37 research outputs found

    Patient-specific iPSCs carrying an SFTPC mutation reveal the intrinsic alveolar epithelial dysfunction at the inception of interstitial lung disease

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    Alveolar epithelial type 2 cell (AEC2) dysfunction is implicated in the pathogenesis of adult and pediatric interstitial lung disease (ILD), including idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF); however, identification of disease-initiating mechanisms has been impeded by inability to access primary AEC2s early on. Here, we present a human in vitro model permitting investigation of epithelial-intrinsic events culminating in AEC2 dysfunction, using patient-specific induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) carrying an AEC2-exclusive disease-associated variant (SFTP

    Neurotensin is increased in serum of young children with autistic disorder

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    Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are a group of pervasive neurodevelopmental disorders diagnosed in early childhood. They are associated with a set of "core symptoms" that include disabilities in social interaction skills, verbal and non-verbal communication, as well as repetitive and stereotypic behaviors. There is no definite pathogenetic mechanism or diagnostic tests. Many children with ASD also have "allergic-like" symptoms, but test negative implying mast cell activation by non-allergic triggers. We measured by Milliplex arrays serum levels of 3 neuropeptides that could stimulate mast cells in children with autistic disorder (n = 19; 16 males and 3 females; mean age 3.0 ± 0.4 years) and healthy, unrelated controls (n = 16; 13 males and 3 females; mean age 3 ± 1.2 years). Only neurotensin (NT) was significantly increased from 60.5 ± 6.0 pg/ml in controls to 105.6 ± 12.4 pg/ml in autistic disorder (p = 0.004). There was no statistically significant difference in the serum levels of β-endorphin or substance P (SP). NT could stimulate immune cells, especially mast cells, and/or have direct effects on brain inflammation and ASD

    Mitochondrial DNA and anti-mitochondrial antibodies in serum of autistic children

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    Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are neurodevelopmental disorders characterized by difficulties in communication, cognitive and learning deficits, as well as stereotypic behaviors. For the majority of cases there are no reliable biomarkers or distinct pathogenesis. However, increasing evidence indicates ASD may be associated with some immune dysregulation, and may have a neuroimmune component. We recently showed that the peptide neurotensin (NT) is increased in autistic children. We now show that NT induces release of extracellular mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) that could act as "autoimmune" trigger. We further show that serum from young autistic patients contains mtDNA (n = 20; cytochrome B, p = 0.0002 and 7S, p = 0.006), and anti-mitochondrial antibody Type 2 (n = 14; p = 0.001) as compared to normally developing, unrelated controls (n = 12). Extracellular blood mtDNA and other components may characterize an autistic endophenotype and may contribute to its pathogenesis by activating autoimmune responses

    Single-Cell Transcriptomic Profiling of Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived SCGB3A2+ Airway Epithelium.

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    Lung epithelial lineages have been difficult to maintain in pure form in vitro, and lineage-specific reporters have proven invaluable for monitoring their emergence from cultured pluripotent stem cells (PSCs). However, reporter constructs for tracking proximal airway lineages generated from PSCs have not been previously available, limiting the characterization of these cells. Here, we engineer mouse and human PSC lines carrying airway secretory lineage reporters that facilitate the tracking, purification, and profiling of this lung subtype. Through bulk and single-cell-based global transcriptomic profiling, we find PSC-derived airway secretory cells are susceptible to phenotypic plasticity exemplified by the tendency to co-express both a proximal airway secretory program as well as an alveolar type 2 cell program, which can be minimized by inhibiting endogenous Wnt signaling. Our results provide global profiles of engineered lung cell fates, a guide for improving their directed differentiation, and a human model of the developing airway

