101 research outputs found

    Evaluasi Rencana Strategis Dinas Kebudayaan Pariwisata Pemuda dan Olah Raga Kabupaten Pati (Studi Kasus Pengembangan Pariwisata Di Kabupaten Pati)

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    Rencana Strategis Dinas Kebudayaan Pariwisata Pemuda dan Olah Raga Kabupaten Pati disusun untuk menanggulangi masalah Kebudayaan, Kepariwisataan, Kepemudaan, dan Olah Raga di Kabupaten Pati. Kabupaten Pati memiliki banyak objek wisata alam yang bernilai sejarah. Pariwisata sebagai salah satu faktor andalan Kabupaten Pati mengalami stagnasi dalam pengembangannya dan mengakibatkan pariwisata di Kabupaten Pati tidak kompetitif terhadap kabupaten di sekitar. Rencana Strategis merupakan salah satu alat untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut dan sebagai pedoman bagi organisasi kedepan, perlu melalui tahap evaluasi. Penelitian ini dilakukan di lingkungan Dinas Kebudayaan Pariwisata Pemuda dan Olah Raga Kabupaten Pati yang merupakan institusi paling bertanggung jawab untuk mengatasi masalah pengembangan pariwisata di Kabupaten Pati. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian evaluatif dengan data kualitatif dan kuantitatif yaitu menyelami pencapaian suatu tujuan program di Dinas Kebudayaan Pariwisata Pemuda dan Olah Raga Kabupaten Pati. Sumber data diperoleh dari data primer yaitu wawancara dan observasi, dan olah data sekunder yaitu dokumentasi, catatan-catatan, dan arsip. Data yang diperoleh kemudian diuji validitasnya dengan menggunakan trianggulasi sumber yang meliputi reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Proses evaluasi dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk menilai apakah rencana strategis Dinas Kebudayaan Pariwisata Pemuda dan Olah Raga Kabupaten Pati sudah baik atau belum. Penilaian terhadap rencana strategis menggunakan berbagai indikator, diantaranya: memberikan pedoman baik untuk prioritas jangka panjang maupun pendek, menolong organisasi mengalokasikan sumber dayanya, tanggap terhadap pengertian terbaik organisasi tentang lingkungan internal dan lingkungan eksternalnya, tumbuh dari proses membangun kesepakatan dan keterlibtan, telah diterima secara resmi oleh bupati. Setelah dilakukan penilaian dengan menggunakan indikator tersebut, dapat dijelaskan bahwa rencana strategis Dinas Kebudayaan Pariwisata Pemuda dan Olah Raga Kabupaten Pati Tahun 2009-2011 dalam menanggulangi pengembangan pariwisata di Kabupaten Pati belum baik karena masih terdapat kekurangan yaitu belum sesuai dengan indikator penilaian

    Pembuatan dan Karakterisasi Deoiled Spent Bleaching Clay (DSBC) terpilar TiO2 dengan penambahan surfaktan rarasaponin”

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    Synthesis and characterization TiO2 pillared deoiled spent bleaching clay (DSBC) with rarasaponin as surfactant has been conducted. The activation of DSBC was performed by H2SO4 1N . Characterization had been conducted use X-Ray Diffraction, Flourescent Diffraction, Fourier Transform Infared Spectroscopy and Scaning Electron Microscopy. The results showed cristalinity of TiO2 pillared deoiled spent bleaching clay had increase until 72,5014 % after calcined 500 oC and expected there is Ti on layer based on SEM analysisSynthesis and characterization TiO2 pillared deoiled spent bleaching clay (DSBC) with rarasaponin as surfactant has been conducted. The activation of DSBC was performed by H2SO4 1N . Characterization had been conducted use X-Ray Diffraction, Flourescent Diffraction, Fourier Transform Infared Spectroscopy and Scaning Electron Microscopy. The results showed cristalinity of TiO2 pillared deoiled spent bleaching clay had increase until 72,5014 % after calcined 500 oC and expected there is Ti on layer based on SEM analysisSynthesis and characterization TiO2 pillared deoiled spent bleaching clay (DSBC) with rarasaponin as surfactant has been conducted. The activation of DSBC was performed by H2SO4 1N . Characterization had been conducted use X-Ray Diffraction, Flourescent Diffraction, Fourier Transform Infared Spectroscopy and Scaning Electron Microscopy. The results showed cristalinity of TiO2 pillared deoiled spent bleaching clay had increase until 72,5014 % after calcined 500 oC and expected there is Ti on layer based on SEM analysis

    Photocatalytic Removal of Copper and Selenium from Waste water under Visible Light

