422 research outputs found

    Exploitations Familiales de Production Agricole des Cercles de Niono et de Banamba (Mali): CaractĂ©risation et StratĂ©gies de Prise en Charge des Besoins en Rapport Avec L’intervention Pour le DĂ©veloppement Agricole et Rural

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    The development of family farming is an important strategic option to support the food needs of the rural and urban populations. This is the reason it has been the subject of several studies which is based on characterization and typology to better orientate agricultural and rural development interventions. This study was conducted to characterize family farm in Mali and to determine the strategies to satisfy the country’s needs in rapport with the implementation of rural development. In doing this, field data were first collected in the family farms at Niono County (Niger River valley) and the Banamba County. After data collection, it was then analyzed in a systemic way. This analysis helps to characterize the family farm of Mali as a “Traditional peasant farm”. In Niono County, ‘peasant family farm’ which ensures its food self-sufficiency is centered on the production unit with an option of diversification. In Banamba County, “peasant family farm’ centered on unity of consumption develops food security strategy through pluri-activity. Thus, despite the intensity of government intervention, particularly in the area of Niger River Valley, malian “peasant family farmg” did not turn into “Modern family farm business”. In doing this, intervention for agricultural and rural development should move based on its strategies and practices from a sectorial approach to a systemic approach. This passage from the deterministic and holistic paradigm to the systemic and interactionist paradigm, should better redefine agricultural education and agricultural subsidy in relation with the structure of production

    High-throughput characterization of the effect of sodium chloride and potassium chloride on 31 lactic acid bacteria and their co-cultures

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    Salt (NaCl) is associated with a risk of hypertension and the development of coronary heart disease, so its consumption should be limited. However, salt plays a key role in the quality and safety of food by controlling undesirable microorganisms. Since studies have focused primarily on the effect of salts on the overall counts of the lactic acid bacteria (LAB) group, we have not yet understood how salt stress individually affects the strains and the interactions between them. In this study, we characterized the effect of sodium chloride (NaCl) and potassium chloride (KCl) on the growth and acidification of 31 LAB strains. In addition, we evaluated the effect of salts on a total of 93 random pairwise strain combinations. Strains and co-cultures were tested at 3% NaCl, 5% NaCl, and 3% KCl on solid medium using an automated approach and image analysis. The results showed that the growth of LAB was significantly reduced by up to 68% at 5% NaCl (p < 0.0001). For the co-cultures, a reduction of up to 57% was observed at 5% NaCl (p < 0.0001). However, acidification was less affected by salt stress, whether for monocultures or co-cultures. Furthermore, KCl had a lesser impact on both growth and acidification compared to NaCl. Indeed, some strains showed a significant increase in growth at 3% KCl, such as Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis 74310 (23%, p = 0.01). More importantly, co-cultures appeared to be more resilient and had more varied responses to salt stress than the monocultures, as several cases of suppression of the significant effect of salts on acidification and growth were detected. Our results highlight that while salts can modulate microbial interactions, these latter can also attenuate the effect of salts on LAB

    Synthesis and physico-chemical studies on dithiolene complexes of the closed-shell (d10) metals and trivalent lanthanide ions

