61 research outputs found


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    This article presents a literature review on non-conventional technologies applied to food production, and emphasises the consumer’s individual differences which differently affect the food perception.Apresenta revisão de literatura sobre tecnologias não convencionais para a obtenção de produtos alimentícios, enfatizando as características individuais dos consumidores, que afetam diferentemente a percepção do produto

    Food Processing Innovation: A Case Study with Pressurized Passion Fruit Juice

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    Tropical fruit juice production shows an annual increase in volume of 15 to 20% in Brazil. Growing demand for processed fruit pulp arouses juice industry interest to search for novel technologies. High Hydrostatic Pressure (HHP) is an innovative technology which allows juice production with improved sensory characteristics compared to pasteurization, meeting consumer demands for fresh-like foods. Despite recognized advantages of pressurized products described in the literature, a positive consumer attitude towards them is required to guarantee their success in today’s competitive global market. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of packaging attributes on consumer expected liking and purchase intention of passion fruit juice. One hundred and twenty consumers evaluated twelve prototypes for expected liking and purchase intention. Data were analyzed using ANOVA, Conjoint and Cluster Analyses. Results showed that information about benefits of used technology (HHP) presented on the package played an important role on consumer attitude, suggesting a positive contribution to his/her satisfaction, a key point for the food industry.Tropical fruit juice production shows an annual increase in volume of 15 to 20% in Brazil. Growing demand for processed fruit pulp arouses juice industry interest to search for novel technologies. High Hydrostatic Pressure (HHP) is an innovative technology which allows juice production with improved sensory characteristics compared to pasteurization, meeting consumer demands for fresh-like foods. Despite recognized advantages of pressurized products described in the literature, a positive consumer attitude towards them is required to guarantee their success in today’s competitive global market. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of packaging attributes on consumer expected liking and purchase intention of passion fruit juice. One hundred and twenty consumers evaluated twelve prototypes for expected liking and purchase intention. Data were analyzed using ANOVA, Conjoint and Cluster Analyses. Results showed that information about benefits of used technology (HHP) presented on the package played an important role on consumer attitude, suggesting a positive contribution to his/her satisfaction, a key point for the food industry.Tropical fruit juice production shows an annual increase in volume of 15 to 20% in Brazil. Growing demand for processed fruit pulp arouses juice industry interest to search for novel technologies. High Hydrostatic Pressure (HHP) is an innovative technology which allows juice production with improved sensory characteristics compared to pasteurization, meeting consumer demands for fresh-like foods. Despite recognized advantages of pressurized products described in the literature, a positive consumer attitude towards them is required to guarantee their success in today’s competitive global market. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of packaging attributes on consumer expected liking and purchase intention of passion fruit juice. One hundred and twenty consumers evaluated twelve prototypes for expected liking and purchase intention. Data were analyzed using ANOVA, Conjoint and Cluster Analyses. Results showed that information about benefits of used technology (HHP) presented on the package played an important role on consumer attitude, suggesting a positive contribution to his/her satisfaction, a key point for the food industry


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    Efetuou-se revisão de literatura acerca do efeito do tratamento a alta pressão nos microrganismos, a influência de fatores extrínsecos (substrato e temperatura) nesse tratamento, seus princípios e operações. A Alta Pressão Hidrostática (APH), tecnologia emergente de conservação de alimentos, destaca-se por não afetar ligações químicas covalentes presentes nas moléculas de seus constituintes, minimizando a perda dos principais atributos sensoriais e nutricionais dos alimentos. Conclui-se com o estudo que o efeito da alta pressão depende das características do produto e das condições do processo. Além disso, a APH tem-se mostrado eficaz na inativação de células vegetativas e quando combinada com tratamento térmico é capaz de inativar esporos, aumentando a vida-de-prateleira e garantindo a segurança microbiológica dos produtos.This paper aims at reviewing the effect of high pressure on microorganisms, and discussing the influence of extrinsic factors (substratum and temperature) on the treatment, as well as its principles and operations. High Pressure is an emergent technology and does not affect covalent chemical bounds presented in food molecules constituents, decreasing the sensorial and nutritional food attribute losses. This study concludes that effects of high pressure depend on product characteristics and process conditions, and, in general, it demonstrates efficiency on vegetative cell inactivation and, when combined with thermal treatment, it can inactivate spores, increasing the shelf life and guaranteeing microbiological safety

    Optimization of high pressure processing parameters to enhance the quality attributes of scallops (Nodipecten nodosus)

