94 research outputs found

    Zu Befehl!: a trip into the core of darkness

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    Con mucha frecuencia, el mundo de la literatura y el de la creación científica guardan entre sí un sospechoso parecido de familia. Será porque a nuestra fantasía le resulta imposible desprenderse de manera definitiva de lo que nos rodea; será porque todo acto de creación literaria no es más que un trasunto de nuestra propia peripecia biográfica. A veces, los científicos sociales crean metáforas que intentan dar cuenta de lo que esconde una determinada realidad, de los argumentos que la definen, de los protagonistas que la sostienen. Y, de pronto, esa realidad antes opaca se nos muestra como un libro abierto invitando a su lectura. En este artículo, vamos y venimos de la realidad a la fantasía literaria sin saber muy bien y sin preocuparnos en exceso por saber dónde empieza y termina cada una, porque, a la postre, las dos desembocan en el mismo río.Very frequently, reality and literature hold a suspicious similarity. It could be because it’s impossible for our fantasy to let go completely of what surrounds us, or could be because all act of literary genre is nothing more than a copy of our own biographical vicissitudes. Sometimes, social scientists create metaphors that try to account for what a specific reality hides, the arguments that define it and the protagonists that hold it. Suddenly, that hidden reality, opens up widely as a book ready to enjoy reading it. In this article, we come and go from reality to literary genre without really knowing and without excessively worrying about where each one starts and begins, because eventually, both flow into the same river.Este artículo se ha elaborado en el marco del proyecto PSI2009-12108, del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación

    Psychosocial pathway of displacement: a gender perspective

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    Con cerca de cuatro millones de personas afectadas, el desplazamiento forzado constituye hoy en día uno de los mayores problemas sociales a los que se enfrenta la sociedad colombiana. Alrededor de la mitad de estos cuatro millones son mujeres. Este artículo toma como punto de partida varios estudios realizados en los últimos años en el Departamento de Psicología de la Universidad del Norte (Barranquilla) utilizando una metodología cualitativa (8 grupos focales con mujeres desplazadas). Fruto de estos estudios es la conclusión de que la experiencia del desplazamiento en las mujeres está claramente marcada por una ruta que tiene los siguientes episodios: a) la añoranza de la vida en el campo; b) la intempestiva llegada de la violencia y la decisión de huir; c) la vida en la ciudad de acogida y d) la esperanza en el futuro.With approximately four million affected people, forced displacement is nowadays one of the largest social problems Colombian society must face. About half of these four million are women. This article uses various studies carried out in the last years at the Psychology Department of the Universidad del Norte (Barranquilla) based on qualitative methodology (8 focal groups with displaced women) as a starting point. As a result of these studies it is concluded that the experience of displacement is clearly marked by a route that includes the following episodes: a) yearning for country life; b) the untimely arrival of violence and the decision to escape; c) life in the city of acceptance, and d) hope in the future.Esta investigación ha sido llevada a cabo en el marco del proyecto PSI2009-12108 del Ministerio español de Ciencia e Innovación

    The Decade 1989-1998 in Spanish Psychology: An Analysis of Research in Social Psychology.

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    ¡Zu Befehl!: Un viaje al corazón de las tinieblas

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    Very frequently, reality and literature hold a suspicious similarity. It could be because it’s impossible for our fantasy to let go completely of what surrounds us, or could be because all act of literary genre is nothing more than a copy of our own biographical vicissitudes. Sometimes, social scientists create metaphors that try to account for what a specific reality hides, the arguments that define it and the protagonists that hold it. Suddenly, that hidden reality, opens up widely as a book ready to enjoy reading it. In this article, we come and go from reality to literary genre without really knowing and without excessively worrying about where each one starts and begins, because eventually, both flow into the same river.Con mucha frecuencia, el mundo de la literatura y el de la creación científica guardan entre sí un sospechoso parecido de familia. Será porque a nuestra fantasía le resulta imposible desprenderse de manera definitiva de lo que nos rodea; será porque todo acto de creación literaria no es más que un trasunto de nuestra propia peripecia biográfica.A veces, los científicos sociales crean metáforas que intentan dar cuenta de lo que esconde una determinada realidad, de los argumentos que la definen, de los protagonistas que la sostienen. Y, de pronto, esa realidad antes opaca se nos muestra como un libro abierto invitando a su lectura. En este artículo, vamos y venimos de la realidad a la fantasía literaria sin saber muy bien y sin preocuparnos en exceso por saber dónde empieza y termina cada una, porque, a la postre, las dos desembocan en el mismo río

