252 research outputs found

    Waste-to-Energy Decision Support Method for Forward Deployed Forces

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    Solid waste is generated in mass quantities at forward deployed locations due to their temporary nature. Current handling practices are inefficient and wasteful, and do not reuse the energy inherently available in the waste. This research identifies potential energy, convoy, and casualty reductions that can be realized through the use of waste-to-energy (WTE) at contingency locations. It identifies typical variance expected in the solid waste stream and illustrates decision factors for determining the type of WTE technology that is best suited for a particular situation. A statistical analysis was conducted on the waste streams of five contingency bases to determine energy content of a typical sample at any location for WTE planning purposes. Energy and risk reduction was calculated and a decision tree was developed to allow personnel to choose a technology type that would best suit their waste disposal needs. Results indicate that variability in the waste stream significantly affects results of each analysis and that the typical sample energy content from the entire waste stream is much lower than either of the other waste streams

    Mutant DMPK 3′-UTR transcripts disrupt C2C12 myogenic differentiation by compromising MyoD

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    Myotonic dystrophy (DM) is caused by two similar noncoding repeat expansion mutations (DM1 and DM2). It is thought that both mutations produce pathogenic RNA molecules that accumulate in nuclear foci. The DM1 mutation is a CTG expansion in the 3′ untranslated region (3′-UTR) of dystrophia myotonica protein kinase (DMPK). In a cell culture model, mutant transcripts containing a (CUG)200 DMPK 3′-UTR disrupt C2C12 myoblast differentiation; a phenotype similar to what is observed in myoblast cultures derived from DM1 patient muscle. Here, we have used our cell culture model to investigate how the mutant 3′-UTR RNA disrupts differentiation. We show that MyoD protein levels are compromised in cells that express mutant DMPK 3′-UTR transcripts. MyoD, a transcription factor required for the differentiation of myoblasts during muscle regeneration, activates differentiation-specific genes by binding E-boxes. MyoD levels are significantly reduced in myoblasts expressing the mutant 3′-UTR RNA within the first 6 h under differentiation conditions. This reduction correlates with blunted E-box–mediated gene expression at time points that are critical for initiating differentiation. Importantly, restoring MyoD levels rescues the differentiation defect. We conclude that mutant DMPK 3′-UTR transcripts disrupt myoblast differentiation by reducing MyoD levels below a threshold required to activate the differentiation program

    Tissue flow induces cell shape changes during organogenesis

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    In embryonic development, programmed cell shape changes are essential for building functional organs, but in many cases the mechanisms that precisely regulate these changes remain unknown. We propose that fluid-like drag forces generated by the motion of an organ through surrounding tissue could generate changes to its structure that are important for its function. To test this hypothesis, we study the zebrafish left-right organizer, Kupffer's vesicle (KV), using experiments and mathematical modeling. During development, monociliated cells that comprise the KV undergo region-specific shape changes along the anterior-posterior axis that are critical for KV function: anterior cells become long and thin, while posterior cells become short and squat. Here, we develop a mathematical vertex-like model for cell shapes, which incorporates both tissue rheology and cell motility, and constrain the model parameters using previously published rheological data for the zebrafish tailbud [Serwane et al.] as well as our own measurements of the KV speed. We find that drag forces due to dynamics of cells surrounding the KV could be sufficient to drive KV cell shape changes during KV development. More broadly, these results suggest that cell shape changes could be driven by dynamic forces not typically considered in models or experiments

    A Variant of Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor 2 (Fgfr2) Regulates Left-Right Asymmetry in Zebrafish

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    Many organs in vertebrates are left-right asymmetrical located. For example, liver is at the right side and stomach is at the left side in human. Fibroblast growth factor (Fgf) signaling is important for left-right asymmetry. To investigate the roles of Fgfr2 signaling in zebrafish left-right asymmetry, we used splicing blocking morpholinos to specifically block the splicing of fgfr2b and fgfr2c variants, respectively. We found that the relative position of the liver and the pancreas were disrupted in fgfr2c morphants. Furthermore, the left-right asymmetry of the heart became random. Expression pattern of the laterality controlling genes, spaw and pitx2c, also became random in the morphants. Furthermore, lefty1 was not expressed in the posterior notochord, indicating that the molecular midline barrier had been disrupted. It was also not expressed in the brain diencephalon. Kupffer's vesicle (KV) size became smaller in fgfr2c morphants. Furthermore, KV cilia were shorter in fgfr2c morphants. We conclude that the fgfr2c isoform plays an important role in the left-right asymmetry during zebrafish development

    New function for the RNA helicase p68/DDX5 as a modifier of MBNL1 activity on expanded CUG repeats

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    Myotonic Dystrophy type I (DM1) is caused by an abnormal expansion of CTG triplets in the 3′ UTR of the dystrophia myotonica protein kinase (DMPK) gene, leading to the aggregation of the mutant transcript in nuclear RNA foci. The expanded mutant transcript promotes the sequestration of the MBNL1 splicing factor, resulting in the misregulation of a subset of alternative splicing events. In this study, we identify the DEAD-box RNA helicase p68 (DDX5) in complexes assembled onto in vitro-transcribed CUG repeats. We showed that p68 colocalized with RNA foci in cells expressing the 3′UTR of the DMPK gene containing expanded CTG repeats. We found that p68 increased MBNL1 binding onto pathological repeats and the stem–loop structure regulatory element within the cardiac Troponin T (TNNT2) pre-mRNA, splicing of which is misregulated in DM1. Mutations in the helicase core of p68 prevented both the stimulatory effect of the protein on MBNL1 binding and the colocalization of p68 with CUG repeats, suggesting that remodeling of RNA secondary structure by p68 facilitates MBNL1 binding. We also found that the competence of p68 for regulating TNNT2 exon 5 inclusion depended on the integrity of MBNL1 binding sites. We propose that p68 acts as a modifier of MBNL1 activity on splicing targets and pathogenic RNA

    NPHP4 Variants Are Associated With Pleiotropic Heart Malformations

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    Rationale: Congenital heart malformations are a major cause of morbidity and mortality, especially in young children. Failure to establish normal left-right (L-R) asymmetry often results in cardiovascular malformations and other laterality defects of visceral organs. Objective: To identify genetic mutations causing cardiac laterality defects. Methods and Results: We performed a genome-wide linkage analysis in patients with cardiac laterality defects from a consanguineous family. The patients had combinations of defects that included dextrocardia, transposition of great arteries, double-outlet right ventricle, atrioventricular septal defects, and caval vein abnormalities. Sequencing of positional candidate genes identified mutations in NPHP4. We performed mutation analysis of NPHP4 in 146 unrelated patients with similar cardiac laterality defects. Forty-one percent of these patients also had laterality defects of the abdominal organs. We identified 8 additional missense variants that were absent or very rare in control subjects. To study the role of nphp4 in establishing L-R asymmetry, we used antisense morpholinos to knockdown nphp4 expression in zebrafish. Depletion of nphp4 disrupted L-R patterning as well as cardiac and gut laterality. Cardiac laterality defects were partially rescued by human NPHP4 mRNA, whereas mutant NPHP4 containing genetic variants found in patients failed to rescue. We show that nphp4 is involved in the formation of motile cilia in Kupffer's vesicle, which generate asymmetrical fluid flow necessary for normal L-R asymmetry. Conclusions: NPHP4 mutations are associated with cardiac laterality defects and heterotaxy. In zebrafish, nphp4 is essential for the development and function of Kupffer's vesicle cilia and is required for global L-R patterning