69 research outputs found


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    The research performed on yam processing mainly concerns the production of crisps and flour. However, its transformation into deep-frozen French fries does not necessitate any other equipment than those used for potatoes. The industrial process of production of frozen French fries traditionally includes a pre-frying step. These steps contribute to the development of color and crispness, and the oil partially absorbed inhibits dehydration during the freezing step. The aim of this study was to optimize frying conditions of deep-frozen fried yam (Dioscorea cayenensis var Kponan) slices. The effect of pre-frying time and temperature, final frying time and temperature on the oil uptake, texture, dry matter and colour of the fried yam slices has been studied. Frying conditions optimized with Box-Behnken experimental design were short pre-frying and frying conditions at high temperature characterized by pre-frying temperature at 157-170°C during 5-9s and frying temperature at 181-188°C for 2min 15s-2min 30s; or long pre-frying and frying conditions at low temperature characterized by pre-frying temperature at 150-158°C during 10-15s and frying temperature 170-177°C for 3-3min 15s. An adiabatic system was also developed by means of an insulator in which the core temperature of fried yam slices can be maintained constant at about 55°C after 15min of cooling, facilitating texture measurements at constant temperature. The present results may help in choosing the yam slices frying condition to be applied in order to achieve the desirable fried yam slices quality, required for protection against certain diseases like obesity. These models may also provide guidance as to how to control these quality parameters by altering four key environmental factors, pre-frying temperature and time and, final frying temperature and time. This process can also be commercialized and does not necessitate any other cost for equipment than those used for potatoes French fries and might be an interesting way of added value processing for this highly perishable yam tuber

    Cultivars and Sampling Regions Influence on Cassava Roots and Their Fermented Flours Characteristics

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    Abstract: This study was carried out to check the influence of some factors (cultivars and sampling regions) on the physicochemical characteristics of two energizing products: cassava roots and derivative fermented flours. Cassava roots of three local cultivars were drawn from ten different regions of Cote d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) and processed into fermented flours. These both products characteristics were significantly (P<0.05) affected by cultivars and sampling regions. The effects of the interaction cultivarsregions were also shown to be significant. These factors induced differences about physicochemical characteristics between the studied products

    Variation des paramètres biochimiques de l'eau de coco (Cocos nucifera L.) issu de la culture in vitro pendant la période de stockage

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    Pour réduire les dépenses et les pertes liées à la diffusion de la noix de coco, les hybrides PB121 ont été développés en utilisant la technique de culture in vitro. Mais ce type d'hybride de cocotier planté en 1984 n'est pas encore pleinement étudié du point de vue biochimique. Le but de cette étude est d'évaluer les caractéristiques biochimiques de l'eau des noix de coco matures de l’hybride PB121 selon la période de stockage. Le PB121 ordinaire a été utilisé comme témoin. Les noix ont été stockées pendant 4 semaines à l’air libre à la température ambiante. Les analyses ont portées sur la détermination de la masse de l’eau de coco, les teneurs en sucres totaux et réducteurs, les teneurs en cendre, en matière sèche, en protéines, le pH, l’extrait sec réfractométrique et l’acidité titrable. Les résultats ont montré une diminution de la masse de l'eau de coco (163,19 g à 140, 66 g) de la 1ere à la 4ème semaine de stockage. Les teneurs en sucre (27,66 mg/ml à 17,03 mg/ml), l'acidité titrable (270 méq/100g à 70 méq/100g) et la matière sèche (5,06 % à 3,79 %) ont également diminué au cours de cette période. D'autre part, la teneur en cendres et le pH a augmenté d'abord, puis a diminué à partir de la deuxième semaine de stockage. Les résultats ont montré une similarité globale entre les deux types d’hybrides. Cependant, l'eau de l’hybride PB121 issu de la culture in vitro est plus acide que celui de PB121 ordinaire. Elle peut donc être utilisée pour se rafraichir ou pour faire du vinaigre.Mots clés : Cocotier, eau de coco, hybride PB121, in vitro, stockage.Pour réduire les dépenses et les pertes liées à la diffusion de la noix de coco, les hybrides PB121 ont étédéveloppés en utilisant la technique de culture in vitro. Mais ce type d'hybride de cocotier planté en 1984 n'estpas encore pleinement étudié du point de vue biochimique. Le but de cette étude est d'évaluer lescaractéristiques biochimiques de l'eau des noix de coco matures de l’hybride PB121 selon la période destockage. Le PB121 ordinaire a été utilisé comme témoin. Les noix ont été stockées pendant 4 semaines à l’airlibre à la température ambiante. Les analyses ont portées sur la détermination de la masse de l’eau de coco, lesteneurs en sucres totaux et réducteurs, les teneurs en cendre, en matière sèche, en protéines, le pH, l’extrait secréfractométrique et l’acidité titrable. Les résultats ont montré une diminution de la masse de l'eau de coco(163,19 g à 140, 66 g) de la 1ere à la 4ème semaine de stockage. Les teneurs en sucre (27,66 mg/ml à 17,03mg/ml), l'acidité titrable (270 méq/100g à 70 méq/100g) et la matière sèche (5,06 % à 3,79 %) ont égalementdiminué au cours de cette période. D'autre part, la teneur en cendres et le pH a augmenté d'abord, puis adiminué à partir de la deuxième semaine de stockage. Les résultats ont montré une similarité globale entre lesdeux types d’hybrides. Cependant, l'eau de l’hybride PB121 issu de la culture in vitro est plus acide que celuide PB121 ordinaire. Elle peut donc être utilisée pour se rafraichir ou pour faire du vinaigre.Mots clés : Cocotier, eau de coco, hybride PB121, in vitro, stockage