    La exigencia de la praxis, clave teórica de la Psicología de la Liberación

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    Este trabajo ha sido llevado a cabo en el marco del proyecto PSI2009-12108, del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovació

    Fatalism and well-being across hispanic cultures: the Social Fatalism Scales (SFS)

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    The author may only post his/her version provided acknowledgement is given to the original source of publication and a link is inserted to the published article on Springer's website. The link must be provided by inserting the DOI number of the article in the following sentence: “The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/[insert DOI]”Fatalism has been a core construct in the study of psychological and social processes related to well-being and life quality in social sciences. The objective of the present research is to develop a new instrument, the Social Fatalism Scales (SFS), which allows us to study the influence of individualist and collectivist fatalism on well-being across Hispanic cultures. The parallel and exploratory factor analyses suggest a multidimensional structure composed by four factors (Study 1). Confirmatory factor analysis showed that this four-factor structure is adjusted perfectly to the data (Study 2). All the SFS presented an adequate reliability in the two examined samples. As expected, fatalism in an individualist culture (Spanish sample) negatively correlated with subjective well-being and social well-being indicators. However, in a collectivist sample (Colombian), fatalism was negatively related to social and psychological well-being but positively to subjective well-being. In collectivist cultures, social fatalism is manifested as a useful strategy to adapt to certain aspects of life.This research was supported by Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness—Government of Spain (PSI2012-37808) and Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (C03070610)

    A proposal for evaluating psychosocial trauma

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    Background: The objective of the study was to design and validate the Psychosocial Trauma Scale (ETAPS) for assessing psychosocial consequences of collective violence. This instrument proposed the following dimensions: Pre-traumatic Situation, Destruction of Fundamental Beliefs, Intergroup Emotions, and Family and Community Destruction. Method: A total of 382 people participated who had been affected by political violence: civil war in El Salvador, forced displacement from Colombia and state violence from Chile. The study had three phases: (1) content validity of the items evaluated by experts; (2) exploratory factor analysis to study the structure of ETAPS, reducing the number of items; (3) convergent (post-traumatic stress symptomatology) and divergent (psychological and social well-being) validity. Results: The EFA showed that ETAPS had a slightly different internal structure from that proposed. The dimensions found were Pre-traumatic Situation and Intergroup Emotions along with two new emerging dimensions: Destruction of Sociality and Personal and Collective Self-Efficacy. Divergent and convergent validity gave expected results except for the pre-traumatic situation. Conclusions: The ETAPS dimensions show that the effects of violence are broader than the symptoms measured by clinical scales. An instrument with adequate psychometric properties was obtained which will be useful for future studies in the area

    Emociones mixtas y conducta de riesgo

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    This research explores the role played by a mixed emotional experience on predicting a specific risk behavior (getting into a vehicle knowing that the driver has drunk excessive alcohol). These emotions could be different than the evaluative component of an attitude. A sample of young people with experience in this risk behavior remembered to have felt two opposite emotions (happiness and fear) before, during and after performing it. This mixed emotional experience and attitude are the best predictors of behavioral intention. Our results indicate the importance of considering emotional experience as a moderator between attitude and behavioral intention.En este trabajo se explora el papel que la experiencia emocional mixta juega en la predicción de una conducta de riesgo (viajar en un vehículo sabiendo que el conductor ha bebido). Estas emociones se pueden diferenciar del componente evaluativo de las actitudes. En una muestra de jóvenes con experiencia en la práctica de esta conducta de riesgo, observamos que recordaban haber sentido emociones de valencia opuesta (alegría y miedo) antes, durante y después de realizarla. Esta experiencia emocional mixta, junto con la medida de actitud, son los indicadores que mejor predicen la intención de repetir la conducta en el futuro. Los resultados señalan que la experiencia emocional podría estar actuando como variable moderadora de la influencia de las actitudes sobre la intención conductual.Este trabajo ha sido financiado con el proyecto de investigación "Conductas de riesgo en la población juvenil: la situación social, emoción y cognición" (BSO 2000-0113

