42 research outputs found

    Farmer investment into biosecurity on broiler and layer farms in Bali

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    This paper measures the cost of implementing biosecurity on broiler and layer farms in Bali. Farmer investment in biosecurity is analysed to determine if there is any difference in the implementation of biosecurity between broiler and layer farms. Data is taken from a survey of 60 layer and 60 broiler smallholder farmers in Bali in 2009. While secure boundary fencing and farm gate locks are more common on layer farms, broiler producers are more likely to have a footbaths at the shed door. In this analysis, biosecurity investments include the quality of fencing and gates, presence of locks on gates, management changes required to minimise staff and visitor movement onto and in the farm, costs of minimising vehicle entry, use of vaccination and disinfectant, chlorination of water and quality of the chicken shed. Defining the relationships between present investment decisions and farm type, size and mortality rates will provide useful information to decision makers concerning the cost-effective levels of biosecurity that should be adopted by smallholder farmers in Bali. In Bali, decision makers are not only the individual farmers but also the government and private companies.biosecurity, poultry, investment, Bali, Farm Management,


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    ABSTRAK Pengelolaan sampah di Kota Bandung dikelola dengan membuat beberapa tempat penampungan sementara (TPS) dan tempat pembuangan akhir (TPA).  Dari sekian banyak TPS yang dinilai kinerjanya menurun adalah TPS Gedebage. Penelitian ini adalah hasil pengembangan dari  pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang dilaksanakan untuk menanggulangi tingkat stress kinerja petugas lapangan pengangkut sampah. Adapun jenis penelitian adalah kuantitatif, dengan menelaah peran pelatihan penanggulangan stres kerja pada peningkatan kinerja petugas lapangan di TPA Gedebage, Bandung. Kumpulan Subyek penelitian yang ditelaah adalah petugas kebersihan lapangan di Kelurahan Cisaranteun Kidul, dengan menggunakan teknik sampel sampling jenuh diperoleh sebanyak 37 orang sampel. Dalam menganalisis data yang diperoleh, dibutuhkan data yang mempunyai tingkat akurasi yang baik dan dapat dipercaya agar hasil penelitian mampu mengambarkan kondisi yang sebenarnya terjadi pada objek penelitian, adapun penelaahan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik deskriptif dan verifikatif. Temuan dalam penelaahan yaitu pelatihan penanggulangan stres kerja yang diikuti oleh petugas lapangan angkutan sampah Perusahaan Daerah (PD) Kebersihan Kota Bandung UPT Gedebage dapat dinyatakan menurunkan tingkat stress kerja. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian secara parsial menunjukan bahwa pelatihan penanggulangan stress kerja berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja petugas pada bagian pengangkutan sampah (pengemudi Triseda) yang bertugas di Kelurahan Cisaranteun Kidul, Bandung. Kata kunci: pelatihan, stress kerja, kinerja pegawai.   ABSTRACT Waste management in the city of Bandung is managed by making several temporary shelters (TPS) and final disposal sites (TPA). One of the polling stations whose performance has decreased is the Gedebage TPS. This exploration is the consequence of the advancement of community service which is carried out to overcome the stress level of the performance of the waste transporter field officers. To complete this research, the method used is a quantitative method, where the object to be studied is the role of work stress management training in improving the performance of field officers at Gedebage TPA, Bandung. The populace that will be utilized in this review is the waste transportation officer (Triseda driver) on duty in Cisaranteun Kidul Village, using a saturated sampling technique, 37 samples were obtained. In analyzing the data obtained, it takes data that has a good level of accuracy and can be trusted so that the research results are able to depict the real conditions that happen in the object of research, while the data analysis techniques in this study are descriptive and verification analysis. The findings in this study are that the training for dealing with work stress, which was attended by field officers of the Regional Cleanliness Company (PD) of Bandung City, UPT Gedebage, can be stated to reduce the level of work stress. Based on the results of the partial study, it showed that the training to overcome work stress had a significant effect on the performance of officers in the waste transportation section (Triseda drivers) who served in Cisaranteun Kidul Village, Bandung. Keywords: training, job stress, employee performance

    The Implementation of Talent Management Implementation at Regional Employee Agency Wonogiri Regency Central Java

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    Bureaucratic Reform (RB) in Indonesia represents a strategic redesign of the bureaucratic system to adapt to societal and global dynamics. Within the spectrum of RB-induced changes, particular attention is given to human resources, with Talent Management emerging as a pivotal element aimed at enhancing the governance of civil servants (ASN). This research seeks to explore the implementation of Talent Management in the Regional Employee Agency (BKD) of Wonogiri Regency, examining both supporting and inhibiting factors, and proposing solutions in line with Policy Implementation theory. Employing qualitative research methods encompassing observation, interviews, and documentation, the study reveals that the implementation of Talent Management in Wonogiri Regency is generally commendable, driven by effective communication, the commitment of the Wonogiri Regent, and clear Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs). Nevertheless, challenges include the absence of assessors, lack of an Assessment Center, insufficient budget allocation, and the absence of a dedicated field for Talent Management. Mitigation efforts involve certifying assessor employees, proposing the construction of an Assessment Center, requesting budget allocations, and refining the organizational structure to address these challenges and further enhance the Talent Management framework. &nbsp