    Recombinant Lloviu virus as a tool to study viral replication and host responses

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    Next generation sequencing has revealed the presence of numerous RNA viruses in animal reservoir hosts, including many closely related to known human pathogens. Despite their zoonotic potential, most of these viruses remain understudied due to not yet being cultured. While reverse genetic systems can facilitate virus rescue, this is often hindered by missing viral genome ends. A prime example is Lloviu virus (LLOV), an uncultured filovirus that is closely related to the highly pathogenic Ebola virus. Using minigenome systems, we complemented the missing LLOV genomic ends and identified cis-acting elements required for LLOV replication that were lacking in the published sequence. We leveraged these data to generate recombinant full-length LLOV clones and rescue infectious virus. Similar to other filoviruses, recombinant LLOV (rLLOV) forms filamentous virions and induces the formation of characteristic inclusions in the cytoplasm of the infected cells, as shown by electron microscopy. Known target cells of Ebola virus, including macrophages and hepatocytes, are permissive to rLLOV infection, suggesting that humans could be potential hosts. However, inflammatory responses in human macrophages, a hallmark of Ebola virus disease, are not induced by rLLOV. Additional tropism testing identified pneumocytes as capable of robust rLLOV and Ebola virus infection. We also used rLLOV to test antivirals targeting multiple facets of the replication cycle. Rescue of uncultured viruses of pathogenic concern represents a valuable tool in our arsenal for pandemic preparedness

    Study of the interactions between neuropeptides and cytokines in atopic dermatitis and their role in mast cell activation

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    Atopic dermatitis is a chronic, highly pruritic skin disease, whose prevalence hasincreased considerably in industrialized countries. It is characterized by allergicinflammation in the skin, and has a strong association with other atopic disorders, suchas asthma and allergic rhinitis. The pathogenesis of atopic dermatitis is poorlyunderstood. Stress is thought to worsen skin diseases like atopic dermatitis. Mast cellsare increased in the skin of atopic dermatitis patients, accompanied by an increasednumber of mast cell-nerve interactions. Mast cells also secrete and are activated byneuropeptides and cytokines. The aim of this study was to investigate the interplaybetween neuropeptides and cytokines in the pathogenesis of atopic dermatitis and theirrole on mast cell activation. We speculate that mast cell activation, especially underconditions of stress, accentuates inflammation and angiogenesis, leading to worseningof atopic dermatitis lesions. The primary aim of this doctorate thesis was to investigate the involvement ofneuropeptides and cytokines in atopic dermatitis. For this purpose we used molecularmethods, including ELISA, Luminex and PCR to measure levels of neuropeptides andcytokines that are released by and/or activate mast cells in the serum and lesional skinof atopic dermatitis patients and controls. Our results indicate that the cytokine thymicstromal lymphopoietin (TSLP), is increased in the serum and lesional skin of atopicdermatitis patients, leading to activation of the Th2 response and aggravation of localinflammation. We also found that the neuropeptide neurotensin (NT) is increased in theserum of atopic dermatitis patients, while NT and NT receptor (NTR) gene expression isincreased in the lesional skin compared to controls. The related neuropeptide substanceP (SP) was also found to be increased in the lesional atopic dermatitis skin. NT and SPwere shown to induce corticotropin releasing hormone receptor 1 (CRHR1) expressionand lead to vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) release from a human mast cellline, indicating their role in mast cell activation. Gene expression of VEGF, the main proangiogenicfactor, was found to be increased in lesional atopic dermatitis skin, whichhas been previously shown to correlate with progression of local inflammation. Thesefindings may explain why a skin disease like atopic dermatitis is worsened by stress. The molecular mechanism of mast cell activation and degranulation by neuropeptideshas not been studied, but is known to require intracellular calcium and energy. Mitochondria are the primary energy-generating organelles in eukaryotic cells and alsoregulate intracellular calcium. Therefore, we investigated the role of mitochondrialdynamics in mast cell activation and atopic dermatitis. Human umbilical cord bloodderivedmast cells (hCBMCs) and LAD2 mast cells were examined by confocalmicroscopy during activation with IgE/antigen and SP. Degranulation and tumornecrosis factor (TNF) release observed 30 minutes later were accompanied bymitochondrial translocation from a perinuclear location to exocytosis sites. Extracellularcalcium depletion prevented these effects indicating calcium requirement. Mitochondrialdynamics are dependent on the fission dynamin-related protein-1 (DRP1) and itsactivator calcineurin, as inhibition of DRP1 by means of the DRP1 inhibitor MDIVI-1 andsiRNA techniques blocked mitochondrial translocation. Mitochondrial translocation wasalso evident by transmission electron microscopy in skin mast cells from atopicdermatitis biopsies, in which gene expression of calcineurin, DRP1 and SP are highercompared to normal skin. In conclusion, human mast cell activation participates in the pathogenesis of atopicdermatitis and requires mitochondrial dynamics. Atopic dermatitis patients could benefitfrom the development of new therapeutic agents targeting mast cell activation