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    Zirconia and silica mixed titanium oxides were synthe-sized by modified sol-gel method in presence of a surf-actant (CETAB). Materials were characterized by surface area, XRD, SEM and UV-Vis spectroscopy. Materials are found to be in uniform size and mostly spherical when synthesized in presence of CETAB. Effect of sum factant concentration on the particle size, shape and the catalytic activity is also evaluated. Calcination temp-erature plays an important role on the phase stability and catalytic activity of the materials. It is well observed that without any hole scavenger the efficiency of photocatalytic metal removal is quite low for both the metal ions within 30minuites of reaction. However, addition of hole scavenger increases the activity many folds and hence complete removal of Se and Cu was possible in 30 minutes of reaction. Among all the organic hole scavengers used, sodium formate is found to be the most active one for selenium whereas for copper EDTA is the most suitable one. Reaction pH also plays important role in the efficiency of the metal removal. Above all synth-esized materials are found to be efficient catalyst for visible light reaction. The same catalyst is found to be reusable at least for 5-6 times with 4-5% decrease in the activity

    Interdiscursivity of pedagogic discourse in the ESL classroom in primary school

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    The analysis of pedagogic discourses in the classroom can reveal a great deal about teachers’ interpretation and implementation of the curriculum. Studies by previous scholars have mainly described pedagogic discourses at the surface level but neglected addressing its relevance to the curriculum. As a result, discourse practices underlying pedagogic discourses are neither identified nor explained at the fundamental level. The study reported here was carried out to identify and interpret the practices of interdiscursivity in pedagogic discourse and to relate these discourse practices to the demands of curriculum implementation. Data comprising six recordings of pedagogical discourse during ESL teaching and learning sessions in four primary schools in the state of Kelantan, Malaysia was analysed using the discursive practice dimension. Results reveal five types of discourse used by teachers in the classroom, namely requirement, argumentation, notification, description, and narration. However, only one type of discourse was used by the students in the classroom that is, responding. Overall, teachers were found to dominate the pedagogic discourse in the classroom. This indicates that the demand of the current curriculum for a student-centred classroom culture does not seem to have been implemented. This study is expected to provide a new dimension in pedagogical discourse analysis, specifically for teachers

    Penerapan kemahiran insaniah dalam kalangan perantis program sistem latihan dual nasional (SLDN) di Negeri Johor

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    Kerajaan telah melaksanakan Sistem Latihan Dual Nasional (SLDN) pada tahun 2005 dengan tujuan untuk memenuhi keperluan tenaga kerja industri yang berkemahiran dan berketerampilan. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti tahap kemahiran insaniah pelajar yang terlibat dalam bagi program Sistem Latihan Dual Nasional di mana tujuh aspek utama telah dikaji iaitu kemahiran komunikasi, kemahiran bekerja dalam kumpulan, kemahiran menyelesaikan masalah, kemahiran menggunakan teknologi, kemahiran interpersonal dan kemahiran mendisiplinkan diri. Kajian juga akan meninjau tahap kemahiran insaniah di institusi terbabit dan meninjau bagaimana penerapan kemahiran insaniah in diterapkan di institusi terbabit. Kajian berbentuk kuantitatif dan kuantitatif ini akan dijalankan di Negeri Johor dan data yang dikutip akan dianalisis dengan menggunakan SPSS 16.0. Hasil dapatan kajian mendapati secara keseluruhannya perantis yang dikaji mempunyai kemahiran insaniah yang tinggi dengan min 2.42. Dapatan juga menunjukkan pihak majikan juga telah turut memainkan peranan dalam menerapkan kemahiran insaniah ini. Perbincangan dan cadangan juga dikemukakan bagi mengukuhkan dapatan kajian


