494 research outputs found

    Chemical Sensor for Haemodialysis Application

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    Abstract The water used to supply a haemodialysis center requires particular mode of treatment in order to achieve the best technical, economic and therapeutic distribution. Dialysis patients come in contact weekly with a large amount of water through the dialysis apparatus. It is therefore essential that this solution has a high quality and purity in terms of proper electrolyte composition, low concentration or absence of organic and inorganic chemical pollutants, low concentration or absence of bacteria, yeasts, fungi and endotoxins. The chemical and microbiological quality of water intended for medical and biomedical treatments, such as haemodialysis, is generally defined on the basis of a plurality of international reference standards (ASTM International standards D1193 and D5196; International Pharmacopoeia and European Pharmacopoeia CAP / NCCLS 1988). In this work the authors have designed an electrochemical device used to characterize pure and ultrapure water for biomedical applications (Patent: TO2014A000765). The results obtained show a good ability of the device in the discrimination of different bacteria and of their concentration (CFU); Pseudomonas and E-coli have been here tested

    Salification Controls the In-Vitro Release of Theophylline

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    Sustained released formulation is the most used strategy to control the efficacy and the adverse reactions of an API (active pharmaceutical ingredient) with a narrow therapeutic index. In this work, we used a different way to tailor the solubility and diffusion of a drug. Salification of Theophylline with Squaric Acid was carried out to better control the absorption of Theophylline after administration. Salification proved to be a winning strategy decreasing the dissolution of the APIs up to 54% with respect to Theophylline. Most importantly, this was accomplished in the first 10 min of the dissolution process, which are the most important for the API administration. Two polymorphs were identified and fully characterized. Theophylline squarate was discovered as trihydrate (SC-XRD) and as a metastable anhydrous form. Indeed, during the Variable Temperature-XRPD experiment, the trihydrate form turned back into the two starting components after losing the three molecules of water. On the other hand, the synthesis of the trihydrate form was observed when a simple mixing of the two starting components were exposed to a high humidity relative percentage (90% RH)

    Renormalization group approach to vibrational energy transfer in protein

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    Renormalization group method is applied to the study of vibrational energy transfer in protein molecule. An effective Lagrangian and associated equations of motion to describe the resonant energy transfer are analyzed in terms of the first-order perturbative renormalization group theory that has been developed as a unified tool for global asymptotic analysis. After the elimination of singular terms associated with the Fermi resonance, amplitude equations to describe the slow dynamics of vibrational energy transfer are derived, which recover the result obtained by a technique developed in nonlinear optics [S.J. Lade, Y.S. Kivshar, Phys. Lett. A 372 (2008) 1077].Comment: 11 page

    Statistical mechanics and thermodynamics of magnetic and dielectric systems based on magnetization and polarization fluctuations:Application of the quasi-Gaussian entropy theory

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    The quasi-Gaussian entropy (QGE) theory employs the fact that a free-energy change can be written as the moment-generating function of the appropriate probability distribution function of macroscopic fluctuations of an extensive property. In this article we derive the relation between the free energy of a system in an external magnetic or electric field and the distribution of the “instantaneous” magnetization or polarization at zero field. The physical-mathematical conditions of these distributions are discussed, and for several continuous and discrete model distributions the corresponding thermodynamics, or “statistical state,” is derived. Some of these statistical states correspond to well-known descriptions, such as the Langevin and Brillouin models. All statistical states have been tested on several magnetic and dielectric systems: antiferromagneti

    Population-level neural correlates of flexible avoidance learning in medial prefrontal cortex

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    The medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) has been proposed to link sensory inputs and behavioral outputs to mediate the execution of learned behaviors. However, how such a link is implemented has remained unclear. To measure prefrontal neural correlates of sensory stimuli and learned behaviors, we performed population calcium imaging during a novel tone-signaled active avoidance paradigm in mice. We developed a novel analysis approach based on dimensionality reduction and decoding that allowed us to identify and isolate population activity patterns related the tone stimulus, learned avoidance actions and general motion. While tone-related activity was not informative about behavior, avoidance-related activity was predictive of upcoming avoidance actions. Moreover, avoidance-related activity distinguished between two different learned avoidance actions, consistent with a model in which mPFC contributes to the selection between different goal-directed actions. Overall, our results suggest that mPFC circuit dynamics transform sensory inputs into specific behavioral outputs through distributed population-level computations

    On the use of the quasi-Gaussian entropy theory in non-canonical ensembles. II. Prediction of density dependence of thermodynamic properties

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    In previous articles we derived and tested the quasi-Gaussian entropy theory, a description of the excess free energy in terms of the potential or full internal energy or enthalpy probability distribution, instead of the (configurational) partition function. We obtained in this way the temperature dependence of thermodynamic functions in the NVT, NpT and μVT ensembles assuming a Gaussian, Gamma or Inverse Gaussian distribution. In this article we extend the theory to describe the density dependence of thermodynamic properties, using the distribution of volume and number of particles in the isothermal-isobaric and grand canonical ensemble, respectively. In both ensembles pressure-density expressions for a Gaussian and various Gamma distributions are derived and applied to water. A Gamma description for the volume distribution turns out to be a good model in the gas range, which is in accordance with the volume distribution of an ideal gas. A Gamma description for the particle number distribution works well for liquid densities

    Thermo-magnetic-fluid dynamics analysis of an OsNAN distribution transformer cooled with mineral oil and biodegradable esters

