7 research outputs found

    Peran Media Daring pada Konflik Sumber Daya Alam di Riau

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    This article discusses the role of online media in natural resource conflicts in Riau during 2016-2018. The conflict has always been at national highest position, even though there are 323 online media that should be able to accelerate conflict resolution. The research is conducted using qualitative content analysis with data from the annual report on conflict news in 2016-2018, and analyzed based on news content and media trends. The findings show that online media plays a function of conflict diminisher for economic interests. In the process, there are parties involved, namely investors, local communities, media, and the government


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     Kajian ini membahas tentang kearifan lokal  pada budi daya pertanian  di lima desa gambut di Riau. Di Indonesia terdapat 10,8%  kawasan gambut dari luas daratan di Indonesia. Masyarakat sudah  hidup di kawasan gambut sejak abad ke 3 masehi dan desa gambut di Riau sudah ada  sejak abas ke 19.  Dapat dipastikan bahwa kearifan lokal sudah menjadi tatanan nilai di masyarakat di kawasan gambut Indonesia, termasuk di Riau. Kajian ini merupakan kajian kualitatif dengan mengacu pada penelitian rapid etnografi, data diperoleh dengan observasi cepat, wawancara mendalam, diskusi grup terfokus dan studi perspustakaan. Informan diperoleh  dari kepala desa dan tokoh masyarakat melalaui snow ball.  Penelitian dilakukan di lima desa gambut di Kabupaten Pelalawan, Kabupaten Siak, Kabupaten Kepulauan Meranti dan Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir. Data dianalisis secara diskriptif menggunakan pendekatan konstruktif melalui tahapan dan kecenderungan pola data dan berdiskusi pada teori. Kajian ini melaporkan bahwa kearifan lokal di lima desa gambut berasal dari tanah mineral hulu sungai dan budaya maritim tanah aluvial, yang kemudian membentuk kearifan lokal di desa-desa tersebut;. Masyarakat tidak mengelola gambut dalam atau hanya mengelola gambut dengan kedalaman satu meter; Mata pencaharian  masyarakat berbasis  pencarahairan jangka panjang dan harian dengan beragam kegiatan dan komuditas misalnya sagu, kelapa, nanas, melon dan cabe, Pengelolaan kesuburan berbasis pada jenis komuditas,  dan  kanal dangkal;  serta terdapat institusi ekonomi toke sebagai pembeli hasil pertanian masyarakat dan penyedia hutang.

    The New Sakai: Efforts to construct the Sakai idenity

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    This study is about the transformation of the Sakai tribe regarding changes in the natural, socio-economic and political environment. The Sakai tribe has blended in with the community, owning companies, and holding political as well as government positions. Sakai now is the ‘new Sakai’ that is different from the ‘old Sakai’ stereotyped as backward, stupid, and introvert. The purpose of this paper is to describe the response of the Sakai tribe towards changes through their identity construction. We used ethnography as a method and the data was obtained by living in five kebatinan. The researcher lived at the research location, observed the situation, conducted in-depth interviews and had continuous discussions with the participant to deepen their understanding of the data. The data obtained was then then analyzed descriptively by discussing Warren's theory of identity construction and adaptation theory. This study found that the Sakai people adapt significantly to changes in the natural, socio-economic and political environment. One of the sources of this adaptability comes from education, that since the reformation, the Sakai people have massively made educational efforts for their younger generation. This study concludes that every community has the ability to adapt to changes in its environment based on the knowledge possessed by that community

    Tilan Island Tour in Rantau Bais Tourism Village: From Festival To Eco-tourism: Wisata Pulau Tilan di Desa Wisata Rantau Bais: Dari Festival Menuju Ekowisata

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    ABSTRACT:This study discussed about tourist destinations in Tilan Island, which was built under the initiative of the local youth through festival tourism. The tourist destination has been positively responded to by visitors whose number keeps increasing each year, and Kepenghuluan Rantau Bais has been recognised as a Tourism Village. Tourism in Tilan Island persistently transforms from festival tourism to regular tourism, starting from its opening every Saturday and Sunday. This study is a qualitative study that uses the ethnography method where the researcher lived for two months in Kepenghuluan Rantau Bais. The data was obtained using participative observation and in-depth interviews with an appointed informant who has a wide knowledge on tourism in Tilan Island. This research found that not all tourism potential in Tilan Island and Rokan River are explored to become tourist activities. ABSTRAK:Studi ini membahas tentang destinasi wisata Pulau Tilan, destinasi wisata yang dibangun atas inisiatif pemuda melalui wisata festival. Destinasi wisata sudah direspon positif oleh pengunjung yang datang terus meningkat setiap tahunnya, dan diakuinya Kepenghuluan Rantau Bais sebagai desa wisata. Wisata Pulau Tilan secara bertahap bertransformasi dari wisata festival ke wisata regular dimulai dengan dibukanya wisata pada setiap hari Sabtu dan Minggu. Studi ini merupakan studi kualitatif dengan menggunakan metode etnografi dimana peneliti tinggal selama dua bulan di Kepenghuluan Rantau Bais. Teknik pengambilan data melalui observasi partisipatif dan wawancara mendalam kepada informan yang ditetapkan karena pengetahuannya tentang wisata Pulau Tilan. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa belum semua potensi wisata di Pulau Tilan dan Sungai Rokan dieksplorasi menjadi aktivitas wisata