    El componente eudaimónico de la satisfacción con la vida y el bienestar psicológico en culturas hispanas

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    In the study of well-being there are two partially overlapping traditions that have been developed in parallel. Subjective well-being (SWB) has been associated with the hedonistic approach of well-being, and psychological well-being (PWB) with the eudaimonistic one. However, satisfaction with life, the most common SWB indicator, is not strictly a hedonic concept and contains many eudaimonic components. The objective of this research is to examine whether a Eudaimonic Well-being G-Factor of Satisfaction with Life (SWLS) and Psychological Well-being Scales (PWBS) emerges. Method: 400 people from the general population of Colombia (Study 1) and 401 from Spain (Study 2), recruited via advertisement, voluntarily participated and fi lled in a booklet containing, in order of appearance, the PWBS and the SWLS. Results: According to our hypothesis, parallel analysis, eigenvalues, scree plot graphs and exploratory factor analysis (Study 1) suggested the existence of a one-factor structure. Confirmatory factor analysis (Study 2) indicated that this one-factor model provided excellent data fi t. Results of a multi-group confi rmatory factor analysis confi rmed cross-cultural factor invariance. Conclusions: These results question the view that the satisfaction with life indicator is uniquely hedonic and point to the need for a greater integration between hedonic and eudaimonic traditionsEn el estudio del bienestar existen dos tradiciones parcialmente solapadas que se han desarrollado en paralelo. El bienestar subjetivo (BS) se ha asociado tradicionalmente con la aproximación hedonista y el bienestar psicológico (BP) con la eudaimonista. Sin embargo, la satisfacción con la vida, el indicador más empleado de BS, incluye componentes claramente eudaimónicos. El objetivo de esta investigación es analizar si emerge un Factor G-Bienestar Eudaimónico de la Escala de Satisfacción con la Vida (ESV) y las Escalas de Bienestar Psicológico de Ryff (EBP). Método: 400 personas de población general de Colombia (estudio 1) y 401 de España (estudio 2) completaron, en este orden, las EBP y las ESV. Resultados: el Análisis Paralelo de Horn y el Análisis Factorial Exploratorio (estudio 1) indicaron la existencia de una estructura de un factor. El Análisis Factorial Confi rmatorio (estudio 2) demostró que el modelo de un factor se ajustaba de forma excelente a los datos. Mediante un análisis factorial confirmatorio multi-grupo se confirmó la invarianza factorial transcultural. Conclusiones: estos resultados cuestionan que la satisfacción con la vida sea un indicador únicamente hedónico y señalan la necesidad de que se produzca una mayor integración entre la tradición hedónica y eudaimónicaThis research was supported by Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness - Government of Spain (PSI2012-37808) and Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (C03070610

    Creencias legitimadoras de la violencia política contra los inocentes

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    This article analyses the arguments and beliefs published in a newspaper with links to a terrorist group, in an attempt to legitimize the kidnapping and murder of an innocent victim. Widespread public outcry against this act of brutality led the newspaper to create a version of the facts which attempted to reduce their emotional impact and maintain a positive image of the aggressive group. The methods used included: the attribution of responsibilities to the enemy, depersonalization of the victim, and an asymmetric evaluation of sufferingEste artículo analiza los argumentos y creencias publicados por un periódico vinculado a un grupo terrorista, en un intento de legitimar el secuestro y asesinato de una víctima inocente. La amplia respuesta ciudadana contra ese acto criminal obligó a ese periódico a crear una versión de los hechos en la que se intentaba tanto reducir su impacto emocional como mantener la imagen positiva del grupo agresor. Los métodos a los que recurrió fueron: la atribución de responsabilidades al enemigo, la despersonalización de la víctima y la valoración asimétrica del sufrimientoS