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    PEMANFAATAN MOCAF UNTUK PENATALAKSANAAN DIET YANG RAMAH HIPERTENSI DAN DIABETES MELLITUS Diana Tri Lestaria*, Noor Cholifahb, Jeki Purnomoc, Heni Risnawatid, Syahrial Aman, Widya Cholide a,b,c,d,eUniversitas Muhammadiyah Kudus, Kudus, Indonesia. Email : [email protected] Abstrak Penyakit hipertensi dan diabetes mellitus masih menempati proporsi tertinggi dari seluruh penyakit tidak menular yang dilaporkan. Hipertensi dan DM tidak menunjukkan tanda dan gejala secara khusus sehingga perlu kewaspadaan dari masyarakat untuk melakukan skrining, pencegahan serta upaya untuk memperbaiki pola hidup terutama adalah pengaturan diet. Untuk itu perlu adanya bahan pangan pengganti yang ramah untuk penderita DM dan hipertensi, salah satunya adalah Modified Cassava Flour (MOCAF). Mocaf memiliki kadar kalori, lemak dan gula yang rendah sehingga baik untuk penderita DM dan Hipertensi. Pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah dilakukan dengan cara Pendidikan pada masyarakat, mencakup kegiatan pemberian penyuluhan dan demonstrasi pembuatan produk pangan dari tepung mocaf. Hasil dari pengabdian masyarakat ini pengetahuan masyarakat tentang bahan pangan substitusi untuk hipertensi dan DM meningkat. Dari aspek afektif, peserta menerima berbagai upaya kesehatan serta perkembangan untuk mengatasi masalah kesehatan seperti DM dan Hipertensi dan dari aspek psikomotor, peserta mampu untuk membuat makanan berbahan dasar tepung mocaf. Kata kunci : Hipertensi, Diabetes Mellitus, Mocaf. Abstract Hypertension and diabetes mellitus still occupy the highest proportion of all reported non-communicable diseases. Hypertension and DM do not show any signs and symptoms specifically so it is necessary to be vigilant from the public to carry out screening, prevention and efforts to improve lifestyle, especially dietary arrangements. For this reason, it is necessary to have friendly substitute foodstuffs for people with DM and hypertension, one of which is Modified Cassava Flour (MOCAF). Mocaf has low calorie, fat and sugar levels so it is good for people with DM and Hypertension. This community service is carried out by means of education in the community, including counseling activities and demonstrations of making food products from mocaf flour. As a result of this community service, public knowledge about substitution foodstuffs for hypertension and DM increased. From the affective aspect, participants received various health efforts and developments to overcome health problems such as DM and Hypertension and from the psychomotor aspect, participants were able to make foods based on mocaf flour. Keywords : Hypertension, Diabetes Mellitus, Mocaf


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    Research on natural zeolite has been carried out as a porous material modified by Fe2O3 semiconductor material. Starting with natural zeolite preparation, dealumination by activating it using HCl solution, modifying natural zeolite with Fe2O3 using FeCl3 and NaOH solution, then characterized using X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF), X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and test the surface area using a Methylene Blue solution. The results of the XRF analysis showed that the composition of Fe2O3 increased after it was modified to 38.022%, which was previously namely 3.193%. The results of SEM analysis showed changes in the morphology of natural zeolites after being modified with Fe2O3. The results of the XRD analysis showed that there was a diffraction peak which provided information that the sample contained Fe2O3. Zeolite-Fe2O3 has a surface area of ??110,2707 m2/g.  Keywords : natural zeolite, Fe2O3, semicondukto

    Mitigating the Adverse Impact of Un-Deterministic Distributed Generation on a Distribution System Considering Voltage Profile

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    Electric power systems are enforced to operate near to their stability limit due to the fast increase in power demand. Therefore, voltage stability has become a primary concern. The main cause of voltage variations is the imbalance between generation and consumption. In order to mitigate variations in voltage profile, most of the modern electric power systems are adopting new emerging technologies such as distributed generation. Validation of standard voltage optimization is a difficult task when distributed generation is integrated to medium and low voltage networks. Integration of distributed generation (DG) will have diverse impacts on voltage levels when connected un-deterministically to the electric distribution system. This paper analyzes both the impacts of un-deterministic large and small size DG on voltage profile. Feasible solutions by incorporating reactors and increasing cross sectional area of cables, variation in voltage profile were mitigated. Detailed simulations were performed in ETAP by modeling and evaluating Kohat road grid station situated in Peshawar, Pakistan. The results anticipated that this approach can be useful to ensure standard voltage profile and better utilization of un-deterministic DG units

    A short review on the modeling of solid-oxide fuel cells by using computational fluid dynamics: assumptions and boundary conditions

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    Performance tests are vital for the development of solid-oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) and can help determine the potential of developed SOFCs. However, the challenges in performing these tests such as cost, time, and safety limit the development of SOFCs. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) can be used to numerically predict the performance of developed SOFCs. CFD methods enable the exploration of many design and operational parameters that are difficult to assess experimentally. This paper focuses on the assumptions and boundary conditions used to model the SOFC stack by using a CFD method. Through the discussions, we briefly explain several assumptions that are commonly found in SOFC modeling. These assumptions are important because they can influence the modeling processes and parameters required for simulations. The boundary conditions required for SOFC modeling are then described to provide an overview on how SOFC operations are incorporated into the model and simulations. Our results can help elucidate the significance of assumptions and boundary conditions used in the CFD modeling of SOFCsÂ