19 research outputs found


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    This research investigates the representation of Jokowi’s figure as the governor of Jakarta, the presidential candidate, and the President of Indonesia in the Jakarta Post by using nomination and predication strategies of Discourse Historical Approach (DHA) proposed by Reisigl and Wodak (2001). Fifteen editorials focusing on Jokowi were examined. Findings reveal three main points. First, deixis and synecdoches become the nomination strategies that signify changes. The strategies signal that the Jakarta Post prefers to focus on Jokowi when he becomes the president since his every action represents the action that the government and Indonesia take. Second, the Jakarta Post prefers to use positive predication strategies in presenting Jokowi’s figure in all categories except on the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) issue. Third, the signification of the representation indicates that nomination and predication strategies are employed to represent the shift in political support towards Jokowi: from positive to negative. The Jakarta Post supports Jokowi since his performance as a leader is in line with the Jakarta Post values. However, the Jakarta Post no longer gives him its full support on the KPK issue, for his action is seen to contradict the Jakarta Post’s ideology that supports anticorruption movement


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    Objective: Sonneratia alba leaves were used by the community for traditional medicine to cure muscle pain, back pain, antioxidants, rheumatism, malaria, wounds, tuberculosis (TB) and as a spermicide. S. alba leaves extract was easy to damage because of the light exposure, change of pH, weather and a long period of storage time. The problem can be solved by coating the extract with a microencapsulation technique. The purpose of this research was to formulate the microcapsules of S. alba leaves extract with solvent evaporation technique using Ethocel 10 cP and Eudragit E100 as a matrix. Methods: S. alba leaves were extracted using ethanol 96%. This extract was dried by a rotary evaporator. The microencapsulation process of S. alba leaves extract was done by solvent evaporation technique (O/W: oil in water). The formula of S. alba leaves extract microcapsules was designed into six formulas (Eudragit E100: EA1, EA2, EA3 and Ethocel 10 cP: EB1, EB2, EB3). Microcapsules of S. alba leaves extract were characterized for particle size in terms of surface morphology by scanning electron microscope (SEM) and encapsulation efficiency. Antioxidant activity of the formulation have been evaluated by DPPH method. Physical characterization on microparticles was performed by conducting entrapment efficiency and SEM picture. Results: In this research, the microparticles containing S. alba extract has been developed by using ethyl cellulose (Ethocel 10 cP) and eudragit (Eudragit E100) as the polymer matrix. The results showed that a high concentration of polymer (Ethocel 10 cP and Eudragit E100) used in microencapsulation resulted in better S. alba leaves extract microcapsules in terms of physical characteristics. Particle size of microcapsules containing S. alba leaves extract were in the range of 0.701 to 1.163 μm. Encapsulation efficiency (% EE) was categorized as poor because the value were ≤ 80% to which 74.386% (EB3) and 75.248% (EA1). SEM picture of EA1 (Eudragit E100) revealed that the surface of microcapsule were rough and porous. When Ethocel 10 cP was used as a polymer, a smoother surface and less visible pores of microcapsule were obtained. The antioxidant ability of S. alba leaves extract microcapsule showed that IC50 values were 53.26 ppm. Conclusion: It can be concluded that microcapsules of S. alba leaves extract can be prepared by solvent evaporation technique using Eudragit E100 and Ethocel 10 cP as polymer. S. alba leaves has potent antioxidant activity either as an extract or after being formulated into microcapsules

    Resolusi Konflik antara Suporter Persib dan Persija dari Perspektif Sosiokultural