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    This work introduces a coupled electromagnetic, thermal and fluid flow analysis of an oil-natural air-natural distribution transformer in order to study the changes in the heat dissipation performance when a biodegradable ester is used to cool the device instead of mineral oil. The transformer has a rated power of 315kVA and a voltage ratio of 13.2kV / 0.4kV. The heat losses in the magnetic core and the windings are computed with the ANSYS® Maxwell software and they are transferred as volume heat source terms to compute the heat conduction. The natural convection of the fluid flow is taken into account using a temperature-dependent density. The heat conduction through the solid walls and radiators panels are also considered. The thermo–hydraulic problem is solved with the software Code_Saturne. Data from experimental tests carried out with mineral oil are used to validate the numerical simulations. Equivalent and anisotropic thermal conductivities in the core and the windings are calculated both with a semi-analytic procedure and finite element simulations to simplify the heat conduction model in the active parts. It is found that, after reaching a steady state, the transformer cooled with the ester shows a temperature difference between specific locations at the top and the bottom higher than that cooled with mineral oil. The magnetic core and the windings also work hotter when ester is used. Finally, the analysis of the flow through the cooling ducts of the windings confirms that the oil velocity is, on average, 25% higher than the ester one.Fil: Garelli, Luciano. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Centro de Investigaciones en Métodos Computacionales. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Centro de Investigaciones en Métodos Computacionales; ArgentinaFil: Rios Rodriguez, Gustavo Adolfo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Centro de Investigaciones en Métodos Computacionales. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Centro de Investigaciones en Métodos Computacionales; ArgentinaFil: Kubiczek, K.. Silesian University Of Technology; PoloniaFil: Lasek, P.. Silesian University Of Technology; PoloniaFil: Stepien, M.. Silesian University Of Technology; PoloniaFil: Smolka, J.. Silesian University Of Technology; PoloniaFil: Storti, Mario Alberto. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Centro de Investigaciones en Métodos Computacionales. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Centro de Investigaciones en Métodos Computacionales; ArgentinaFil: Pessolani, F.. No especifíca;Fil: Amadei, M.. No especifíca

    Physicochemical Characterization and Sugar Profile of Argentinian Honeys From the Phytogeographic Provinces Paranaense and Pampeana in Misiones

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    The characterization of honeys from the Biomes and vegetation units of the Phytogeographical Provinces (PP) located in the Province of Misiones (Argentina) was performed by analysis of sugar profile and physicochemical parameters (Free Acidity, pH, Electrical Conductivity (EC), colour and contents of moisture, ash, total soluble solids and hydroxymethylfurfural) used for quality control of honey. The honeys analysed were authentic and traceable, and met the specifications of the national and/or international standards for the evaluated parameters, denoting blossom origin and confirming high quality, maturity and freshness. The influence of biome and Vegetation Units (VU) on physical and chemical parameters of the studied honeys was defined regarding both flora and pedoclimatic conditions. Honeys from VU-27 presented significantly higher contents of fructose, ash and total soluble solids, pH and EC and lower moisture content than those from VU-3. To the authors’ best knowledge, sugar profiles, free acidity and contents of ash and total soluble solids in honeys from the different PPs, vegetation units and Biomes of Misiones are reported for the first time. This study contributes to the classification of honeys from Misiones, helping to increase added value and access new markets.Fil: Poliero, Aimará Ayelen. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones en Producción, Sanidad y Ambiente - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mar del Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones en Producción, Sanidad y Ambiente; ArgentinaFil: Aubone, Ines. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones en Producción, Sanidad y Ambiente - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mar del Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones en Producción, Sanidad y Ambiente; ArgentinaFil: Amadei Enghelmayer, Marisa. No especifíca;Fil: Rosso, Valeria Soledad. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Müller, P. F.. No especifíca;Fil: Fuselli, Sandra Rosa. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones en Producción, Sanidad y Ambiente - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mar del Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones en Producción, Sanidad y Ambiente; ArgentinaFil: Alonso Salces, Rosa Maria. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones En Produccion, Sanidad y Ambiente. - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas. Centro Cientifico Tecnologico Conicet - Mar del Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones En Produccion, Sanidad y Ambiente.; Argentin

    Theoretical equations of state for temperature and electromagnetic field dependence of fluid systems, based on the quasi-Gaussian entropy theory

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    The quasi-Gaussian entropy (QGE) theory employs the fact that a free-energy change can be written as the moment-generating function of the appropriate probability distribution function of macroscopic fluctuations of an extensive property. By modeling this distribution, one obtains a model of free energy and resulting thermodynamics as a function of one state variable. In this paper the QGE theory has been extended towards theoretical models or equations of state (EOS’s) of the thermodynamics of semiclassical systems as a function of two state variables. Two “monovariate” QGE models are combined in the canonical ensemble: one based on fluctuations of the excess energy (the confined gamma state giving the temperature dependence) and the other based on fluctuations of the reduced electromagnetic moment [various models as derived in the preceding paper [Apol, Amadei, and Di Nola, J. Chem. Phys. 116, 4426 (2002)], giving the external field dependence]. This provides theoretical EOS’s for fluid systems as a function of both temperature and electromagnetic field. Special limits of these EOS’s are considered: the general weak-field EOS and the limit to a Curie’s law behavior. Based on experimental data of water and simulation data using the extended simple point charge (SPC/E) water model at 45.0 and 55.51 mol/dm3, the specific EOS based on a relatively simple combination of the confined gamma state model with a discrete uniform state field model accurately reproduces the dielectric properties of water at constant density, as the temperature dependence of the weak-field dielectric constant for gases and liquids, and the field dependence of the dielectric constant of liquids