449 research outputs found

    Urokinase Induces Basophil Chemotaxis through a Urokinase Receptor Epitope That Is an Endogenous Ligand for Formyl Peptide Receptor-Like 1 and -Like 2

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    AbstractBasophils circulate in the blood and are able to migrate into tissues at sites of inflammation. Urokinase plasminogen activator (uPA) binds a specific high affinity surface receptor (uPAR). The uPA-uPAR system is crucial for cell adhesion and migration, and tissue repair. We have investigated the presence and function of the uPA-uPAR system in human basophils. The expression of uPAR was found at both mRNA and protein levels. The receptor was expressed on the cell surface of basophils, in the intact and cleaved forms. Basophils did not express uPA at either the protein or mRNA level. uPA (10−12–10−9 M) and its uPAR-binding N-terminal fragment (ATF) were potent chemoattractants for basophils, but did not induce histamine or cytokine release. Inactivation of uPA enzymatic activity by di-isopropyl fluorophosphate did not affect its chemotactic activity. A polyclonal Ab against uPAR inhibited uPA-dependent basophil chemotaxis. The uPAR-derived peptide 84–95 (uPAR84–95) induced basophil chemotaxis. Basophils expressed mRNA for the formyl peptide receptors formyl peptide receptor (FPR), FPR-like 1 (FPRL1), and FPRL2. The FPR antagonist cyclosporin H prevented chemotaxis induced by FMLP, but not that induced by uPA and uPAR84–95. Incubation of basophils with low and high concentrations of FMLP, which desensitize FPR and FPRL1, respectively, but not FPRL2, slightly reduced the chemotactic response to uPA and uPAR84–95. In contrast, desensitization with WKYMVm, which also binds FPRL2, markedly inhibited the response to both molecules. Thus, uPA is a potent chemoattractant for basophils that seems to act through exposure of the chemotactic uPAR epitope uPAR84–95, which is an endogenous ligand for FPRL2 and FPRL1

    Assicurazioni e sviluppo: lezioni dalla storia

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    Il volume raccoglie contributi e testimonianze di studiosi sul tema del rapporto tra le vicende del settore assicurativo e lo sviluppo economico e sociale del Paese. Pubblicato in occasione della ricorrenza dei 150 anni dell’Unità d’Italia, documenta non solo il rilevante ruolo sociale svolto da questa importante componente dell’industria finanziaria nel sostenere in vario modo lo sviluppo, e il modello di sviluppo nelle diverse fasi storiche della storia post-unitaria. Testimonia anche come l’andamento del settore si sia adattato e abbia concorso a caratterizzare i rapporti tra pubblico e privato nella struttura economico-industriale, la domanda di protezione e di copertura dei rischi proveniente dalle imprese e dalle famiglie, l’articolazione e il funzionamento dei servizi, delle garanzie pubbliche e delle forme di protezione offerte dallo Stato sociale, lo stato delle tecnologie, della ricerca economica e statistica e dell’efficienza della pubblica amministrazione. L’obiettivo è quello di capire e proiettare sul futuro il ruolo del settore assicurativo di fronte ai grandi cambiamenti in corso e agli scenari di rischio in evoluzione. Tra gli interventi inclusi nel volume quelli di Giuliano Amato, Pierluigi Ciocca, Elsa Fornero, Robin Pearson e Gianni Toniolo)

    A look at the past to draw lessons for the future: how the case of an urgent ICU transfer taught us to always be ready with a plan B

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    Objective: The urgent transfer of an intensive care unit (ICU) is particularly challenging because it carries a high clinical and infectious risk and is a critical node in a hospital’s patient flow. In early 2017, exceptional rainfall damaged the roof of the tertiary hospital in Udine, necessitating the relocation of one of the three ICUs for six months. We decided to assess the impact of this transfer on quality of care and patient safety using a set of indicators, primarily considering the incidence of healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) and mortality rates. Methods: We performed a retrospective, observational analysis of structural, process, and outcome indicators comparing the pre- and posttransfer phases. Specifically, we analyzed data between July 2016 and June 2017 for the transferred ICU and examined mortality and the incidence of HAI. Results: Despite significant changes in structural and organizational aspects of the unit, no differences in mortality rates or cumulative incidence of HAIs were observed before/after transfer. We collected data for all 393 patients (133 women, 260 men) admitted to the ICU before (49.4%) and after transfer (50.6%). The mortality rate for 100 days in the ICU was 1.90 (34/1791) before and 2.88 (37/1258) after transfer (p = 0.063). The evaluation of the occurrence of at least one HAI included 304 patients (102 women and 202 men), as 89 of them were excluded due to a length of stay in the ICU of less than 48 h; again, there was no statistical difference between the two cumulative incidences (13.1% vs. 6.9%, p = 0.075). Conclusion: In the case studied, no adverse effects on patient outcomes were observed after urgent transfer of the injured ICU. The indicators used in this study may be an initial suggestion for further discussion

