216 research outputs found

    Pemanfaatan Teknologi Pendidikan di Era New Normal

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    This study aims to determine the benefits of e-learning as a learning medium which in the current new normal condition is indeed very necessary. The research method uses the qualitative research. The research sample was FTIK IAIN Pekalongan lecturers and students selected by purposive sampling technique. Data collection is done using learning questionnaires in the network. The results showed that: (1) e-learning teaching objects were developed in the form of virtual classes in google classroom and the WA Group; (2) valid e-learning object is evaluated from the teaching object evaluation component; (3) practical e-learning objects are viewed from the lecturers 'responses to the excellence of teaching objects and students' responses to e-learning. Online learning that is used is quite easy, when learning activities with an online system, has no problems with internet signals. During the Covid 19 emergency, the costs incurred in online learning were not large / medium. Media that is considered effective for online learning is media that is not burdensome for students. The interaction of lecturers and students in using the online system is quite communicative. There are advantages in learning to use online systems and there are also deficiencies in online learning. Advice given by respondents for technical online learning: the media used can be easily accessed by students. All learning activities carried out well (structured, on schedule, coordinated). The media used for online learning is the WA Grou

    The Role of Transcription and Gene Expression in the Evolution of T-Cell Lymphocytes

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    This research will concern on discussing transcription and gene expression impact in the T-Cell lymphocytes evolution, by discussing the composition of the lymphatic system, specifically the receptors of the T-cell lymphocytes. As well as, both transcription and gene expression will be discussed.To achieve that aims, Inductive Approach will be used by collecting information from different studies until reaching the final results.The study found that decreasing of LEF-1 does not affects the evolution of the Thymus, but affects non-lymphatic parts, deteriorates severely and leads to death.   But, decreasing of TCF-1 transcription factors affects the differentiation of thymus cell, resulting in a pool of cells with its immature single positive CD8+ SP/ CD4+ SP, which migrate to different parts of the body

    The Role of Transcription and Gene Expression in the Evolution of T-Cell Lymphocytes

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    This research will concern on discussing transcription and gene expression impact in the T-Cell lymphocytes evolution, by discussing the composition of the lymphatic system, specifically the receptors of the T-cell lymphocytes. As well as, both transcription and gene expression will be discussed.To achieve that aims, Inductive Approach will be used by collecting information from different studies until reaching the final results.The study found that decreasing of LEF-1 does not affects the evolution of the Thymus, but affects non-lymphatic parts, deteriorates severely and leads to death.   But, decreasing of TCF-1 transcription factors affects the differentiation of thymus cell, resulting in a pool of cells with its immature single positive CD8+ SP/ CD4+ SP, which migrate to different parts of the body

    Oral Communication Problems Encountering English Major Students: Perspectives of Learners and Teachers in Palestinian EFL University Context

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    The present study investigates Palestinian English major students‟ problems in oral communication. To that end, qualitative analysis is manipulated to explore such potential problems from learners and teachers‟ perspectives. Levelt‟ s (1989) L1 speech production model and De Bot‟ s (1992) L2 speech production models are used as a theoretical framework for the study. Participants were 20 students and 6 senior teachers from a large Palestinian university in Gaza. Analyzing data from participants‟ interviews, the study unveiled that students‟ incorrect pronunciation, limited vocabulary, lack of exposure to the target language, and L1 interference were amongst the main oral communication problems. The study also revealed that students had not developed the habit of extensive listening and reading. Further, the students were unable to organize their ideas and meanings in a coherent way, and they seemed to lack self-confidence. The pedagogical implications of the study are of significant value to EFL university teachers who are interested in developing learners‟ oral communication skills

    Exploring the Cultural Dimension in the Palestinian University EFL Context: A Case Study

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    This paper explored teachers’ beliefs regarding the concept of culture in the Palestinian university English as a foreign language (EFL) context. Using a qualitative case study of a leading university in Palestine, the research investigates how teachers’ perceptions of culture impact their cultural goals and classroom practices. Analyzing data from multiple sources (eg, interviews, observations, and instruction materials), the study revealed that Palestinian EFL teachers perceived culture as a way of life that comprises a shared system of values, beliefs, ways of thinking, and behaviours. Language and culture were regarded as interwoven, and without culture language acquisition might be difficult to achieve. EFL teachers identified various goals for teaching target culture (s), including developing students’ cognitive competence, effective communication skills, and personal growth. Teaching culture in EFL classes was also seen as promoting openness, tolerance, and respect for other cultures. The study also revealed that linguistic competence had the upper hand in classroom teaching practices, and that the target culture (s) were used as a background to assist language learning

    Quality Enhancement Of Palestinian Higher Education Institutions: The Case Of Islamic University Of Gaza (IUG)

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    The Palestinian tertiary education system considered to be young according to international standards, as the establishment of the oldest university was only forty years ago. The Palestinian universities were created during Israeli occupation, as part of a Palestinian collective effort to preserve the Palestinian identity as well as to provide young Palestinians with the opportunity to pursue higher education. Quality assurance efforts in Palestine had begun in 2002 with the establishment of the Palestinian Accreditation & Quality Assurance Commission (AQAC). IUG, being one of the biggest higher education institutions in Palestine, established its quality unit immediately and worked in linking its internal quality procedures with external national ones managed by AQAC. The purpose of this paper was to describe IUG quality procedures; with regard to: students, academic programs, teaching and learning, university staff, university environment, administration, and the collection of external feedback. Several challenges were presented along with lessons learned

