520 research outputs found
On the optimism correction of the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve in logistic prediction models
When the same data are used to fit a model and estimate its predictive performance, this estimate may be optimistic, and its correction is required. The aim of this work is to compare the behaviour of different methods proposed in the literature when correcting for the optimism of the estimated area under the receiver operating characteristic curve in logistic regression models. A simulation study (where the theoretical model is known) is conducted considering different number of covariates, sample size, prevalence and correlation among covariates. The results suggest the use of k-fold cross-validation with replication and bootstrap.Peer Reviewe
Ikastola Txingudi : Irun-Fuenterrabia
Con el presente trabajo sobre la "Ikastola Txingudi" hemos pretendido dar una pequeña visión de la realidad de este centro, así como hacer un breve recorrido por su joven pero intensa historia. Las dificultades de ilegalidad, promoción, localización y profesorado de sus comienzos, dentro de un marco políticamente contrario a su desarrollo, son los más destacado. En sus comienzos la Ikastola Txingudi se veía obligada a repartir a sus alumnos en muy diversos centros para poder impartir sus clases, mientras que en la actualidad su núcleo centras se halla localizado en un marco rural cercano tanto a Irún como a Hondarribia, en el barrio llamado "Jaizubia". Por otra parte la ilusión y tenacidad de fundadores, padres de alumnos y profesores hicieron posible la creación y continuidad de esta ikastola que hoy por hoy se puede decir de ella que es una de las más representativas de Guipúzcoa. Esperamos que este pequeño texto contribuya, en la medida de sus posibilidades, al mejor conocimiento de este centro y de la cultura vasca en general. Por último queremos agradecer al señor D. Marcos Amundarain, director de la citada ikastola su amable colaboraciónTxingudi ikastolari buruzko lan hau burututa, ikastetxe honen errealitateari buruzko ikuspegi txiki bat eskaini nahi izan dugu, haren historia gazte bezain bizian barrena ibilaldi labur bat eginez. Aipagarrienak genituzke hasierako zailtasunak, garapena guztiz debekatzen zuen esparru politiko etsaiaren barnean gainnditu behar izaniko oztopoak: legetik jokatu beharra, promozio eta leku arazoak, irakaslegoaren urria. Txingudi ikastolak, ikasketak burutuko baziren, hasiera batean ikasleak han eta hemen barreatu behar izan bazituen ere, egungo gune nagusia nekazal giroko zentru batean dago, Irun eta Hondarribia artean dagoen Jaizubia auzoan hain zuzen. Fundatzaile, ikasleen guraso eta irakasleen ilusio eta etengabeko lanari esker sortu eta gauzatu ahal izan zen, bestalde, egun Gipuzkoan daudenen artean, garrantzizkoenetakoa den Ikastola hau. Biziki espero dugu honako lan txiki hau, Txingudi Ikastola eta, oro har, euskal kultura hobeki ezagutzeko baliagarri gerta dakigun bere neurrian. Eskerrik beroenak bihoazkio, azkenik, Markos Amundarain ikastola horretako zuzendariari eskaini digun laguntza guztiarengatikWith the present work about "Ikastola Txingudi" we have tried to give a little view of the reality of this center, as well as doing a short running round its young but intensive history. The most outstanding features are: illegal difficulties, promotion, localization and professorate of its beginnings, in a opposite politicaly case to its development. At the beginning "Ikastola Txingudi" was made to divide its pupiles in very different centers to impart classes, while nowadays its central nucleus is pacled in a rural case near both Irún and Hondarribia, in the district called "Jaizubia". In another hand illusion and tenacity of founders pupils´ parents and teachers made possibly the creation and continuity if this ikastola that at present time can be said as one of the most representative in Guipúzcoa. We expect this little text contributes, in the measure of its possibilities, to a better konwlegde of this center and basque culture in general. Finally we want to acknowlegde Mr. Marcos Amundarain, headmaster of the mentioned Ikastola for his kind colaboratio
Kutsatzaile organikoen analisia muskuiluetan
Lan honetan Nikaraguako, Kolonbiako eta Kantauri itsasoko muskuiluen metatzen diren hainbat konposatu organikoen (hidrokarburo poliaromatikoak, difenil eter polibromatuak, musketak, konposatu organofosforikoak…) analisia egin da, MPSD erauzketa metodoa erabiliz. Era berean, hainbat urtaroetan zehar hartutako laginen neurketak haien artean alderatu dira, kontzentrazioen aldakuntza aztertzeko
Erdi Aroko epidotadun zeramikak egiteko erabilitako buztinen jatorria (Gorlizeko Inmaculada Concepcion Parrokia aztarnategia)
Aurkitutako epidotadun zeramikak Gorliz muinoko iparraldea okupatu duten indibiduoek aztarnategi inguruko sedimentuetatik abiatuz sortutakoak diren ala kanpotik ekarriak diren jakin nahi da. Hala, zeramika hauen jatorria aztertzekorako orduan, inguruko sedimentuen konposizioa ikertuko da epidota dagoen ala ez jakiteko. X izpien difrakzioaren bidez ikusi da epidotaren ebidentzia dagoela mineral astunetan, eta buztin mineralen frakzioan eta lagin osoan epidota aurkitu da. Kokapen geologikora jo ez gero, epidotak Trias Keuper-arekin mozten duten ibaietan aurkitzen direla ikus daiteke. Epidotaren agerpenak adierazten du Gorlizko aztarnategian aurkitutako zeramika arkeologikoak bertakoak direla, ez direla inportatutakoak
Prototypes and archetypes of the representation of sleep paralysis: an approach from art
Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Bellas Artes, leída el 02/03/2021Durante esta investigación denominada Prototipos y arquetipos de la representación de la parálisis del sueño: un enfoque desde el arte, se analizarán, como indica su título, los diferentes prototipos y arquetipos artísticos que han surgido alrededor de un trastorno neurológico del sueño conocido como parálisis del sueño. Esta parasomnia se sitúa entre las fronteras del sueño y la vigilia, respondiendo a sintomatologías comunes que ocasionan un gran sufrimiento y temor a aquellos que la padecen, a través de alucinaciones sensoriales, principalmente visuales.
