66 research outputs found

    First-passage dynamics of obstructed tracer particle diffusion in one-dimensional systems

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    The standard setup for single-file diffusion is diffusing particles in one dimension which cannot overtake each other, where the dynamics of a tracer (tagged) particle is of main interest. In this article we generalise this system and investigate first-passage properties of a tracer particle when flanked by crowder particles which may, besides diffuse, unbind (rebind) from (to) the one-dimensional lattice with rates koffk_{\rm off} (konk_{\rm on}). The tracer particle is restricted to diffuse with rate kDk_D on the lattice. Such a model is relevant for the understanding of gene regulation where regulatory proteins are searching for specific binding sites ona crowded DNA. We quantify the first-passage time distribution, f(t)f(t) (tt is time), numerically using the Gillespie algorithm, and estimate it analytically. In terms of our key parameter, the unbinding rate koffk_{\rm off}, we study the bridging of two known regimes: (i) when unbinding is frequent the particles may effectively pass each other and we recover the standard single particle result f(t)∼t−3/2f(t)\sim t^{-3/2} with a renormalized diffusion constant, (ii) when unbinding is rare we recover well-known single-file diffusion result f(t)∼t−7/4f(t)\sim t^{-7/4}. The intermediate cases display rich dynamics, with the characteristic f(t)f(t)-peak and the long-time power-law slope both being sensitive to koffk_{\rm off}

    Directed motion emerging from two coupled random processes: Translocation of a chain through a membrane nanopore driven by binding proteins

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    We investigate the translocation of a stiff polymer consisting of M monomers through a nanopore in a membrane, in the presence of binding particles (chaperones) that bind onto the polymer, and partially prevent backsliding of the polymer through the pore. The process is characterized by the rates: k for the polymer to make a diffusive jump through the pore, q for unbinding of a chaperone, and the rate q kappa for binding (with a binding strength kappa); except for the case of no binding kappa=0 the presence of the chaperones give rise to an effective force that drives the translocation process. Based on a (2+1) variate master equation, we study in detail the coupled dynamics of diffusive translocation and (partial) rectification by the binding proteins. In particular, we calculate the mean translocation time as a function of the various physical parameters.Comment: 22 pages, 5 figures, IOP styl

    Extension of nano-confined DNA: quantitative comparison between experiment and theory

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    The extension of DNA confined to nanochannels has been studied intensively and in detail. Yet quantitative comparisons between experiments and model calculations are difficult because most theoretical predictions involve undetermined prefactors, and because the model parameters (contour length, Kuhn length, effective width) are difficult to compute reliably, leading to substantial uncertainties. Here we use a recent asymptotically exact theory for the DNA extension in the "extended de Gennes regime" that allows us to compare experimental results with theory. For this purpose we performed new experiments, measuring the mean DNA extension and its standard deviation while varying the channel geometry, dye intercalation ratio, and ionic buffer strength. The experimental results agree very well with theory at high ionic strengths, indicating that the model parameters are reliable. At low ionic strengths the agreement is less good. We discuss possible reasons. Our approach allows, in principle, to measure the Kuhn length and effective width of a single DNA molecule and more generally of semiflexible polymers in solution.Comment: Revised version, 6 pages, 2 figures, 1 table, supplementary materia

    Fluctuations of a driven membrane in an electrolyte

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    We develop a model for a driven cell- or artificial membrane in an electrolyte. The system is kept far from equilibrium by the application of a DC electric field or by concentration gradients, which causes ions to flow through specific ion-conducting units (representing pumps, channels or natural pores). We consider the case of planar geometry and Debye-H\"{u}ckel regime, and obtain the membrane equation of motion within Stokes hydrodynamics. At steady state, the applied field causes an accumulation of charges close to the membrane, which, similarly to the equilibrium case, can be described with renormalized membrane tension and bending modulus. However, as opposed to the equilibrium situation, we find new terms in the membrane equation of motion, which arise specifically in the out-of-equilibrium case. We show that these terms lead in certain conditions to instabilities.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures. submitted to Europhys. Let

    Nanoconfined circular and linear DNA - equilibrium conformations and unfolding kinetics