    Influence de la Consommation Alimentaire sur les Personnes Vivant Avec le VIH/Sida à l’Hôpital Militaire d’Abidjan (Côte d’Ivoire) Avant et Pendant la Prise des Antirétroviraux

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    The success of HAART has increased the life expectancy of people living with HIV. In order to determine the influence of food consumption on PLWHIV / AIDS, a cohort study was conducted at the Abidjan Military Hospital (HMA) From January 2006 to December 2009, starchy foods, cereals and protein and mineral sources were mostly consumed by patients from different ethnic groups living with HIV before and during ARVs according to their dietary habits. Starchy foods such as plantain, cassava and yam were the most commonly consumed by the Akan ethnic group with respective rates of 88.1%, 83.8% and 79.9% before and 88.7%, 83.7% and 80.3% while taking ARVs. In contrast, sweet potato was the most consumed by non-Ivorians before and during ARVs. Food fortification has also been supplemented by cereals such as rice, maize and millet consumed mainly by the Mandé ethnic group during the taking of the said molecular combinations. In terms of protein sources and mineral salts, fish, meat and eggs were the most consumed by the Akan ethnic group while taking these ARVs. These foods rich in proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins have been reinforced and healthy, varied and balanced consumption has been recommended to them in order to allow their body to better support the various side effects of these molecules and curbing opportunistic diseases. Taking antiretrovirals does not change the diet of people living with HIV / AIDS studied at the Abidjan Military Hospital.Le succès de la multithérapie antirétrovirale a augmenté l’espérance de vie des Personnes Vivant avec le VIH (PVVIH). En vue de déterminer l’influence de la consommation alimentaire sur les PVVIH/sida, une étude de cohorte a été menée à l’Hôpital Militaire d’Abidjan (HMA). De janvier 2006 à décembre 2009, des féculents, céréales, sources protéiques et sels minéraux ont été majoritairement consommés par des patients de différents groupes ethniques avant et pendant la prise des ARV selon leur habitude alimentaire. Les féculents: banane plantain, manioc et igname ont été les plus consommées par le groupe ethnique Akan avec des taux respectifs (88,1 ; 83,8 et 79,9 %) avant et (88,7 ; 83,7 et 80,3 %) pendant la prise des ARV. En revanche, la patate douce a été la plus consommée par les non ivoiriens avant et pendant la prise ARV. Par ailleurs, Le renforcement de l’alimentation a été aussi complété par les céréales telles que : riz, maïs et mil consommés majoritairement par le groupe ethnique Mandé. Au niveau des sources protéiques et sels minéraux : poisson, viande et œuf ont été les plus consommés par le groupe ethnique Akan. Ces aliments ont été renforcés et des consommations, saines, variés et équilibrés ont été conseillées à ceux-ci en vue de permettre à leur organisme de supporter au mieux les effets secondaires et freiner les maladies opportunistes. La prise des antirétroviraux ne changent pratiquement pas le régime alimentaire des PVVIH/sida étudié à l’HMA

