204 research outputs found


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    Skripsi yang berjudul “Alienation in Haruki Murakami’s Kafka on the shore” ini menganalisis alienasi yang dihadapi oleh dua tokoh utama dari novel; Kafka Tamura dan Satoru Nakata. Penulis menggunakan metode deskriptif dan Teori alienasi dari Melvin Seeman untuk menjelaskan dan menganalisa data yang ditemukan dalam novel. Seeman mengemukakan lima aspek alienasi, yakni; powerlessness, meaninglessness, normlessness, self-estrangement, dan social isolation. Aspek paling dominan yang muncul dalam novel adalah powerlessness dikarenakan dari status kedua karakter utama, Kafka, sebagai anak lima belas tahun yang lari dari rumah, dan Nakata, yang menyebut dirinya sebagai pria tua yang “bodoh”. Dari analisa penulis, dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada perbedaan di dalam alienasi dari kedua tokoh utama dalam novel. Kafka berusaha keras mengalienasi dirinya untuk mendapatkan kebebasan. Ketika dia berhasil, Kafka menjadi tidak yakin kebebasan seperti apa yang dia inginkan. Kafka menjadi bingung di dalam kebebasan yang dia peroleh. Berbeda dengan Kafka, Nakata telah terbiasa teralienasi sejak dirinya mengalami kecelakaan. Dia hidup mandiri tanpa mengganggu kehidupan orang lain. Nakata tidak pernah mempunyai perasaan tidak puas pada dirinya. Dia menjalani hidupnya degan senyuman dan pikiran yang positif


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    THE EFFECTS OF MOTION AND ORIENTATION ON PERCEPTION OF FACIAL EXPRESSIONS AND FACE RECOGNITIONZara Ambadar, PhDUniversity of Pittsburgh, 2002Research on perception of facial expressions has neglected an important characteristic of facial expression, its dynamic property. In this dissertation, two experiments were conducted to assess the effect of motion on perception of facial expressions and to test three (3) possible mechanisms by which motion facilitates perception of facial expressions. (1) motion provides more static information than is available in a single image. This hypothesis was tested by comparing performances in single image presentations (Single-Static) with those in multiple image presentations (Multi-Static). (2) motion provides temporal information about expressions which aids perception. This was tested by comparing performances in multiple image presentations with those in moving sequence presentations (Dynamic). (3) motion improves perception of facial expressions by facilitating configural processing. This was tested by comparing the effect of motion in upright and inverted presentations of the stimuli. In Experiment 1, participants were shown posed faces with subtle facial expressions in one of three modes (Single-Static, Multi-Static, or Dynamic). Experiment 1 revealed a robust effect of motion relative to both Multi-Static and Single- Static condition. This finding, in addition to the absence of an interaction effect between motion and inversion suggest that the effect of motion was not due to additional static information and was not mediated by configural processing. Experiment 2 replicated the basic procedure of Experiment 1 and in addition included a face recognition task and a memory measure of facial expression. The advantage for dynamic presentation was replicated. Converging evidence from Experiment 1 and 2 supported the second mechanism and suggests that the effect of motion on judgment of facial expressions is inherent in the dynamic property of the sequence. The nature of this dynamic property was discussed with regards to the possibility that motion might enhance the perception of change (change sensitivity hypothesis)

    Letter from the Editor in Chief

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    Letter from the Editor in Chie


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    Resiko Kontraktor dengan menggunakan kontrak EPC lebih tinggi dibanding tipe kontrak yang lain. Proyek yang berlokasi diarea fasilitas permanent yang masih beroperasi atau yang disebut juga Proyek Brownfiled mempunyai karakteristik yang berbeda dengan proyek Greenfield dimana proyek Brownfield terdapat banyak interface dengan fasilitas eksisting yang tidak dapat dihindari. Kondisi ini membuat kemungkinan terjadinya sengketa konstruksi menjadi lebih tinggi. Sangat diperlukan untuk diketahui faktor – faktor yang paling dominan atas terjadinya sengketa konstruksi pada proyek brownfield untuk dapat menghindari dan mengurangi kemungkinan terjadinya sengketa pada Proyek EPC Brownfield. Pada Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan menggunakan kuesioner yang disistribusikan kepada responden dari dua sudut pandang yang berbeda yaitu Pengguna Jasa dan Penyedia Jasa.Teknik pengambilan sampel Purposive digunakan untuk menghindari terjadinya bias atas hasil penelitian,. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan faktor yang paling dominan atas penyebab terjadinya sengketa dari sudut pandang Pengguna Jasa adalah (1) Kesalahan harga Penyedia Jasa dalam proses tender, (2) kurangnya pemahaman resiko Penyedia Jasa, (3) Kurangnya pemahaman kontrak Penyedia Jasa. Sedangkan dari sudut pandang Penyedia Jasa faktor yang paling dominan atas terjadinya sengketa adalah (1) Adanya pasal pasal yang ambigu pada kontrak, (2) kurangnya data FEED saat proses tender, (3) kurangnya data fasilitas eksisting saat proyek pada fase engineering