    Mast cell activation and autism

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    Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are neurodevelopmental disorders characterized by varying degrees of dysfunctional communication and social interactions, repetitive and stereotypic behaviors, as well as learning and sensory deficits. Despite the impressive rise in the prevalence of autism during the last two decades, there are few if any clues for its pathogenesis, early detection or treatment. Increasing evidence indicates high brain expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines and the presence of circulating antibodies against brain proteins. A number of papers, mostly based on parental reporting on their children’s health problems, suggest that ASD children may present with “allergic-like” problems in the absence of elevated serum IgE and chronic urticaria. These findings suggest non-allergic mast cell activation, probably in response to environmental and stress triggers that could contribute to inflammation. In utero inflammation can lead to preterm labor and has itself been strongly associated with adverse neurodevelopmental outcomes. Premature babies have about four times higher risk of developing ASD and are also more vulnerable to infections, while delayed development of their gut-blood-brain barriers makes exposure to potential neurotoxins likely. Perinatal mast cell activation by infectious, stress-related, environmental or allergic triggers can lead to release of pro-inflammatory and neurotoxic molecules, thus contributing to brain inflammation and ASD pathogenesis, at least in a subgroup of ASD patients. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Mast cells in inflammation. (C) 2010 Published by Elsevier B.V

    Perinatal stress, brain inflammation and risk of autism-Review and proposal

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    Background: Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) are neurodevelopmental disorders characterized by varying deficits in social interactions, communication, and learning, as well as stereotypic behaviors. Despite the significant increase in ASD, there are few if any clues for its pathogenesis, hampering early detection or treatment. Premature babies are also more vulnerable to infections and inflammation leading to neurodevelopmental problems and higher risk of developing ASD. Many autism “susceptibility” genes have been identified, but “environmental” factors appear to play a significant role. Increasing evidence suggests that there are different ASD endophenotypes. Discussion: We review relevant literature suggesting in utero inflammation can lead to preterm labor, while insufficient development of the gut-blood-brain barriers could permit exposure to potential neurotoxins. This risk apparently may increase in parents with “allergic” or autoimmune problems during gestation, or if they had been exposed to stressors. The presence of circulating auto-antibodies against fetal brain proteins in mothers is associated with higher risk of autism and suggests disruption of the blood-brain-barrier (BBB). A number of papers have reported increased brain expression or cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines, especially TNF, which is preformed in mast cells. Recent evidence also indicates increased serum levels of the proinflammatory mast cell trigger neurotensin (NT), and of extracellular mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), which is immunogenic. Gene mutations of phosphatase and tensin homolog (PTEN), the negative regulator of the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR), have been linked to higher risk of autism, but also to increased proliferation and function of mast cells. Summary: Premature birth and susceptibility genes may make infants more vulnerable to allergic, environmental, infectious, or stress-related triggers that could stimulate mast cell release of pro-inflammatory and neurotoxic molecules, thus contributing to brain inflammation and ASD pathogenesis, at least in an endophenotype of ASD patients