14 research outputs found


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    The problem in this study were: (1) how the intensity of pollution sector in the region polluted insulator, (2) how polluted insulator surface conductivity Parent substations in each region, (3) how to profile an appropriate insulators for substations with different levels of intensity of pollution sector in the region. To solve this problem pollutant sampling conducted on ceramic insulators on the channel milestone substation switchyard each region at two different points, namely at the top of the insulator and the bottom fin insulators. The results showed the intensity of pollution for every region of substation at a concentration of 0.50 g / l has a value of ESDD with dissolved heavy pollutant levels (> 0.1 mg/cm2), while the value of NSDD categorized insoluble low-level pollutants. Maximum leakage current value obtained by GI. Makale 4.73 mA, GI. Sungguminasa 4.47 mA, GI. Tello 4.60 mA, GI. Long Tallo 4.67 mA and GI. Pangkep 4.87 mA.   Keywords : Insulator, Pollutan, ESDD, NSD


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    Failure of Insulators of ‘Line Post Insulator 70 kV type’ usually caused by many factors, such as the leakage current on contaminated insulator surfaces. This leakage current will cause interference with the electrical energy distribution system. This study reported the results of testing the leakage current on insulator 70 kV Line Post Insulator type  performed on high-voltage laboratory Ujung Pandang State Polytecchnics. Based on testing, the maximum leakage current value obtained in wet conditions polluted with spraying of pollutants ESDD = 3.2 mg/cm2 and NSDD =  0.08 mg/cm2 with a value of leakage current of 7.4 mA at an applied voltage of 22 kV, this can result in flashover. Keyword : Insulator, Current leakage, Flashove

    Implementation of Android-Based Learning Media on Temperature and Heat Materials to Enhance Student Motivation and Learning Outcomes in Senior High Schools

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    This study aims to enhance the motivation and learning outcomes of high school students at SMA Negeri 7 Gorontalo for the 2022/2023 Academic Year through implementing android-based learning media on temperature and heat materials. The research method is a quasi-experimental design with a one-group pretest-posttest research design. The research sample consisted of 3 classes: class X IPA 2 as the experiment class and class X IPA 3, and X IPA 4 as a replica class. This research begins with preparing learning tools to implement learning media based on Android material on temperature and heat. The results of the validation show that the learning tools are valid and can be used in the learning process. Implementing the learning process in this study is in the very good category. It can increase student motivation and learning outcomes, where the N-Gain scores for the experimental and replica classes are in the high category


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    Nazila A. Pally. 2023. Unjuk Kerja Lightning Arrester Tipe Lap 24 Class 2 Uc 19.2 kV – Ur 24 kV Menggunakan Metode Generator Marx. Skripsi, Program Studi S1 Teknik Elektro Jurusan Teknik Elektro, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo. Pembimbing I: Dr. Lanto Mohamad Kamil Amali, ST., MT dan Pembimbing II: Dr. Ir. Sardi Salim, M.Pd. Penelitian ini didasari oleh kinerja dari lightning arrester Tipe Lap 24 berbahan polimer dimana peneliti akan melihat karakteristik besarnya kapasitas pemotongan tegangan lebih dari lightning arrester tersebut dimana semakin besar kapasitas pemotongan lightning arrester, semakin baik pula fungsi proteksi yang dilakukannnya. Adapun metode yang digunakan dalam pengujian ini menggunakan metode Generator Marx. Tujuan penelitian ini menggunakan tegangan lebih akibat sambaran petir dimulai dari tegangan tertinggi 50 kV dengan step penurunan 5 kV sampai pada tegangan minimum 20 kV, sehingga lightning arrester yang di uji sudah memberikan pelindungan yang baik dalam bekerja memotong tegangan. Hasil penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa Karakteristik berdasarkan analisi yang dilihat secara umum lightning arrester dapat memotong tegangan. Adapun besarnya pemotongan tegangan berada pada range 6,627% – 18,255%. Untuk besarnya pemotongan tegangan terjadi pada simulasi induksi sambaran petir 40 kV yakni 18,255 % sedangkan pemotongan tegangan yang terkecil tejadi pada simulasi induksi sambaran petir 45 kV sebesar 2,267%

    Development of Magnetic Digital Comics in Science Learning to Improve Student Learning Outcomes in Elementary Schools

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    This study aims to develop digital comics for learning magnetism in learning Science in Elementary Schools. This type of research is development research, which refers to the Four-D. The location of this research is at Kota Tengah 80 Public Elementary School, Bulangu Timur 1 Public Elementary School, and Telaga Biru 1 Public Elementary School. The results of the study show that digital comic magnets developed for science learning in elementary schools: (1) are categorized as valid and feasible; (2) Practically used, this is indicated by the very good response from students with a percentage of 90% in the limited trial class and 93.75% in the extended trial class. The implementation of learning in the limited trial class obtained an average percentage of 90.91%, while in the extended trial class it was 96.15%; (3) Effectiveness, indicated by good student activity with a percentage of 82% in both limited trial classes and extended trial classes, as well as student learning outcomes that are in very good criteria. Based on this, the digital comics magnet that has been developed is stated to be valid, practical and effective, so that it can be used in the science learning process in class V of elementary schoo

    The Effect of Implementing the Android-Based Jire Collaborative Learning Model on Momentum and Impulse Materials to Improve Student Learning Outcomes