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    Nowadays, chemistry represents a general tool for accessing (synthesis), controlling (parameters influence) and understanding (study of properties) the material. This is allowed by two possible approaches: the "Top-down\u27; and "Bottom-up\u27;. The first approach is a key to nanotechnology. The second approach consists in assembling small systems, with intrinsic properties, to build up macro system with interesting properties. This concept is generally termed as: "from molecules to material\u27; and in this context, supramolecular chemistry plays a crucial role. The present work examines the synthesis and properties of dithiolene systems bearing metal ions and lanthanides. The first chapter is a general introduction on dithiolene chemistry and lanthanides. The second chapter deals with the synthesis and characterisation of supramolecular systems based on neutral dithiolene-like ligands. In this chapter, importance of non-covalent interactions is discussed. The third chapter concerns the reactivity of these neutral dithiolene-like ligands towards d10 transition metals (CuI, HgII, AuI). This chapter will describe the synthesis of supramolecular complexes and their spectroscopic properties. The fourth chapter deals with the reactivity of the ligands with lanthanides (Nd, Eu, Gd, Tb, Er) and the characterisation of Ln3+-dithiolene complexes. The discussion will be oriented on the energy transfer process taking place in these coordination compounds ("Antenna Effect\u27;).Heutzutage, ist der Chemie als allgemeines Werkzeug fĂŒr den Zugang (Synthese), die Beherrschung (Studie von Eigenschaften) und das VerstĂ€ndnis (Parametereinfluss) des Materials. Diese ist auf zwei AnsĂ€tze begrĂŒndet fĂŒr welche die Anglizismen "Top-down" und "Bottom-up" gelĂ€ufig sind. Das erste Verfahren ist ein SchlĂŒssel zur Nanotechnologie. Der zweite Ansatz besteht darin, dass Mikrosysteme mit spezifischen Eigenschaften zu einem Makrosystem zusammengesetzt werden, welches die gewĂŒnschten Eigenschaften in sich vereint. Der Ausdruck "vom MolekĂŒl zum Material" beschreibt die Vorgehensweise dieses Konzeptes wobei die supramolekulare Chemie spielt eine bedeutende Rolle. Die vorliegende Arbeit ĂŒberprĂŒft die Synthese und die Eigenschaften von Dithiolen-Systemen, die d10 Metallionen oder Lanthanidionen beinhalten. Das erste Kapitel ist eine allgemeine Einleitung ĂŒber Dithiolene und ĂŒber Lanthaniden. Das zweite Kapitel beschĂ€ftigt sich mit der Synthese und Charakterisierung von supramolekularen Systemen, die auf neutralen Dithiolen-Liganden basiert sind. In diesem Kapitel, die Bedeutung von Funktionsgruppen, die die FĂ€higkeit besitzen, nichtkovalente Bindungen einzugehen, wird diskutiert. Das dritte Kapitel wird der ReaktivitĂ€t der neutralen Dithiolen-Liganden gegenĂŒber den d10 Übergangsmetallen CuI, AuI und HgII gewidmet. Beschrieben werden Synthesemethoden fĂŒr supramolekulare Komplexe sowie die spektroskopische Eigenschaften. Im letzten Kapitel werden ReaktivitĂ€t dieser Liganden gegenĂŒber den Lanthaniden Nd, Eu, Gd, Tb und Er und die spektroskopischen Eigenschaften vorgestellt. Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf dem EnergieĂŒbergangsprozess ("Antenna Effekt"), welcher stattfindet, sobald diese Liganden an ein Lanthanoid-Zentrum koordiniert sind

    Persistent, neuropathic-like trigeminal pain after dental implant loading

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    Painful post-traumatic trigeminal neuropathy (PTTN) is a known complication of dental implant therapy. Besides cases resulting of nerve damage during surgery or implant placement, some patients report delayed neuropathic-like symptoms only after implant

    Mise en Ă©vidence de l’activitĂ© anti-inflammatoire des sous-fractions mĂ©thanoliques des feuilles de Moringa oleifera Lam. (Moringaceae) chez le rat