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    ABSTRACT: Seafood is one of the most important sources of nutrients. However, they have a short shelf-life and the traditional preservation methods may generate losses in their natural flavour and nutrients. Thisstudy evaluated and optimize the High Pressure Processing (HPP) regarding pressure level (200-400 MPa) and holding time (0-5 min) applied to lion’s paw scallop (Nodipecten nodosus) to reduce microbial contamination while maintaining desirable characteristics. Response surface methodology with a Box-Behnken design and Desirability function were employed to simultaneously optimize these quality attributes. HPP enhanced microbial quality at 200 MPa/5 min, despite promoting inadequate physical-chemical modifications in the adductor muscle of the scallop. In such processing condition, in spite of a slight increase in muscle humidity which could be of benefit, pH increase was also verified, as well as a decrease in water holding capacity (WHC). At more severe level (400 MPa/5 min), a decrease in the shear force related to instrumental texture and in Whiteness (W) and Luminosity (L*) related to color was observed. Simultaneous optimization provided a value of 365MPa / 2min where physicochemical characteristics would be the more similar to the scallop without facing a preservation process

    Produção de 'leite' de soja enriquecido com cálcio

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    "Leite" de soja é um produto de elevado valor nutricional, com alto conteúdo protéico, sendo um excelente produto para os indivíduos intolerantes à lactose. Entretanto, o conteúdo de cálcio - importante mineral para manutenção dos ossos - é baixo, sendo requerida sua adição, a fim de melhorar o valor nutricional do produto. O objetivo deste estudo foi produzir "leite" de soja adicionado de cálcio com adequada qualidade sensorial. A avaliação sensorial foi conduzida com uma equipe de provadores selecionados e treinados da EMBRAPA Agroindústria de Alimentos visando identificar o sal de cálcio mais adequado ao produto. Os seguintes atributos sensoriais foram analisados: gredosidade, sabor de feijão cru, corpo, sabor estranho e qualidade global de sabor. As perdas decorrentes do processamento também foram investigadas. O produto adicionado de fosfato tricálcio de sódio forneceu o melhor produto quanto às características sensoriais e o "leite" com lactato de cálcio apresentou as menores perdas durante o processamento, seguido do cálcio quelato. Entretanto, uma separação de fases foi observada no primeiro. Mesmo o "leite" de soja com cálcio quelato tendo apresentado sabor estranho, este foi o indicado para o enriquecimento, devido à alta solubilidade e biodisponibilidade

    Tradução e validação para a língua portuguesa de questionário utilizado em estudos de consumidor

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    O presente trabalho objetivou disponibilizar para a língua portuguesa o questionário originalmente desenvolvido em inglês e denominado Need for Cognition (NFC). Tal questionário tem considerável importância no desenvolvimento de estudos do consumidor, uma vez que possibilita segmentar a população de acordo com determinada característica, ou seja, o quanto gostam de se engajar no pensar. O questionário foi traduzido utilizando a metodologia denominada back translation e validado objetivando disponibilizar para a língua portuguesa tal ferramenta, a qual auxilia na interpretação e no entendimento da atitude e comportamento do consumidor frente a um determinado produto ou questão. A maioria das escalas e questionários disponíveis foram desenvolvidos em outros países e, como é reconhecido, um processo de adaptação cultural e posterior validação da nova versão são requeridos para serem usados em culturas diferentes daquela para qual foi originalmente desenvolvida. Assim, faz-se necessário desenvolver o instrumento no próprio idioma, ou traduzi-lo e validá-lo. A técnica back translation garante tradução precisa e confiável do instrumento. A versão original em inglês foi traduzida para o português independentemente por três indivíduos bilíngües. O instrumento traduzido foi revisado aplicando as duas versões a um grupo de 15 indivíduos bilíngües, a fim de checar a equivalência da tradução

    Powdered yoghurt produced by spray drying and freeze drying: a review

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    Abstract Yoghurt is one of the dairy products most consumed worldwide but dehydrated yoghurt is still uncommon. Considered a nutritious food, yoghurt powder could be used as an ingredient or supplement in juices, cookies, ice cream and dairy beverages. Spray drying and freeze drying are the methods most widely used to dehydrate dairy products, and the process conditions are directly associated with the production costs and value of the final product. Due to osmotic and thermal stress during dehydration, it is often necessary to incorporate agents such as carriers, thermal protectants, cryo-protectants and stabilizers in order to improve the process yield, preserve nutrients and even facilitate rehydration of the product. Thus the present review presents the technologies available to obtain yoghurt powder, including the processes, drying agents, drying rates, rehydration conditions and survival of the lactic acid bacteria

    Optimisation of High Hydrostatic Pressure Processing of Pêra Rio Orange Juice

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    The influence of high hydrostatic pressure (HHP) on Pêra Rio orange juice was investigated using response surface methodology. A central composite design was used to evaluate the effects of three processing conditions (independent variables), namely pressure (100-600 MPa), temperature (30-60 °C) and time (30-360 s), on the native microflora and pectin methylesterase (PME) activity of orange juice. Analysis of variance showed that second-order polynomial models fitted well with the experimental data for PME residual activity (R2 = 0.9586, p < 0.001) and aerobic microorganism count (R2 = 0.9879, p < 0.001). The optimum HHP processing conditions to produce orange juice with PME residual activity of less than 20 % and low microorganism count (<2 log cycles CFU/mL) were 550 to 600 MPa, 55 to 60 °C and 330 to 360 s. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media New York