Debido a la limitación y escasa información encontrada sobre este trastorno del sueño como materia de investigación en el arte, se ha mantenido en el primer y segundo capítulo un enfoque médico con aspectos psicológicos relevantes a discutir con el fin de comprender mejor el campo antropológico que le prosigue. Esto permite adentrarnos en el tercer capítulo, donde se indaga la evolución cultural en el área antropológica a través del uso de la mitología en torno al íncubo y el súcubo., siendo ambas figuras alucinaciones muy frecuentes en la parálisis del sueño. Su respectiva interpretación e interiorización como seres reales, otorgará, mediante la asociación de ideas y el imaginario colectivo, diferentes valores conductuales sociales a las personas respecto a su experiencia con la parálisis del sueño. En el cuarto capítulo, nos posicionamos ante un análisis exhaustivo de prototipos y arquetipos surgidos a partir de la representación artística de la parálisis del sueño, focalizando la atención en el estudio de la obra The Nightmare (1781) de Henry Füssli. Se realizará una categorización y cronología metodológica de diferentes obras desde el siglo XVIII hasta la actualidad con el fin de comprender y estudiar su análoga representación en el arte. En el quinto capítulo, se entabla una reflexión sobre la representación artística e interpretación de diferentes conceptos vinculados a la parálisis del sueño, como son la identidad, la memoria, el recuerdo y la emoción del miedo, que puedan ayudar al entendimiento de este trastorno del sueño. A su vez, se realiza un estudio específico para esta investigación, recopilando testimonios de personas que han experimentado esta parasomnia, con el fin de poder estudiar sus patrones visuales en las alucinaciones a partir de sus descripciones. En el sexto y último capítulo, se propone una nueva perspectiva de la representación de la parálisis del sueño a través de la creación de obras visuales subjetivas (basadas en los testimonios) mediante la técnica fotográfica...During this research, called Prototypes and archetypes of the representation of sleep paralysis: an approach from art, we analyzed, as its title indicates, the different artistic prototypes and archetypes that have emerged around a neurological sleep disorder known as sleep paralysis. This parasomnia takes place during the transition from sleep to wakefulness, responding to common symptoms that cause great suffering and fear to those afflicted by it, primarily through visual sensory hallucinations.
Due to the limited and scarce information on this sleep disorder in the field of artistic research, a medical approach has been followed in the first and second chapters, accompanied by a discussion of the relevant psychological aspects, which will enable a better understanding of the anthropological field that surrounds it. This allows us to enter in the third chapter, where the cultural evolution of this parasomnia in the anthropological context is investigated through the examination of the mythology surrounding the incubus and the succubus, both of which are figures that are frequently associated with sleep paralysis. Their respective interpretation and interiorization as real beings will provide, through the association of ideas and the collective imagination, different social behavioral values to people regarding their experience with sleep paralysis. In the fourth chapter, an exhaustive analysis of prototypes and archetypes arising from the artistic representation of sleep paralysis is presented, focusing on the study of the work The Nightmare (1781) by Henry Füssli. A categorization and methodological chronology of different works ranging from the 18th century to the present day is discovered, which allows us to understand and study their analogous corresponding representation in art. In the fifth chapter, it is provided a reflection On the artistic representation and interpretation of different concepts associated with sleep paralysis, such as identity, memory and the emotion of fear, which has forwarded our understanding of this sleep disorder. At the same time, a study specifically designed for this project involved the collection of testimonies of people who have experienced sleep paralysis, in order to study their visual patterns in hallucinations from their descriptions. In the sixth and last chapter, a new perspective on the representation of sleep paralysis is proposed through the creation of subjective visual works (based on the testimonies) using photographic techniques...Fac. de Bellas ArtesTRUEunpu
Diagnosis and Treatment of Depression in Spain: Are There Gender Inequalities?