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    Penulisan ini menganalisa mengenai resolusi konflik suporter Persib dan Persija atau Viking dan The Jakmania. Viking dan The Jakmania merupakan kelompok suporter besar yang ada di Indonesia dimana masing-masing memiliki anggota yang berjumlah puluh ribuan dan selalu memenuhi kursi-kursi di tribun stadion. Konflik antara dua suporter ini sudah sangat berlangsung lama namun sayangnya belum menjadi perhatian pemerintah. Terjadinya konflik kedua suporter ini tidak menutup kemungkinan berakhir pada krisis dan mengancam disintegrasi bangsa serta mengganggu ketidakstabilan keamanan negara karena konflik ini berkepanjangan dan berlarut-larut. Penulisan ini menggunakan metode penulisan kualitatif dengan deskriptif analisis dengan pengambilan data menggunakan teknik wawancara, observasi, penulisan lapangan dan studi pustaka. Penulisan ini juga dianalisis menggunakan teori resolusi konflik, teori eskalasi konflik Glasl, Kerangka Dinamik Pencegahan dan Resolusi Konflik, teori interaksionisme simbolik dan teori deindividuasi. Dari hasil penulisan maka didapatkan bahwa tingginya eskalasi konflik karena sulitnya melakukan perdamaian dari kedua belah pihak serta pihak-pihak di luar suporter, selain itu saat kerusuhan suporter terdapat deinvididuasi atau terjadinya kehilangan kesadaran atas diri sendiri pada suporter sehingga adanya perpindahan self ke collective group dengan kata lain identitas seorang suporter menyatu dan melebur pada identitas kelompok. Sedangkan dalam upaya penyelesaian konflik ini masih belum adanya sinergitas yang terwujud dalam penanganan konflik ini sehingga menyebabkan tingkat de-eskalasi konflik Viking dan The Jakmania ini rendah

    Selective cytotoxicity of dihydroorotate dehydrogenase inhibitors to human cancer cells under hypoxia and nutrient-deprived conditions

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    Human dihydroorotate dehydrogenase (HsDHODH) is a key enzyme of pyrimidine de novo biosynthesis pathway. It is located on the mitochondrial inner membrane and contributes to the respiratory chain by shuttling electrons to the ubiquinone pool. We have discovered ascofuranone (1), a natural compound produced by Acremonium sclerotigenum, and its derivatives are a potent class of HsDHODH inhibitors. We conducted a structure–activity relationship study and have identified functional groups of 1 that are essential for the inhibition of HsDHODH enzymatic activity. Furthermore, the binding mode of 1 and its derivatives to HsDHODH was demonstrated by co-crystallographic analysis and we show that these inhibitors bind at the ubiquinone binding site. In addition, the cytotoxicities of 1 and its potent derivatives 7, 8, and 9were studied using human cultured cancer cells. Interestingly, they showed selective and strong cytotoxicity to cancer cells cultured under microenvironment (hypoxia and nutrient-deprived) conditions. The selectivity ratio of 8 under this microenvironment show the most potent inhibition which was over 1000-fold higher compared to that under normal culture condition. Our studies suggest that under microenvironment conditions, cancer cells heavily depend on the pyrimidine de novo biosynthesis pathway. We also provide the first evidence that 1 and its derivatives are potential lead candidates for drug development which target the HsDHODH of cancer cells living under a tumor microenvironment

    Analisis Korelasi Kualitas Web Terhadap Kepuasaan Mahasiswa Pada Salah Satu Perguruan Tinggi Swasta Di Kopertis Wilayah Tiga