    Distribution of Gains from Cattle Development in a Multi-Stage Production System: The Case of the Bali Beef Industry

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    Beef production in Bali is dominated by smallholders, just like the majority of Indonesian agriculture. A wide range of policies has been implemented to enhance development of the Bali beef industry. Knowledge about the distribution of the returns from the development of the cattle industry, including marketing, informs decision making. This paper examines the benefits from cattle development in a multi-stage production representation of the Bali beef industry using equilibrium displacement modelling (EDM). Benefits are measured as changes in economic surplus. The distribution of benefits among farmers, processors and retailers is also examined.beef production, government policy, EDM, economic surplus., Agricultural and Food Policy,


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    Kandungan air ikan tongkol sangat tinggi, menyebabkan ikan lebih mudah membusuk. Pindang sebagai salah satu pengawetan ikan tongkol dengan metode penggaraman, masih ditemukan bakteri yang mampu hidup di lingkungan berkadar garam tinggi. Olahan menu sarden pada penelitian ini menggunakan pindang tongkol. Pengolahan pindang tongkol menjadi sarden menggunakan nitrit dan kitosan sebagai pengawet. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui perbedaan kandungan protein, kalsium, natrium dan daya terima pada olahan sarden pindang tongkol dengan penambahan nitrit 0,01 mg dan kitosan (1,5%; 3%). Analisis kandungan protein menggunakan metode kjeldahl, untuk analisis kandungan kalsium dan natrium menggunakan metode spektrofotometer serapan atom. Hasil yang didapatkan kandungan protein tertinggi pada kelompok kontrol sebesar 24,36%, kandungan kalsium tertinggi pada kitosan 3% sebesar 75,53 mg/kg dan kandungan natrium tertinggi pada kitosan 1,5% sebesar 2047,0 mg/kg. Hasil uji organoleptik sarden pindang tongkol pada rasa, aroma dan warna memberikan hasil terbaik pada kitosan 3% sedangkan hasil uji organoleptik tekstur memberikan hasil terbaik pada kitosan 1,5%. Oleh karena itu, sarden pindang tongkol dengan kitosan dapat dijadikan sebagai salah satu alternatif pengawet dan mengurangi penurunan nilai nutrisi.Kata kunci:  Kitosan; Nitrit; Nilai gizi; Pindang tongkol; Sarde


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    Indonesia merupakan penghasil kakao ketiga di dunia. Komoditi kakao Indonesia sangat berpotensi untuk dikembangkan dari segi kuantitas namun dari segi kualitas dinilai masih rendah untuk pasar dunia terutama Eropa.  Salah satu program yang dapat mendorong produksi dan kualitas kakao adalah melalui sertifikasi pertanian berkelanjutan yaitu UTZ Certified. Salah satu pemegang sertifikat UTZ di Indonesia adalah Koperasi Kerta Semana Samaniya di Kabupaten Jembrana. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perbedaan produksi dan pendapatan usahatani kakao bersertifikat UTZ dan yang tidak mengikuti program sertifikat UTZ di Kabupaten Jembrana, mengidentifikasikan alasan petani kakao mengikuti program sertifikasi UTZ. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah menghitung pendapatan usahatani, uji beda (uji-t) dan analisis deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan rata-rata produktivitas usahatani kakao bersertifikat UTZ sebanyak 173,20 kg/ha dan  non sertifikat sebanyak 211,88 kg/ha, yang menunjukkan bahwa produksi kakao bersertifikat UTZ lebih rendah sebesar 22,3% dibandingkan dengan non sertifikat. Pendapatan Usahatani bersertifikat UTZ lebih tinggi 45,17% yaitu sebesar Rp 4.887.639/ha/tahun dibandingkan dengan petani non sertifikat yang hanya memperoleh Rp 2.676.833/ha/tahun.  Usahatani kakao bersertifikat UTZ memiliki R/C  sebesar 3,3 sedangkan petani kakao non sertifikat UTZ sebesar 1,9. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa usahatani kakao bersertifikat lebih menguntungkan dibandingkan dengan usahatani kakao non sertifikat. Tiga alasan utama petani mengikuti program sertifikasi UTZ adalah adanya sosialisasi pengenalan program sertifikasi, mendapatkan harga jual yang tinggi.Kata Kunci: Pendapatan Petani, Usahatani Kakao, UTZ Certifie

