832 research outputs found

    Composição química e atividade inibidora de acetilcolinesterase de óleos voláteis de Myrceugenia myrcioides(Cambess.) O. Berg and Eugenia riedeliana O. Berg, Myrtaceae

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    The chemical composition of volatile oils from two Myrtaceae species, Myrceugenia myrcioidesand Eugenia riedeliana, both native from the Brazilian Atlantic Rain Forest, was analyzed by GC-MS. Acetylcholinesterase inhibitory activity was colorimetrically evaluated for these oils. For M. myrcioides, monoterpene hydrocarbons represented the major class in the volatile oil, with α-pinene as the most abundant component and a weak inhibitory activity was observed, whilst for E. riedeliana sesquiterpenes were found in higher amounts, being valerianol the major compound, and this oil presented a strong acetylcholinesterase inhibition.A composição química dos óleos voláteis de duas espécies de Myrtaceae, Myrceugenia myrcioidese Eugenia riedeliana, ambas nativas da Mata Atlântica, foi analisada por CG-EM. A atividade inibidora de acetilcolinesterase foi determinada colorimetricamente para estes óleos. Em M. myrcioides, hidrocarbonetos monoterpênicos representaram a classe majoritária de compostos presentes no óleo volátil, sendo α-pineno o componente mais abundante e a atividade inibidora de acetilcolinesterase foi baixa, enquanto para E. riedelianaos sesquiterpenos foram observados em maiores concentrações, sendo o valerianol o componente majoritário, e este óleo apresentou uma forte atividade inibidora da enzima.BIOTA/FAPESPCNPqCoordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior (CAPES

    Formação de professores que ensinam matemática: um olhar para o processo formativo das práticas dos licenciandos

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    O texto estrutura-se a partir de um recorte dos resultados de uma pesquisa realizada, enfatizando dados na perspectiva de apresentar percepções de prática dos licenciandos do curso de licenciatura em Matemática e identificar as contribuições para a formação inicial decorrentes do conjunto de disciplinas de Instrumentalização para o Ensino de Matemática. Tem por objetivo contribuir para a reflexão sobre a formação inicial do professor que ensina matemática e a importância da prática como componente curricularnos cursos de licenciatura. A metodologia da pesquisa contemplou a análise documental e a realização de entrevistas com alunos candidatos a concluir o curso de licenciatura em matemática no ano de 2014. Na análise dos resultados, observamos que a visão dos alunos enquadra-se na perspectiva de instrumentalização técnica e aponta para os exercícios desenvolvidos nas disciplinas específicas, aulas nos laboratórios didáticos e visitas às escolas como únicos espaços legítimos de relação com a prática profissional

    Livestock integration into soybean systems improves long‐term system stability and profts without compromising crop yields

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    Climate models project greater weather variability over the coming decades. High yielding systems that can maintain stable crop yields under variable environmental scenarios are critical to enhance food security. However, the efect of adding a trophic level (i.e. herbivores) on the long-term stability of agricultural systems is not well understood. We used a 16-year dataset from an integrated soybean- beef cattle experiment to measure the impacts of grazing on the stability of key crop, pasture, animal and whole-system outcomes. Treatments consisted of four grazing intensities (10, 20, 30 and 40 cm sward height) on mixed black oat (Avena strigosa) and Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiforum) pastures and an ungrazed control. Stability of both human-digestible protein production and proftability increased at moderate to light grazing intensities, while over-intensifcation or absence of grazing decreased system stability. Grazing did not afect subsequent soybean yields but reduced the chance of crop failure and fnancial loss in unfavorable years. At both lighter and heavier grazing intensities, tradeofs occurred between the stability of herbage production and animal live weight gains. We show that ecological intensifcation of specialized soybean systems using livestock integration can increase system stability and proftability, but the probability of win–win outcomes depends on management