    Effect of glycerol, peanut oil and soybean lecithin contents on the properties of biodegradable film of improved cassava starches from Côte d’Ivoire

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    — Edible films have been successfully used in the food packaging industry for several decades. Today natural polysaccharides, including cassava starch,are increasingly being used in the production of such biodegradable edible films and food packaging. In Côte d'Ivoire, there are improved cassava varieties whose starches have not yet been tested in the production of biodegradable films. In thisstudy, the optical and mechanical properties and the water solubility of starch-based composite films of four improved cassava varieties withadded glycerol, peanut oil and soy lecithin were determined. Starchwas obtained by cold water extraction from native cassava from the varieties Bocou 1, Bocou 2, Yavo and TMS. Films preparation was made bycasting methodwithcassava, glycerol (25-30 %), peanutoil (5-10 %) and soybean lecithin (0-5 %). Increasing the glycerol content, increased L*color valueand elongationat break and decreased a*, b*, colourdifference (ΔE*ab) and tensilestrength of the composite films. Also, increasing the oil content from 5 to 10%, increased the opacity, b*, ΔE*ab, water solubility, elongationat break but decreased L*, a* and tensilestrength. Similarly, increasing the soy lecithin content from 0 to 5%, increased the opacity, L*, b* and ΔE*ab, but decreased a*, of the starch-based composite films. The results suggest an ideal formulation of 4% starch/25% glycerol/5% oil/5% soy lecithinfor a film with optimum mechanical properties with low solubility


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    The present works is interested in the study of the fatty acid composition of cocoa butter extracted from dried beans from a solar device (experimental tray) and a microwave oven (MO) at three power levels (2400W, 2800W and 3200W). The results showed that the cocoa butter is essentially composed of three fatty acids close to 90%. These are palmitic acid, stearic acid and oleic acid respectively for the extracts from the tray (24.41 ± 0.01%, 31.89 ± 0.02 and 32.22 ± 0.02%), the MO 2400W (23.64 ± 0.01%, 32.21 ± 0.02 and 32.31% ± 0.02%), the MO 2800W (24.87 ± 0.00%, 33.96 ± 0.01% and 33.18 ± 0.03%) and MO 3200W (22.38 ± 0.10, 33.00 ± 0.06% and 32.42 ± 0.05%). The variance analysis did not identify any significant difference in the effect of the two devices on the composition of major methyl esters constituent fatty acids (P≥0.05)

    Biochemical characterization of juices from three wild fruit species consumed in Côte d’Ivoire "Adansonia digitata, Parkia biglobosa and Tamarindus indica"

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    In the context of the valorization and the development of local products in Côte d’Ivoire, this study is based on juices samples prepared from the pulp of wild fruits of Baobab (Adansonia digitata), Tomi (Tamarindus indica) and Néré (Parkia biglobosa). The physiochemical characteristics such as dry matter (desiccation, 105°C), mineral (spectrophotometer), ash, fat, fiber and protein (AOAC), Energy (coefficients), vitamins A & C (HPLC), organic acids & total polyphenols (HPLC), carbohydrate (by difference), pH and titratable acidity (titrimetry, NaOH) of pasteurized juices (75°C, 5 min) were investigated. Data showed that the juices have been characterized by low protein (0.21-0.28 %), fat (0.26-0.65 %) and ash (0.20-0.47 %) content and high level of total carbohydrates (21-30 %) and energy (85.83-124.43 Kcal/100mL). Baobab and Tomi juices were distinguished by their high acidity (103-159 meq.g / Kg) while Baobab and Néré juices were characterized by their average fiber content (4-5.30 %). The juices of Baobab, Tomi and Néré are very rich in some minerals (K and Mg) but calcium (Ca) and iron (Fe) are not bioavailable (Oxales/Ca and Oxalates/Fe > 2). The juice of baobab is rich in vit A (80 mg/100mL) and vit C (189 mg/100mL) than the others juices. Catechin was the most phenolic content (52.29-110.32 mg/100mL) where tartric acid was the most organic acid (4.02-6.82 mg/100mL) in the juices. The knowledge of the nutritional value of these juices could contribute to a better understanding of the essential role of these three wild fruits in terms of food and trade