    Technical Efficiency and Economies of Scale for Partnership- Based of Virginia Tobacco Farming in Buleleng, Bali, Indonesia: A Non-parametric Approach

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    In operating their farms, Virginia tobacco farmers establish partnerships with a number of companies, such as Company GG and Company BB. The level of tobacco production efficiency obtained is considered to be dependent on the experiences of the partner companies. This study aims to analyze the technical efficiency and the economies of scale of Virginia tobacco farming in Buleleng regency, Bali. Employing a survey method, census was conducted on a total of 87 respondents. Data was analyzed using a non-parametric approach, with a data envelopment analysis (DEA) model. Results show that based on planting location and acreage, the technical efficiency of Company GG partners is relatively higher than that of Company BB. The efficiency scale (SE = 1) revealed that farmers participating under the Company GG partnership is relatively more efficient compared to Company BB farmers. Further, the economies of scale score based on planting location show that the majority of Company GG farmers experience constant return to scale (CRS) category, while most Company BB farmers fall under the decreasing return to scale (DRC) category. A slightly different result is displayed by the economies of scale analysis based on acreage, where the majority of Company GG farmers with up to 4 ha of planting area is under the increasing return to scale (IRS), while farmers with >4 ha to 6 ha of planting area is under the decreasing return to scale (DRS) category. For Company BB farmers with up to 2 ha of planting area, 50% are experiencing constant return to scale (CRS) and 50% are experiencing increasing return to scale (IRS). Meanwhile, those who have >2 ha up to 6 ha, fall under the decreasing return to scale (DRS) category. Keywords: efficiency, Virginia tobacco, partnership, data envelopment analysis, Bal

    Realizing Regional Food Security Through Community Food Business Development in East Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia

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    This study aims to formulate a regional food security model based on the relationship between characteristics of the area of production, consumption and entrepreneurship with the performance of community food business development (PUPM) in the Province of East Nusa Tenggara (NTT). The research sample consisted of 93 rice farmers, 96 rice consumers and 30 business people representing the Association of Farmers' Groups (Gapoktan) and the Indonesian Farmers Shop (TTI) owners, accounting for the total respondents to 219 people. Data analysis was using Smart-PLS. The results of the analysis show that the performance of the PUPM in NTT which is influenced by the characteristics of the production, consumption and entrepreneurship areas has only been achieved at a sufficient level. The analysis also shows that the new PUPM activities in NTT are able to fulfill aspects of access and stability, while the availability aspect is still very small. Nevertheless, this study has proven that the regional food security model in NTT can be realized through community food business development activities


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    Pada industri gula, pabrik akan merencanakan pasokan tebu untuk memastikan bahwa pabrik beroperasi pada kapasitas optimal sepanjang musim giling. Pengukuran kinerja rantai pasok diperlukan untuk mengetahui kondisi pabrik dan melakukan pengendaliannya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengidentifikasi mekanisme rantai pasok dan mengukur kinerja rantai pasok di pabrik gula Madukismo dengan metode Supply Chain Operations Reference-Analytical Hierarchy Process (SCOR-AHP). Hasil pengukuran kinerja rantai pasok di pabrik Madukismo Tahun 2018 pada anggota rantai pasok petani adalah 80,82% dan 93,32% pada pabrik. Terdapat tiga alternatif yang disusun berdasarkan kondisi pabrik yaitu peningkatan kemitraan dengan pemasok, peningkatan standar pabrik dalam kategori pemenuhan bahan baku, dan menambah pemasok tebu

    Development of Beef Cattle Agroindustries Performance Model in East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia

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    The purpose of this paper is to develop a strategic map and set priorities based on the relationship of performance measures dependency and feedback of intra and inter cluster strategic goals. This is intended to develop an integrated solution for beef cattle agro-industry performance in Kupang, NTT, Indonesia. The study was conducted in Kupang City as one of the locations for agro-industry development of beef cattle, in the province of NTT in 2013. This study used a critical review of published relevant reports as well as the observation of a reference field research through expert meeting in the selection of system elements are believed to be appropriate for the development of agro-industry performance in the area of?? Kupang, NTT. The results showed that the model approach in an integrated ISM and ANP are able to explore insights and opinions with regard to the decision makers in the organization's strategic objectives agro-industry development of  the area of  beef cattle in Kupang, NTT, and has a strong relevance to create a systematically coherent strategic map. Through this strategic map that is designed using the results of the integration of logical facts ISM models and models of ANP, it is possible to make  a visual and comprehensive  evaluation  of the strategic objectives and modifications made to map out strategies to increase the effectiveness of  the system in  the future. Organizations can deliver the biggest priority on learning and growth perspective, followed in succession by the perspective of investment and market share growth, internal business process improvement, and customer growth in order to generate the development of agro-industry management effectively and efficiently. Keywords: Development of performance measures, integrated approach of  ISM-ANP, beef cattle agro industry in East Nusa Tenggara