    Most consumed foods in Brazil: National Dietary Survey 2008-2009

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    OBJETIVO: Caracterizar o consumo alimentar mais frequente da população brasileira. MÉTODOS: Foram analisados dados referentes ao primeiro dia de registro alimentar de 34.003 indivíduos com dez anos ou mais de idade que responderam ao Inquérito Nacional de Alimentação, composto por amostra probabilística da Pesquisa de Orçamentos Familiares 2008-2009. O padrão de consumo foi analisado segundo sexo, grupo etário, região e faixa de renda familiar per capita. RESULTADOS: Os alimentos mais frequentemente referidos pela população brasileira foram arroz (84,0%), café (79,0%), feijão (72,8%), pão de sal (63,0%) e carne bovina (48,7%), destacando-se também o consumo de sucos e refrescos (39,8%), refrigerantes (23,0%) e menor presença de frutas (16,0%) e hortaliças (16,0%). Essa configuração apresenta pouca variação quando se consideram os estratos de sexo e faixa etária; contudo, observa-se que os adolescentes foram o único grupo etário que deixou de citar qualquer hortaliça e que incluiu doces, bebida láctea e biscoitos doces entre os itens mais consumidos. Alimentos marcadamente de consumo regional incluem a farinha de mandioca no Norte e Nordeste e o chá na região Sul. Houve discrepâncias no consumo alimentar entre os estratos de menor e maior renda: indivíduos no quarto de renda mais elevada referiram sanduíches, tomate e alface e aqueles no primeiro quarto de renda citaram os peixes e preparações à base de peixe e farinha de mandioca entre os alimentos mais referidos. CONCLUSÕES: Existe um padrão básico do consumo alimentar no Brasil que inclui entre os alimentos mais consumidos arroz, café, feijão, pão de sal e carne bovina, associado ao consumo regional de alguns poucos itens. Particularmente entre os adolescentes, alimentos ricos em gordura e açúcar são também de consumo frequente.OBJETIVO: Caracterizar el consumo alimentario más frecuente de la población brasileña. MÉTODOS: Se analizaron datos relacionados al primer día de registro alimentario de 34.003 individuos con diez años o más de edad que respondieron a la Pesquisa Nacional de Alimentación, compuesto por muestra probabilística de la Investigación de Presupuestos Familiares 2008-2009. El patrón de consumo fue analizado según sexo, grupo etario, región y rango de renta familiar per capita. RESULTADOS: Los alimentos más frecuentemente referidos por la población brasileña fueron arroz (84,0%), café (79,0%), granos (72,8%), pan de sal (63,0%) y carne bovina (48,7%), destacándose también el consumo de jugos y refrescos (39,8%), gaseosas (23,0%) y menor presencia de frutas (16,0%) y hortalizas (16,0%). Esa configuración presenta poca variación cuando se considera los estratos de sexo y grupo etario, sin embargo, se observa que los adolescentes constituyeron el único grupo etario que dejó de citar cualquier hortaliza y que incluyó dulces, bebida láctea y biscochos dulces entre los itens más consumidos. Alimentos de marcado consumo regional incluyen la harina de yuca en el Norte y Noreste y el té en la Región Sur. Hubo discrepancias en el consumo alimentario entre los estratos de menor y mayor renta: individuos en el cuarto de renta más elevada refirieron sándwiches, tomate y lechuga y aquellos en el primer cuarto de renta citaron los pescados y preparaciones a base de pescado y harina de yuca entre los alimentos más referidos. CONCLUSIONES: Existe un patrón básico de consumo alimenticio en Brasil que incluye entre los alimentos más consumidos arroz, café, granos, pan de sal y carne bovina, asociado al consumo regional de algunos pocos itens. Particularmente entre los adolescentes, alimentos ricos en grasa y azúcar son también de consumo frecuente.OBJECTIVE: To describe the most commonly consumed foods in Brazil. METHODS: This analysis is based on food intake data obtained on the first of two non-consecutive days' food records from 34,003 subjects aged 10 or over, resident in 13,569 households selected to participate in the National Dietary Survey 2008-2009 from the probabilistic sample defined for the Household Budget Survey 2008-2009. Consumption patterns were analyzed according to gender, age, regions and per capita family income. RESULTS: The most frequently recorded foods were rice (84.0%), coffee (79.0%), beans (72.8%), bread (63.0%), and red meat (48.7%). The intake of fruit juice (39.8%) and soft drinks (23.0%) is notable, as is the low intake of fruit (16.0%) and vegetables (16.0%). This scenario was similar across all age and sex groups; however, adolescents were the only age group which did not report any vegetables and included candies, sweetened dairy beverages and cookies among the most frequently recorded foods. Some foods are of markedly regional intake, such as manioc flour in the North and Northeast and tea in the South Region. Analysis according to income quartile revealed important differences between the highest and lowest income stratum. Subjects in the highest income quartile reported consuming sandwiches, tomatoes, and lettuce and those in the lowest income quartile cited manioc flour and fish and seafood among the most recorded foods. CONCLUSIONS: There is a basic food intake pattern in Brazil based on rice, beans, coffee, bread, and beef with small but consistent regional variation. The consumption of items rich in fat and sugar is also frequent, particularly among adolescents