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    Moringa oleifera est une plante de la pharmacopĂ©e africaine, trĂšs utilisĂ©e en mĂ©decine traditionnelle pour ses nombreuses applications thĂ©rapeutiques. L’objectif de la prĂ©sente Ă©tude Ă©tait de fractionner la fraction mĂ©thanolique de l’extrait hydro-alcoolique de ses feuilles dont les propriĂ©tĂ©s anti-inflammatoires avaient Ă©té dĂ©montrĂ©es antĂ©rieurement et d’identifier la sous-fraction mĂ©thanolique la plus active. La mĂ©thode de sĂ©paration liquide-liquide a Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©e pour partitionner la fraction mĂ©thanolique. Trois sous-fractions mĂ©thanoliques (F1, F2 et F3) sont obtenues Ă  l’issue du fractionnement. L’activitĂ© anti-inflammatoire de ces extraits a Ă©tĂ© testĂ©e sur un modĂšle pharmacologique d’oedĂšme aigu de la patte de rat induit par la carraghĂ©nine en comparaison Ă  celle de l’aspirine utilisĂ©e comme substance de rĂ©fĂ©rence. AprĂšs administration par gavage, l’aspirine (30 mg/kg) et les extraits (15 et 30 mg/kg) prĂ©viennent de maniĂšre significative, l’oedĂšme de la patte des rats de la 1Ăšre Ă  la 5Ăšme heure de l’expĂ©rience. L’étude montre globalement une activitĂ© anti-inflammatoire des sous-fractions F1, F2 et F3. L’effet le plus important est observĂ© avec la F3 durant les trois 1Ăšres heures de l’expĂ©rience avec une cinĂ©tique d’inhibition de l’oedĂšme comparable Ă  celle de l’aspirine. Ces rĂ©sultats suggĂšrent que les feuilles de Moringa oleifera pourraient constituer une source potentielle d’antiinflammatoires dans le traitement des pathologies ayant une composante inflammatoire.© 2016 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved.Mots clĂ©s: Moringa oleifera, feuilles, anti-inflammatoire, sous-fractions mĂ©thanoliquesEnglish Title: Study of the anti-inflammatory activity of methanolic sub-fractions of the leaves of Moringa Oleifera Lam. (Moringaceae) in ratEnglish AbstractMoringa oleifera is an African pharmacopoeia plant, widely used in traditional medicine for its many therapeutic applications. This study aimed at partitioning the methanolic fraction of hydro-alcoholic leaves extract of which anti-inflammatory properties have been previously demonstrated and to identify the most active methanolic sub-fraction. The liquid/liquid fractionation method was used to partition the methanolic  fraction. Three methanolic sub-fractions (F1, F2 and F3) were obtained from the fractionation. Antiinflammatory activity of extracts was tested using pharmacological model of carrageenan-induced acute paw oedema in rats compared to that of aspirin (reference). After oral administration, aspirin (30 mg/kg) and extracts (15 and 30 mg/kg) significantly prevented carrageenan-induced paw oedema in rats from the 1st to 5th hours of experimentation. Study showed overall anti-inflammatory activity of methanolic sub-fractions. The most important effect was observed with the F3 during the first three hours with a kinetic inhibition of oedema similar to that of aspirin. These results suggest that the leaves of Moringa oleifera could be a potential source of anti-inflammatory drugs in treatment of diseases with an inflammatory component.© 2016 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved.Keywords: Moringa oleifera, leaves, anti-inflammatory, methanolic sub-fraction

    Metaheuristic methods applied to the environmentally conscious optimization of wood-plastic composite

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    This paper addresses the optimization of the quality of wood plastic composites(WPC) designed for outdoor uses such as decking, taking into account theenvironmental impact during the life cycle of the product, from production to end oflife. In a context where several conflicting objectives must be satisfied simultaneouslyin the design process, meta-heuristic approaches provide efficient methods foroptimization. Particle swarm optimization (PSO) has been chosen here to solve acomplex problem in which physical properties such as creep and duration of load,water absorption and swelling, need to be improved with a limited impact onenvironment. This requires to get reliable information on material properties as relatedto its composition, environmental impacts through life cycle analysis (LCA), and toimplement this information through analytical or probabilistic models in the PSOalgorithm in order to obtain a set of optimal solutions for the composite. This papershows the feasibility of this approach, which can be generalized in the design of anytype of composite structures, provided objective functions can be specified