    Etnografi toke : studi sosial ekonomi pedesaan

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    Toke dikenal sangat luas dan bisa dijumpai pad amasyarakat pedesaan yang berdiam di pesisir dan pinggiran sungai di Indonesia. Pada masyarakat pesisir dan pinggiran sungai, toke sudah meruapkan perlembagaan ekonomi yang sangat penting bagi kelanjutan konsumsi dan kehidupan sosial. Masyarakat desa akan mengalami ancaman kelaparan jika perlembagaan toke ini hilang pada tata tatanan sosial ekonomi masyarakat pedesaan.xii,145 hlm. 23 c

    PRAKTEK PENGOBATAN SUKU SAKAI BATHIN SOBANGA: (The Sakai Healing Practice in Batin Sobanga Hamet, Riau)

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    This study discussed the eastern healing practice in Sakai Batin Sobanga at Sobanga Asal Hamlet, Bengkalis, Riau.  Sakai tribe is well known in the community for its healing practices. Badike is a ritual that has been widely studied from various disciplines, while the ritual practices of other Sakai tribes are not widely known. This is a qualitative study with an ethnographic approach, in which the researchers stayed for two months in Kasumbu Ampai Village, Sobanga Hamlet, Mandau District, Bengkalis Regency, Riau. Data were taken through participatory observation and in-depth interviews with informants. The informants were bomo and several community leaders. The data were analyzed descriptively and then written in the form of narrative using Kalangie and Foster’s eastern healing theory to get a general trend. This study found that the medical practice in the Sakai Batin Sobanga tribe is an integral system, so that a ritual is precondition for the next one. Badike ritual cannot be carried out if personal healing ritual, tetomeh ritual, baulin and jungkul ritual have not been carried out. The Badike ritual is the last stage of the Sakai Tribal healing practice in Batin Sobanga. Religion-based healing and western medicine practices are also found in Batin Sobanga. Bomo is always open to his patients and gives them a space to go to a doctor or tuan guru. This research contributes to the anthropology of health, ethnomedicine, especially its novelty about the process of medical practice in the Sakai Tribe in Batin Sobanga

    Mitos Gajah : Relasi Gajah – Manusia di Balai Raja Bengkalis

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    This study discussed the myths of elephants in the community of Balai Raja Village, Pinggir District, Bengkalis Regency. The elephant myths are the patterns of human-elephant relationships. Before the 1980s, the relationship between elephants and humans was very harmonious. After 1980, the forestry and oil palm industries caused between elephants and humans, which has been occurring until now. This study is categorized into qualitative research with an ethnographic design. Researchers stayed in the field for 2 months to explore information in depth through observation and in-depth interviews. The data was analyzed qualitatively and then written in this report. This study has found out that the conflict between elephants and humans is determined by human attitudes and behavior. The myth of the elephant is a symbol of efforts to conserve natural resources and a tool for compliance with societal norms and values. Elephants have protective properties and are very empathetic to babies. This study proposes that elephant mitigation can use a mythical approach by combining elephants’ and human’s habitation. This study contributes to the science of Anthropology, especially about the conservation of animals and nature. This study proposes that elephants should not be called pests, but a chain of human mutualism, where the elephants and humans live in harmony as a unified ecosystem.Studi ini membahas tentang mitos gajah yang hidup di tengah masyarakat Kelurahan Balai Raja Kecamatan Pinggir Kabupaten Bengkalis. Mitos gajah ini merupakan gambaran pola hubungan gajah dengan manusia dan alam. Ketika Kelurahan Balai Raja belum dibuka oleh industri kehutanan dan perkebunan sawit hubungan gajah manusia berjalan harmonis, namun sejak masuk industri di tahun 1980-an konflik gajah – manusia mulai terjadi. Studi ini merupakan studi kualitatif dengan desain etnografi. Peneliti berdiam di lapangan selama 2 bulan untuk menggali informasi secara mendalam melalui observasi, wawancara mendalam. Data yang tersedia dianalis secara kualitatif, kemudian didiskripsikan dalam laporan ini. Studi ini menemukan bahwa relasi gajah – manusia ditentukan oleh sikap manusia, jika manusia berbuat baik kepada gajah gajahpun akan berbuat baik kepada manusia, begitu juga sebaliknya. Mitos gajah ini merupakan simbol upaya konservasi sumber daya alam dan perangkat kepatuhan pada norma dan nilai sosial masyarakat. Gajah mempunyai sifat melindungi dan sangat berempati kepada bayi. Studi ini mengusulkan agar dalam mitigasi gajah bisa menggunakan pendekatan mitos dengan mengabungkan habitan gajah dan manusia. Studi ini berkontribusi terhadap ilmu antropologi terutama tentang konservasi hewan dan alam. Melalui studi ini gajah sudah seharusnya tidak disebut sebagai hama, melainkan rantai mutualisme manusia. Key Word : Gajah, Bailai Raja, Mitos dan konservasi