    Spontaneous vs. posed facial behavior: automatic analysis of brow actions

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    Past research on automatic facial expression analysis has focused mostly on the recognition of prototypic expressions of discrete emotions rather than on the analysis of dynamic changes over time, although the importance of temporal dynamics of facial expressions for interpretation of the observed facial behavior has been acknowledged for over 20 years. For instance, it has been shown that the temporal dynamics of spontaneous and volitional smiles are fundamentally different from each other. In this work, we argue that the same holds for the temporal dynamics of brow actions and show that velocity, duration, and order of occurrence of brow actions are highly relevant parameters for distinguishing posed from spontaneous brow actions. The proposed system for discrimination between volitional and spontaneous brow actions is based on automatic detection of Action Units (AUs) and their temporal segments (onset, apex, offset) produced by movements of the eyebrows. For each temporal segment of an activated AU, we compute a number of mid-level feature parameters including the maximal intensity, duration, and order of occurrence. We use Gentle Boost to select the most important of these parameters. The selected parameters are used further to train Relevance Vector Machines to determine per temporal segment of an activated AU whether the action was displayed spontaneously or volitionally. Finally, a probabilistic decision function determines the class (spontaneous or posed) for the entire brow action. When tested on 189 samples taken from three different sets of spontaneous and volitional facial data, we attain a 90.7 % correct recognition rate. Categories and Subject Descriptors I.2.10 [Vision and Scene Understanding]: motion, modeling and recovery of physical attribute


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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh tingkat residivis atau pengulangan tindak kejahatan menunjukkan tingkat yang tinggi, artinya anak yang telah lulus dari Lembaga Pembinaan Khusus Anak kembali menjadi anak pidana. Selain itu Pancasila dan Undang Undang Dasar 1945 mengamanatkan hak-hak anak selaku generasi penerus bangsa yang harus dijaga dan dijunjung tinggi eksistensinya.Dalam proses penelitian ini, peneliti melakukan observasi, dokumentasi dan wawancara secara langsung padaobjek penelitian. Observasi dilakukan guna mengamati proses kegiatan pembinaankesadaran hukum, sedangkan wawancara dilakukan pada Informan yakni anak didik pemasyarakatan di LKPA Tangerang dan Key Informan yakni pembina dan petugas LPKA Tangerang serta dokumentasi yang dilakukan guna menunjang data-data yang berkaitan dengan pembinaan kesadaran hukum di LPKA Tangerang.Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Pembinaan Kesadaran Hukum Narapidana Anak di Lembaga Pembinaan Khusus Anak, Tangerang, menunjukkan pelaksanaan metode yang dilaksanakan dalam pembinaan kesadaran hukum antara lain: a) Persuasif yang tergambar pada ketertarikan anak didik serta ajakan yang dilakukan oleh pemateri. b) Edukatif yang tergambar dari pemberian informasi tentang aturan hukum, hak dan kewajiban, serta contoh tindakan taat hukum. c) Komunikatifyang terlihat dalam interaksi antara pemateri dengan peserta, suasana kekeluargaan yang bebas dan terbuka serta penggunaan bahasa yang sesuai. d) Akomodatif yang tergambar pada kegiatan sharing, pengajuan pertanyaan pada pemateri, serta pemberian jawaban dan solusi pada anak didik