    Expression and Functions of the Vascular Endothelial Growth Factors and Their Receptors in Human Basophils

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    Abstract Angiogenesis is a multistep complex phenomenon critical for several inflammatory and neoplastic disorders. Basophils, normally confined to peripheral blood, can infiltrate the sites of chronic inflammation. In an attempt to obtain insights into the mechanism(s) underlying human basophil chemotaxis and its role in inflammation, we have characterized the expression and function of vascular endothelial growth factors (VEGFs) and their receptors in these cells. Basophils express mRNA for three isoforms of VEGF-A (121, 165, and 189) and two isoforms of VEGF-B (167 and 186). Peripheral blood and basophils in nasal polyps contain VEGF-A localized in secretory granules. The concentration of VEGF-A in basophils was 144.4 ± 10.8 pg/106 cells. Immunologic activation of basophils induced the release of VEGF-A. VEGF-A (10–500 ng/ml) induced basophil chemotaxis. Supernatants of activated basophils induced an angiogenic response in the chick embryo chorioallantoic membrane that was inhibited by an anti-VEGF-A Ab. The tyrosine kinase VEGFR-2 (VEGFR-2/KDR) mRNA was expressed in basophils. These cells also expressed mRNA for the soluble form of VEGFR-1 and neuropilin (NRP)1 and NRP2. Flow cytometric analysis indicated that basophils express epitopes recognized by mAbs against the extracellular domains of VEGFR-2, NRP1, and NRP2. Our data suggest that basophils could play a role in angiogenesis and inflammation through the expression of several forms of VEGF and their receptors

    Breast conserving treatment for ductal carcinoma in situ in the elderly: Can radiation therapy be avoided? Our experience

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    AbstractIntroduction: Ductal Carcinoma In Situ (DCIS) is a heterogeneous, pre-malignant disease accounting for 15–20% of all new breast cancers. If appropriately managed, DCIS has a small chance of impacting on patient life expectancy. Despite the possibility of a further recurrence or of a development in an invasive form, we are unable to select treatment of choice especially in the elderly. In particularly we risk an overtreatment of women at low risk of progression to invasive breast cancer. The aim of this study was to retrospectively evaluate the outcome of elderly patients affected by DCIS not undergoing Radiation Therapy (RT) after Breast Conserving Surgery (BCS). Material and methods: We reviewed our prospectively-maintained database from 1998 to 2013, selecting all women over 65 years old diagnosed with DCIS who did not receive RT for personal choice. We considered two groups, according to the risk of local recurrence (Low Risk (Group 1) vs. High Risk (Group 2)). Results: We identified 44 cases of DCIS treated with surgery alone or with surgery followed by adjuvant tamoxifen. 24 patients presented low risk of local recurrence (Group 1) and 20 had characteristics associated to high risk of local recurrence (Group 2). At a median follow-up of 66.3 months, no local recurrences have been described in group 1. No patients presented distant metastases, while 4 patients died for other causes. At a median follow-up of 72 months we observed 5 local recurrences in the second group (p < 0.05). Conclusion: Our results suggest that radiation therapy can be safely avoided in a selected group of elderly patients affected by DCIS

    Structured and shared CT radiological report of gastric cancer: a consensus proposal by the Italian Research Group for Gastric Cancer (GIRCG) and the Italian Society of Medical and Interventional Radiology (SIRM)

