87 research outputs found

    Two cases of angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma with concomitant positive serology for acute Epstein-Barr virus infection

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    TL) is a rare type of peripheral T-celllymphoma. Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) isknown to be associated with pathogenesisand histological progression of AITL andthe onset of the disease often mimics aninfectious process. Here we describe twocases of patients with serology for acuteEBV infection at the onset of AITL.IntroductionAngioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphom

    CT imaging of primary pancreatic lymphoma: experience from three referral centres for pancreatic diseases

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    To describe CT characteristics of primary pancreatic lymphoma (PPL), a rare disease with features in common with adenocarcinoma

    Gene Expression Profiling of Hairy Cell Leukemia Reveals a Phenotype Related to Memory B Cells with Altered Expression of Chemokine and Adhesion Receptors

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    Hairy cell leukemia (HCL) is a chronic B cell malignancy characterized by the diffuse infiltration of bone marrow and spleen by cells displaying a typical “hairy” morphology. However, the nature of the HCL phenotype and its relationship to normal B cells and to other lymphoma subtypes remains unclear. Using gene expression profiling, we show here that HCL displays a homogeneous pattern of gene expression, which is clearly distinct from that of other B cell non-Hodgkin lymphomas. Comparison with the gene expression profiles of purified normal B cell subpopulations, including germinal center (GC), pre-GC (naive), and post-GC (memory) B cells, shows that HCL cells are more related to memory cells, suggesting a derivation from this B cell population. Notably, when compared with memory cells, HCL cells displayed a remarkable conservation in proliferation, apoptosis, and DNA metabolism programs, whereas they appeared significantly altered in the expression of genes controlling cell adhesion and response to chemokines. Finally, these analyses have identified several genes that are specifically expressed in HCL and whose expression was confirmed at the protein level by immunocytochemical analysis of primary HCL cases. These results have biological implications relevant to the pathogenesis of this malignancy as well as clinical implications for its diagnosis and therapy

    Blood smear, a key diagnostic tool in hematology: Lessons from two cases of acute hemolysis in previously undiagnosed g6pd deficiency

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    Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency is the most common worldwide distributed hereditary red cells enzymatic defect. The most common life-threatening clinical presentation of G6PD deficiency is acute hemolytic crisis triggered by exposition to oxidative agents such as fava beans, drugs, or infections. Management of acute hemolytic crisis in patients with no previous history of hereditary red cell disorders is particularly challenging for hematologists and emergency department (ED) physicians. We report two cases of acute hemolytic crisis in patients with previously unknown G6PD deficiency, where blood smear analysis played a key role in decision-making process. The trigger of acute hemolytic crisis was in both cases the recent intake of large amount of fava beans. Although Case 1 typically involved a male subject with unknown G6PD deficiency, Case 2 is of particular interest since the patient is a female with previously unknown G6PD deficiency. A recent study highlights the possible appearance of clinical signs for G6PD deficiency with aging in elder female population. Thus, hematologists should always take into account the possible lyonization effect on G6PD activity for G6PD deficiency inherited red cell disorder in the presence of unexplained acute hemolytic crisis in women with circulating hemi-ghosts

    Multiple large osteolytic lesions in a patient with systemic mastocytosis: a challenging diagnosis

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    Patients with advanced variants of Systemic Mastocytosis may develop destructive bone lesions when massive mast cell (MC) infiltrates are present. Finding of large osteolyses in indolent systemic mastocytosis, typically characterized by low MC burden, should prompt investigations for an alternative explanation

    A proliferation-inducing ligand (APRIL) serum levels predict time to first treatment in patients affected by B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia

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    Purpose: A proliferation-inducing ligand (APRIL), a tumor necrosis factor superfamily member involved inB-lymphocytes differentiation and survival, plays a role in protecting B-Cell Chronic lymphocytic leukemia(B-CLL) cells from apoptosis. Having observed that APRIL serum (sAPRIL) levels were higher in B-CLLpatients with CLL at diagnosis as compared to healthy donors (14.61 \ub1 32.65 vs. 4.19 \ub1 3.42 ng \u2044 mL;P < 0.001), we tested the correlation existing in these patients between sAPRIL, clinical\u2013biological parametersand disease progression. Experimental design: sAPRIL levels were measured by ELISA in 130patients with B-CLL at diagnosis and in 25 healthy donors. Results: sAPRIL levels did not correlate withgender, age, clinical stage, blood cell counts, b2-microglobulin (b2M) levels, ZAP-70 and CD38 expression.Using median sAPRIL natural logarithm (ln) as cutoff, we distinguished two groups of patients (APRILLOWand APRILHIGH) who were comparable with regard to clinical\u2013biological parameters and overall survival, butdifferent with regard to time to the first treatment (TTFT; P = 0.035). According to univariate analysis, highlymphocyte count, high b2M, Binet stage B\u2013C, ZAP-70 expression and ln(sAPRIL) above median wereassociated with earlier TTFT. Advanced clinical stage, high b2M, ZAP-70 expression and ln(sAPRIL) abovemedian remained independently predictive of shorter TTFT at multivariate analysis. Moreover, sAPRILincreased its prognostic significance when patients were stratified according to independent favorable clinical\u2013biological characteristics (low b2M, stage A and lack of ZAP-70 expression). Conclusions: sAPRIL is anovel indicator of shorter TTFT in B-CLL and a predictor of progression especially in patients otherwiseconsidered at low risk according to validated prognostic factors

    The Italian Consensus Conference on Diagnostic Criteria for Myelofibrosis with Myeloid Metaplasia

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    The purpose of this work was to develop a definition of myelofibrosis with myeloid metaplasia (MMM) using diagnostic criteria that would remain valid within the set of patients with chronic myeloproliferative disorders or myelodysplastic syndromes. A list of 12 names for the disease and 37 diagnostic criteria were proposed to a Consensus Panel of 12 Italian experts who ranked them in order so as to identify a core set of criteria. The Panel was then asked to score the diagnosis of 46 patient profiles as appropriate or not appropriate for MMM. Using the experts' consensus as the gold standard, the performance of 90 possible definitions of the disease obtained through the core set was evaluated. 'Myelofibrosis with myeloid metaplasia' ranked as the preferred name of the disease. Necessary criteria consisted of 'diffuse bone marrow fibrosis' and 'absence of Philadelphia chromosome or BCR-ABL rearrangement in peripheral blood cells'. The six optional criteria in the core set consisted of: splenomegaly of any grade; anisopoikilocytosis with tear-drop erythrocytes; the presence of circulating immature myeloid cells; the presence of circulating erythroblasts: the presence of clusters of megakaryoblasts and anomalous megakaryocytes in bone marrow sections; myeloid metaplasia. The definition of the disease with the highest final score was as follows: necessary criteria plus any other two criteria when splenomegaly is present or any four when splenomegaly is absent. The use of this definition will help to standardize the conduct and reporting of clinical studies and should help practitioners in clinical practic

    Excellent outcomes of 2G-TKI therapy after imatinib failure in chronic phase CML patients

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    Second-generation tyrosine kinase inhibitors (2G-TKIs) dasatinib and nilotinib produced historical rates of about 50% complete cytogenetic response (CCyR) and about 40% major molecular response (MMR) in chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML) patients failing imatinib. Direct comparisons between dasatinib and nilotinib are lacking, and few studies addressed the dynamics of deep molecular response (DMR) in a "real-life" setting. We retrospectively analyzed 163 patients receiving dasatinib (n= 95) or nilotinib (n= 68) as second-line therapy after imatinib. The two cohorts were comparable for disease's characteristics, although there was a higher rate of dasatinib use in imatinib-resistant and of nilotinib in intolerant patients. Overall, 75% patients not in CCyR and 60% patients not in MMR at 2G-TKI start attained this response. DMR was achieved by 61 patients (37.4%), with estimated rate of stable DMR at 5 years of 24%. After a median follow-up of 48 months, 60% of patients persisted on their second-line treatment. Rates and kinetics of cytogenetic and molecular responses, progression-free and overall survival were similar for dasatinib and nilotinib. In a "real-life" setting, dasatinib and nilotinib resulted equally effective and safe after imatinib failure, determining high rates of CCyR and MMR, and a significant chance of stable DMR, a prerequisite for treatment discontinuation
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