    Hyder Alyan

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    Hyder Alyan was in the Muslim Student Association from 2002-2006. She was on its Executive Board during her last year and recalls group activities and campus atmosphere, including in response to the terrorist attacks on 9/11/2001. She also responds to a question about what IWU can do to improve campus life for Muslim students

    Strategi Blended Learning untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Pokok Bahasan Persamaan dan Fungsi Kuadrat Mata Pelajaran Matematika

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui manfaat media pembelajaran berbasis teknologi informasi dan komunikasi pada pembelajaran matematika di kurikulum 2013 pokok bahasan persamaan danfungsikuadrat, serta mengetahui sejauh mana pemanfaatan media pembelajaran berbasis teknologi informasi dan komunikasi pada pembelajaran matematika di kurikulum 2013 pokok bahasan persamaandanfungsikuadrat.Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian danpengembangan (research and development).Model pengembangan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan model ASSURE.Subyek penelitian ini adalah semua siswa kelas X program keahlian Akuntansi di SMK Negeri 1 Dukuhturi Kabupaten Tegal yang berjumlah 115 orang. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa SMK Negeri 1 Dukuhturi tahun ajaran 2015/2016 sejumlah 356 orang siswa. Pada penelitian ini sampel yang digunakan sebanyak 25 orang siswa. Dalam penelitian ini sampel diambil dengan cara non random dimana tidak setiap siswa berhak untuk dijadikan sample. Dalam penelitian ini Teknik non random sampling yang dipakai adalah Quota sampling yaitu cara pengambilan sampel dengan menetapkan jumlah subyek yang akan diteliti.Strategi pembelajaran ini disusun menggunakan strategiblended learningyang menyajikan materi persamaandanfungsikuadrat. Dari hasil validasi dan uji coba diperoleh hasil bahwa media pembelajaran berbentukaplikasimodel ini berada dalam kategori valid dan praktis

    Tindakan Sosial Max Weber Pengutamaan Kenoto dalam Masyarakat Suku Sabu Nusa Tenggara Timur

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    Peneilitian yang dilakukan adalah penelitian yang bersifat kualitatif yang di mana digunakan untuk meneliti pentingnya pengutamaan kenoto dalam setiap proses adat perkawinan di kalangan masyarakat Suku Sabu ditinjau dari sudut teori tindakan sosial Max Weber yang meliputi tindakan tradisional. Titik Fokus penelitian ini adalah berusaha menejlaskan pengutamaan kenoto dari sudut perpektif tindakan sosial Max Weber. Adapun tujuan dari hasil penelitian ini adalah memberikan jawaban serta alasan-alasan masyarakat Suku Sabu mengutamakan perkawinan adat atau mendahulukan proses perkawinan Kenoto dari pada perkawinan gerejawi, dan memberikan pandangan tetang nilai-nilai yang tertanam dari para leluhur yang ada dalam perkawinan kenoto serta manfaat yang bisa diberikan secara teoritis dan memberikan sumbangsih kepada ilmu sosiologi dalam kesadaran menyingkapi perkawinan kenoto sebagai sebuaj lambang persatuan dan kesatuan masyarakat suku Sabu dan di satu sisi tidak terlepas dari hubungan gereja yang di mana akan menjadi pertimbangan bagi gereja, disamping itu secara praktis dapat dipergunakan sebagai acuan dan pertimbangan bagi peneliti lain dalam mencari informasi guna bagi penelitian lanjutan. Pendekatan yang dilakukan adalah pendekatan kualitatif yang meliputi observasi dan wawancara, kemudian dianlisa adalah hasil dari wawancara dan observasi dengan perangkat adat dalam hal ini tokoh adat, tokoh agama (pendeta) dan pasangan nikah yang menjalani perkawinan kenoto. Hasil menunjukkan pengutamaan kenoto di kalangan masyarakat suku Sabu menjadi dasar yang di mana perkawinan kenoto memberikan pandangan baru tentang harga diri dari perempuan dalam hal ini ketika mempelai pria datang dan ingin mengambil mempelai perempuan untuk keluar dari rumah orangtuannya. Yang menarik ialah nilai seorang perempuan tidak dapat ditentukan dengan segala apa yang dibawa oleh pihak keluarga pria, tetapi jika dapat menghormati adat yang berlaku yang di mana perempuan lahir dari adat. Sehingga manfaat yang ada dalam perkawinan kenoto menjadi lambang persatuaan dan tidak akan lepas dari gereja. Tradisi kenoto merupakan kejadian yang sudah terjadi turun temurun dan sudah mendarah daging dalam masyarakat Suku Sabu. Perkawinan kenoto mencerminkan banyak nilai-nilai yang dapat dipahami sebagai sebuah kesatuan yang memberikan keadilan bagi perempuan. Secara komprehensif Analisa tentang perkawinan kenoto dari pandangan teori tindakan sosial Max Weber akan memberikan jawaban dari penelitian yang dilakukan

    Islamic University of Gaza Faculty Attitudes towards Students' Evaluation of their Performance

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    The study aimed at examining the attitudes of the Islamic University faculty towards student evaluation of their performance in addition to presenting IUG experience in evaluating teaching performance by students. The analytical descriptive method was used. The sample consisted from 131 IUG faculty members. A questionnaire was developed. It consisted from three parts in addition to an open-ended question. Results showed that: 1) In spite of its newness, IUG experience was rich and lavish in relation to its tools and results. 2) Faculty attitudes towards student evaluation were neutral in general. 3) Faculty attitudes toward students' evaluation were positive in many items. 4) Faculty attitudes towards students' evaluation were negative in some items. 5) Results showed that there are two-way interactions between the age and academic rank variables in addition to three way interactions between the age, academic
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