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    Objectives Written radiological report remains the most important means of communication between radiologist and referring medical/surgical doctor, even though CT reports are frequently just descriptive, unclear, and unstructured. The Italian Society of Medical and Interventional Radiology (SIRM) and the Italian Research Group for Gastric Cancer (GIRCG) promoted a critical shared discussion between 10 skilled radiologists and 10 surgical oncologists, by means of multi-round consensus-building Delphi survey, to develop a structured reporting template for CT of GC patients. Methods Twenty-four items were organized according to the broad categories of a structured report as suggested by the European Society of Radiology (clinical referral, technique, findings, conclusion, and advice) and grouped into three "CT report sections" depending on the diagnostic phase of the radiological assessment for the oncologic patient (staging, restaging, and follow-up). Results In the final round, 23 out of 24 items obtained agreement ( >= 8) and consensus ( 0.05). Conclusions The structured report obtained, shared by surgical and medical oncologists and radiologists, allows an appropriate, clearer, and focused CT report essential to high-quality patient care in GC, avoiding the exclusion of key radiological information useful for multidisciplinary decision-making

    Cambiamenti ambientali indotti dalle variazioni climatiche oloceniche e dall’uomo nell’area dell’abitato antico di Pontecagnano

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    L’abitato antico di Pontecagnano (vii-iii a.C.), sorge su un alto morfologico di natura travertinosa, che in antico emergeva di pochi metri dal settore NO della pianura alluvionale costiera del Fiume Sele. I lavori per l’ampliamento dell’autostrada A3 SA-RC hanno intercettato livelli archeologici rappresentativi di ampie porzioni del territorio urbano e periurbano dell’abitato antico e messo in evidenza un record archeostratigrafico che va dal Pleistocene Superiore ad oggi. Lo studio geomorfologico ed archeo-tephro-stratigrafico di dettaglio, corredato da analisi paleoambientali, ha consentito di delineare gli aspetti salienti dell’evoluzione del paesaggio e degli ambienti nel corso dell’Olocene. Le modifiche dell’ambiente e del paesaggio sono state prevalentemente indotte da condizionamenti antropici sul sistema idraulico e forestale e sull’organizzazione del territorio soprattutto per il periodo di vita dell’abitato, dove si coglie un importante bonifica. Nei periodi precedenti e successivi alla vita dell’abitato i cambiamenti ambientali sono stati indotti da variazioni climatiche e dai prodotti delle eruzioni dei vulcani napoletani.The ancient settlement of Pontecagnano (7th-3rd centuries B.C.) was built up on the travertine plateau overlooking the Sele river on the NW sector of the alluvial-coastal plain. Motorway construction works brought to light archaeological remains of an ancient urban and suburban settlement. Archaeostratigraphical records dated between the late Pleistocene and today have been elucidated. The geomorphological and archaeo-tephro-stratigraphical study, coupled with palaeoenvironmental analysis, allowed us to outline the evolution of the environment during the Holocene. The environmental changes have been mainly induced by human activities, during the 7th -3rd centuries B.C., by land reclamation. During other periods of the Holocene the environmental changes can be attributed to climatic variations and, secondly, to the impact of the distal products of Neapolitan volcanic eruptions on geomorphic systems

    An Italian prospective multicenter study on colonoscopy practice and quality: What has changed in the last 10 years

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    Background: A relevant number of adenomas can be missed during colonoscopy. Aims: Assess the current status of colonoscopy procedures in Italian centers. Methods: A prospective observational study involving 17 hospitals (34 endoscopists) included consecutive patients undergoing standard colonoscopy. In the first phase, endoscopists performed consecutive colonoscopies. In the second phase, retraining via an online learning platform was planned, while in the third phase data were collected analogously to phase 1. Results: A total of 3,504 patients were enrolled. Overall, a BBPS score ≥6 was obtained in 95.6% of cases (94.8% and 96.9% in the pre- and post-training phases, respectively). 88.4% of colonoscopies had a withdrawal time ≥6 min (88.2% and 88.7% in the pre- and post-training phases). Median adenoma detection rate (ADR) was 39.1%, with no significant differences between the pre- and post-training phases (40.1% vs 36.9%; P = 0.83). In total, 81% of endoscopists had a ADR performance above the 25% threshold. Conclusion: High colonoscopy quality standards are achieved by the Italian hospitals involved. Quality improvement initiatives and repeated module-based colonoscopy-training have been promoted in Italy during the last decade, which appear to have had a significant impact on quality colonoscopy metrics together with the activation of colorectal cancer screening programs
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