It is well known that women are more likely than men to be diagnosed with depression and to consume antidepressants. The factors related to the medicalisation of depression and their social distribution remain unclear. The aim of this study was to analyse gender inequalities in the medicalisation of depression from an intersectional perspective. This was a cross-sectional study based on data from the European Health Survey relating to Spain. Gender inequalities were calculated using prevalence ratios of women compared to men with a diagnosis of depression and antidepressant use, adjusted for age, depressive symptoms, primary care visits and diagnosis of depression in the case of antidepressant use. After adjustments, the diagnosis of depression and the use of antidepressants were more prevalent in women, especially of lower socioeconomic levels. Gender inequalities in the diagnosis of depression also increased with decreasing level of education. Regarding the use of antidepressants, gender inequalities were not significant in university graduates and people of higher social. The gender inequalities found in the diagnosis and treatment of depression cannot be completely attributed to a higher level of depressive symptoms in women or their greater frequency of visits to primary care. Inequalities are greater in more vulnerable social groups.This research was funded by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities of the Spanish Government. Call 2018 for R + D + I projects “Research Challenges” of the state program of R + D + I oriented to the challenges of society, grant number RTI2018-098796-A-I00
Leptin Inhibits the Proliferation of Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells Induced by Angiotensin II through Nitric Oxide-Dependent Mechanisms
Objective. This study was designed to investigate whether leptin modifies angiotensin (Ang) II-induced proliferation of aortic vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) from 10-week-old male Wistar and spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR), and the possible role of nitric oxide (NO). Methods. NO and NO synthase (NOS) activity were assessed by the Griess and 3H-arginine/citrulline conversion assays, respectively. Inducible NOS (iNOS) and NADPH oxidase subutnit Nox2 expression was determined by Western-blot. The proliferative responses to Ang II were evaluated through enzymatic methods. Results. Leptin inhibited the Ang II-induced proliferative response of VSMCs from control rats. This inhibitory effect of leptin was abolished by NOS inhibitor, NMMA, and iNOS selective inhibitor, L-NIL, and was not observed in leptin receptor-deficient fa/fa rats. SHR showed increased serum leptin concentrations and lipid peroxidation. Despite a similar leptin-induced iNOS up-regulation, VSMCs from SHR showed an impaired NOS activity and NO production induced by leptin, and an increased basal Nox2 expression. The inhibitory effect of leptin on Ang II-induced VSMC proliferation was attenuated. Conclusion. Leptin blocks the proliferative response to Ang II through NO-dependent mechanisms. The attenuation of this inhibitory effect of leptin in spontaneous hypertension appears to be due to a reduced NO bioavailability in VSMCs
Is clindamycin effective in preventing infectious complications after oral surgery? Systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
[EN] Objective To determine the effect of clindamycin in the prevention of infection after oral surgery.
Material and Methods This systematic review and meta-analysis followed the PRISMA statement, the PICO-framework and included only randomized controlled clinical trials. In all studies clindamycin was administered to prevent infections in patients who underwent oral surgery. Two independent researchers conducted the search, data extraction and risk of bias assessment. Included studies were classified by the type of oral surgery. Besides, data of patients, procedures and outcome variables were collected. Risk ratios (RR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) were calculated by using Mantel-Haenszel model and the number needed to treat (NNT). Finally, any potential sources of heterogeneity were estimated.
Results Seven trials of 540 articles met the inclusion criteria and were included in the qualitative synthesis. Four articles assessing the effect of oral clindamycin in third molar surgery were quantitatively analyzed. The overall RR was 0.66 (95% CI = 0.38-1.16), being non-statistically significant (p = 0.15). There was no heterogeneity between the studies I-2 = 0, p = 0.44. The NNT was 29 (95% CI = 12- -57).
Conclusions The effectiveness of clindamycin could not be evaluated except in third molar extraction. Oral clindamycin is ineffective in preventing infection in third molar surgery.Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature. Open Access funding provided by University of the Basque Country
Análisis de libros de texto de Expresión Plástica y Visual de Educación Primaria
Los textos escolares pueden definir el proceso educativo: seleccionan contenidos, diseñan actividades y transmiten una determinada concepción de la materia. Se han analizado los libros de texto de Expresión Plástica y Visual de 5º y 6º de Educación Primaria con objeto de detectar si se han tenido en cuenta los cambios propuestos por la Reforma Educativa y las concepciones defendidas por las nuevas tendencias en la educación en artes visuales
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