    Chamomile gel versus urea cream to prevent acute radiation dermatitis in head and neck cancer patients : results from a preliminary clinical trial

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    We assessed safety and potential efficacy of a chamomile gel compared with urea cream to prevent acute radiation dermatitis in head and neck cancer patients. We assessed safety and potential efficacy of the chamomile gel in escalating concentrations of 2.50%, 5.00% and 8.35% of chamomile. Concentration of 8.35% was chosen for a randomized trial comparing chamomile gel (8.35%) with urea cream (n=24per group), for potential efficacy to delay or prevent radiation dermatitis in these patients. Preliminary results demonstrate a delayed onset of dermatitis, with onset of Grade 2 dermatitis at 5.1 (1.3) weeks in the chamomile group and 4.5 (1.3) weeks in the urea group (effect size of 0.46). Itching, burning and hyperpigmentation were more frequently reported in the urea group. Results indicates a potential efficacy of the chamomile gel. Further studies are needed to confirm the effect of the chamomile gel in reducing or delaying the occurrence of radiation dermatitis

    The Role of Sink Strength and Nitrogen Availability in the Down-Regulation of Photosynthetic Capacity in Field-Grown Nicotiana tabacum L. at Elevated CO2 Concentration

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    Down-regulation of photosynthesis is among the most common responses observed in C3 plants grown under elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration ([CO2]). Down-regulation is often attributed to an insufficient capacity of sink organs to use or store the increased carbohydrate production that results from the stimulation of photosynthesis by elevated [CO2]. Down-regulation can be accentuated by inadequate nitrogen (N) supply, which may limit sink development. While there is strong evidence for down-regulation of photosynthesis at elevated [CO2] in enclosure studies most often involving potted plants, there is little evidence for this when [CO2] is elevated fully under open-air field treatment conditions. To assess the importance of sink strength on the down-regulation of photosynthesis and on the potential of N to mitigate this down-regulation under agriculturally relevant field conditions, two tobacco cultivars (Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. Petit Havana; cv. Mammoth) of strongly contrasting ability to produce the major sink of this crop, leaves, were grown under ambient and elevated [CO2] and with two different N additions in a free air [CO2] (FACE) facility. Photosynthetic down-regulation at elevated [CO2] reached only 9% in cv. Mammoth late in the season likely reflecting sustained sink strength of the rapidly growing plant whereas down-regulation in cv. Petit Havana reached 25%. Increased N supply partially mitigated down-regulation of photosynthesis in cv. Petit Havana and this mitigation was dependent on plant developmental stage. Overall, these field results were consistent with the hypothesis that sustained sink strength, that is the ability to utilize photosynthate, and adequate N supply will allow C3 crops in the field to maintain enhanced photosynthesis and therefore productivity as [CO2] continues to rise

    The Developmental Competence of Oocytes Retrieved from The Leading Follicle in Controlled Ovarian Stimulated Cycles

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    Abstract Background: This study compares the developmental capacity of gametes retrieved from the largest follicle with small follicles of a cohort in controlled ovarian stimulated cycles