    Effect of glycerol, peanut oil and soybean lecithin contents on the properties of biodegradable film of improved cassava starches from Côte d’Ivoire

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    peer reviewedEdible films have been successfully used in the food packaging industry for several decades. Today natural polysaccharides, including cassava starch, are increasingly being used in the production of such biodegradable edible films and food packaging. In Côte d'Ivoire, there are improved cassava varieties whose starches have not yet been tested in the production of biodegradable films. In this study, the optical and mechanical properties and the water solubility of starchbased composite films of four improved cassava varieties with added glycerol, peanut oil and soy lecithin were determined. Starch was obtained by cold water extraction from native cassava from the varieties Bocou 1, Bocou 2, Yavo and TMS. Films preparation was made bycasting method with cassava, glycerol (25-30 %), peanut oil (5-10%) and soybean lecithin (0-5 %). Increasing the glycerol content, increased L*color value and elongation at break and decreased a*, b*, colourdifference (ΔE* ab) and tensiles trength of the composite films. Also, increasing the oil content from 5 to 10%, increased the opacity, b*, ΔE*ab, water solubility, elongation at break but decreased L*, a* and tensiles trength. Similarly, increasing the soy lecithin content from 0 to 5%, increased the opacity, L*, b* and ΔE*ab, but decreased a*, of the starch-based composite films. The results suggest an ideal formulation of 4% starch/25% glycerol/5% oil/5% soy lecithin for a film with optimum mechanical properties with low solubility

    Effets Des Technologies Membranaires Sur Les Caracteristiques Physicochimiques Des Extraits De Fruits De La Passion (Passiflora Edulis)

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    The passion fruit or grenadilla is usually consumed in the form of juice and its pleasant intensive aroma and flavor make it an attractive element for the food industry. The objective of the present work is to determine the effects of membrane technologies such as tangential microfiltration and reverse osmosis on the physicochemical characteristics of passion fruit extracts. The characteristics of the various extracts were determined according to conventional methods. In addition, statistical methods were applied to the data collected in order to determine the effects of membrane technologies. The results showed a yield of 89.33% for the extraction of the microfiltered juice and a volume reduction factor of 16.75 for the concentrate. In addition, the microfiltration-concentration process significantly (p <0.05) influenced the physicochemical parameters of the extracts produced. Thus, tangential microfiltration made it possible to clarify the crude extract by changing from a turbidity of 89.23 ± 1.71 to 0.72 ± 0.02 NTU. It has also resulted in a significant decrease in pH and flavonoids contents. Principal component analysis confirmed the existence of differences between the extracts produced despite the various correlations between their characteristics. It revealed that the JB and CMFT extracts are characterized by their high pH and low density. On the other hand, the COI extract is characterized by its brix degree, viscosity, conductivity and high vitamin C content. In addition, reverse osmosis has the advantage of concentrating the compounds of interest of clarified juice with a concentration factor ranging from 2.15 to 9.39


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    The cultivation of bananas in the classical systems by smallholders is seriously threatened by the Black Leaf Streak Disease (BLSD). The chemical and genetic fight methods against this disease showed some limitations and disadvantages. That suggests the possibility of the efficient use of susceptible banana in combination of tolerant hybrids as fight methods. This study is carried out to assess the performances of various prototypes or associations of banana on the control of BLSD. These protocols can reduce pest pressure in banana farm and increase the yield of the cultivar "Orishele" which is susceptible to BLSD. During eight months of vegetative growth, the varietal association prototypes of banana had shown variable effectiveness face the disease according to the pathological descriptors. "Orishele" cultivar in association plots showed high tolerance level against BLSD than those of non-association plots. In the prototype with a low density of the cultivar "Orishele", the severity indices of the disease were low. When "Orishele" was associated with the tolerant hybrid PITA 3 or the variety "Figue Sucrée", the severity indices were respectively 10.99 % and 11.07 %.When "Orishele" is on non-association plots the severity indices was high (33.47 %). Banana cultivation in combination of susceptible and tolerant varieties in almost equal proportions seems an ideal strategy to slow the spread of the fungus causing BLSD and provide better yield at harvest of susceptible cultivars to the BSD
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