    Distinguishing Posed and Spontaneous Smiles by Facial Dynamics

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    Smile is one of the key elements in identifying emotions and present state of mind of an individual. In this work, we propose a cluster of approaches to classify posed and spontaneous smiles using deep convolutional neural network (CNN) face features, local phase quantization (LPQ), dense optical flow and histogram of gradient (HOG). Eulerian Video Magnification (EVM) is used for micro-expression smile amplification along with three normalization procedures for distinguishing posed and spontaneous smiles. Although the deep CNN face model is trained with large number of face images, HOG features outperforms this model for overall face smile classification task. Using EVM to amplify micro-expressions did not have a significant impact on classification accuracy, while the normalizing facial features improved classification accuracy. Unlike many manual or semi-automatic methodologies, our approach aims to automatically classify all smiles into either `spontaneous' or `posed' categories, by using support vector machines (SVM). Experimental results on large UvA-NEMO smile database show promising results as compared to other relevant methods.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figures, ACCV 2016, Second Workshop on Spontaneous Facial Behavior Analysi

    Facial expression transfer method based on frequency analysis

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    We propose a novel expression transfer method based on an analysis of the frequency of multi-expression facial images. We locate the facial features automatically and describe the shape deformations between a neutral expression and non-neutral expressions. The subtle expression changes are important visual clues to distinguish different expressions. These changes are more salient in the frequency domain than in the image domain. We extract the subtle local expression deformations for the source subject, coded in the wavelet decomposition. This information about expressions is transferred to a target subject. The resulting synthesized image preserves both the facial appearance of the target subject and the expression details of the source subject. This method is extended to dynamic expression transfer to allow a more precise interpretation of facial expressions. Experiments on Japanese Female Facial Expression (JAFFE), the extended Cohn-Kanade (CK+) and PIE facial expression databases show the superiority of our method over the state-of-the-art method

    Emotional facial activation induced by unconsciously perceived dynamic facial expressions

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    Do facial expressions of emotion influence us when not consciously perceived? Methods to investigate this question have typically relied on brief presentation of static images. In contrast, real facial expressions are dynamic and unfold over several seconds. Recent studies demonstrate that gaze contingent crowding (GCC) can block awareness of dynamic expressions while still inducing behavioural priming effects. The current experiment tested for the first time whether dynamic facial expressions presented using this method can induce unconscious facial activation. Videos of dynamic happy and angry expressions were presented outside participants' conscious awareness while EMG measurements captured activation of the zygomaticus major (active when smiling) and the corrugator supercilii (active when frowning). Forced-choice classification of expressions confirmed they were not consciously perceived, while EMG revealed significant differential activation of facial muscles consistent with the expressions presented. This successful demonstration opens new avenues for research examining the unconscious emotional influences of facial expressions

    Darwin's Duchenne: Eye constriction during infant joy and distress

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    Darwin proposed that smiles with eye constriction (Duchenne smiles) index strong positive emotion in infants, while cry-faces with eye constriction index strong negative emotion. Research has supported Darwin's proposal with respect to smiling, but there has been little parallel research on cry-faces (open-mouth expressions with lateral lip stretching). To investigate the possibility that eye constriction indexes the affective intensity of positive and negative emotions, we first conducted the Face-to-Face/Still-Face (FFSF) procedure at 6 months. In the FFSF, three minutes of naturalistic infant-parent play interaction (which elicits more smiles than cry-faces) are followed by two minutes in which the parent holds an unresponsive still-face (which elicits more cry-faces than smiles). Consistent with Darwin's proposal, eye constriction was associated with stronger smiling and with stronger cry-faces. In addition, the proportion of smiles with eye constriction was higher during the positive-emotion eliciting play episode than during the still-face. In parallel, the proportion of cry-faces with eye constriction was higher during the negative-emotion eliciting still-face than during play. These results are consonant with the hypothesis that eye constriction indexes the affective intensity of both positive and negative facial configurations. A preponderance of eye constriction during cry-faces was observed in a second elicitor of intense negative emotion, vaccination injections, at both 6 and 12 months of age. The results support the existence of a Duchenne distress expression that parallels the more well-known Duchenne smile. This suggests that eye constriction-the Duchenne marker-has a systematic association with early facial expressions of intense negative and positive emotion. © 2013 Mattson et al
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