6,064 research outputs found

    Development of an Accelerated Test Method for the Determination of Susceptibility to Atmospheric Corrosion

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    The theoretical rationale is presented for use of a repetitive cyclic current reversal voltammetric technique for characterization of localized corrosion processes, including atmospheric corrosion. Applicability of this proposed experimental protocol is applied to characterization of susceptibility to crevice and pitting corrosion, atmospheric corrosion and stress corrosion cracking. Criteria upon which relative susceptibility is based were determined and tested using two iron based alloys commonly in use at NASA-Kennedy; A36 (a low carbon steel) and 4130 (a low alloy steel). Practicality of the procedure was demonstrated by measuring changes in anodic polarization behavior during high frequency current reversal cycles of 25 cycles per second with 1 mA/sq cm current density amplitude in solutions containing Cl anions. The results demonstrated that, due to excessive polarization which affects conductivity of barrier corrosion product layers, A36 was less resistant to atmospheric corrosion than its 4130 counterpart; behavior which was also demonstrated during exposure tests

    Use of cyclic current reversal polarization voltammetry for investigating the relationship between corrosion resistance and heat-treatment induced variations in microstructures of 400 C martensitic stainless steels

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    Software for running a cyclic current reversal polarization voltammagram has been developed for use with a EG&G Princeton Applied Research Model 273 potentiostat/galvanostat system. The program, which controls the magnitude, direction and duration of an impressed galvanostatic current, will produce data in ASCII spreadsheets (Lotus, Quattro) for graphical representation of CCRPV voltammograms. The program was used to determine differences in corrosion resistance of 440 C martenstic stainless steel produced as a result of changes in microstructure effected by tempering. It was determined that tempering at all temperatures above 400 F resulted in increased polarizability of the material, with the increased likelihood that pitting would be initiated upon exposure to marine environments. These results will be used in development of remedial procedures for lowering the susceptibility of these alloys toward the stress corrosion cracking experienced in bearings used in high pressure oxygen turbopumps used in the main engines of space shuttle orbiters

    Differences in Dropout Rates as a Function of High School Size for Students in Poverty: A Texas Multiyear, Statewide Study

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    Child poverty in the United States, with regard to student achievement, has grave challenges for the children who face poverty (Scott & Pressman, 2013). Not only is living in poverty associated with lower academic achievement, but student poverty is also associated with lower rates of school completion (Borg, Borg, & Stranahan, 2012; Cooper & Crosnoe, 2007; Kena et al., 2015). Consequentially, students who do not complete high school are more likely to (a) serve time in prison, (b) need government assistance, and/or ( c) die at an earlier age (Messacar & Oreopoulos, 2013). With the increasing number of children who are living in poverty, child poverty is an issue that needs to be at the forefront of the educational agenda (Tienken, 2012)

    Crystal structures of the human Dysferlin inner DysF domain

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    Background: Mutations in dysferlin, the first protein linked with the cell membrane repair mechanism, causes a group of muscular dystrophies called dysferlinopathies. Dysferlin is a type two-anchored membrane protein, with a single C terminal trans-membrane helix, and most of the protein lying in cytoplasm. Dysferlin contains several C2 domains and two DysF domains which are nested one inside the other. Many pathogenic point mutations fall in the DysF domain region. Results: We describe the crystal structure of the human dysferlin inner DysF domain with a resolution of 1.9 Angstroms. Most of the pathogenic mutations are part of aromatic/arginine stacks that hold the domain in a folded conformation. The high resolution of the structure show that these interactions are a mixture of parallel ring/guanadinium stacking, perpendicular H bond stacking and aliphatic chain packing. Conclusions: The high resolution structure of the Dysferlin DysF domain gives a template on which to interpret in detail the pathogenic mutations that lead to disease

    The Potential of Hard to Decarbonise Homes as a Pathway to Energy Equity

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    One Sweetly Solemn Thought : Sacred Song

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    Performance of Compressor of XJ-41-V Turbojet Engine VI - Analysis of Compressor Flow Choking

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    An extended analysis was made of the previously reported performance investigation of the original compressor from the XJ-41-v turbojet engine and a similar compressor revised a to obtain a 33-percent increase in the geometric passage area at the vaned-collector entrance. This analysis was based on the concept of the vaned-collector entrance as the throat section of a nozzle. Because of nonuniform air distribution at the vaned-collector entrance, approximately 90 percent of the available flow area was utilized in the original compressor and 94percent in the revised com$ressor. The increase in maximum weight flow obtained with the revised compressor was disproportionate to the increased effective critical throat area because. the air density at the revised vaned-collector entrance for maximum flow was lower than that obtained in the original compressor. This reduction in density resulted from the large pressure losses near the impeller inlet of the revised compressor, which is indicative of impending flow choking in the impeller, The.calculated maximum corrected weight-flow capacity of a compressor consisting of the revised vaneless diffuser and vaned collector with a theoretical impeller that combined peak impeller pressure ratio and peak impeller efficiency at the . maximum flow point would be 112 pounds per second for an equivalent impeller speed of 11,500 rpm

    Melting of hexagonal skyrmion states in chiral magnets

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    Skyrmions are spiral structures observed in thin films of certain magnetic materials (Uchida et al 2006 Science 311 359–61). Of the phases allowed by the crystalline symmetries of these materials (Yi et al 2009 Phys. Rev. B 80 054416), only the hexagonally packed phases (SCh) have been observed. Here the melting of the SCh phase is investigated using Monte Carlo simulations. In addition to the usual measure of skyrmion density, chiral charge, a morphological measure is considered. In doing so it is shown that the low-temperature reduction in chiral charge is associated with a change in skyrmion profiles rather than skyrmion destruction. At higher temperatures, the loss of six-fold symmetry is associated with the appearance of elongated skyrmions that disrupt the hexagonal packing
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