes and Typha domingensis were quantified and results were compared with Brazilian legal references and Enrichment Factors and Translocation Factors were calculated. High concentrations of Zn and V were found in sediments. The spatial distribution of the highest concentrations of heavy metals in sediments, in general, was according the proximity to anthropogenic sources of pollution. Concentrations of all studied heavy metals in dissolved fraction of water, were below reference values, however, in suspended matter were found high concentrations of metals, mainly of Ni and Pb. Both E. crassipes and T. domingensis showed capacity to absorb and accumulate heavy metals from human activities around the Jacunem Lagoon. The distribution of metals among the organs of these macrophytes presented some distinct patterns, according species and depending of metals. Metals were mainly accumulated in roots of both species, however, higher concentrations of Cd, Zn were quantified in leaves and stems. To develop an ecohydrological approach to the sustainable management of this lagoon this study showed that is possible to use the abilities of E. crassipes and T. domingensis to remove the studied heavy metals from ecosystem. Both species showed high ability to remove V from aquatic environment and accumulate this metal in the roots. In the case of Zn (which can cause environmental damages), both macrophytes phytoremediated this metals and distributed it among roots, stems and leaves. EF of T. domingensis were promising for Cu, Zn and Cd revealing ability of this plant to phytoremediate these metals. However, this study should be continued in order to obtain more information about hydrodynamics of the lagoon, the biogeochemistry of the sediments and more water quality parametersOs sistema lagunares costeiros são considerados como dos mais produtivos do planeta, assegurando um grande número de ecosserviços às populaçãos locais. Neste trabalho estudou-se o impacto que as actividades humanas têm no sistema da Lagoa de Jacunem, Espírito Santo, Brasil, em termos de metais peasados, tendo em conta sedimentos, água e macrófitas (Eichhornia crassipes and Typha domingensis). O objectivo geral deste estudo foi quantificar os metais pesados nos diversos componentes deste ecossistema aquático e definiri uma estratégia ecohidrológica que permita melhorar o seu estado ecológico. Determinaram-se as concentrações de Al, V, As, Cd, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn em oito pontos de amostragem, incluindo a água (fracção dissolvida e matéria em suspensão), sedimentos e plantas, e nestas foram separadas raízes, caules e folhas. Os resultados foram comparados com os valores de referência da legislação Brasileira. Calcularam-se os Fatores de Enriquecimento (FE), e os Fatores de Translocação (FT) para as duas macrófitas. Constataram-se elevadas concentrações de Zn e de V nos sedimentos. As concentrações mais elevadas de metais pesados foram encontradas nos locais mais próximos das fontes poluidoras. Embora as concentrações dos metais dissolvidos na água tenham sido inferiores aos máximos referidos na legislação Brasileira, a matéria particulada apresentou elevadas concentrações, nomeadamente de Ni e de Pb. Ambas as espécies de macrófitas revelaram capacidade para absorver e acumular metais pesados oriundos das atividades humanas na envolvente da lagoa. A distribuição de metais pelos diversos órgãos das plantas dependeu da espécie e do metal. Embora de um modo geral, os metais se tenham acumulado mais nas raízes, foram quantificadas elevadas concentrações de Cd and Zn nas folhas e nos caules. Assim é possível definir umja estratégia ecohidrológica para fitorremediação de metais nesta lagoa utilizando-se a Eichhornia crassipes e a Typha domingensis. Ambas revelaram grande capacidade de remoção de V do meio e da sua acumulação nas raízes. No caso do Zn, presente na lagoa em concentrações susceptíveis de causarem danos ambientais, ambas as macrófitas o removem, acumulam nas raízes mas também translocam para os órgão aéreos. O FE da T. domingensis revela que esta espécie tem habilidade para fitoremediar Cu, Zn e Cd dos sedimentos. Futuramente para se avançar com uma intervenção ecohidrológica para melhoria do estado ecológico deste ecossistema, será necessária a recolha de mais informação, nomeadamente sobre: a hidrodinâmica dentro da lagoa, a biogeoquímica dos sedimentos para se perceber a biodisponibilidade dos metais que lá se encontram e a monitorização de mais parâmetros da qualidade da água

    Structure of smectic defect cores: an X-ray study of 8CB liquid crystal ultra-thin films

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    We study the structure of very thin liquid crystal films frustrated by antagonistic anchorings in the smectic phase. In a cylindrical geometry, the structure is dominated by the defects for film thicknesses smaller than 150 nm and the detailed topology of the defects cores can be revealed by x-ray diffraction. They appear to be split in half tube-shaped Rotating Grain Boundaries (RGB). We determine the RGB spatial extension and evaluate its energy per unit line. Both are significantly larger than the ones usually proposed in the literatureComment: 4 page


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    This paper presents main problems of practical implementation of Field Oriented Control (FOC) developed for an Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (IPMSM). The main sources of Electromagnetic Interferences (EMI) noises are discussed and practical aspects when a position sensor is used are presented. The control system is based on the DSP processing unit, together with inverter and encoder. The main problem addressed in this paper is reduction of vibrations in torque and speed response in a real system by re-placing a hardware device of control system very susceptible to EMI noises, like encoder, with a soft block in control unit like Sliding Mode Observer, less sensitive to EMI. The experimental results with this control structure show considerable ripple reduction at steady state in torque, speed and current, as a consequence of reduction of sensitivity to EMI noises