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    Perguruan tinggi swasta adalah salah satu perguruan tinggi alternatif untuk menghadapi peningkatan permintaan masyarakat terhadap kebutuhan pendidikan dewasa ini. Perguruan tinggi harus berusaha untuk mempertahankan dan meningkatkan kinerja agar dapat menjamin kelangsungan aktivitasnya. Sebuah pelayanan dinilai memuaskan bila pelayanan tersebut dapat memenuhi kebutuhan dan harapan mahasiswa. Pengukuran kepuasan mahasiswa merupakan elemen penting dalam menyediakan pelayanan yang lebih baik, lebih efisien dan lebih efektif. Kepuasan mahasiswa merupakan prasyarat dalam menjaga loyalitas mahasiswa. Kemunculan Popularitas teknologi Web dan aplikasinya telah membuat peluang yang luas untuk organisasi, termasuk lembaga pendidikan tinggi, untuk melebarkan pelanggan lebih luas dan membuat hubungan jaringan yang lebih lebar. Penelitian ini dilakukan melalui survei, yaitu penelitian yang mengambil sampel secara langsung dari populasi, dengan menggunakan kuesioner sebagai alat pengumpul data. Penelitian dilakukan disalah satu perguruan tinggi swasta di kopertis wilayah III, yang masuk 100 besar peringkat webometric nasional. Usia responden dikelompokkan menjadi enam bagian. Berdasarkan pengelompokan tersebut, mahasiswa pada usia 18 dan 19 tahun mendominasi pada penelitian ini. didapat hasil sebesar 22% dan 25%. Kelompok responden yang berada pada posisi tengah adalah mahaiswa yang berusia 20, 21 dan 22 tahun yang besaranya adalah 18%, 13% dan 14%. Sedangkan kelompok usia responden yang paling sedikit dalam penelitian ini adalah kelompok usia 23 tahun yaitu sebesar 8%. Pemodelan dilakukan dengan alat bantu program SEM (Structural Equation Model). Hasil analisis pada pengujian hipotesis, menunjukkan bahwa mahasiswa Universitas X merasa puas dan menjadi loyal dengan kualitas website yang terdapat pada kampus mereka.Kata kunci—Kepuasan; loyalitas; kopertis; webometric; websit

    Persepsi tentang nutrition claims, perilaku makan, dan body image antara mahasiswi kesehatan dan non-kesehatan

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    Background: Food Marketing Institute survey results showed that 57% of consumers choose products with whole grain claims, 54% high fiber, and 53% low fat. In Indonesia, there is increasing public demand for products of low fat and high fiber. A person with a high level of knowledge, especially in those who have knowledge of health, should have a better understanding. However, it becomes difficult in transition adolescence to early adulthood period. Concern about body image to be the reason which more students choose foods that are believed to maintain the appearance remains interesting, such as on products with nutrition claims.Objective: To determine differences in perception of nutrition claims, food behaviors, and body images on health and non-health students.Method: This type of research is an observational study with cross-sectional design with two groups. The respondents were Gadjah Mada University students aged 19-24 years. Subject selection is based on consecutive sampling technique.Results: Perceptions of nutrition claims between health and non-health students differ significantly (p=0.000). In both groups, the food behavior which includes the consumption of fat (p=0.803) and fiber (p=0.926) did not differ, whether from food or natural products. There is no significantly difference in body image between the two groups (p=0.463).Conclusion: Between health and non-health students have different perceptions of nutrition claims, but there is no difference in food behaviours and body image between the two groups

    Indonesian Online Shopping Perspective: Relationship e-Satisfaction, e-Commitment, e-Wom and e-Repurchase Intention: English

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    Purpose:   This paper aims to analyze the Indonesian Online Shopping Perspective through the relationship between e-Satisfaction, e-Commitment, e-WOM and e-Repurchase Intention.   Theoretical framework:  TRA (Ajzen and Fishbein, 1975), TPB (Ajzen, 1985, 1991, 2011), and TAM as the foundation in building this research model, because the best model predicts individual intentions towards accepting an information system.                Design/methodology/approach:  Samples that are accepted and suitable for use as data analysis are 331 samples from all users of online shopping applications or sites. The results of primary data will be analyzed using the PLS-SEM approach through the SmartPLS application.   Findings:  e-STF (e-IQ, e-SQ, e-SQL), e-COM (e-AC, e-NC, e-CC), and e-WOM imply the attitudes and behavior of the Indonesian people toward e-RI in the context of online shopping behavior. However, the contribution of e-STF has not been able to build e-COM.   Research, Practical & Social implications: This research can be used as a preference for online shop producers, IS developers, or managers in realizing competitive advantage and sustainable business. The contribution of e-STF does not have a significant effect on e-COM, but customer attitudes still reflect a positive attitude towards the online shop. When customers are committed to a particular online shop, they will certainly recommend and make repeat purchases accompanied by a satisfied attitude. When customers are committed to a particular online shop, they will recommend and make repeat purchases accompanied by a satisfied attitude.  Because this research uses a reflective-formative type model approach to e-STF and e-COM variables and the direct relationship between the constructs. It is hoped that further research will use e-COM and e-WOM as mediator variables to fill the shortcomings of this study.   Originality/value: This study uses a reflective-formative approach to the variables e-STF (e-IQ, e-SQ, e-SQL) and e-COM (e-AC, e-NC, e-CC) to explore fundamentally online shopping behavior

