343 research outputs found

    TREEAD A Tool that enables the Re-use of Experience in Enterprise Architecture Description

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    Enterprise Architecture (EA) is an important organization issue. The EA, resulting from a development process, is an important tool in different situations. It is used as a communication tool between the systems stakeholders. It is an enabler of changes. More importantly, the EA definition allows the build of unifying or coherent forms or structures. There has been growing interest in this topic topic area in recent years. Several authors have proposed methods, frameworks, languages with the aim of helping organizations in the process of EA definition. This paper proposes a software tool that can be used to re-use experience in EA definition processes. The tool proposed is independent of the framework, method, language or software tool used in the EA description process.- (undefined

    Improving case retrieval performance through the use of clustering techniques

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    The performance of Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) systems is highly depend on the performance of the retrieval phase. Usually, if the case memory has a large number of cases the system turn to be very slow. Several mechanisms have been proposed in order to prevent a full search of the case memory during the retrieval phase. In this work we propose a clustering technique applied to the memory of cases. But this strategy is applied to an intermediate level of information that defines paths to the cases. Algorithms to the retrieval and retention phase are also presented.- (undefined

    Re-using experience in information systems development

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    Information Systems Development (ISD) is an important organization activity that generally involves the development of models. This paper describes a framework, supported by Case-Based-Reasoning (CBR) method, that enables the use of experience in model development in the context of ISD process.- (undefined

    Improving data modelling through the use of case-based-reasoning

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    Experience plays an important role in Information Systems data modelling activity. This role is justified by the fact that determining the correct and consistent information requirements is a difficult and a challenging task. Currently three types of data modelling techniques are widely used: entity-attribute-relationship, object-relationship and object-oriented. There is not a consensus about which one is the best. This article proposes a framework, supported by a software tool, that uses Case-Based-Reasoning (CBR) methodology to represent and use experience in the data modelling task. The proposed framework does not depend on the data modelling technique nor on the modelling tool.- (undefined

    The re-use of experience through the use of CBR in information systems modelling

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    Information Systems Development (ISD) is an important organization activity. IT professionals develop models that describe specific organizational aspects. The IT professionals experience plays an important role in the development of a model. Generally, IT professionals apply past experience acquired in the previous ISD processes. This paper describes a Case-Based-Reasoning (CBR) tool that enables the use of experience in the model development in the context of ISD process.- (undefined


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    Better Information Systems (IS) could be developed, if experience were used. The use of experience could be applied in any phase of the Information System Development process. This paper presents a framework that applies the Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) method to enable the use of experience in conceptual modelling. This framework could be used in several conceptual modelling types, as long as graphical modelling languages were used. Our framework was implemented in an Internet application that has a modular structure

    What makes you watch it when you can play it?: the evolution of gaming streaming and the motivational factors concerning viewership

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    Gaming streaming has been increasing vastly throughout this decade, having a total of 1.9 billion hours of video on TwitchTv in August alone, reflecting a 27% year- over-year growth (Gamesindustry, 2021). This dissertation’s primary objective is to quantify the motivational relevance that a Portuguese viewer has concerning gaming streaming content in the online platform denominated TwitchTv, additionally addressing the evolution of streaming and gaming. A questionnaire was created and shared on a multitude of social media platforms in order to gather data to analyze it via a dedicated software. An analysis was used in order to test the validity of the research hypothesis, being it One Sample Student’s T-Test. With this research, the purpose was to identify which of the user needs posed a positive effect regarding the usage of TwitchTv. The main conclusions were that the affective need has a positive effect in TwitchTv usage, while there’s no evidence to support other needs having a positive effect concerning TwitchTv usage. Concerning future research, this dissertation addresses the interest of expanding the scope of research to not only TwitchTv as a streaming platform but to other online networks, due to the suitable approach of User and Gratifications theory.O streaming de jogos tem tido um aumento vasto ao longo desta década, tendo totalizado 1.9 mil milhões de horas de vídeo na TwitchTv apenas em Agosto, refletindo um aumento anual de 27% (Gamesindustry, 2021). Esta dissertação tem como objetivo primário a quantificação da relevância motivacional que um espectador português tem no que diz respeito a conteúdo de streaming gaming na plataforma online denominada de TwitchTv, abordando adicionalmente a evolução de streaming e gaming. Um questionário foi criado e partilhado numa variedade de plataformas online de social media a fim de reunir dados para analisá-los via um software dedicado. Uma análise foi utilizada de modo a testar a validade das hipóteses de pesquisa, sendo esta o Teste-t para uma amostra. Com esta pesquisa, o propósito é identificar qual das necessidades do utilizador propõe um efeito positivo de acordo com o uso da TwitchTv. As conclusões principais foram as de a necessidade afetiva tem um efeito positivo no uso da TwitchTv, enquanto não existe prova para suportar as outras necessidades de terem um efeito positivo em relação ao uso da TwitchTv. No que se refere a pesquisas futuras, esta dissertação aborda o interesse de expandir o alcance da pesquisa para não apenas TwitchTv como uma plataforma de streaming, mas para outras redes online, devido à abordagem adequada da teoria do Utilizador e Gratificações

