18 research outputs found

    La carne de caza es segura

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    El riesgo toxicológico por plomo derivado del consumo de carnes de caza es tolerable, recomendándose potenciar el consumo de este tipo de carnes por la población general

    On-line surveys application to develop open choice and correlated food internships

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    Se han desarrollado encuestas on-line en diferentes asignaturas que tenían el uso de este tipo de herramientas como elementos de apoyo para el desarrollo de alguna de sus competencias. En función de los conocimientos previos de los alumnos y el nivel de formación, la implementación de las encuestas ha requerido una implicación más o menos profunda de los alumnos. En este sentido el grado máximo de implicación se ha realizado en la asignatura Nutrición Aplicada del Grado en Ciencia y Tecnología de los Alimentos, en el que los alumnos han decido e implementado absolutamente todos los aspectos inherentes a la encuesta (supervisado por los profesores). El resultado docente ha sido muy satisfactorio, cubriendo en cada asignatura una o varias competencias transversales y obviamente las específicas relativas al tema de la encuesta. El grado de satisfacción de los alumnos también ha sido elevado. Además la información recopilada tiene un elevado interés en cuanto a conocer aspectos relacionados con la forma de alimentarse de diferentes colectivos.On line-surveys were developed in several subjects which employ this kind of tools in order to achieve some of its competences. The implementations of surveys were made in different degrees according with the previous level of knowledge of the students. In this way, students of the subject “Nutrición Aplicada” which belong from the Degree of “Ciencia y Tecnología de Alimentos”, achieved the highest level of implication, developing all the items of the surveys (with supervision of their professors). The educational results were very satisfactory, covering all the transversal and specific competences of multiple subjects. The satisfaction level of the students was also very high. Furthermore, relevant information about dietetic habits of different population groups was obtained

    Elevated VCAM-1, MCP-1 and ADMA serum levels related to pulmonary fibrosis of interstitial lung disease associated with rheumatoid arthritis

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    Introduction: Early diagnosis of interstitial lung disease (ILD) associated with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) constitutes a challenge for the clinicians. Pulmonary vasculopathy is relevant in the development of interstitial lung disease. Accordingly, we aimed to explore the role of vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1), monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1) and asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA), key molecules in the vasculopathy, as potential biomarkers of pulmonary fibrosis in RA-ILD+. Methods: We included 21 RA-ILD+ patients and two comparative groups: 25 RA-ILD- patients and 21 idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) patients. Serum levels of the molecules were determined by ELISA, and mRNA expression was quantified by qPCR. Results: VCAM-1, MCP-1 and ADMA serum levels were increased in RA-ILD+ patients in relation to RA-ILD- and IPF patients. Additionally, RA-ILD+ patients exhibited increased CCL2 (gene encoding MCP-1) and decreased PRMT1 (gene related to ADMA synthesis) mRNA expression in relation to RA-ILD- patients. A lower expression of VCAM1, CCL2, and PRMT1 was observed in RA-ILD+ patients when compared with those with IPF. Furthermore, MCP-1 serum levels and PRMT1 mRNA expression were positively correlated with RA duration, and ADMA serum levels were positively associated with C-reactive protein in RA-ILD+ patients. Conclusion: Our study suggests that VCAM-1, MCP-1 and ADMA could be considered as useful biomarkers to identify ILD in RA patients, as well as to discriminate RA-ILD+ from IPF, contributing to the early diagnosis of RA-ILD+.Funding: VP-C is supported by funds of PI18/00042 from Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII), co-funded by European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). SR-M is supported by funds of RETICS Program (RD16/0012/0009) from ISCIII, co-funded by ERDF; FG is supported by funds of the RICORS Program (RD21/ 0002/0025) from ISCIII, co-funded by the European Union; OG is staff personnel of Xunta de Galicia (Servizo Galego de Saude (SERGAS) through a research-staff stabilization contract (ISCIII/SERGAS) and his work is funded by ISCIII and ERDF [RD16/0012/0014 (RIER) and PI17/00409]. He is beneficiary of project funds from the Research Executive Agency of the European Union in the framework of MSCA-RISE Action of the H2020 Programme, project 734899—Olive-Net. RL-M is a recipient of a Miguel Servet type II Program fellowship from ISCIII, co-funded by the European Social Fund, ‘Investing in your future’ (CPII21/00004)