    Structural and Biochemical Features of Eimeria tenella Dihydroorotate Dehydrogenase, a Potential Drug Target

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    Dihydroorotate dehydrogenase (DHODH) is a mitochondrial monotopic membrane protein that plays an essential role in the pyrimidine de novo biosynthesis and electron transport chain pathways. In Eimeria tenella, an intracellular apicomplexan parasite that causes the most severe form of chicken coccidiosis, the activity of pyrimidine salvage pathway at the intracellular stage is negligible and it relies on the pyrimidine de novo biosynthesis pathway. Therefore, the enzymes of the de novo pathway are considered potential drug target candidates for the design of compounds with activity against this parasite. Although, DHODHs from E. tenella (EtDHODH), Plasmodium falciparum (PfDHODH), and human (HsDHODH) show distinct sensitivities to classical DHODH inhibitors, in this paper,we identify ferulenol as a potent inhibitor of both EtDHODH and HsDHODH. Additionally, we report the crystal structures of EtDHODH and HsDHODH in the absence and presence of ferulenol. Comparison of these enzymes showed that despite similar overall structures, the EtDHODH has a long insertion in the N-terminal helix region that assumes a disordered configuration. In addition, the crystal structures revealed that the ferulenol binding pocket of EtDHODH is larger than that of HsDHODH. These differences can be explored to accelerate structure-based design of inhibitors specifically targeting EtDHODH

    Pengaruh Penggunaan Media Video Animasi Terhadap Sikap Toleransi Siswa Pada Pembelajaran Tematik Tema 2 Persatuan dalam Perbedaan Kelas VI di SD Negeri Rejosari 02 Mijen Demak

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    Sikap toleransi yang terkandung dalam pembelajaran tematik dapat tercapai tujuan dan lebih bermakna kepada siswa jika seorang guru melibatkan siswa secara langsung baik itu secara fisik maupun imajinatif dengan menggunakan media pembelajaran. Sikap toleransi yang terkandung dalam buku tematik pada sekolah dasar memuat banyak hal, diantaranya adalah sikap menghargai kepada orang lain, bekerjasama, senang membantu, senang berteman, bersikap setara, hidup rukun, dan kebebasan menjalankan ibadah. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah kelas VI SD Negeri Rejosari 02 Mijen Demak yang berjumlah 27 siswa. Adapun teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah menggunakan angket dan dokumentasi dengan pengujian hipotesis menggunakan bantuan progam SPSS versi 23. Teknik analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teknik analisis statistik deskritif dan analisis statistik inferensial untuk pengujian hipotesis. Adapun hasil yang diperoleh adalah: (1) penggunaan media video animasi pada pembelajaran tematik kelas VI dalam kategori baik adalah sebesar 74% atau 20 siswa dan dalam kategori sedang adalah sebesar 26% atau 7 siswa; (2) Sikap toleransi siswa kelas VI yang termasuk dalam kategori tinggi didapatkan sebesar 74% atau 20 siswa, dan sebesar 26% atau sebanyak 7 siswa memiliki sikap toleransi dalam kategori sedang; (3) perhitungan dari t hitung adalah 2,466. Pengujian hipotesis ditetapkan dengan taraf signifikansi 5% (0,05) dengan derajat kebebasan (degree of freedom) dk = n – 2, sehingga didapatkan t tabel 2,060. Maka nilai t hitung > t tabel (2,466 > 2,060), sehingga Ho di tolak dan Ha diterima. Artinya ada pengaruh penggunaan media video animasi terhadap sikap toleransi siswa pada pembelajaran tematik tema 2 persatuan dalam perbedaan kelas VI di SD Negeri Rejosari 02 Mijen Demak