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    Studies of circular DNA confined to nanofluidic channels are relevant both from a fundamental polymer-physics perspective and due to the importance of circular DNA molecules in vivo. We here observe the unfolding of DNA from the circular to linear configuration as a light-induced double strand break occurs, characterize the dynamics, and compare the equilibrium conformational statistics of linear and circular configurations. This is important because it allows us to determine to which extent existing statistical theories describe the extension of confined circular DNA. We find that the ratio of the extensions of confined linear and circular DNA configurations increases as the buffer concentration decreases. The experimental results fall between theoretical predictions for the extended de Gennes regime at weaker confinement and the Odijk regime at stronger confinement. We show that it is possible to directly distinguish between circular and linear DNA molecules by measuring the emission intensity from the DNA. Finally, we determine the rate of unfolding and show that this rate is larger for more confined DNA, possibly reflecting the corresponding larger difference in entropy between the circular and linear configurations.Comment: 21 pages, 7 figures, 1 tabl

    Electrostatic and electrokinetic contributions to the elastic moduli of a driven membrane

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    We discuss the electrostatic contribution to the elastic moduli of a cell or artificial membrane placed in an electrolyte and driven by a DC electric field. The field drives ion currents across the membrane, through specific channels, pumps or natural pores. In steady state, charges accumulate in the Debye layers close to the membrane, modifying the membrane elastic moduli. We first study a model of a membrane of zero thickness, later generalizing this treatment to allow for a finite thickness and finite dielectric constant. Our results clarify and extend the results presented in [D. Lacoste, M. Cosentino Lagomarsino, and J. F. Joanny, Europhys. Lett., {\bf 77}, 18006 (2007)], by providing a physical explanation for a destabilizing term proportional to \kps^3 in the fluctuation spectrum, which we relate to a nonlinear (E2E^2) electro-kinetic effect called induced-charge electro-osmosis (ICEO). Recent studies of ICEO have focused on electrodes and polarizable particles, where an applied bulk field is perturbed by capacitive charging of the double layer and drives flow along the field axis toward surface protrusions; in contrast, we predict "reverse" ICEO flows around driven membranes, due to curvature-induced tangential fields within a non-equilibrium double layer, which hydrodynamically enhance protrusions. We also consider the effect of incorporating the dynamics of a spatially dependent concentration field for the ion channels.Comment: 22 pages, 10 figures. Under review for EPJ

    A stitch in time: Efficient computation of genomic DNA melting bubbles

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    Background: It is of biological interest to make genome-wide predictions of the locations of DNA melting bubbles using statistical mechanics models. Computationally, this poses the challenge that a generic search through all combinations of bubble starts and ends is quadratic. Results: An efficient algorithm is described, which shows that the time complexity of the task is O(NlogN) rather than quadratic. The algorithm exploits that bubble lengths may be limited, but without a prior assumption of a maximal bubble length. No approximations, such as windowing, have been introduced to reduce the time complexity. More than just finding the bubbles, the algorithm produces a stitch profile, which is a probabilistic graphical model of bubbles and helical regions. The algorithm applies a probability peak finding method based on a hierarchical analysis of the energy barriers in the Poland-Scheraga model. Conclusions: Exact and fast computation of genomic stitch profiles is thus feasible. Sequences of several megabases have been computed, only limited by computer memory. Possible applications are the genome-wide comparisons of bubbles with promotors, TSS, viral integration sites, and other melting-related regions.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figure

    Stacking Interactions in Denaturation of DNA Fragments

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    A mesoscopic model for heterogeneous DNA denaturation is developed in the framework of the path integral formalism. The base pair stretchings are treated as one-dimensional, time dependent paths contributing to the partition function. The size of the paths ensemble, which measures the degree of cooperativity of the system, is computed versus temperature consistently with the model potential physical requirements. It is shown that the ensemble size strongly varies with the molecule backbone stiffness providing a quantitative relation between stacking and features of the melting transition. The latter is an overall smooth crossover which begins from the \emph{adenine-thymine} rich portions of the fragment. The harmonic stacking coupling shifts, along the TT-axis, the occurrence of the multistep denaturation but it does not change the character of the crossover. The methods to compute the fractions of open base pairs versus temperature are discussed: by averaging the base pair displacements over the path ensemble we find that such fractions signal the multisteps of the transition in good agreement with the indications provided by the specific heat plots.Comment: European Physical Journal E (2011) in pres
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