    Tools for cooperative learning in food and health sciences in university education and vocational training

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    El presente proyecto ha pretendido la realización de prácticas docentes por parte de alumnos de 4º curso del Grado de Ciencia y Tecnología de los Alimentos, basadas en conocimientos sobre alimentación y nutrición, en colaboración con los estudiantes de un Ciclo Formativo de Grado Superior de la Familia Profesional Sanitaria en el Instituto de Educación Secundaria Fuensanta de la ciudad de Córdoba. La toma de decisiones y realización de las mismas se ha llevado a cabo en todo momento por parte del alumnado de ambos centros educativos, actuando el profesorado como meros orientadores del proceso. Con dicho proyecto se ha pretendido, además de la puesta en práctica de los conocimientos teóricos, adquiridos durante su formación, la puesta en común de una misma actividad que permita el conocimiento entre ambos niveles educativos así como el enriquecimiento profesional y personal.The object of the present project has been the realization of teaching practices by students of 4th year of Degree in Food Science and Technology of the University of Cordoba in collaboration with vocational training students. They have made decision-making at all times and professors has been mere counselors. With this project it has been tried, in addition to the putting into practice of the theoretical knowledge, acquired during its formation. Moreover it has been keep in touch, students belonging to different educational stages

    Probabilistic assessment of the intake of trace elements by consumption of red deer (Cervus elaphus) and wild boar (Sus scrofa) meat

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    The aim of this work was to study the nutritional value of game meat through the fulfillments of Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI) for trace elements (Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni, Se, and Zn). A probabilistic model (@Risk) was developed based on the consumption data of hunter-consumers obtained from a previously published survey. Two game species widely consumed in Europe were selected: red deer (Cervus elaphus) and wild boar (Sus scrofa). Red deer muscle had the highest content of Cr (0.25 mg/kg) and Zn (44.3 mg/kg) and wild boar muscle recorded the highest Cu (2.23 mg/kg), Ni (0.60 mg/kg), and Se (0.19 mg/kg), showing statistically significant differences between the two species for these elements. No statistically significant differences were found for Fe between both game species (red deer: 52.9 mg/kg and wild boar: 53.3 mg/kg). Co content in this kind of meat was negligible for both species. The results obtained from the simulation of the probabilistic model with red deer indicated that a consumption once per week of this meat fulfills Cr, Fe, and Zn DRIs for the 95th percentile in hunter-consumers. Regarding wild boar, the values obtained also fulfill the Fe DRI and were between 61 and 75% for the rest of the trace elements analyzed

    Cytotoxic and genotoxic effects of metal(oid)s bioactivated in rocket leaves (Eruca vesicaria subsp. sativa Miller)

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    Rocket is an important source of essential elements. However, it may also accumulate toxic elements such as metal(oids). The objectives of the present work were (i) to study the uptake of arsenic, lead, cadmium and zinc in rocket grown in contaminated soils, (ii) to establish the genotoxic and cytotoxic activities of this vegetable material, and (iii) to study the modulator role of the glucosinolate and metal contents in the genotoxic/cytotoxic activities. Lead, cadmium and zinc leaf concentrations in our study were over the concentrations allowed by the statutory limit set for metal(oid) contents in vegetables. The accessions were non genotoxic at the different concentrations studied, although one of the accessions showed the highest mutation rates doubling those of negative control. The cytotoxicity assays with HL60 human leukaemia cells showed that the tumouricide activities of rocket leaves decreased with the increasing of metal(oid) concentrations and also with the decreasing of glucosinolate concentrations in their tissues. An interaction between metal(oid)s and glucosinolate degradation products contained in rocket leaves is suggested as the main modulator agents of the biological activity of the plants grown in metal-contaminated soils. © 2013.The authors thank to the Department for Innovation, Science and Business of the Regional Autonomous Government of Andalusia for funding the Project P06-AGR-02230.Peer Reviewe