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    This study aims to determine the effect of applying the android-based Jire collaborative learning model on momentum and impulse material to improve student learning outcomes. The research method is a quasi-experimental design with a one-group pretest-posttest research design. The research location at SMA Negeri 6 Gorontalo Utara for the 2021/2022 academic year used four research samples, namely class X IPA 1 as the experiment class and class X IPA 2, X IPA 3, and X IPA 4 as the replica class. This research begins with the preparation of learning tools that physics learning experts and learning media experts validate. The results of the validation show that the learning tools are valid and can be used in the learning process. The implementation of the learning process in this study is in the excellent category and can improve student learning outcomes. The N-Gain value for the experimental class and replica class is in the high category. Student responses to using the android-based Jire collaborative learning model show good and excellent categories. This shows that the Jire collaborative learning model can be used to improve student learning outcomes in physics learningPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penerapan model pembelajaran kolaboratif Jire berbasis android pada materi momentum dan impuls untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa. The research method is a quasi-experimental design with a one-group pretest-posttest research design. Lokasi penelitian di SMA Negeri 6 Gorontalo Utara tahun akademik 2021/2022, dengan sampel penelitian sebanyak 4 kelas yaitu kelas X IPA 1 sebagai kelas Eksperimen dan kelas X IPA 2, X IPA 3, X IPA 4 sebagai kelas replika. Penelitian ini diawali dengan penyusunan perangkat pembelajaran yang divalidasi oleh ahli pembelajaran fisika dan ahli media pembelajaran. Hasil validasi menunjukkan bahwa perangkat pembelajaran valid dan dapat digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran. Keterlaksanaan proses pembelajaran dalam penelitian ini berada pada kategori sangat baik, serta dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa, dimana nilai N-Gain untuk kelas eksperimen dan kelas replika berada pada kategori tinggi. Respon siswa terhadap penggunaan model pembelajaran kolaboratif jire berbasis android berada pada kategori baik dan sangat baik. Ini menunjukkan bahwa model pembelajaran Kolaboratif jire dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa pada pembelajaran fisika

    Pemetaan Intensitas Polusi pada Isolator Jaringan Transmisi

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    The problem in this study were: (1) how the intensity of pollution sector in the region polluted insulator, (2) how polluted insulator surface conductivity Parent substations in each region, (3) how to profile an appropriate insulators forsubstations with different levels of intensity of pollution sector in the region. To solve this problem pollutant samplingconducted on ceramic insulators on the channel milestone substation switchyard each region at two different points, namelyat the top of the insulator and the bottom fin insulators. The results showed the intensity of pollution for every region ofsubstation at a concentration of 0.50 g / l has a value of ESDD with dissolved heavy pollutant levels (> 0.1 mg/cm2), while thevalue of NSDD categorized insoluble lowlevel pollutants. Maximum leakage current value obtained by GI. Makale 4.73mA, GI. Sungguminasa 4.47 mA, GI. Tello 4.60 mA, GI. Long Tallo 4.67 mA and GI. Pangkep 4.87 mA

    Implementasi Standar Intensitas Penerangan Ruang Kerja Perajin Karawo Untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas Sulam Karawo

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    Sulam karawo adalah salah satu kerajinan tangan khas Provinsi Gorontalo, dimana proses pembuatannya memerlukan ketelitian luar biasa serta ketajaman penglihatan. Untuk menghasilkan kerajinan yang berkualitas baik, maka sulam karawo harus dikerjakan pada ruangan dengan intensitas penerangan yang sesuai. Observasi awal yang dilakukan pada ruang kerja perajin karawo menunjukkan bahwa intensitas penerangan di ruang kerja perajin karawo di bawah dari 270 lux. Hal ini berdampak pada penglihatan mata perajin yang berakibat pada kualitas hasil sulam karawo.  Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menerapkan standar intensitas penerangan 270 lux pada ruang kerja perajin karawo dimana untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut metode yang digunakan adalah studi lapangan serta implementasi penerapan intensitas penerangan pada ruang kerja perajin karawo. Hasil desain dan implementasi tata letak lampu penerangan pada ruang kerja perajin karawo adalah memasang lampu LED @25 Watt 2500lm Cooldayligt yang dipasang dengan konfigurasi Zig Zag lampu sebanyak 4 buah sehingga setiap saat dapat menghasilkan intensitas penerangan sebesar 270 lux. Karawo embroidery is one of the typical handicrafts of Gorontalo Province, where the manufacturing process requires extraordinary accuracy and visual acuity. To produce good quality crafts, karawo embroidery must be done in a room with the appropriate lighting intensity. Preliminary observations made in the karawo crafter's workspace showed that the intensity of lighting in the karawo craftsman's workspace was below 270 lux. This has an impact on the eyesight of the craftsman which results in the quality of the karawo embroidery results. The purpose of this study is to apply a standard lighting intensity of 270 lux to the workspace of karawo craftsmen were to achieve this goal the method used is a field study and the implementation of the application of lighting intensity in the workspace of karawo craftsmen. The results of the design and implementation of the layout of lighting lamps in the workspace of Karawo craftsmen are to install LED lamps @ 25 Watt 2500lm Cooldayligt which are installed with a Zig-Zag configuration of 4 lamps so that at any time they can produce an intensity of illumination of 270 lux