145 research outputs found

    Remarques sur le recueil ibāÜite-wahbite Siyar al-mašā’iḫ : retour sur son attribution

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    This article focuses on one of the various aspects of the intellectual life of Ibadis during the Middle Ages in the Maghreb. It investigates the production and transmission of Ibadi medieval texts characterized by the emergence of a biographic literature, through a study of manuscripts attributed long time ago to al-Wisyānī. entitled Siyar al-maìā’iḫ. This manuscript is the result of the compilation of three biographical texts for which we propose a new authorship.El presente artículo gira en torno a uno de los diferentes aspectos de la vida intelectual de los ibadíes durante la Edad Media en el Magreb. Se trata del estudio de la producción y transmisión de textos ibadíes medievales, cuya principal característica es el surgimiento de una literatura biográfica, a través de un estudio sobre manuscritos atribuidos, desde hace tiempo, a al-Wisyānī, el Siyar al-maìā’iḫ. Éste último es el resultado de la compilación de tres textos biográficos de los cuales proponemos una nueva autoría

    Découverte d’un écrit mathématique du Maghreb médiéval : le commentaire d’al-ˁUqbānī (m. 811/1408

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    Ibn al-Yāsamīn’s poem in algebra (d. 601/1204) is considered one of the most widely spread mathematical texts in the Maghreb at the end of the Middle Ages. It has been the subject of thirteen comments among which we find that of Abū ˁUṯmān Saˁīd b. Muḥammad al-ˁUqbānī (d. 811/1408). The latter was considered lost by specialists in the history of Arabic mathematics. But after investigations in private libraries, we found a copy of this commentary in a collection of astronomy and mathematics preserved in the Zaouia al-ˁUṯmaniyya of Tolga in Algeria. As it has been written by several scholars, this didactic text testifies to the diffusion of comments and abstracts in the teaching of mathematics in the Muslim West.El poema de Ibn al-Yāsamīn sobre el álgebra (m. 601/1204) se considera como uno de los textos matemáticos más difundidos en el Magreb a finales de la Edad Media. Fue objeto de trece comentarios entre los cuales encontramos el de Abū ˁUṯmān Saˁīd b. Muḥammad al-ˁUqbānī (m. 811/1408). Este último fue considerado perdido por los especialistas en la historia de las matemáticas árabes. Pero después de investigaciones en las bibliotecas privadas, encontramos una copia de este comentario en una colección de astronomía y matemáticas conservada en la zagüía al-ˁUṯmāniyya de Tolga en Argelia. Como ha sido escrito por varios especialistas, este texto didáctico testimonia la difusión de comentarios y resúmenes en la enseñanza de las matemáticas en el Occidente islámico

    Découverte d’un écrit mathématique du Maghreb médiéval : le commentaire d’al-ˁUqbānī (m. 811/1408)

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    El poema de Ibn al-Yāsamīn sobre el álgebra (m. 601/1204) se considera como uno de los textos matemáticos más difundidos en el Magreb a finales de la Edad Media. Fue objeto de trece comentarios entre los cuales encontramos el de Abū ˁUṯmān Saˁīd b. Muḥammad al-ˁUqbānī (m. 811/1408). Este último fue considerado perdido por los especialistas en la historia de las matemáticas árabes. Pero después de investigaciones en las bibliotecas privadas, encontramos una copia de este comentario en una colección de astronomía y matemáticas conservada en la zagüía al-ˁUṯmāniyya de Tolga en Argelia. Como ha sido escrito por varios especialistas, este texto didáctico testimonia la difusión de comentarios y resúmenes en la enseñanza de las matemáticas en el Occidente islámico.Ibn al-Yāsamīn’s poem in algebra (d. 601/1204) is considered one of the most widely spread mathematical texts in the Maghreb at the end of the Middle Ages. It has been the subject of thirteen comments among which we find that of Abū ˁUṯmān Saˁīd b. Muḥammad al-ˁUqbānī (d. 811/1408). The latter was considered lost by specialists in the history of Arabic mathematics. But after investigations in private libraries, we found a copy of this commentary in a collection of astronomy and mathematics preserved in the Zaouia al-ˁUṯmaniyya of Tolga in Algeria. As it has been written by several scholars, this didactic text testifies to the diffusion of comments and abstracts in the teaching of mathematics in the Muslim West

    The urban and commercial development of Bougie in the Middle Ages

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    International audienceThe city of Bougie experienced a significant urban and commercial evolution after its foundation in 1067. It became an important economic center of the Maghreb and integrated the Mediterranean economic area at the end of the Middle Age

    La structuration des ibadites-wahbites au Maghreb (XIe-XVe siècle)

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    International audienceThis article deals with the organization of Ibadi Wahbit communities following the fall of the Rustumid state in 909. The imama is no longer claimed and it is replaced by another institution, the ḥalqa. The latter was transformed into a community political organization and guaranteed the transmission of knowledg

    L'apport des sources textuelles à la connaissance de l'artisanat au Maghreb médiéval

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    La Qal‘a des Banī Ḥammād : l’histoire d’un déclin

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    International audienceThe present article traces the history Qal‘at Banī Ḥammād from the last years of the Ḥammādid period up to its disappearance at the beginning of the 16th century. Built in 398/1007-1008 Qal‘at Banī Ḥammād was the political and economic capital of the central Maghreb during the 11th century. After the transfert of the Ḥammādid court to Bidjāya the older capital of the Ḥammādid began to decline notable in the reign of the prince Yaḥyā b. al-‘Azīz. The attaks led by the Almohads and ‘Alī b. Ghāniyya of Majorca in 547/1153 and 581/1184 respectely, transformed Qal‘at Banī Ḥammād into a simple small town wich survived from the 13th century until the beginning of the 16 th century

    Entre la conversion et la mort: le statut et le sort des Ibadites maghrébins d'après les textes juridiques mâlikites

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