    Encephalopathies epileptogenes precoces avec suppression burst

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    IntroductionLes EncĂ©phalopathies EpileptogĂšnes prĂ©coces avec « suppression burst » sont graves du fait de leur pharmacorĂ©sistance et l’impact sur le dĂ©veloppement psychomoteur des enfants atteints. Notre objectif est d’en identifier les dĂ©terminants chez des patients Ă  Dakar.MĂ©thodologieIl s’agissait d’une Ă©tude rĂ©trospective et prospective Ă  partir de dossiers mĂ©dicaux allant de janvier 2013 Ă  janvier 2015, rĂ©alisĂ©e Ă  la clinique Neurologique du CHNU Fann et portant sur des enfants qui y sont suivis. Elle n’a intĂ©ressĂ© que les patients avec Ă©pilepsie prĂ©coce, retard du dĂ©veloppement psychomoteur et pattern de suppression burst Ă  l’EEG. Les aspects anamnestiques, cliniques, Ă©lectro- encĂ©phalographiques et Ă©volutifs sous traitement ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©valuĂ©s.RĂ©sultatsNous rapportons quatre observations d’enfants avec une notion d’épilepsie familiale non documentĂ©e chez deux, qui ont prĂ©sentĂ© une encĂ©phalopathie prĂ©coce  avec des crises Ă©pileptiques polymorphes dominĂ©es par des crises toniques. Celles-ci ont dĂ©butĂ© le premier jour de vie chez deux enfants, Ă  30 jours de vie et en dĂ©but du troisiĂšme mois de vie chez les deux autres. L’EEG de sommeil rĂ©alisĂ© au moment du  diagnostic a montrĂ© un pattern de suppression burst. Aucune  Ă©tiologie n’a Ă©tĂ© retenue du fait de la   limitation du bilan complĂ©mentaire Ă  visĂ©e Ă©tiologique tel que l’IRM cĂ©rĂ©brale ou les bilans mĂ©taboliques.  L’évolution Ă©lectro-clinique est favorable pour certains patients avec le traitement entrepris, basĂ© principalement sur le valproate de sodium Ă  une dose de 20mg/Kg/jr en moyenne. Elle est marquĂ©e par la disparition des crises ou leur diminution en frĂ©quence et par l’amĂ©lioration du tracĂ© EEG de sommeil de  contrĂŽle avec disparition des bouffĂ©es suppressives chez trois patients, tandis que chez le quatriĂšme, l’évolution s’est faite vers un autre type  d’encĂ©phalopathie Ă©pileptogĂšne qu’est le syndrome de West. Le retard psychomoteur est restĂ© patent chez la totalitĂ© des patients.ConclusionLes rĂ©sultats de ce travail ouvrent la perspective Ă  des Ă©tudes complĂ©mentaires notamment   longitudinales qui permettraient de mieux individualiser ces pathologies graves Ă  dĂ©but prĂ©coce d’autant plus qu’il existe des causes curables. IntroductionEarly epileptic encephalopathies with "suppression burst" are serious because of their drug resistance and the impact on psychomotor development of children  involved. Our objective is to identify the  determinants of this pathology in Dakar.MethodologyThis is a retrospective and prospective study from medical records from January 2013 to January 2015, performed on children who followed at the Neurological clinic of Fann University Hospital of Dakar. It has interested patients with early epilepsy, delayed psychomotor development and EEG pattern of  suppression burst. Anamnestic, clinical, electroencephalographic and progressive aspects under  treatment were evaluated.ResultsWe report four cases of children with epilepsy notion of family in two undocumented, who presented early encephalopathy with seizures polymorphic dominated by tonic seizures that began on the first day of life in two, 30 days of life and the beginning of the third month of life in the other two. The sleep EEG performed at diagnosis showed a pattern of suppression burst. No etiology was chosen because of the limitation of additional balance sheet etiological such as MRI cerebral or metabolic balance sheets. The electro-clinical evolution is favorable for some patients with the treatment undertaken, based mainly on sodium  valproate at a dose of 20mg/Kg/day in average. It is marked by the disappearance of seizures or  decreased in frequency and by improving the sleep EEG control monitoring with disappearance of  suppression burst in three patients, while in the fourth, the change was made to another type of epileptic encephalopathy that is the West syndrome. Psychomotor retardation remained evident in all patients.ConclusionThe results of this work open up the prospect for further studies including longitudinal that would better individualize these serious early diseases especially because it exists treatable causes

    Selective attention of students suffering from primary headaches in a pain free period: a case control study

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    Background: Headache patients frequently complain about difficulties in attention and concentration, even when they are headache-free and psychometric studies concerning attentional deficits in headache patients between attacks are scarce.Objective: To evaluate selective attention of headache patients in a pain free period and compare them with healthy volunteers.Subjects and Methods: We performed, between February 2011 and July 2011, a case-control study, including 45 university students consulting for primary headaches, matched with 45 healthy students as controls. Headaches were classified according to the International Headache Society criteria (IHS, 2004). Subjects with a history of brain injury, epilepsy and visual disturbancies were excluded. Mood disorders were assessed using the Hospital Anxiety Depression (HAD) questionnaire. Selective attention was evaluated using the D-KEFS color-word interference test.Results: Mean age of patients was 23.29 ± 2.55 years, versus 22.89 ± 2.04 years for controls (p = 0.2). Migraine and tension-type headaches were the only diagnosed headache types, respectively 55.56% and 44.44%. The selective attention score was -4.04 ± 7.08 for patients, versus -1.31 ± 7.73 for controls (p = 0.02). The mean mental flexibility score was lower in headache sufferers compared to controls (36.67 ± 6.79 versus 41.33 ± 6.23, p = 0.001). Gender, anxiety and depression scores, and temporal features of headache had no correlation with selective attention score.Conclusion: Selective attention and mental flexibility capacities seem to be reduced in primary headache sufferers in pain free period. These findings could contribute to our understanding of the pathophysiology of primary headaches.Keywords: Selective attention, mental flexibility, neuropsychology, headache, migrain