    Agregados coloidais zwitteriônicos nanoestruturados: correlação entre as propriedades físico-químicas e o efeito catalítico sobre reações de descarboxilação

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências Físicas e Matemáticas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Química, 2016Neste trabalho foram investigadas as propriedades físico-químicas de agregados micelares correlacionando intimamente com seu efeito catalítico sobre reações de descarboxilação. Os surfactantes empregados foram SB3-10, SB3-12, SB3-14 e ImS3-14, em especial o SB3-14 e ImS3-14, elegidos como os mais adequados. O líquido iônico BMIMBr foi utilizado na solubilização do ImS3-14. As propriedades físico-químicas avaliadas foram: concentração micelar crítica, diâmetro hidrodinâmico, efeito do BMIMBr sobre o potencial zeta, polaridade e efeito do BMIMBr sobre a polaridade. Visando avaliar o efeito catalítico foram investigados as propriedades espectroscópicas e os seguintes parâmetros: efeito do pH, efeito do líquido iônico BMIMBr, efeito da concentração do surfactante, parâmetros termodinâmicos de ativação e efeito de íons. As reações foram fortemente catalisadas apresentando um aumento de kM de 286x em ImS3-14/BMIMBr; de 378x em SB3-14/BMIMBr; e de 395x em SB3-14. A elucidação do efeito catalítico foi efetuada a partir de efeitos de ligação do brometo, BMIM+, potencial zeta, polaridade e ligação de íons. Os resultados obtidos são consistentes, os quais permitiram compreender os fenômenos que regem o efeito catalítico de tais agregados sobre reações de descarboxilação a partir de correlações com suas propriedades físico-químicas.Abstract: In this work we investigated the physicochemical properties of micellar aggregates correlating closely with its catalytic effect on decarboxylation reactions. The surfactants used were SB3-10, SB3-12, SB3-14 and ImS3-14, especially SB3-14 and ImS3-14, chosen as the most suitable. The ionic liquid BMIMBr was used to solubilize the ImS3-14. The physicochemical properties evaluated were: critical micellar concentration, hydrodynamic diameter, BMIMBr effect on the zeta potential, polarity and BMIMBr effect on the polarity. In order to evaluate the catalytic effect were investigated the spectroscopic properties and the following parameters: pH effect, ionic liquid BMIMBr effect, effect of the surfactant concentration, activation thermodynamic parameters and ion effect. The reactions were strongly catalyzed presenting an kM increase of 286x in ImS3-14 / BMIMBr; of 378x in SB3-14 / BMIMBr; and of 395x in SB3-14. The elucidation of the catalytic effect has been properly performed from effects of bromide binding, BMIM+, zeta potential, polarity, and ion binding. The results are consistent, which allowed from correlations with physico-chemical properties, a deeper understanding of factors that govern the catalytic effect of such aggregates on decarboxylation reactions

    Estimation of moisture in wood chips by near infrared spectroscopy

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    In order to assess the moisture content of wood chips on an industrial scale, readily applicable techniques are required. Thus, near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy was used to estimate moisture in wood chips by means of partial least squares regressions. NIR spectra were obtained in spectrometer with an integrating sphere and optical fiber probe, on the longitudinal and transverse surface of Eucalyptus wood chips. The specimens had their masses and NIR spectra measured in 10 steps during drying from saturated to anhydrous condition. Principal Component Analysis was performed to explore the effect of moisture of wood chip on NIR signatures. The values of moisture content of chips were associated with the respective NIR spectra by Partial Least Squares Regression (PLS-R) and Partial Least Squares Discriminant Analysis (PLS-DA) to estimate the moisture content of wood chips and its moisture classes, respectively. Model developed from spectra recorded on the longitudinal face by the integrating sphere method presented statistics slightly better (R²cv = 0,96; RMSEcv = 7,15 %) than model based on optical fiber probe (R²cv = 0,90; RMSEcv = 11,86 %). This study suggests that for calibration of robust predictive model for estimating moisture content in chips the spectra should be recorded on the longitudinal surface of wood using the integrating sphere acquisition method